When Hell Freezes Over (6 page)

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Authors: Darrien Lee

BOOK: When Hell Freezes Over
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“If you had other plans, all you had to do was tell me.”

“Oh, no! She called after I talked to you. I told her I'd have one drink with her and I'm out of here.”

Swaying to the music, he asked, “Well, have you had your one drink?”

Meridan looked at her watch, smiled, and said, “I sure have.”

“Are you ready to go?”


“Did you drive?”

“No, I rode here with Nikki.”

He continued to dance with her in silence and began noticing how well she fit to his tall frame. He caressed her back, then said, “You know you're very tall.”

Smiling, she looked up at him, and answered, “So are you.”

He blushed. “Exactly how tall are you?”

“That's for me to know and you to find out.”

They laughed together.

He pulled her even closer, then whispered, “My ego's still bruised, Doctor, but I'll be a gentleman and ask if you'd like a ride home?”

“I was hoping you'd offer,” she responded with a smile.

Before leaving, Meridan hugged her friend and told her she'd call her tomorrow. She was a little reluctant to leave Nikki alone until her boyfriend showed up to keep her company.

Keaton was hypnotized by the fragrance Meridan wore. Once out in the bright lights in front of the club, he realized just how sexy she looked in her attire. All the other times he'd seen her she was in her medical uniforms. The short skirt revealed muscular legs and very sexy thighs. Her full hips left plenty to his imagination of the woman underneath the clothing. He opened the car door for her and tried not to stare when her skirt rose high on her thighs as she sat down. Closing the door, he walked around to the driver's side and mumbled, “Mercy.”

As he climbed into the car next to her, she said, “Keaton, thanks again for the ride home. If you'd given me your number, I could've called you back to reschedule our dinner.”

He smiled at her. “Don't stress out over it, Meridan, but this is the first time I've been stood up by a woman only to catch her out partying.”

Laughing, she said, “I said I was sorry. Now stop making me feel worse than I already do.”

“I'm only teasing and you look beautiful tonight,” he admitted before pulling away from the curb.

Surprised, she tilted her head. “Thank you. You don't look so bad yourself.”

They smiled at each other in silence until Meridan blushed and looked away. Keaton felt his stomach flutter momentarily. He reached into his jacket pocket and handed her a business card.

“Don't lose this card. It has all my numbers on it so you can't use that as an excuse anymore. Now, buckle up. Have you eaten?”

“No I haven't,” she admitted.

“Well, let me take you somewhere so I can get some food in your stomach, then I'll tuck you into bed.”

As soon as he said it, he realized how intimate his words must have sounded.

Meridan tilted her head again, looking over at him in silence. She studied his features for a few seconds, then said, “Thank you, Keaton, and I won't lose your number.”

“Good, now that's settled. So, what do you have a taste for?”

“I like everything,” she admitted.

Keaton pulled out of the parking lot and listened as Meridan told him of various restaurants in the area. They finally settled on an Italian restaurant.

Dinner and the conversation were wonderful, Keaton thought as he drove Meridan home. He couldn't believe he'd told her the reason he was in Philly visiting and about his high blood pressure. She was so easy to talk to and he felt like he'd known her for years. Once he started talking, he started spilling his guts about his personal life. It was so unlike him to talk so much about himself to a woman on the first date. Meridan made him feel so comfortable, he couldn't help himself.

Meridan told him that she was born and raised on a farm in Mississippi and that she'd gotten her unique name from her deceased mother. Meridan, Mississippi happened to be the city where her parents had met and fallen in love. He was in awe of her wholesome and sweet personality, and it was obvious she was a Southern girl. They came to a point when he realized it was time to cut their dinner short. Meridan had practically fallen asleep in her plate as the evening wore on. He eventually convinced her to get a doggy bag and they left the restaurant.

As he drove down the expressway, he looked over at Meridan as she slept. He was glad she'd given him directions before she fell asleep. It didn't take long for him to reach her home, which he noticed was a modest style home. His heart accelerated as he wondered how he'd wake her up. He didn't know where to touch her because he was afraid what it would do to him. He looked down at her shapely legs, sighed, then decided to take her hand into his gently. He caressed the back of her hand, waking her. She slowly opened her eyes and smiled.

“We made it, huh?”

Releasing her hand, he said, “Yes, now let me help you to the door so you can get to bed.”

Keaton unbuckled and exited the car. He walked around and opened the car door so she could step out. He extended his hand to assist her and she took it without hesitating. They made it to the front door and Meridan opened it, then walked over to deactivate the alarm. She turned and found Keaton still standing outside.

“Don't just stand there, silly. Come on in,” she said with a smile.

