What's His Passion 2 - Climbing the Savage Mountain (16 page)

BOOK: What's His Passion 2 - Climbing the Savage Mountain
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“Toby, more,” Jensen begged.

He was happy to oblige. Letting Jensen ease out of his mouth until just his head was there, Toby worked it then pressed two of his fingers in.

“Oh!” Jensen tried to arch his hips but Toby kept him still.

“Does it hurt?” He asked, not wanting to cause Jensen any pain, but wanting to get him stretched fast.

Jensen shook his head. “No. I want more.”

Eyebrows raised, Toby looked up to see Jensen staring down at him. When their gazes met, Jensen winked.

“I won’t break, Toby. Get some more lube in there then fuck me. It might seem weird since I’ve been home for a month already, but I’m still feeling empty after being away for so long.” Jensen licked his lips. “I need you inside me.”

There was no way he was going to ignore that. Toby rushed to get more lube into Jensen’s channel. Even though he rushed a little, he did do his best to get Jensen to relax enough that it wouldn’t hurt too badly when he pushed in.

He grunted when Jensen pinched his side. “What?”

“Now.” Jensen glared at him and Toby grinned.

“All right. You’re being very demanding this morning,” Toby commented while coating his cock then positioned at Jensen’s hole.

“I dreamt I was stuck on the Balcony of Everest and it was snowing so hard, I couldn’t see how to get down. All I could think about was how you were going to hate me because I didn’t come back this time,” Jensen admitted.

Toby touched Jensen’s cheek. “Oh honey, why didn’t you say something? I didn’t know you were having nightmares like that. Have you been having them often?”

Jensen shook his head. “I don’t want to talk about it right now. I want you to make love to me. I want to come on your cock.”

Inhaling sharply, Toby nodded. They’d discuss Jensen’s dreams later. It was time for him to reassure his lover that he wasn’t going to leave him either. Pressing in, he eased slowly inch by inch, studying Jensen’s face for the slightest hint that Jensen was in pain. There was nothing but love and need shining in those hazel eyes Toby loved so much.

When he was buried all the way in, Toby stilled and sighed. He adored how perfectly they fit together, whether he was topping or bottoming. All that mattered was how close making love brought them. He could ignore everything else going on in the world.

Curling up, Jensen kissed him fiercely then lay back on the sheets. “Move,” he ordered Toby.

“All right.”

He gripped Jensen’s hips as he began to thrust in and out, slow and easy as first. Jensen clenched his inner passage to draw a moan from Toby. He tilted Jensen’s hips a little more and stroked in. When Jensen jerked, Toby chuckled.

“Right there,” he muttered then proceeded to hit Jensen’s gland every time he slid.

As Jensen moved in counter rhythm to him, Toby began to speed up, eventually slamming into him as fast and as hard as he could. Jensen pressed one hand against the headboard to keep from hitting his head and wrapped his other hand around his cock then pumped.

“Oh Christ! Again, Toby. Harder.”

Jensen let his head fall back and Toby leaned forward to lick a line from the base of his throat up to his mouth where they dueled for control of the kiss while Toby continued to ride Jensen. He knew Jensen would probably be sporting bruises by the end of the day, but he knew Jensen wouldn’t care about it.

Like Toby always loved how his ass ached after Jensen took him, Jensen always seemed to like the bruises Toby often left on his skin. At least Toby thought he did since he’d caught Jensen touching them when he thought Toby hadn’t been looking.

The familiar pressure built in Toby’s groin and his smooth movements became rough. Suddenly, Jensen came and his body tightened around Toby’s cock like a vise. It was as though he was trying to milk every last drop of cum from Toby, which worked because Toby climaxed seconds later. He flooded Jensen as they both trembled and panted while the waves of pleasure rippled through them.

Toby carefully slid his softened length out of Jensen then reached for a towel he’d left on the floor after his shower the night before. After cleaning both of them, he tossed the towel in the direction of the bathroom. Once he was done, he embraced Jensen, pulling him close enough for Jensen to rest his head on his chest.

“Are you okay?”

Jensen nodded. “Yeah. I’m more than okay. I can’t believe we’re getting married again.”

Toby chuckled. “There was no way my mom wasn’t going to have a party to celebrate this. Plus, even though my sisters understood why we did it, they were upset they missed it. I had to promise them we’d do something big when you recovered from your trip.”

