When Hell Freezes Over (15 page)

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Authors: Darrien Lee

BOOK: When Hell Freezes Over
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Meridan and Gwendolyn were both crying at this point. William was trying his best to hold back his tears. His voice cracked as he struggled to finish his speech.

“This night isn't about me turning sixty. This night is about love, friendship and happiness. Lastly, I'd like to thank Leona for always being there to support and comfort me. I love you, sweetheart, and if you'll have me, I'd like you to be my wife.”

Everyone was shocked, even Ms. Leona, as they watched William pull a ring out of his pocket and place it on her finger.

She hugged and kissed him. “Yes, William! Yes, I'd be honored to be your wife. That is, if it's okay with Gwendolyn and Meridan.”

The sisters walked over and hugged and kissed both Ms. Leona and their father with acceptance.

William turned and said, “With all of that said and done, I'd like to invite
all of you back out here in the morning for Sunday service. The good reverend said he'd love to conduct the service under this beautiful tent. So, without further ado, I'll blow out these candles so we can continue on with the celebration.”

He closed his eyes and made his wish. The room remained hushed. Finally he opened his eyes and, in two breaths, he had all the candles blown out. Everyone screamed, clapped and cheered as he hugged and kissed his daughters. Other family members made their way up to congratulate Mr. St. John and Ms. Leona. Meridan was still wiping her tears away with her hands when a masculine hand appeared in front of her holding a napkin. She looked up into Keaton's smiling face.

“I thought you might need this,” he offered.

Dabbing her eyes with the napkin, she said, “Thank you, Keaton.”

Gwendolyn noticed Keaton's beautiful exchange with Meridan as she wiped her own eyes.

Keaton said, “Your father's speech was beautiful. I'm so happy for him and Ms. Leona.”

Folding her arms, she said, “So am I. He's been alone for too long. So, do you want some cake?”

He gently kissed her and whispered, “You're sweet enough for me. Now, come dance with me.”

They walked past the line of people waiting on a piece of cake. Devon had put on one of the most romantic songs ever made, “Reasons” by Earth, Wind and Fire.

Meridan looked up at him and he gave her two thumbs up. She discreetly mouthed the words, “thank you.” Keaton was secretly counting his blessings also. Holding Meridan was what he'd been waiting for all night. Jacob watched from the sidelines as Keaton and Meridan danced their way into each other's hearts. Keaton was in the way. He'd come all the way home to propose to her, and now he'd have to wait until Keaton wasn't around.

When the song ended, Keaton escorted Meridan back to their table. Aunt Glo was standing there, winking at Keaton.

“Meridan, you don't mind if I dance with your boyfriend, do you?”

She didn't know what to say. Keaton didn't give her any indication if he wanted her to save him. She looked at her aunt and said, “It's up to Keaton, Aunt Glo, but you'd better behave yourself.”

She swayed her hips. “What you say, cutie? You sure are a tall glass of tea. Do you think you can handle this old woman?”

“No, Ma'am, but I'll dance with you.”

Keaton winked at Meridan as he entered the dance floor with Aunt Glo.

Meridan gnawed on her nail and yelled, “Aunt Glo, I'm serious!”

“Hush, chile, and go dance with Jacob or something!”

Meridan couldn't stand around and witness what Aunt Glo might do to Keaton. She decided to go back over to her father's table and pray nothing embarrassing happened.

Keaton arrived back at the table, exhausted. Aunt Glo was still on the dance floor, with another victim in her clutches.

“Meridan, your aunt's wild, but I like her. She's one of a kind. Oh, she grabbed my butt.”

Shocked, she yelled, “She did what? Daddy!”



ours later, when the crowd had reduced to only a few helping to clean up, Keaton and Meridan were still slow dancing. It was about one a.m. and William and Ms. Leona were holding hands, saying goodbye to guests. Meridan rested her head again on Keaton's chest and closed her eyes.

“Tired, huh?”

“Very,” she admitted.

He stopped dancing and swung her up into his arms. Some of Meridan's family members laughed as they noticed the loving exchange between the two.

Startled and slightly embarrassed, she yelled, “Keaton! What are you doing?”

“I'm walking you home,” he answered as he carried her across the yard.

Blushing, she said, “It looks more like you're carrying me home. I can't leave right now. I have to stay and help clean up.”

Continuing to walk, he said, “Meridan, you've been going nonstop since early this morning. I'll stay and help. You need to go lie down because you're not going to be any help anyway. There's enough of us here to finish up. Okay?”

William smiled and shook his head as he noticed Keaton carrying his daughter across the yard.

“Maybe you're right. Do you think you could put me down so I can at least tell Daddy and Ms. Leona goodnight first?”

He kissed her hard on the lips before placing her feet on the ground. “I guess I could, but you'd better go straight to bed. Got it?”

Fingering her braids, she said, “Got it.”

At the house, some of the aunts and cousins were busy putting food away for the night. The St. John house had always been Grand Central Station for the family and someone was always coming, going, or spending the night.

Meridan's Aunt Cora asked, “Are you headed to bed, baby?”

Aunt Cora was known as “Sugar” by those who knew her since she was the best baker in the county.

“Yes, Ma'am. I'll see you tomorrow. I can barely hold my eyes open. If you didn't already know, Devon and Keyshaun are staying here tonight.”