Keaton looked around. “Thanks, but I'd better get home so you can get some sleep.”

She walked over to him. “Are you willing to let me make tonight up to you?”

He kissed her on the cheek. “You already have. Goodnight, Meridan.”

“Goodnight, Keaton.”

She watched him drive off and, at that moment, she realized she'd been holding her breath.



he next morning, Keaton finally came to the conclusion that he'd never need an alarm clock as long as he stayed with his sister and her family. On this morning MaLeah sat on the pillow next to him singing the theme song to the
That's So Raven
show. Keaton slowly opened his eyes and watched her nibble on a Pop Tart. He studied her as the crumbs fell onto the sheet and realized he'd spoiled her to no end.

“Good Morning, Shorty.”

Smiling, she said, “Hi, Uncie Key.”

He pulled her gently by one of her long ponytails and said, “Give me a kiss.”

MaLeah gave her uncle a kiss, crumbs and all.

“Where's your momma and daddy?”

MaLeah offered him her half-eaten Pop Tart.

“Gone to work,” she sung.

Keaton jumped up and asked, “Where's Fredrick?”

“Gone with Daddy,” she announced.

Keaton hurried out of the bed to check out her story for himself, with MaLeah close on his heels. He quickly checked all the bedrooms, then walked downstairs. On the refrigerator was a note from Winston.

Hey, Bro,

I hope everything went well for you and the doctor last night. I took Fredrick over to Camille's house. I figured you and the princess would like to hang out together but, if you have plans, just drop MaLeah off over there also. Oh yeah…keep on practicing your song.



Keaton crumpled the note. “What he needs to be doing is getting my bike tuned up.”

“Uncie Key? Who are you talking to?”

Turning to MaLeah, he smiled. “Nobody, Shorty. Do you want some breakfast?”

Jumping up and down clapping, she yelled, “Yay!”

She knew her uncle loved to cook; especially for her and he always let her help.

About an hour or so later, their stomachs were full and the kitchen was clean. In MaLeah's room, he picked out an outfit for her to wear because today, he wanted to work out. He knew there was a possibility that he'd run into Dejá, but the fact was he really didn't want to go out with her anymore. Friends…fine, but anything more was out of the question. Dejá had taken care of his sexual appetite over the past several weeks, since his arrival in Philly. Now, like with all the others, he'd lost interest.

There was an inner-city basketball tournament for charity coming up and he had promised Winston he'd be in top shape to play on his team. Working out several days a week at the gym had helped him stay in shape. Arnelle had been checking his blood pressure regularly and it was doing very well. He'd be back to his restaurant in Texas in no time.

“Uncie Key! I don't want to wear those pants! I want to wear this!” MaLeah pulled out a red, chiffon Sunday dress.

He laughed. “Shorty, you can't wear a dress. We're going back to the gym.”


Arriving at the gym, Keaton took MaLeah to the playroom she'd grown accustomed to. She'd been there with her daddy and her uncle before and was quite familiar with it.

Squatting down eye-level with her, Keaton reminded her of the rules.
“Now I want you to be a good girl, Shorty. I'm going to work out and I'll be back in a little while. You have a lot of friends to play with and try not to be so bossy this time. Okay?”

She threw her arms around his neck and gave him a big kiss, saying, “K!”

About thirty minutes into his workout, Keaton couldn't help but replay the previous night in his head. Meridan was a stunning woman and during their conversation, he'd discovered she had a sister and a lot of cousins. He'd also found out that her father farmed one of the largest tracts of land in his area. He still couldn't believe he'd revealed so much about his life to her so soon. He'd told her that his dad was running for mayor and told her about his mom's catering business. Meridan seemed very impressed with all his family's accomplishments. Keaton expressed how much he admired her father for raising her and her sister alone while running a farm and a business. He still couldn't get over how tall Meridan was. She had to be at least six-two; a true-to-life Amazon.

In the gym, he continued to lift weights and work out. He noticed several attractive women working out alongside him but, for some strange reason, he wasn't interested in any of them. Thinking to himself, he wondered,
What the hell is wrong with me?

Moments later, one woman in particular approached him and asked if he'd spot her on the bench press. He accepted and stood over her to spot her. She was physically fit, attractive and appeared to be well into her forties but still trying to dress like she was in her twenties.

“So, what's your name?”


“It's nice to meet you, Keaton. My name's China. Do you live around here?”

In a friendly tone, he replied, “No, I'm visiting from Texas.”

The woman continued lifting the barbell as she questioned him.

“You should let me show you around sometime,” she volunteered.

Keaton was starting to feel disgusted, for some reason. The woman was clearly flirting.

In a dry tone, he said, “I have family here so I know my way around pretty good, but thanks for the offer.”

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