What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (231 page)

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Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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Arriving home, I went inside and put the tea kettle on to boil before heading to my bedroom to change. Slipping the little black dress over my head, I stood naked for a moment and contemplated a long, hot shower. Deciding I wanted to savor Mark’s scent on my skin just a little while longer, I slipped on some old comfy sweats and headed back to the kitchen.

Pouring boiling water over my Earl Grey, I looked around the empty room. A sudden realization came to me that my grand idea of being alone to savor the memories of the previous night had left me just that – alone. Somehow the house seemed a little more empty than usual.

As I sat sipping my tea and checking my email, I reached for my phone again and sent Julie another text message.

Home safe. Too early in the day for wine?

A few minutes later as I put the empty tea cup in the sink, my phone buzzed with a return text.

Never too early for wine. On my way.

Given it was early enough that most of the city was probably still fast asleep, I doubted we would be uncorking any vino, but it was nice to know that Julie was headed over.

I climbed in a hot shower and scrubbed away any essence of Mark left over from the previous night. I was feeling a little wistful and could not put my finger on the exact reason for it. By the time I put my hair up in a towel and threw on a soft robe, Julie had let herself in and was making coffee in the kitchen.

She took one glance at me and said, “Well, how was he?”

“Let us just say that I never knew sex could be like that. It certainly wasn’t like that when I was married to Bob,” I replied.

A quick flash of what could have been envy crossed her face as she looked at me. “Yeah, you are certainly glowing a bit this morning. So what on earth are you doing here with me instead of waking up to round two?”

Taking some light cream out of the refrigerator, I glanced over at her and said, “Technically it would have been round
, for me anyway.”

There was no mistaking the envy on her face this time, along with a healthy dose of disbelief.

“So again I have to ask, what are you doing here with me? Did he ask you to leave? Did he have somewhere better he had to be?”

I took a sip of my hazelnut cream coffee before I responded.

“I had to get up and use the bathroom and instead of getting back in bed, I snuck out the door. I thought it would be nice to come home and savor the memories from last night.” I trailed off as I said this last part. Saying it out loud, it sounded about as ridiculous as I suddenly felt.

Making it up as I went along I continued, “I thought the whole waking up this morning and getting dressed in front of one another part was going to be a little awkward.”

Another look flashed across Julie’s features at this, one I had seen before and knew all too well. Pity mixed with exasperation.

“You got scared,” she said.

For the entirety of our long friendship, one thing Julie had always excelled at was cutting through the layers of bullshit and getting to the heart of the matter.

The pity changed slightly to sympathy as she dissected me further. “You gave up control for once in your life, willingly, and it scares you how much you liked it. Running out the door was your attempt, albeit pathetic, at regaining a little control.”


he rest of my weekend seemed to drag as I had way too much time alone with my thoughts. Proving just how powerful one’s mood can truly be, my cozy and warm home all of sudden seemed cavernous and lonely.

Wallowing in my own self-inflicted feelings, I checked my email and Mark’s website frequently. Nothing. Had I driven him away by leaving without so much as a goodbye?

By the time Monday morning rolled around, I was eager for the distraction of work. I had managed to lose myself in reviewing a few status reports when my assistant Melissa knocked on the door frame.

“You have a delivery downstairs,” she said. “It should be up in a minute.”

Sure enough, a moment later the same delivery man who delivered the beautiful roses from Mark a few weeks ago filled the doorway. He was not carrying flowers, but rather a small gift-wrapped box.

“Delivery for Ms. Summer Daniels,” he grinned. “Just sign here. I was asked to wait a minute to see that you opened it.”

Slowly tearing off the paper, I laughed out loud as I unwrapped an inflatable seat cushion and a small note.

To help you sit more comfortably today.

The delivery man left without a word and reappeared after a moment with a beautiful bouquet of roses. This time there were a dozen bright red roses with a single yellow one in the center. Tied again to the center rose was a small envelope with a note inside.

I miss you already. Go check our website.

After thanking and tipping the delivery man, I turned to Melissa and started to speak.

“I know,” she interrupted with a smile, “close the door on my way out.”

Turning to my computer, I brought up the website. The familiar old piece of scroll parchment filled the screen.


Thank you for a truly wonderful evening on Friday. I have to admit it was not what I expected. It was much more than that.

To be completely honest, I was quite disappointed to find you gone when I awoke Saturday morning. However, I did appreciate the note and your feelings behind it. I hope the rest of your weekend went well.

I hope you are looking forward to our next evening together as much as I am.


Mark of course had no way of knowing the rest of my weekend was spent in quiet introspection and more than a little regret. Not regret for having opened myself up to him in the first place of course, but regret for sneaking out on him Saturday morning.

