When an Omega Snaps (6 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: When an Omega Snaps
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Not if he pulled a runaway groom.

“I really feel like I should clarify your misassumption about our relationship. As in, we don’t have one. Will never have one. Will never happen.”

The derisive snort didn’t come from Meena. His liger was the one who found his claims amusing.

So did Meena. “Oh, Pookie, you are so adorable when you’re being stern. It makes me want to dive across this table, throw myself in your lap, and plant the biggest smooch on you.”

The threat had him bracing for impact—and his dick hardening in anticipation.

Alas, for once, she didn’t act.

“Unlucky for you, given the last time I tried that, I collapsed the table, and my lunch companion flipped backward in his chair and ended up in the hospital with a concussion, I’ll refrain.”

“I would have caught you.” Surely that wasn’t him encouraging her?

A wicked smile curved her lips. “I know you would have. A man like you knows how to handle a girl like me.”

He’d handle her with both his hands, on her naked flesh. So much gorgeous skin to caress and—

“Pookie,” she whispered, “you’re rumbling again, and while it is super sexy, a few non-felines have just walked in.”

He snapped back to the present, once again utterly distracted by the woman before him. “We should head back. I’ve got things to do.”

“Things? Ooh. That sounds utterly decadent. What kind of things are you planning? I’m very partial to nipple play just so you know.”

The bag with its leftover treats provided a shield to hide the tenting of his trousers, but nothing could quell the heat in his blood.

Why did she do things on purpose to tease him?

Why are we not taking her up on her offer?

Why wouldn’t his liger go take a fucking nap like other bloody felines?

A glower didn’t deter her from linking her arm through his as they left. A tight-lipped countenance didn’t stem her adorable chattering as they walked. A firm leash on his emotions didn’t prevent the spurt of pleasure at her touch. A denial of their involvement didn’t stop his growl of jealousy when some yuppies they passed on the sidewalk swiveled to give her a second look.

Were the teeth he bared necessary?


Was the sigh as he entered the lobby and a dozen lionesses went “ooh” avoidable? No. Nor could he avoid the snickers that followed Luna singing, “Bow-chica-wow-wow,” especially since Meena joined in and began the impromptu dance that involved a lot of hip shaking and breast jiggling.

Throw her over our shoulder and take her to our room. We must claim her before another does.

What happened to his usually staid and laid back inner feline?

The right woman happened.

But what was right for his wild side wasn’t what the more serious man side wanted.

She is chaos.

Yes. And wondrous for it.

She is physically perfect.

And tempting him to take a bite.

She’ll never let you have a moment of peace.

His life would have purpose.

She would love me with the passion and embrace of a hurricane.

But could he survive the storm?

Or should he try and outrun it?

She would catch us. She is strong. A true huntress.


Possible life-changing inner conversations were best conducted out of sight, especially since it made him less mindful of his surroundings allowing his cousin Luna to sidle alongside and mutter, “I see the look in your eye.”

“What look?”

“The one that sees something yummy it wants to eat.”

Was he truly that obvious? “I’m not hungry. I just had breakfast.”

Luna elbowed him as she snickered. “Way to pretend ignorance. I know that you know what I know is happening.”

“Say that fast five times.”

She did. Luna wasn’t just quick on her feet.

“So when are you claiming her?” the nosy woman asked.


He ignored his feline collapsing in a heap.

“Leo. I am shocked at you. Aren’t you the one who advocates honesty?”

“Only if it won’t cause irreparable harm. Then even giant white lies are allowed. Anything to hold back the insidious forces of chaos.”

“I can’t believe you’d reject her on account of her history of causing catastrophes. Sure, shit happens around Meena, like microwaves blowing up on account of the aluminum foil holding the quiche she tried to cook for lunch. But that kitchen needed remodeling anyhow.”

“I’m the pride’s omega.”


“It is up to me to keep peace in the pride.”

“So who better to take Meena as his woman than you? You’ll be like the Meena whisperer. And she’ll be the tequila shot to get your blood pumping.”

“Are you implying I’m boring?”

“Sometimes. You gotta admit you can be pretty uptight. I mean whenever there’s a good brawl nowadays, you’re right in there knocking heads together. Tossing someone at a wall. Totally bringing the peace in like record time. It’s so annoying. No one’s allowed to have any fun anymore.”

Except him. He didn’t so much interfere because the minor skirmishes needed stopping but more because boredom meant he needed to do something.

“So your theory is I should take Vex as a mate”—he pointed at Meena, where she currently twerked against a potted palm tree—“to get the stick out of my ass?”

“Nah, keep the stick. Being uptight is part of being you, but spend a little less time constantly worrying about us and do something for yourself.”

Do Meena. Yeah.
His liger wholeheartedly agreed with Luna.

