When It Rains... (13 page)

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Authors: Angie Daniels

BOOK: When It Rains...
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Natalia shook her head. “You don't mean that.”
“Yes, I do.”
“But why would you do that? Jay would provide financialsupport for both you and his child.”
“This has nothin' to do with money. If that were the case, I'd have this child and take Jay Andrews's mothafuckin'ass to the cleaners.” She shook her head. “I don't want to be a single parent. I want the husband
the child, not the child.”
Natalia found herself unable to argue her point. She would probably react the same way if she suddenly found herself pregnant and alone. While she could run to her parents for help, Kendra couldn't. Once she'd left, she never looked back. Now she was pregnant and alone. Natalia never wanted to be in the same predicament.She would be terrified. That alone made Kendra braver than she. In fact, the only flaw she'd noticed in her friend was that, starved for love, she usually looked for it in all the wrong fuckin' places—which was why Natalia had introduced her to Jay in the first place. She'd hoped to see the two people she loved most find happiness with one another. How wrong she had been.
She looked up to see Kendra staring at her and said, “You would just give your child away to some stranger?”
“If I had to, yes, I would.” Kendra shifted uneasily in the chair.
Natalia shook her head with disapproval. “I can't believe you'd even consider adoption, especially after the way you grew up.”
Kendra's expression stilled. “I'm doin' it
of the way I grew up. I know nothin' about being a mother, because I never really had a mother. And when she was around, she spent most of her day trying to beat me upside my head for my existence and for ruinin'her life. I don't want to look at this child someday and think about what could have been if he or she were never born.”
“Everything could work out in the end.” Natalia gave her a comforting smile.
Kendra dropped her shoulders and blew out a long breath. “I'm not cut out to be a single parent, Nat. Even you know that. I don't need baggage. It would be too hard for me to find a husband who'd want a ready-made family. I was stupid enough to believe Lawrence did, and I'll be damned before I take that chance again.” Her eyes became misty, and she lowered her head and dabbed them with her napkin. “Jay will have to marry me. That's the only option.”
Natalia stared at her, watching the rise and fall of her chest. There had to be some other way. “It sounds as if your mind is made up.”
“Yes, with Jay and this baby, it has to be all or nothin'.” She blinked back fresh tears and took a deep breath. “Are you mad at me?”
“No, because I know you're too damn selfish to be anyone's mother.”
Hurt darkened Kendra's eyes, and she blew air betweenher teeth. “Damn, girl! Why you have to be so hard?”
“It's true, but I love you just the same. I just hate that I'm now in the middle of this shit.” Natalia bit into her pizza. “However, my godchild is not being put up for adoption. I'm gonna convince Jay he's ready to be a father.”
Kendra's face shone. “Oh, hell yeah! I knew you would help me hook his chocolate ass.”
“I didn't say that.”
“Yes, you did. You know as well as I do that Jay isn't cut out to raise a child on his own. He needs me. This baby needs him.”
Natalia shook her head. “I don't think it's gonna work.”
“Yes, it will. I just need your help to pull it off.” Her eyes glimmered with hope.
Natalia groaned inwardly. How did she get herself involved in this shit?
Honey was curled up on the couch with a large bowl of buttered popcorn. It was her favorite night of the week. She never scheduled a date on Monday, not wantingto take the chance of missing her favorite lineup on UPN. She either laughed or cried at the characters, knowingthere were other people out there beside herself with drama in their lives. The characters dealt with somethingdifferent each week. They were survivors, like her.
Today's appointment with her psychologist went quite well. She felt that she was really beginning to heal. Soon, she would be able to put her past where it belonged forever ... in the past.
Glancing at the clock on top of her television, she noticed that she had still another five minutes before the first show began. She placed the bowl on the couch and returned to the kitchen for a big glass of chocolate milk. Nothing was better than chocolate milk and popcorn.
As she was pouring the syrup into a tall glass, the phone on the kitchen wall rang. Who could be calling her now? With a scowl, she reached for the phone as she retrieved a spoon from the drawer.
“Hello?” she asked while she stirred.
“May I please speak with Honey?” asked a raspy male voice.
Honey stopped stirring and tried to identify the voice, but failed. “Who is this?”
“Who's this?” the man countered.
Honey huffed and dropped a hand to her waist. “This is Honey, and I'm 'bout to hang up on your ass.” The brotha called at the wrong damn time to be playing games.
He chuckled. “My bad. Would you like for me to call at another time?”
“That depends on who's calling.”
“Dis Darrius.”
“Oh yeah,” she mumbled. Rashad hadn't wasted any time.
“Oh yeah,”
he mocked. “You sho don't sound too happy to hear from an old friend.”
Honey snorted. “You were never my friend. All you ever did was pick on me, making my life hell.”
“Then why did you tell Rashad to give me yo' number?”he challenged.
“Because I ...” She paused. He did have a point.
Darrius laughed at her silence. “What's wrong? Cat got your tongue?” He lowered his voice to a mellow tone. “Why don't you give me a chance to make it up to you?”
Hmmm, baby's got style.
Not used to such a bold introduction,she twirled the phone cord around her index finger without thinking. “Whatcha have in mind?”
“How 'bout I drop by your salon this week and we discuss dinner?”
Why the hell not? If she sat in the house alone anotherday thinking about Jay's mothafuckin' ass, she was going to go crazy. Besides, Darrius did sound good over the phone. “I guess so.”