It was going to be a long two weeks.


ver the next few days, my thoughts turned occasionally to what Mark might have in mind for our coming meeting. Naïve as I was about sex up until this point in my life, I did have unlimited internet access and an inquisitive nature. I was aroused by a lot of what I found and appalled by some as well.

I thought I had a fairly good idea of what Mark had planned in terms of the letter “B” for our next evening together, but I had already been surprised several times in the short time I knew him.

A small envelope delivered to work two days before our next date once again pointed me in the direction of our website. Whatever else you wanted to say about Mark, the man had style.


Same time. Same place. Same blindfold. Remember your safe word and try to relax.


Feeling like I would rather see his face than put on the blindfold again, I nonetheless was eager to see Mark. As Friday evening finally came around I readied myself for whatever the evening had in store. After a long hot shower, I picked a short red dress out of my closet that I slipped over some brand new red lace lingerie.

Figuring I might surprise Mark this time, I decided to wear my hair in a braid. I threw a little something extra into my handbag that I thought might bring Mark a smile.

Continuing the flaming red ensemble, I applied the same shade of lipstick to match my nail polish; fire engine red. Matching stilettos completed the look. It easily had to have been a decade since I wore heels this high. If I could survive the walk from the car to the elevator without breaking an ankle, I’d consider the night a success.

Driving toward the hotel, my excitement for the evening began to climb. It was nice to feel the apprehension I felt towards our previous encounter be replaced by anticipation.

The same hotel desk clerk as two weeks ago widened his eyes in appreciation as I teetered across the lobby towards the elevator. Arriving at the door to Room 1147, the black lace blindfold awaited me once again. Sliding the blindfold on, I took a deep breath and knocked twice on the door.


he door opened in front of me and I expected to hear Mark’s warm and welcoming voice. I heard nothing of the sort. A hand closed around my wrist and slowly pulled me into the room.

Taking my cue from Mark’s silence, I remained quiet and waited to see what was going to happen.

“My intention was to remain completely silent to lend a slightly foreboding air to the beginning of the evening. It should have been easy to do since you once again have rendered me speechless with your beauty. I’m tempted to go bang on hotel room doors until I find someone with a digital camera, but instead you’ll have to simply remain there for a moment while I capture this moment in my mind.” Mark spoke quietly from directly in front of me.

“You are a true vision of loveliness and I am honored by your presence here this evening.” Behind me now, Mark spoke again as he lightly nuzzled the back of my neck, sending shivers racing down my spine.

Mark gently raised my arms high above my head from behind, trailing his fingertips down the inside of my upper arms before tracing them lightly over my breasts. My nipples were quick to answer the call this evening, rising prominently under the lace bra and pushing against the thin red dress.

Mark must have bent down, as I felt his hands on both calves, then quickly trailing upwards. His fingers followed the curves up over my thighs and the swell of my ass, gently raising the dress around my waist. A barely audible sigh escaped his lips as he felt the red lace panties under his touch.

His hands continued their journey upward, gathering the dress higher and finally up over my head. Cupping my breasts, Mark pressed himself against me from behind. Feeling his arousal against my nearly naked ass only served to inflame the embers of my own desire.

Raising my wrist, Mark gently kissed the back of my hand and then slipped something soft over it. Cinching what I assumed was a slipknot tight over my right wrist, he quickly pulled my other arm behind me and secured my hands together.

Having my hands bound in this fashion caused my chest to be thrust forward and provided Mark quite the ocular bounty to behold. The strapless lace bra was doing little to slow down my nipples at this point.

“Are you enjoying the show?” I said with a grin.

A playful but firm smack on my panty-clad ass was followed by a quick admonition from Mark. “Don’t make me add a gag to the evening’s plans as well.”

Guiding me forward by lifting my bound hands, my knees hit the edge of the bed and I went down onto my stomach.

“Rest your hands on your back and get up on your knees please,” Mark said as he helped me maneuver up the bed. The bed shifted as he climbed behind me and I could feel his hard shaft pressing insistently against my bottom. Whatever he had been wearing upon my arrival, if anything, was discarded now.

Pressing my head and shoulders down into the mattress, Mark reached forward and began to massage my shoulders and back. Slowly, but firmly grinding his hardness against me, he deftly unhooked the lace bra as he worked on my tight muscles.

Sliding my panties partially off, he left them bunched around my upper thighs, trapping his hard cock up against my rapidly moistening slit as he slid back and forth. Reaching forward once again he cupped my swaying breasts as he pulled me back into him.

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