Wheels of Steel, Book 2 (35 page)

BOOK: Wheels of Steel, Book 2
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Peter gawked at her. “Chauncy? But you don’t even like Chauncy!”



“What?” Belinda frowned. “I think that’s YOU who doesn’t care for him.” She turned away from him. “Amberly I’ll meet you up in the control room in a little while.” She reached out and hugged Robin. “And you are the sexiest Queen ever! Me and Chauncy will be back down to dance with you.” Then Belinda sauntered away amidst admiring looks and wolf whistles.



Peter had the most evil look on his face. He didn’t even try to hide it. He swung around in his wheelchair and rolled angrily up the ramp. Jason removed the head set from one of his ears and said something to him. Peter just waved him off. And then he disrupted the nice groove that Jason had going by putting on hard techno. The crowd quickly switched gears and began club dancing.



Amberly shrugged. “Do you want to come up to the control room and help me until Belinda gets there?” Robin checked the time on her cell phone. “Nah, I better not. I need to start selling the product.”



“Alright come up if you want.”



Before Robin even got out the door one of the Omicron brothers climbed up on stage and did his big welcome to the crowd. He introduced Link and Top of the group Wheels of Steel to which there was big applause. Robin stood in the entrance, joining in with those applause. The announcer gave a shout out to Belinda and Amberly who were working on the visuals and then lastly, Robin who would be selling the cd’s out front.



At the mention of her name she gave Jason a surprised look. He raised his hand to her and she raised her hand in return. It was nice having your boyfriend be the star attraction. They got going with some simple scratching and beat making. And Robin asked the announcer where she would get the lockbox of money. A few of the brothers offered to sit with her and help her sale. She wasn’t going to turn down the company.



There was a good crowd of customers and the guys kept the table loaded up while she took the money. After about forty-five minutes of this, Robin was ready to watch the party and not to mention her boyfriend. She had already sold several hundred dollars worth of cds and so figured Peter would be happy. The Omicron brothers offered to put away the remainder of the cd’s until she was ready to sale them again.



She returned to the auditorium and saw the light show going. Wow it was great. Amberly had outdone herself with this idea. She noted some people watching as she moved to the music. Not everyone had dressed as extravagant as they had, some just wore all goth or emo, but some had gone all out with the costume; witch’s, ghosts, super heroes, anime characters and it went on and on.



“Excuse me. Are you here alone?”



She turned to see a black guy wearing a Zorro costume. It was a great compliment to his already good looks.



“Um…I’m here with my boyfriend.”



“Oh. Well you’ve been standing here alone for some time. Would you like to dance?”



She glanced at the stage where Jason was absorbed in his music making. Several guys had asked her to dance but she had declined each time. But it got boring dancing by herself…She gave the good-looking guy a smile.



“Yes.” At first she worried that he would dance in some perverted way as she saw some of the others dancing. But that wasn’t the case. He pretty much followed her lead which meant that he pretty much shuffled his feet and moved his shoulders.



“Are you a student?”



“Nol” She laughed. “My boyfriend is, though.”



“Ah. The infamous boyfriend.” He chuckled. His name was Duane and he was a Junior. He told her three times that he liked her costume and she told him once that she liked his. He offered to buy her a drink and she declined, settling for a bottled water. As they talked her song came on; Love’s End and she turned to the stage.



“That’s my song!” She exclaimed. Jason was watching her intently and she smiled and waved at him discreetly. He made a brief kissing motion with his lips. Duane looked at her in surprise.



“This is you singing? Is that your boyfriend?”



“Yeah, Jason…or Top.”



“Wow, cool.” He began to jam to the music even more as he watched the video play. “That’s you isn’t it?”



She chuckled. “How can you tell?! You can’t even see my face.”



“Because I’ve been dancing with you for the last twenty minutes. That’s how I know.” He said good naturedly. Belinda came up to her a few moments later. She was holding her regular Hennessey and Chauncy had his hands around her hips.



“Robin! This is my friend Chauncy. Chauncy, Robin.”



She knew him already as one of the guys that had given her a hard time getting back into the Omicron party that first time. But she didn’t have hard feelings. The tall young man was built like a football player and he held out his hand and took hers gently in his big paw. She then introduced everyone to Duane, who after a moment excused himself, thanking her for the dance.



“Are you having fun?” She asked, her voice slightly slurred. Robin nodded. It was true too, even though she was mostly alone she enjoyed the music and people watching. “Chauncy, can you get me another drink and Robin…another bottled water?” Belinda drained her half filled cup in two swallows and he nodded happily and went off to do as she had instructed.



“What do you think of my date?”



“Well he’s cute.”



“Did you see the look on Peter’s face?” Belinda laughed. “Serves him right.” Robin peeked up and saw that Peter was periodically looking at them.



“Do you want to be back with Peter?”



Belinda’s response was just a short laugh. When Chauncy was close to them she said quietly. “Chauncy would have never given me a second look if it hadn’t been for the corset I wore to last Friday’s party. Peter…” She looked at Robin sadly. “He saw the real me before I ever looked any different.”



She wanted to tell her not to do this, that Peter still loved her he just didn’t want to admit it and that two wrongs didn’t make a right—But Chauncy was already upon them and Belinda was already hooking her arm around his neck and kissing him. Robin looked away until they finished and then they all danced together.



A while later Peter’s voice came over the mic. “Thank you all, we’re going to take a break, the music is going to keep spinning. And don’t forget to purchase your cd’s out front from our lovely Queen of Heart’s Robin. She will begin selling them again in about an hour. At midnight we will unveil the winner’s of the costume contest. First prize is $150, second prize is $100 and third prize is a $50 gift certificate to Dave & Busters. Also honorable mentions will receive free cd’s…and…” Link chuckled. “…if you’re cute a date with me.”



