When Hell Freezes Over (34 page)

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Authors: Darrien Lee

BOOK: When Hell Freezes Over
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“I'm sorry, Keaton. My cell phone doesn't pick up in here.”

“Are you still at the hospital?”

Sighing, she said, “Unfortunately, I am. Keaton, Nikki's still in a coma and it looks like Sam shot her.”

Keaton still had no clue of the situation Meridan was in the middle of. He ran his hand over his head. “Shot? I knew I shouldn't have let you go back there by yourself.”

“I'm okay, Keaton. Deacon is coming in and out, and he posted a policeman outside Nikki's room.”

“That's not good enough.”


“No! If that idiot shot Nikki, what do think will happen to you?”


“No! You listen to me! I'm on the next plane!” he yelled.

“Please, Keaton! There's nothing you can do here. I'm safe here with Nikki.”

He stood and paced the room. “You know, what I can't understand is why you don't want me there with you.”

“I miss you, Keaton; believe me. But it's not a good idea for you to be in the middle of this right now. I don't want anything to happen to you,” she pleaded.

He sat down on the side of his bed. “I can take care of myself, Meridan.”

“I know you can, but please do this for me. I don't know what Sam will do next and, the less people in the equation, the quicker it will be to put a stop to all this madness.”

Keaton held the phone in silence feeling defeated. “Do you need anything?”

“I need you to pray that Nikki wakes up soon.”

“I will, and Meridan?”


“I won't sit here long. Do you understand what I'm saying?”

In a whisper, she said, “I understand. Look, Keaton, I've been thinking and maybe we should chill for a while. I mean, at least until all of this is over.”


She stuttered and said, “I'm under a lot of stress right now with Sam, Jacob, and Nikki, so I think it's best if we try not to have a relationship right now. It's not fair to you because I really don't have time to deal with all of this right now. Maybe once this thing with Sam is over, we can look at it again.”

Silence engulfed the telephone and pain shot through Keaton's head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

He calmly asked, “Are you breaking up with me, Meridan?”

“Keaton, don't say it like that. I just think—”

“Oh, you just think, huh? You're crazy if you think you can call me up and dismiss me without sitting down and discussing it. Where is this coming from? I know you're worried about Nikki and the situation, but that should pull us closer, not pull us apart.”

“Keaton, don't make this any harder than it is. I'm trying to discuss it with you now,” she explained.

“It doesn't sound like a discussion to me! It seems like you have all the answers!” he yelled in anger.

Silence engulfed the telephone once again. Meridan was about to lose control of the conversation.

“Keaton, can't you respect my wishes? I still love you. I simply can't be anything more than a friend to you right now.”

“What about what I want?”

“I'm sorry.”

Becoming angry he said, “I'm coming up there to find out what's really going on.”

“No! Please don't! I need some time to get some things in my life in perspective. If you come here, it'll only make things worse.”

“What things? Are you seeing someone else?”

Meridan couldn't believe Keaton thought there was another man in her life. No one could ever take his place. She was trying to protect him because she wouldn't be able to live with herself if something happened to him.

After a long pause, she said, “There's no one else, Keaton. I told you why. Can't you respect my wishes?”

“Damn! I didn't know I was that much of a problem. Look, if you're that adamant about it…forget it. Forget everything. I'll talk to you some other time. Take care of yourself. Goodbye.”

Before she could say another word, he hung up the telephone.

Keaton placed the telephone back on the cradle and climbed out of bed. He looked over at the airline ticket on his dresser. Today was the day he had planned to fly to Philadelphia to be by Meridan's side. What he got instead was the air sucked out of his lungs. Picking up a small paperweight, he threw it across the room, breaking a framed picture hanging on the wall.



ver the next week and a half, Nikki came out of her coma, recovered from her injuries, and was released from the hospital. Meridan stayed with her at her house so she could take care of her until she felt better. It was then they told each other everything Sam had said and done. The strange thing was that they hadn't seen or heard from her since that night in the hospital.

“You know she told me that if I didn't get rid of Keaton, she was going to hurt him.”

Nikki looked at her and said, “I hope you're not seriously thinking about doing it.”

“It's too late. I've already done it,” Meridan admitted.

“Tell me you're teasing because I know you didn't really break up with him.”

“I had to, Nikki. You and I both know firsthand what Sam is capable of, and I can't risk Keaton getting hurt or worse.”

Holding Meridan's hands, Nikki said, “Don't let Sam dictate your life because you and Keaton belong together.”

“I can't take that chance,” Meridan said as tears dropped from her eyes.

“What did you tell Keaton?”

“I told him I couldn't juggle a relationship while dealing with all this drama right now. He was so pissed.”

Nikki said, “He has a right to be, Dee.”

She sighed. “I never did tell him that I couldn't have children. I tried, but I just couldn't do it. Besides, he deserves to be with a woman who can give him children.”

Nikki asked, “So you gonna go ahead and let him walk away?”

“I have to,” she whispered.

“Damn, Dee. How can you just let him go like that?”

Wiping away her tears, she said, “I have no choice.”

“Yes, you do. Let this thing play out, Dee. Keaton can take care of himself.”

Meridan hugged her. “Nikki, you almost died and I'm not going to give Sam a chance to hurt Keaton. Look, I'm tired of talking about it. I'm going to bed. Is there anything you need before I turn in?”

Looking out the window at the policeman stationed outside the house, she solemnly said, “Nah, Deacon's coming over later. Go ahead and get some rest. Goodnight.”

“Goodnight. I love you, girl.”

“I love you.”

“Come get me if you need anything. I'll see you in the morning.”

Meridan disappeared up the stairs. When she was out of earshot, Nichole picked up the telephone and made a call.

“Detective Miles speaking.”

“Hey, babe,” she said with a smile.