But Leo ruled his body—and his heart.

“Meena is simply a guest, one who will stay here for a short time before flitting off.” Leaving him.

He didn’t like that thought at all.

Sad meow.

Chapter Eight

Judging by the glower on Leo’s face, he was thinking again. Really, the man did use that smart noggin of his way too much. He thought too much. Worried too much. Didn’t lose control enough.

It made her wonder just how wild he’d get when he finally snapped. And he would. A man that tightly sprung couldn’t hold on to his control forever. Beneath that placid and grumpy exterior lurked a beast of a man, one with hot blood and untamed passion.

That man would scratch.

If she could ever figure out how to free him from his cage of denial.

Noting he had turned away and was striding to the elevators, without her, she stopped getting fresh with the plant and skipped after him.

“Oh, Pookie, where are you going?”

“To work.”

“Can I
?” On his tongue or shaft. Either would do. She tossed him a saucy wink and look. There went that tic by his eye again.


“You are such a tease, Pookie.”

“And you’re intentionally vexing me.”

“Gotta live up to my nickname.”

The elevator door slid open, and he stepped inside. To her surprise, he held the door when it would have shut. “What are you waiting for? Get in.”

“I thought you said I couldn’t come.”

“You can’t,” he said, reaching out to draw her in. “But it occurs to me, given the incident at the coffee bar, that I should escort you to your condo and strongly advise you to remain there.”

“You want me to stay inside?” She wrinkled her nose. “That doesn’t sound like much fun.”

“Neither would waking up married to a mobster.”

“What are you talking about? I’d have plenty of fun. Of course, the staff might not like the mess I make. Cold water only goes so far with stains.” She shot him a ferocious smile that should have had him shaking a stern finger advocating peaceful resolutions. A more optimistic part of her hoped he’d snare her close, plant a kiss on her lips, and tell her she wouldn’t have to kill the Russian. Leo would do it himself if he dared lay a finger on her.

With them both in the elevator cab, Leo allowed the doors to seal shut and hit the number for her floor. As soon as the elevator lurched, he eyed her and said, “I’m afraid to ask what you’re thinking.”

“Screw telling. Let me show you.” Meena made her move.

Against the wall she shoved him. Her lower pelvis ground against him, and she planted a hot kiss on his lips.

He didn’t shove her away. He didn’t cry out in pain, complaining she was crushing him. He kissed her back.

At least for a moment. Just when she ventured to touch the seam of his lips with the tip of her tongue, he turned his head.


Oh the cheater. He used his mighty omega voice against her. Commanding. Trying to dominate. It sent a tingle through her, and her lips throbbed, poised so close to him.

“Are you trying to control me?” she murmured, the heat of her breath moist against his skin.

“If I have to. You can’t just throw yourself at me.”

“You were the one who said you’d catch me.”

“This isn’t what I meant. I don’t want this.”

She undulated her lower body against him. “Liar.”


The warning tone just made her smile. “We’ve reached my floor. Escort me to my door, you know, to make sure I don’t cause any catastrophes.”

“If I don’t, what will you do?”

She let a broad smile answer.

He sighed and exited the elevator.

So far her plan to seduce Leo after breakfast, in that fabulously huge bed of his, didn’t seem fated to happen. Even outright propositioning wasn’t working!

Time to step things up a notch. With about twenty feet to go, she made a stab at holding his hand.

Quicker than she could blink, he stuffed his hand in the pocket of his pants.

Such a sly liger. As if his ploy would stop her. With his hands tucked away, it left him vulnerable for—


“What the hell was that for?” He couldn’t hide the shock in his tone.

“Flaunt a nice butt and expect it to get slapped.” Hey, she took her pleasure where she could.

“I am not flaunting anything.”

She rolled her eyes. “Pookie, I know it’s not your fault. A man with your level of sexy just can’t help affecting women. Just keep in mind it will be your fault, though, when I get in trouble for kicking the asses of the bitches admiring your assets.” Because where he was concerned, she might have an itsy-bitsy possessive streak.

A tic, tight lips, and a rumble. Given how coiled Leo seemed, she couldn’t help comparing him to a Jack in a box. Wind it, wind it, wind it,

But the pop wouldn’t happen today. As soon as they reached the door of her complimentary—and very temporary—condo, he ditched her with a firm admonition to, “Stay put.”

She managed not to snicker. Obedience wasn’t her strong suit.

“Where are you going?” she asked.

“To work.”

“Have a good day, Pookie. I’ll miss you.” Given the strut of his ass in those pants, she uttered a strident whistle. “Damn, that’s a fine view.”

He didn’t miss a beat, but she could have sworn his shoulders widened. “Behave!” was his last uttered order before he entered the elevator.

Behave? And miss all the fun?

