Read What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two Online

Authors: Ella Jade Michelle Hughes Christa Cervone Ranae Rose Red Phoenix Nina Pierce Malia Mallory Kate Dawes Adriana Hunter Vi Keeland,Summer Daniels

Tags: #Contemporary, #Romance, #Erotica, #Box Set, #Anthology

What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two (96 page)

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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Brie did so, knowing that she was giving him free access to whip her bare bottom with the wicked-looking flogger. She soon felt the multiple tails of the whip slap across her buttocks. She jumped at the impact, yelping from the sting.

Then he left her. She couldn’t tell where he went, but she was suddenly alone on the stage, swinging gently in the air. It was a horrible feeling. Not only had she disappointed him and the whole room knew it, but it was that much worse knowing he was gone. She ached for him to return and had to fight off the tears as she slowly swung back and forth. The room was deathly silent.

Although it was probably only minutes, it felt like hours before she heard his footsteps on the stairs. “Are you ready to obey me?” he asked.

Brie looked at him in desperation. “Yes, Baron. I want to obey you.”

He began caressing her clit and instantly sent her back to the pleasurable fire she’d felt before. The only thing that kept her from giving in to it was knowing that she would lose his presence again if she did. She moaned and squirmed, but she did not come. He slipped his cock back into her pussy and started fucking her with passion. She denied herself, wanting to please him more than to experience her own release.

“Do you want to come, kitten?”

“If it pleases you, Baron.”

“Good answer…but not yet.”

Baron took full advantage of the swing, pulling all the way out and then letting her swing right back onto his hard rod. The explosive jolts from each impact threatened to overcome her resolve to obey him. Finally, he grabbed onto her hips and began quick, hard thrusts. She felt his cock grow thicker just before he came. “Now,” he gasped between ejaculations. She closed her eyes and allowed the intense throbbing to morph into pleasurable contractions. Brie cried out as the chills took hold and she lost touch with reality.

Baron’s warm chuckles brought her back. He had already pulled out and was standing beside her. “That was a good effort, my sweet little sex kitten.” He picked her up and helped her out of the swing. As soon as her feet touched the ground, the swing rose back up into the ceiling.

Brie had to hold onto him, needing time to get her legs back. “Thank you, Baron,” she whispered. He ripped off his mask and bent down to kiss her with those thick, warm lips.

She struggled to get her clothes back on, and then turned to Sir and the other trainers.

“What did you learn, Miss Bennett?” Sir asked.

“That I don’t want to disappoint my Dom.”


Ms. Clark stood up, obviously still unhappy. “The next time I see you staring into the eyes of your Dom when it is not appropriate, I will punish you myself.”

“Yes, Mistress Clark,” Brie answered.

The hostile trainer seemed to appreciate the title Brie had given her, and her expression softened a little. She sat down without another word.

Brie left the stage and walked over to her seat. Instead of lecturing them further, Marquis Gray handed out paper and told them to write down what they had learned from their fellow classmates. She was the last one to finish. When she had handed in her paper to Marquis Gray, Sir dismissed the group. The second night of training was officially over.

She felt a profound sense of loss, knowing that Sir did not want her. She got up slowly and groaned. Her feet were on fire, protesting vehemently against the torturous shoes. With gritty determination, she walked gracefully towards the auditorium door. Just as she touched the latch Sir said, “Miss Bennett, proceed to room two.”

Brie almost squealed like a little girl, but somehow kept her composure. She said loudly, “Yes, Sir!” and disappeared through the door before she could make a fool of herself.

The Power of His Touch

rie walked down to room two, no longer concerned about her aching feet. She tried to open the door but found it locked. She stood there alone with her eyes directed at the floor, waiting for Sir to join her.
Be still my heart
, she repeated to herself, many times over. It seemed like an eternity before she heard his footsteps coming down the corridor—long, confident strides.

Sir did not acknowledge her, but went to unlock the door. As he entered the room, he said quietly, “Follow.”