Deacon's sexy, bass voice said, “Hey, babe. How are you feeling?”

“I'm still sore, but I'll live,” she answered. “Have you found out anything?”

“Nothing concrete, but I'm still working on a few leads. That chick is really off da hook.”

Nikki poured herself a glass of wine to calm her nerves.

“When we were in college she was always aggressive in everything she did. I don't know what made her click like she did.”

Deacon said, “Well, whatever it was, she's on the rampage now and she's dangerous. Do you need me to pick up anything before I come over?”

“Just you,” she said with a smile. “I think I can arrange that. I'll see you shortly.”

“Thanks for everything, sweetheart.”

“You're my woman. I'm supposed to take care of you.”

“I know, babe. See you soon.”

“Good and just know I'm doing everything I can to track that chick down. I don't know what I'll do once I get my hands on her.”

Nikki swallowed hard. “I know and thank you for taking care of me.”

“How's Meridan holding up?”

“Scared, confused, etc… You name it,” she whispered.

“Well, let her know I'm working hard to get Sam off the streets.”

“Thanks, Deacon. I'll see you later.”

“No doubt and I love you.”

“I love you, Deacon. Goodbye.”


Hours later, Nichole wondered if Meridan was doing the right thing by breaking up with Keaton. She couldn't sleep so she decided to do a little cooking while she waited for Deacon to arrive.

As she stood there in deep thought, the officer's voice came in over the radio Deacon gave them.

“This is Samurai One calling, over.”


“We have a gentleman outside identified as Keaton Lapahie who said he's a friend of Miss St. John, over.”

Nichole peeped out the window and saw Keaton detained by officers. She smiled and said, “He's okay, officer. Thank you.”


Relief swept over her as she swung the door open with excitement. “Keaton! What are you doing here?”

He hugged her. “I see Deacon is doing a good job to protect you.”

“Yes, he is.” She pulled him by the hand into the house. “I'm glad you came.”

“I came here to see how you were doing and to hopefully talk some sense into Meridan.”

Pulling him further inside, she said, “Well, I'm doing much better and I hope you can talk some sense into her. She's miserable, Keaton.”

Looking toward the stairs, he said, “Really? So am I. Nikki, what's really going on with Meridan? We had a conversation in Texas that leads me to believe she's really struggling with something from her past with this Sam person.”

“I can't get in the middle of this, Keaton. Maybe now that you're here, you two can work things out.”

He knew something else was going on and he was determined to finally get to the bottom of it. Looking around the room, he asked, “Where is she?”

Motioning for him to follow her into the kitchen, she said, “She went upstairs to go to bed a little while ago.” Hugging him again, she said, “I'm so glad you're here.”

Sampling the food Nichole was cooking, he said, “We'll see.”

Sitting his glass on the counter, he smiled. “Well, I guess I'd better go on up and let her know I'm here. Wish me luck.”

“Good luck, Keaton.”

Nichole watched as he slowly disappeared upstairs. She prayed that tonight Meridan would finally tell Keaton everything.

Once upstairs, Keaton made his way toward Meridan's bedroom. He took a deep breath as he stood outside the door and immediately picked up her scent. He wasn't going back to Texas without knowing what was really going on with her and if she really didn't want him in her life anymore. He had to look into her eyes to accept the fact that their relationship was over. He opened the door and noticed her curled up in bed. She was sound asleep so he gently closed the door so he wouldn't wake her. Walking closer, he stood over her and watched the rhythm of her breathing. He removed his jacket and gently placed it in the chair. He sat down and removed his shoes, then climbed into bed, embracing her. Meridan shifted her position slightly as she continued to sleep. He gently kissed her neck and caressed her body. She moaned and scooted back against him. Keaton could tell she was still in a deep state of sleep when she turned to face him. She threw her arm around his waist and snuggled even closer. The urge to kiss her was too strong so he didn't fight it. He gently kissed her and ran his hands over the satin material covering her body. She responded naturally by sprinkling his neck with kisses. Keaton's body immediately responded. He never could control himself around her.

“Meridan, Baby, wake up,” he whispered.

She slowly opened her eyes and, in surprise, she whispered his name. “Keaton. What are you doing here?”

He caressed her cheek. “I came to see you, sweetheart. I couldn't just let
you walk away from me, now could I? I love you too much. Don't you still love me?”

Meridan ran her hands over his jean-clad body and caressed his hips. “Is it really you?”

“It's really me, Baby.”

“Oh, Keaton, I'm so sorry I messed up everything. I'm so glad you're here. Hold me. I need you to hold me.”

He had no problem holding her, but what he did next was even better. He removed his jeans and sweater, then climbed back into her bed. Meridan couldn't wait to feel him. Her lower body was already throbbing just from the sight of him. She squirmed closer as he positioned himself over her.

She cupped his face and breathlessly said, “Damn, I missed you.”

He kissed her hungrily, neither of them caring that Nichole was downstairs. He sampled every inch of her body and then some.



“I know we have a lot to talk about, but it's going to have to wait until morning. Tonight, it's about us and what we have between us.”

Cuddling closer, she said, “I'm happy you're here.”

Climbing on top of her body, he said, “So am I.”



n the wee hours of the morning, Meridan woke up to find Keaton in the bathroom running a hot bath. He was still in his birthday suit and didn't see her standing there in all her glory. He turned off the water and tested the temperature. She smiled and asked, “Is it ready?”

“Did I wake you?” he asked with a smile.

“No, you didn't wake me. I guess I missed you.”

He took her by the hand and led her over to the mirror. Embracing her from behind, he said, “We look good together, don't you think?”

This scene was oddly similar to the one she'd had with Sam in the hospital bathroom and it saddened her.

Meridan swallowed hard and solemnly said, “We're naked, Keaton.”

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