He’d no sooner left than she flounced down the hall to the door marked in red letters, Exit. The stairwell provided a quick way to skip down to the main floor. Once she hit the lobby level, with a wave at her peeps hanging, she strode without pause out the glass doors.

Direct defiance. Maybe Leo would punish her.

She had a skirt short enough to work should he decide to put her over his knee for some correction.

Down to the sidewalk she skipped, heading toward where she spotted Dmitri’s dark sedan idling by the curb across the road. While she’d not seen him following, it didn’t surprise her that he knew where she was staying. A man with his money and connections wouldn’t have a problem getting information.

A good thing he followed, too, because it made her getting in touch with Dmitri a lot easier. Even Leo couldn’t get too mad. It wasn’t as if she went far. So she was almost listening, right?

Ignoring the traffic—which honked in appreciation of her flounce—she crossed the road and approached the rear passenger window. It lowered at her approach.

Leaning with her arms crossed against the sill, she glanced in and noted Dmitri seated alone on the seat, impeccably attired in a suit and tie. The man didn’t know the meaning of the word casual.

His lips stretched into a welcoming smile. “Meena,
lyubov moya,
have you come to your senses?”

Odd how his Russian endearment, which translated to my love, didn’t come across as cute as Leo’s nickname of Vex.

“Why are you stalking me?”

“Is it stalking given we’re engaged?”

Stubborn tiger. “I’m not marrying you, Dmitri.”

“But we had a deal.”

“Holding me hostage isn’t a deal. And besides, as it turns out, we can’t be together.”

“Why ever not?”

“Because I’ve met my mate.”

One dark brow arched. “Do not tell me you believe in that superstition about fated mates and other such nonsense.”

“Yes, I do. So you see, pursuing me is pointless. I’ve met my match.”

His eyes narrowed. “You say you’ve met him, and yet, you are not claimed.”

Minor detail. “Yet.”

“The mating fever can still be broken. I could take you right now and have you on a plane to Russia, having a priest conduct the ceremony and claiming another rank in the Mile High Club within the hour.”

Dmitri, the owner of a private jet, was still miffed she ranked higher than him when it came to airplane antics. She’d dated a pilot for a while. Saw the world. Then got banned from a certain airline for accidentally causing a cargo plane to crash. In her defense, she dared anyone not to react a little violently if they got a charley horse while in the throes of an orgasm. She now refrained from strenuous activity in moving vehicles.

“I wouldn’t advise trying to force me into anything.”

A familiar haughty expression tilted his chin. “I don’t take advice from women.”

“You should. Especially if you don’t want your ass kicked by one.” It wasn’t Meena that threatened but Luna who shoved in alongside her. It didn’t surprise her Luna appeared. The girl had a knack for sniffing out possible catastrophes and making sure she got a piece of the action.

“I will not be threatened.” Dmitri was a king when it came to imperial decrees. A pity no one here would listen.

“Who said it was a threat?” Luna grinned. “Think of it more as a promise. See, this is America, dude, and we don’t take kindly to misogynists who think they can coerce a woman into matrimony.”

“What she said,” Meena added. “I already tossed one burning bra into some guy’s car. Don’t make me do it again.” Because apparently that would cause a girl to lose insurance coverage, for like ever.

“Don’t you dare harm my rental.”

“You rented this?” Luna stuck her head in farther, taking a peek around. She let out a low whistle. “I have to say, this is a nice car. Although, I personally prefer a Lexus to a Lincoln.”

“Lexus is for boys. I am a man.”

Luna snickered. “A man who can’t convince a girl to marry him and has to resort to kidnapping.”

Dmitri glared. Luna smirked while Meena caught a glimmer for a moment of why perhaps some people thought she should be avoided.

I guess maybe I do have a touch of unpredictability surrounding me.
But in this case, she could get rid of it in a grown-up fashion. “I think you should leave. Now.” Before anyone needed stitches and ice packs.

“I am not leaving,
lyubov moya
. I will have you. Willing or not.”

Meena couldn’t help but roll her eyes. Would Dmitri never get it? “Is your English really that bad? What part of you can’t have me do you not grasp? I am tired of dealing with you. Since you refuse to believe I’m off the market, why don’t you take it up with my fiancé?”

“Fiancé?” Luna hissed. “When did you get engaged, and does Leo know?”

“Of course he knows. Kind of. Okay, not really, but he’ll come around.”

“You’re engaged to Leo?” Funny how high an incredulous note could pitch.

“Not yet, but I will be. Soon. It’s just a matter of time. So that means I’m off the market.” She fixed Dmitri with a stare. “If you want to talk to my man about it, then come to Jungle Beat tonight. Me and my Pookie will be waiting.”

“Leo doesn’t dance,” Luna muttered in a low tone.

“He will.” She’d make sure of it.

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