Brie immediately moved behind him, and then gasped when she saw the interior of the room. There was the same table with leather straps that she’d seen on the website. That picture of it had convinced her to start the submissive training in the first place.

“How did you know?” she whispered.

“Know what, Miss Bennett?”

“That I wanted this.”

Sir laughed lightly. “The way you responded to Miss Wilson’s lesson today made it fairly obvious.” She was embarrassed, but grateful he could easily read her desires. He pointed towards two chairs in the corner. “I want to talk to you before we begin.”

She nodded, and sat down only after Sir took a seat.

“Miss Bennett, you should know that I am breaking protocol here. Normally, a trainer does not interact with a student, but I am not a man who is easily denied. I have wanted to take your sweet little ass ever since I saw you bend over the box of cigarettes in the tobacco shop. As headmaster of this school, I know where your training is headed and if I want your anal virginity, I need to take it now.”

His words sent shivers of delight through her body. “I understand, Sir.”

“You can refuse me.”

“I do not wish to, Sir.”

“Fine. Then undress and kneel beside me.”

Brie forced herself to breathe normally as she slowly and sensually took off her clothes for him. She folded them in a neat pile and then knelt down beside her Sir. He began stroking her hair, making her purr inside.

“I saw how you handled yourself after we left the room earlier. I was pleased with your obedience.” Brie had
there were cameras. “I appreciated that you stood up for Ms. Taylor.”

Brie looked up and smiled at him. “Thank you, Sir.”

“Although I agree with Ms. Clark that you have an eye contact issue, I understood your need for it in the auditorium with Baron.” He glanced down at her with a glint in his eye. “I enjoyed watching you train with him tonight.” He continued to play with her hair and her whole body tingled with bliss. “I have a question for you, however.”

She looked deep into his eyes. Whatever he wanted to know was his for the asking. “What, Sir?”

“Tell me, what did Tono say to you at the end of your first session today?”

“He said that he would come back for me.”

“Hmm…” Sir rubbed his chin thoughtfully and was silent for a moment. “It appears he, as well as another Dom, is infatuated with you. After we finish here, I want you to follow me to my office. There is something I need to give you, Miss Bennett.”

Before she could respond, Sir pulled her head back and kissed her roughly. All reasoning left her when she felt his insistent lips on hers.

He picked her up in one swift motion and carried her to the table. He strapped her wrists down first, leaving no room for movement. Before he secured her ankles, he took one of her feet gently in his hand. “I see those shoes are doing a number on your pretty little feet. Does it hurt?”

“Not much,” she lied.

He smiled and lightly caressed them. “My devoted little student,” he murmured. Then he secured her ankles so that her legs were spread and ready for him.

Sir walked to the other side of the room and opened a door. She heard the sound of running water. When he came back, he had a wet cloth in his hand. He used it to tenderly bathe her entire body. Every time the cloth began to get cold, he went back to the room and rinsed it with warm water. By the time he was finished, she felt completely clean and fresh.

He put the cloth away and shut the door quietly. Instead of coming to her, he leaned against the wall and stared at Brie—at her naked body, strapped down and eager for him. She basked in his gaze. It was just like the website photo; her fantasies were now her reality.

“Some men think they need toys to excite a woman, but I don’t believe that. No, I believe firmly in the power of touch.” He continued to gaze at Brie, without making a move towards her. The fact he was taking his time made her want him all the more.

When Sir finally pushed away from the wall and walked towards her, she was literally trembling in anticipation. When his hand lightly touched her stomach, she gasped. All her awareness was focused on that one area. He gave her a leisurely smile as his fingers made their way up to her breasts. Brie closed her eyes when they made contact with her hard nipples. She moaned without meaning to and heard his light chuckle.

“That’s it, Brie. Give in to your desire.”

Hearing Sir call her by her given name affected her deeply. She began panting, unsure if she could handle his lovemaking.

