Whatever You Like (17 page)

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Authors: Maureen Smith

BOOK: Whatever You Like
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Chapter Twenty-Four

y Monday afternoon, Roderick had completed all the necessary paperwork to receive the keys to his new apartment. He wanted Lena to spend at least two nights there before she returned home, so they transferred their belongings from the hotel to his new digs.

Against her better judgment, Lena wished there was a way she could prolong her visit. Every time she thought about leaving Tokyo—leaving Roderick—her throat and chest tightened until they ached. Two days before her scheduled departure, she made a decision not to squander the rest of her time with Roderick by wallowing in sadness and regret. Instead, she'd do something special for him. Something they would both remember long after they'd gone their separate ways.

When he returned from the office that evening, she was waiting for him.

He didn't see her, because the apartment was dimly
illuminated by candlelight and she was hidden behind a shoji screen in the living room. As she watched through the narrow opening, Roderick paused in the foyer, his gaze drawn to the note she'd placed on the table next to two burning sticks of incense. Glancing around, he reached for the note and read the words she'd by now memorized:
Welcome home. A night of pleasure awaits you in the teahouse.

His lips curved in a slow, sensual smile that quickened her pulse from across the room.

As she watched, he tucked the note inside his breast pocket and left the foyer, heading down the hallway toward the room that had been modeled after a Japanese teahouse. The sliding doors were made out of authentic balsa wood and covered with translucent Japanese paper that allowed light to enter the small room. Inside, the simple décor consisted of a scroll painting and tatami rice-straw mats that covered the floor. The “teahouse” was just one of the many rooms that had captivated Lena's imagination.

Most captivating of all, of course, was the apartment's new owner.

Lena slipped quietly from her hiding place and walked to the kitchen to retrieve a tray of refreshments she'd prepared earlier. She lingered another minute, giving Roderick a chance to get settled in the room, letting his anticipation build before she went to join him.

As she neared the closed doors, she saw that he'd removed his shoes and left them by the entrance in accordance with Japanese custom. She smiled to herself, pleased that he'd remembered such a detail. Enacting a fantasy was so much more enjoyable when both parties
really got into it. Not that she had much experience to draw upon.

Balancing the tray on one hand, she slid the doors open and entered the candlelit room. The scent of flowers wafted from incense sticks burning in every corner.

Roderick sat cross-legged in the middle of the floor, his hands clasped loosely in his lap. He'd been watching the entrance intently, waiting for her arrival. When he saw her, his eyes widened, then slowly raked over her from head to toe. Dressed in a beautifully embroidered red kimono with flat brocade sandals and her hair artfully arranged in a bun, she'd transformed herself into a geisha. But instead of the traditional white makeup, she'd opted for smoky eyes, rouged cheeks and lips painted a matte red.

She could tell by Roderick's stunned expression that she'd achieved the dramatic result she was going for.

“Wow,” he whispered, staring at her.

Lena gave him a demure smile. Carrying the tray, she crossed the room with the small, meek steps she'd practiced for over an hour after watching
Memoirs of a Geisha
that afternoon. When she reached Roderick, she sank down gracefully and set the tray between them on the floor.

“You look amazing, Lena,” he said in a husky, awestruck voice.

She smiled at him. “In case you didn't know, that means thank you.”

He smiled lazily. “I think
the one who should be thanking you. When did you plan all this?”

“I'm not giving away my secrets.” She smiled enigmatically. “May I pour you some tea?”

“Yes, please.”

She reached for the teapot on the tray and filled a small cup with Japanese green tea. As she served him their fingers brushed, making her skin tingle. She bowed gracefully.

When Roderick just gazed at her, she whispered under her breath, “You're supposed to bow, too.”

“Oh.” He dipped forward obediently, then raised the teacup to his lips. “Did you brew this yourself?”

Lena nodded. “It's called Sencha. It's one of the most popular green teas in Japan. It's raised in the sun and harvested in the early season.”

Roderick took a sip, making a slight face. “Interesting.”

Her lips quirked. “It's an acquired taste. One that you should probably acquire now that you're going to be spending part of the year in Japan.”

“Good point.” He smiled and took another sip. “Aren't you going to have some?”

“No.” She smiled demurely. “I'm here to cater to you.”