“William told me. Don't let those boys disturb you and your guest,” she warned.

“Sugar, I don't believe I'd hear a bomb drop after my head hits my pillow.”

Aunt Cora hugged and kissed Meridan goodnight.

“You're so much like your mother, God rest her soul. Go on and get some rest now.”

“Goodnight everyone.”

In unison, everyone told her goodnight.

Meridan took a quick shower and crawled under her comforter. As she lotioned her legs, she heard a soft tap on her door. Opening the door she found Gwendolyn standing there.

“Hey, Sis.”

“Hey, Gwendolyn. I hope you haven't come up here to start anything about Daddy and Ms. Leona. I don't have the strength.”

Walking past her, she said, “I'm not here to argue, Meridan. I'm happy for Daddy. I see the way his face lights up when he's with her, or talks about her.”

Closing the door, she asked, “Then what do you want? I'm tired.” Sitting on the bed, Gwendolyn fumbled with her words.

“Meridan, look, I'm sorry about earlier tonight. I was out of line about Daddy and Ms. Leona. I realize I haven't been the best big sister I could've
been over the years. To tell you the truth, I've been a little jealous of you. You were always Momma and Daddy's favorite. Hearing Daddy's speech tonight touched me. I realized it's not your fault and it's stupid of me to be jealous. You're my sister and I do love you.”

Meridan couldn't believe what she was hearing. She couldn't understand what Gwendolyn was talking about. If anything, she was the favorite.

“What do you mean, favorite? You're the one who got to do everything and go everywhere. Momma and Daddy had me on serious lockdown.”

Gwendolyn played with designs on the comforter in silence.

“Meridan, you look just like Momma. Daddy loves you more.”

Coming to sit next to her, she said, “No, he doesn't. All he talks about is you and how proud he is of you. You're the one with the successful temporary employment agency. You built that company from the ground up. You have a wonderful husband who loves you to no end and two great kids. What do I have?”

“You have more than you give yourself credit for. You've accomplished so much, to be so young. You have your own medical practice and you're the best female basketball player I've ever seen in my life.”

“Yeah, yeah, yeah, Gwendolyn, but I'll never be able to give a man what they want most…children. I don't even know why I'm wasting Keaton's time.”

She touched her sister's cheek, turning her to face her.

“Meridan, you're not wasting Keaton's time. I can see he really cares about you.”

“How do you know?”

“I have eyes. I watched his expressions when you were talking to Jacob, or any other man tonight. The love radiates from his eyes. Plus, we talked a little tonight and got to know each other somewhat. Look, all I'm saying is if he's the one and if you care about him, give him the benefit of the doubt. He's a nice guy and he's so hot.”

Laughing, Meridan said, “Listen at you, talking about another man! You're married.”

Standing, she said, “I know, but I'm not dead. Seriously though, are you in love with him?”

Blushing, Meridan softly said, “Yes.”

“Does he know?”

Lowering her head, she said, “No, he doesn't know.”

Hugging Meridan, she said, “You'll know when to tell him. You should go for it! But you need to be honest with him about your situation. I know you're still dealing with what happened to you, but if you love Keaton, he has a right to know. Okay?”

“We'll see. Thanks for talking to me tonight and explaining everything. I've missed talking to you, but we'll be talking more since we have a wedding to plan.”

“Yes, we do. Thanks for coming by, Gwendolyn.”

“You bet. Now, let me get out of your way so you can get some rest.”

“I love you, Gwendolyn.”

“I love you, too, little sister.”

As Gwendolyn opened Meridan's bedroom door to leave, she found Keaton standing there ready to knock.

Smiling, he asked, “Am I interrupting anything?”

Hugging him, Gwendolyn said, “No, not at all. I was just leaving. Goodnight, Keaton.”

“Goodnight, Gwendolyn,” he said as he hugged her back.

Meridan and Keaton watched Gwendolyn disappear down the hallway. Keaton turned back to Meridan and asked, “Ready to be tucked in?”

A chill traveled over her body, giving her goose bumps. It wasn't what he said; it was how he said it. Trying to hide the effect he had on her, she leaned against the door frame for balance and said, “Just about. Did everything get cleaned up?”

“Everything's done and Devon and Keyshaun are camped out in the den playing video games. William has taken Ms. Leona home. Do you want me to wait up for him?”

“That's so sweet of you, but no. I'm not sure Daddy's coming back home tonight.”

Smiling, he said, “He's a lucky man. Well, I'll let you get some rest. Goodnight, Meridan.”

As Keaton turned to walk toward his room, Meridan folded her arms and asked, “You mean to tell me I don't get a goodnight kiss, Keaton Lapahie?”

He turned back to her, pulling her into his arms, kissing her hungrily. Meridan returned the favor by pulling him to her, allowing his hands to caress the silk fabric covering her body. She was so full of emotion that she began to sob.

“What's wrong, sweetheart?” he asked with concern.

Wiping her tears, she said, “I'm sorry, Keaton. It's just that I appreciate everything you've done for me and my family this weekend. You're very special to me, Keaton. I've developed some very strong feelings for you, and it's getting harder for me to keep them under control.”

He lifted her chin. “Why try to control them?”

Meridan looked up at him, feeling slightly embarrassed. She knew if she allowed herself to lose control with Keaton, there's no telling where it might lead.

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