There was a lot of whoops to that. Peter wheeled down the ramp and he was surrounded by bimbos. Several people crowded around Jason, as well. But since he didn’t stop wheeling towards Robin, they had no choice but to keep moving.



Robin hid a smile. He truly did not care about the fame. He just thanked people and kept on moving. He was funny. When he reached her, Belinda and Chauncy who were still dancing, he slapped Chauncy’s hands and then he reached out to touch Belinda’s meat dress, laughing good naturedly.



Robin handed him her unopened water and he swilled down half of it in one gulp.



“How were we up there?”



“Do you really need to ask?! Listen to that crowd!” He nodded happily. Amberly reached them and Belinda gave her a brief hug.



“Cruella Daville! You rock!” They danced wildly to the music. Robin had so much fun that she was a little upset when midnight approached and she had to begin selling the cd’s again. She looked around to tell Link how good the first take had been but he was nowhere to be seen.



“Where’d Link go?” Robin asked.



“Probably in the bathroom getting his dick sucked!” Belinda said nonchalantly. Robin gave her a surprised look. “That’s how he does it, right Top? You band boys get your dick wet in the bathrooms during your parties.” Her words were bitter. She kept dancing up against Chauncy who was busily trying to grind against her and not even paying attention to her words.



“You need to stop drinking now.” Jason said seriously.



“Fuck you, Jason. You’re not my father! Ha!” She kept dancing. Amberly and Jason exchanged looks. Robin wondered why she drank like this each week if she was going to allow herself to get out of control?!



She put her hand on her friend’s shoulder. “Hey, do you want to help me sell some cd’s.” She glanced at the nasty dancing guy. “You and Chauncy?”



Belinda frowned. “Yeah. Yeah, that sounds like fun—NOT. Haha, I’m going to smoke a joint. I’ll be back later.” Robin watched the two of them leave. But what could she do? Belinda was a grown woman, over 21 and the guy that she had been in love with had already been doing another woman and was more than likely doing some random person as they spoke. But Robin could not get out of her mind what Belinda had said; Chauncy only asked me out once he saw me in the corset. But Peter saw the real me before that…



Her stomach began to quake. She spoke quietly to Jason and Amberly. “I need to use the restroom.”



“Are you okay?” Jason asked.



She hurried away, calling over her shoulder that she was. The auditorium had two sets of male and female restrooms on the main floor. But she knew they would be crowded and she had to go right now. She hurried up the stairs where a few people were mingling, drinking, trying to find a quiet pace to talk or make-out.



She found the toilet and hurried inside, using it quickly. She was washing her hands when she heard Peter’s voice from the hallway. He was talking quietly and she heard a giggled response. Robin sighed in disappointment. She left the bathroom in time to see him and two women simultaneously riding on his wheelchair, going into a room.



She headed back down the stairs without saying a word. Robin sat in Jason’s lap and placed her head on his shoulder.



“Tired?” He asked. She nodded.


“Go back to the apartment. I’ll meet you there when we get finished.”



“No.” She said. “I want to stay.” She placed her hands around his body almost possessively. “I love you Jason.”



He gave her a solemn look. “We won’t turn out like that. I promise.” She nodded.



He helped her sale some CD’s. They had programmed the computer to play dance, techno and top 40 music for about an hour and so only had a limited amount of time to hang with her. “People like the visualizations.”



“Yeah it was cool.”



“And babe, did you hear the crowd going wild for Love’s End? They love your voice!”



“They love what you did to my voice…or the way Amberly made me dance in the video.”



“Hmmm. You don’t give yourself enough credit, Sweetheart. I don’t know what I can do to help you understand just how wonderful you are.”



Before she answered she noted that an older white man was standing in front of Jason, as if waiting. He gave the man a curious look.



“Jason Hamilton? I’m Mr. Edelson.” He had a British accent and very short white hair in a relatively youthful face. He was maybe as old as her mother but with a lot of flair.



“Yes. I’m Jason Hamilton.” He handed Jason a card and he examined it. Robin wondered what it said. “Have you ever heard of Akita Tom?” Jason nodded. “We’d like to talk to you and your partner.” Mr. Edelson held out his hand and Jason shook it slowly. “And by the way, I’d like to purchase a CD.”



Jason handed it to him. “Why don’t you just take this? It would be my honor.” Mr. Edelson gave him a brief bow and accepted the CD.



“Thank you. We look forward to hearing from you and Mr.Warrant.”



Jason turned to Robin in excitement as soon as he was gone. “That was Akira Todd’s Agent.”



“Who is that, babe?”



Jason took a deep breath. He held up his finger and moved his chair back. Robin turned to the other Omicron brother who had been helping unload the cd’s.



“Watch the money!” She quickly rose and pushed Jason’s chair back and turned his back to the line of people. Jason’s seizure lasted just 2 minutes and when his eyes opened he gave her a weary look. “Akira Todd,” he rubbed his face and tried to become alert. “is one of the top mix artists in Japan. He’s a white guy that knew how to make some wicked beats and went to Japan and literally blew up!”






“Shit! I gotta get back on stage! No telling where Peter is.” He wheeled away. “I’ll be back later, babe!” Robin couldn’t believe that Jason had just gotten a card from an Agent and then had just run off. An Agent! Screw the CD’s! Robin grabbed the lockbox and told the Omicron brother to take any remaining CD’s to the back. She hurried into the auditorium and saw that both Peter and Jason were up on stage. One of the Omicron brother’s was taking the mic again.

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