“Is that right?” His voice went low and husky.

She swallowed dryly and licked her lips. “Are you hungry?”

“Very.” His heated gaze made it clear he wasn't interested in food.

Ignoring the way her pulse skittered and jumped, Lena began fixing him a plate that consisted of Japanese finger foods. He set aside his teacup, and she moved closer to slide the first offering into his mouth.

“Mmm,” Roderick murmured, chewing.

“You like that?”

“Yeah. What is that?”

“It's called daigakuimo. It's Japanese candied sweet potatoes.”

His eyes twinkled. “So even in Tokyo, I can get some soul food.”

Lena laughed, feeding him another piece. As his warm, silky mouth closed around her fingertips, her breasts throbbed and her loins quivered. She wondered just how long she'd be able to remain in character.

“I like it when you feed me with your fingers,” Roderick said huskily.

“Do you?” There was a breathless catch to her voice.

“Mmm-hmm. I like the taste of you in my mouth.”

The deliberately provocative remark licked at her like flames. It was all she could do not to strip naked and straddle his face.

Instead she fluttered her lashes and gently rebuked him. “You're being very improper, Mr. Brand.”

“Am I? I'm sorry.” His wolfish grin was anything but remorseful. “It's just that you're so beautiful, and I've never been served by a geisha before. This is a very special treat for me.”

She smiled softly. “The purchase of your new home was cause for celebration.”

“Yeah? So this is kinda like a housewarming party?”

“You could say that.”

“Well, this is one housewarming party I'll

I'm counting on it,
Lena thought.

Gesturing to the plate of food, she asked, “What do you want to try next? You can have whatever you like.”

“I'll take whatever you give me.”

Their eyes met and held, and Lena knew he wasn't talking about what she should feed him next.

That was her undoing.

She set aside the plate, then slowly rose and stood over him. Her nipples had grown hard and her clit was engorged, slick with her arousal.

Roderick gazed up at her, a sexy smile teasing the corners of his mouth. “You really
my American geisha.”

Her lips curved in a sultry smile. “Oh, I don't know about that.”

“What do you mean?”

Holding his gaze, she untied the belt of her kimono and pulled it open to reveal her body sheathed in a red lace negligee.

Roderick swore hoarsely, looking her up and down with devouring eyes.

“This isn't quite what geisha wear under their kimonos,” Lena purred.

“Probably not,” Roderick whispered.

Before she could draw her next breath, he grabbed her around the waist and pulled her down to the floor. His body covered hers as he seized her mouth in a hot, voracious kiss. She moaned, her hands curling around the nape of his neck. Their tongues tangled and danced, an erotic glide of wet and heat.

Groaning, he drew away and began peeling off her negligee, murmuring almost apologetically, “It's sexy as hell but I want to see you. All of you.”

He tossed aside the scrap of lace, then swept his dark, glittering gaze over her naked body. “Beautiful,” he whispered in a husky, worshipful voice. “I can't get enough of you, Lena.”

She quivered with pleasure, then closed her eyes with a deep, purring sigh as he began kissing his way down her body. The heat of his mouth electrified her, trailing
fire everywhere he touched. He licked and sucked her nipples until they ached, then ran his mouth down her trembling stomach.

The moment she felt the hot wetness of his lips and tongue on her sex, she went off like a rocket, arching her head back with a shocked cry. He lapped at her, drinking her up until she'd stopped convulsing.

Rearing back from her, he made quick work of undressing himself. And then he was leaning over her again, his dark, powerful body backlit by candlelight. His hands gripped and spread her thighs as he settled between them. Bracing himself on both arms, his palms flat on either side of her head, he thrust into her. She cried out, her hips arching upward to meet his, her legs wrapping around his waist.

He pressed her down to the floor and began pumping into her, his hips rocking against hers, his butt muscles flexing beneath her calves. She clung tightly to him, her nails raking his back as she gasped out her pleasure.

“Damn,” Roderick groaned, his eyes blazing fiercely as he stared down into hers. “Damn, sweetheart, what're you
to me?”

She wanted to ask him the same thing, but all she could get out was a broken moan. So she pulled his head down to hers and kissed him, pouring all that she couldn't say into the kiss. And he kissed her back as if he understood, and felt the same way.