He bent over her and began sucking on her left nipple. She bit her lip, trying not to cry out like a silly girl. Sir pinched her other nipple and then started sucking harder. She arched her back in response, moaning his name.

He reached one of his hands between her legs and felt her excitement. “You’re one hot, little sub,” he murmured seductively. “Something tells me your body is aching for me to fuck your sweet, virginal ass.”

Brie whimpered and rubbed her eager pussy against his hand. He penetrated her moist depths with his middle finger. “Hot and willing, are you?” Sir pulled his finger out of her wet pussy and then pressed his tongue against her throbbing clit. He started licking the sensitive nodule as he pushed his slippery finger against her anus. She cried out passionately as he pushed his finger into her nasty little hole.

“Oh, this virgin may be tight, but she wants my cock stroking her in the ass,” he said confidently. She nodded in agreement, too embarrassed to agree with him out loud.

Sir would have none of it. “What does this little virgin want?”

Brie paused a few seconds before answering. “To be taken by you, Sir.”

“Beg for it, Brie.”

“Please, Sir. Take my virginal ass with your cock.”

“Do you want me to be gentle or rough?”

Again, she paused. “Whatever is your pleasure, Sir.”

“So agreeable, like a proper submissive,” he growled. “I think it pleases me to give you both…”

He quickly undid the restraints and told her to get on her hands and knees. He strapped down her wrists so that she rested her weight on her forearms. Then he buckled her ankles in place, leaving her with her legs spread apart and her ass in the air.

With unhurried motions, Sir undressed in front of her, exposing his manly chest first. It was covered in dark hair and well-defined muscles. She watched with desperate interest as he unbuttoned his pants and pulled them off, along with his briefs. His cock was princely, perfectly proportioned with a thick base and a slightly longer than normal shaft.

“Oh, yes. This entire cock is going deep inside you today,” he assured her.

Sir moved onto the table and positioned himself behind her. He caressed her round buttocks, squeezing them in his hands before lightly slapping each. “There is nothing sweeter than a virginal ass begging to be fucked. Tell me again what you want, Brie.”

“I want you deep inside me, Sir.”

“As you wish.”

She suddenly felt cold gel drip into the crease of her buttocks, and then Sir’s finger pushed the cool liquid into her warm, puckered hole. He soon replaced his probing finger with his sizable cock. He wasted little time forcing the head of his shaft into her. Brie gasped and panted as she grew used to the new sensation. Even after the butt plug the day before, she found his cock stretching her in places never tried before. It almost hurt, but her body needed him so badly.

“Relax, Brie. Let my cock dominate you,” he murmured, stroking her hair. Sir reached around and began caressing her breasts as he groaned passionately in her ear. Centimeter by centimeter, Sir made his way into her tight, virginal hole. He opened her up more the deeper he pushed. “We’re halfway, Brie. Do you think you can take more?”

She didn’t know how, but she wanted more and answered, “All of you, Sir.”

He grabbed her waist and began thrusting, slowly and sensually. The concentrated movement relaxed her tight muscles and he finally pushed his entire cock into her resistant depths. She moaned at the sensation of fullness his thick cock gave her.

“Now that I have given it to you gently, I think it is time I switched gears.”

She whimpered, despite her hungering desire for him.

“I want to hear your unrestrained cries when I fuck your little ass. Don’t hold anything back.”

“Yes, my Sir.”

Sir—now that’s a little presumptuous of you, isn’t it?” he chuckled, before giving a quick and hearty thrust into her ass. Brie squealed at the intensity of it. “Would you like another?” he asked.

She nodded her head enthusiastically, but said nothing.

“No, Brie, you must voice your desire.”

“Please, Sir, may I have another?”

The instant the words left her mouth, his cock thrust deep and true. She cried out, surprised at the depth of his penetration. “Now, Brie. Would you like me to fuck your sexy little ass?”

BOOK: What To Read After FSOG: The Gemstone Collection Part Two
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