“Your family loves you.” Jensen nuzzled Toby’s chest while petting his stomach.

“Of course they do. So much that it drives me crazy at times,” Toby agreed.

Jensen’s stubble-covered cheek rubbed over Toby’s skin when he shook his head. “I mean everyone loves you, even your extended family. Usually there are members who don’t want anything to do with the gay ones. Yet I haven’t met any of those in yours.”

Sighing, Toby said, “Trust me. There are those in my family, but my mom and dad don’t invite them to our parties. My mom has always said that life is too short to deal with mean people. So she doesn’t and my dad follows her example.”

He ran his hand along Jensen’s spine, tracing each vertebra before moving on to the next. Jensen shivered when Toby teased the soft skin at the top of his crease.

“How long have you been having these nightmares?” Toby kept his voice low, not wanting to act as if it was a big deal.

“Since about a week after I got back from Nepal,” Jensen confessed. “They aren’t that bad, really. Just shake me up a little bit until I make sure you’re still there next to me then I can go back to bed. I only have them once a night.”

Toby hummed for a few seconds while he thought. “I wonder why you’re having them.”

Shrugging, Jensen teased Toby’s belly button, drawing a laugh from him. “I don’t know. Nothing bad happened on the climb. I mean there were injuries, but nothing serious and no one died this season on the mountain. Just something I’ll work through. It hasn’t kept me from getting enough sleep.”

“Did you want to go talk to someone about them?” He wasn’t sure how Jensen would react to that suggestion. Jensen had never struck Toby as the introspective therapy type kind of guy.

He was sure there was a lot of that kind of looking inward while climbing a mountain that could kill you, but when Jensen was home, he seemed content with the life they had.

“If they get worse—or start to cause me to lose sleep—I’ll go. I think it’s just a reaction to being away for so long and all that.” Jensen encircled Toby’s waist. “Do we have to get up now?”

Toby was glad that his lover seemed to be willing to get help if things got worse. He twisted to get another look at the clock.

“We’ve got another hour and a half before we have to get up. You can nap.” Massaging Jensen’s shoulders, he hoped he would fall back to sleep. While Jensen had recovered for the most part, he was still tired at times, so Toby tried to encourage naps and sleeping in.

“Okay. Thanks.”

Jensen breathing deepened and Toby waited until Jensen rolled over on his side away from him before he climbed out. He was wide-awake and wouldn’t be going back to sleep any time soon. He might as well check on the stock market before taking a shower and making sure their bags were in the car for the trip.

The stocks were fine, nothing for him to panic about, so he wandered to their bathroom to turn on the shower. He shaved while water heated up then stepped in. He usually took short showers unless Jensen joined him. Then they could spend as long as the hot water lasted—touching, fucking and whatever else they felt like doing.

He dried off, tossing his towel and the one he’d used earlier into the hamper. After dressing in khaki cargo shorts and a blue T-shirt, he brushed a kiss over Jensen’s brow before heading downstairs to make some coffee.

An hour later, he looked up from the newspaper he was reading to watch Jensen stroll into the kitchen.

“Do you want some breakfast?” Jensen called out to where Toby sat on their deck.

“Yeah. We probably should eat something. We have about a five-hour drive to get to my parents’ place. Mom will have lunch ready for us when we get there, so there’s no stopping on the way. I packed a cooler with sodas and some snacks for the trip.” He stood then gathered up the paper and his cup. “I’ll make waffles. Do you want to make the eggs and bacon? Also, there’s coffee already brewed.”

Jensen came over to give him a peck on the lips before he started pulling out the eggs and bacon from the refrigerator while Toby poured out some more coffee into his cup. He enjoyed watching Jensen move around their kitchen and if he didn’t get his ass in gear, there wouldn’t be any waffles.

He got out all the ingredients and the waffle iron while Jensen got to scrambling the eggs. They worked silently but well together, touching as they passed each other, stealing kisses while waiting for the food to cook.

When all of it was done, they split it between their plates and filled a carafe with coffee before wandering out to the table. After settling in his chair, Toby took a bite of his eggs and groaned. Jensen chuckled.

“You’re such a sucker for well-cooked food,” Jensen teased.