She matched him stroke for desperate stroke, never slowing, never stopping, thinking she might die if she did. Every breath she took was ripe with the animal musk of their lovemaking, mingled seductively with the scent of incense.

She wanted to make this moment last forever. But Roderick had increased the tempo of his thrusts, his
hips pummeling hers until she went flying over the edge. Wave upon wave of electric sensation exploded through her groin, and she screamed his name in a way she'd never done before.

As her body spasmed, Roderick slid halfway out of her, then plunged deep and hard, one last powerful thrust that locked their bodies together. And then he came, calling her name like a prayer, his body shuddering so violently that Lena climaxed again.

They collapsed against each other, panting and shaking in the aftermath of their passionate coupling. Lena drew his body even closer to hers, holding him tenderly in her arms as he nestled against her. Naked and sweaty, their limbs entwined, his penis snug inside her, she felt an overwhelming sense of rightness wash over her.

And she knew, like never before, that leaving him would be the hardest thing she'd ever had to do in her life.

Chapter Twenty-Five

wo days later, they were seated in the plush lounge of a small airport primarily used by private jet carriers. They'd been served a light breakfast and were now nursing mimosas as they waited for Roderick's Gulfstream to be refueled and prepared for takeoff.

Neither was feeling very talkative.

Eye contact had been minimal, as well.

“You really didn't have to see me off this morning,” Lena said, breaking the prolonged silence that had lapsed between them. “I know you have pressing matters to attend to at the office.”

“I do,” Roderick agreed in a mild tone, “but they can wait.”

Lena smiled shyly. “I had a wonderful time this week.”

“I'm glad to hear that.” Roderick paused. “I enjoyed having you here with me.”

They stared at each other, the longest they'd maintained eye contact since arriving at the airport.



They spoke at the same time, then chuckled quietly. Almost sadly.

“You go first,” Roderick invited.

Lena swallowed. “I was just going to ask whether you have a better idea of when you'll be back home.”

He grimaced. “I don't, unfortunately.”

“Oh.” Disappointment made her throat and chest ache.

“I'm still shooting for Monday,” he told her. But he didn't sound very optimistic.

A heavy silence followed.

“What were you going to say?” Lena prompted.

He gave her a blank look.

“A few minutes ago,” she reminded him. “When we said each other's names at the same time.”

He shook his head slowly. “I don't remember.”

For some reason, Lena didn't believe him. Before she could press the issue, however, his pilot arrived to inform them that the jet was ready for departure.

Lena's throat tightened painfully, as if invisible fingers were suddenly strangling her. When she stood, her legs didn't feel steady enough to support her weight. In silence, she and Roderick followed the pilot to the exit that led out to the tarmac, where the Gulfstream glistened in the morning sunlight alongside several other aircraft.

When Lena stopped at the doors, Roderick signaled to his pilot to give them privacy, then looked down at Lena. “I was going to walk you out to the plane.”

She shook her head, offering him a tremulous smile. “I hate long goodbyes.”

He hesitated, quietly searching her face. She wondered if he could tell that she was desperately fighting back tears. God, she hoped not. She needed to walk away from this—from him—with her pride intact.

After another moment he nodded. “All right. No long goodbyes then.”

“Thank you.”

Their eyes held for several seconds.

And then Roderick leaned down, brushing his lips across hers.

Lena closed her eyes, savoring the tender kiss as if it would be their last. Because she knew there was a chance it might be.

All too soon Roderick pulled away. “Have a good trip,” he murmured.

She opened her mouth to speak, but the words got trapped in her throat. So she merely nodded, then allowed the smiling pilot to escort her toward the waiting plane.

They were halfway across the tarmac when Roderick's voice rang out above the noise of idling jet engines. “Lena!”

She turned around to look at him.

His expression was gentle. “I miss you already.”

Tears rushed to her eyes, blurring his image. She wanted to run back to him, throw her arms around his neck and beg him to return home with her now, business be damned.

But of course she did none of those things.

Instead she summoned a teary smile and called back,
Which was Japanese for “ditto.”

Roderick nodded slowly.

And somehow Lena knew he'd understood.

Understood even more than she'd intended to reveal.

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