“If I wasn’t already married to you, I’d totally steal you away and keep you prisoner in my house to cook for me every day,” Toby told him.

Jensen took a sip of his coffee before saying, “I wouldn’t fight you, that’s for sure. I love our kitchen. You did a great job picking out a house while I was gone to climb Mount Fuji, Especially without really even knowing what I wanted in a home.”

Toby shrugged, pleased as always when Jensen complimented him on the house he’d chosen for them. “I just tried to remember what you said you wanted, plus I knew you liked to cook. You did realize that we never did get that dog you said you wanted.”

“Yeah. We got distracted the weekend we were planning on going to the shelter. After that, things just go busy.” Jensen shot him a look. “Would you like to go when we get back from our honeymoon?”

“Yes. If we get a dog, it’ll give me something to take care of while you’re gone to K2 next year.” Toby shook his head. “I didn’t handle myself well this last time.”

He’d told Jensen about his working late all the time and getting drunk one night. Jensen had understood about the whole situation and had thanked Simpson again for taking care of Toby. It was fun to watch his best friend and his husband slowly come to a mutual understanding and a budding friendship. Toby had kept up the Friday dinners with his friends, who had taken Jensen back into their circle without a problem. Jensen enjoyed cooking for them, and their card games were quite competitive.

“A dog will keep you company, especially since it looks like Simpson won’t have a lot of free time for much longer, if Cindi has her way.” Jensen wiggled his eyebrows and Toby laughed.

“Oh my God, do you think she’ll make him bring her?” Toby covered his mouth trying to stop from laughing any more. “Kelly and Wendy can’t stand her.”

“Hell, Simpson can’t stand her, but she’s like plastic wrap—the clingy kind. I’m afraid she’s going to boil a bunny in his kitchen.” Jensen rolled his eyes. “I can’t believe she tried to come to our card night last week.”

Toby groaned. “Oh, I know. Well, if she shows up at my parents’, we’ll let the girls take care of her. She’ll get the point after talking to them.”

Jensen snorted. “I wouldn’t sic your sisters on anyone, not even Cindi.”

“It might be the only way Simpson can get free of her.” Toby finished his breakfast, licking the syrup from his fork. He heard a moan and glanced up to see Jensen staring at his tongue. He made more of a production of cleaning the utensil, just to watch Jensen’s face flush with desire.

“Stop teasing. You know we have to leave if we’re going to get to your parents on time.” Jensen mock snarled at him before getting up to stack their plates.

“I’ll make it up to you tonight,” Toby promised, as he joined him in the kitchen.

They cleaned up then Toby went through the house, making sure the windows and doors were locked and all the lights were off. When he was done, he met Jensen outside.

“I gave Jackie the key and our number. She said she’d pick up our mail and keep an eye on things,” Jensen informed him as they climbed into the car.

Jensen was going to take the first leg of the drive then once they got into Vermont, Toby would take over to get them to his parents’ place.

“Great. I like her and her kids.” Toby buckled his seat beat then wiggled to find just the right spot.

“I do too.”

Jensen started the vehicle then pulled out of the driveway. Toby relaxed as he rolled down his window and turned up the radio. He loved road trips, especially when it was with someone he adored.


Chapter Fifteen




Love is when he gives you a piece of your soul, that you never knew was missing.


—Torquato Tasso




Jensen braced himself when he stepped from the car. The onslaught of children heading toward him was enough to make a special ops soldier turn tail and run. He fell back against the side of the vehicle when two of the kids hit his legs while the other two grabbed his hands and started tugging.

“Uncle Jensen, where’s our presents?”

“Uncle Jensen, what’s you get us from the mountain?”

“Uncle Jensen, what was it like?”

“Uncle Jensen, will you come to my class and be my show-and-tell?”

Four voices all talking at the same time, asking him a dozen questions. He had to laugh because there was no way he could answer them until they shut up. So he hugged each boy, hoping Toby or their parents would rescue him.

“What am I now? Chopped liver?” Toby came around the front of the car and pouted. “Just because he climbed the world’s tallest mountain doesn’t mean he’s Iron Man or anyone cool like that.”

Toby winked at him when the boys protested that Jensen was way cooler than Iron Man. They rushed Toby and climbed all over him as well, hugging and asking him what he’d brought them.

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