“Either you do or you don't.”
She laughed outright at the blunt statement.
Talk about nerve.
“You're bossy, aren't you?”
“No. Just direct. It comes with havin' big balls.” She could hear the smile in his voice.
“And I like it in you. That's cool.” Looking toward the living room, she added, “But I got to go. My show just started, and I hate to miss the beginnin'.”
Chuckling, Darrius said, “I'll see you soon.”
Honey raced back to the living room and flopped down on the couch, wearing a wide grin.
Time must have done a brotha some good.
Darrius sounded quite interesting. He just might be what she needed to keep Jay off her mind. Maybe things really were beginning to look up for her again.
atalia sat behind her desk feeling a tremendous amount of frustration. She peered miserably around her lavish office as she pondered the problem at hand.
Last night she had planned to spend a quiet evening alone with Jacob. She'd prepared a fabulous lasagna dinner for two, including garlic bread and a tossed salad. She'd expected Jacob to come over straight after work, but when he hadn't arrived by eight o'clock she became worried and decided to page him. Jacob returnedthe call within minutes, but instead of apologizingfor being late, he accused her of trying to keep track of his black ass. Natalia had laughed it off, explainingshe was only concerned as to why the fuck he hadn't showed up yet for dinner. Jacob told her in a far-offvoice that tonight wasn't a good night, and not to expect him for dinner. He finished by informing her that he'd be in touch, and then hung up.
In touch!
His words had struck a nerve. Who the fuck did he think he was talking to? Gritting her teeth, Natalia searched for a meaning behind his words. She wasn't furious; instead, she was anxious to know what the hell was going on. Her eyes wandered restlessly to the phone, hoping Jacob would call with an explanationfor his rude behavior.
Trying again to shake off the gloom, Natalia picked up a pencil and began making changes to a sketch in front of her. Diva Designs was hosting an AIDS benefit fashion show in April, and alterations were still being made to the season's new designs.
Diva Designs created exquisite evening wear made of the finest fabric in brilliant colors that complementedwomen of color. The two-piece sketch in front of her consisted of a flattering metallic gold duster and black slacks; however, Natalia wasn't quite pleased with the design. Diva Designs contracted with designersfrom all over the world, but this was one of her own creations. With a degree as a fashion designer, she had a flair for style. The olive wool pantsuit she was wearingwas just a sample of her talent.
After several attempts, Natalia gave up. She couldn't concentrate. There was still a lot to do if she was going to be ready on time, but her thoughts were in turmoil. She dropped her pencil, sagged back against the leather chair, and asked herself again what could possibly be going on. The question stabbed at her heart. Since last night, she'd found herself feeling insecure about her relationship.It gnawed away at her confidence. Insecurity was one emotion she didn't particularly enjoy; she'd experienced it enough as a child.
Pushing back a wayward strand of hair, she reflected on the last nine months. She loved Jacob, and knew he also loved her. Not because he had told her so many times, but because he showed her in so many ways: romanticdinners, breakfast in bed, showering her with gifts, but most of all being there when she needed him the most.
She had given as good as she got. When his father, Sly Stone, passed away a month before, she'd been there to help him through it, giving him all the love and support she could provide. Which was why it was so fuckin' hard for her to understand why he was shutting her out. Something was obviously bothering him. Maybe her fears were premature; however, she wouldn't know for sure until he called.
Glancing down at her watch, Natalia discovered it was well past two o'clock. She'd missed lunch. Shhiiit. It didn't matter. Since last night, she had been unable to put anything down.
Before she could strike up the nerve to try reaching Jacob on his cell phone again, the door to her office swung open. It was Jay. Smiling, she relaxed in her seat, glad to see him. It gave her something else to think about, at least for the duration of his visit.
“What are you doing on this side of town?” she asked.
Jay strolled across the plush mauve carpet and sank into a Queen Anne chair opposite her desk. “You forgot who shares controlling interest in this corporation,” he said with a smirk. Jay had inherited half of Diva Designs and thousands of dollars when his grandfather died. But because he knew little to nothing about fashion designing,and really didn't give a fuck one way or another, he chose to be a silent partner and allowed Terraine, who had once worked side by side with their grandfather, to run the corporation the way he saw fit. Three months ago, Terraine took the corporation public. Together, the two shared the controlling 52 percent.
Jay laced his fingertips behind his head, then stretched out his long legs, crossing them at his ankles. “I got your message late last night. So I thought I'd show my face around here and visit with you at the same time. Did you get a chance to speak with Kendra?”
“Yes, that's why I called.” Natalia placed her red fingernailson the edge of the desk and peered into Jay's warm brown eyes. “It's your child.”
Feeling as if someone had punched him in the chest, Jay considered the revelation for a brief moment beforeasking, “How can you be so sure?”
Natalia blinked, surprised, then said, “I'm sure. I've been around Kendra enough years to know when her ass is lying.” She gave him a knowing look.
Jay nodded and leaned forward, then ran over her words in his head as he contemplated what he was going to do now that he knew for certain the baby was his. His eyes shifted away from Natalia briefly, then back again. “Did she say anything about givin' the baby up for adoption?”
Natalia rose from her chair, lips pinched. “Yes, and just as I told her, I think the two of you are making a big mistake.”
Jay shook his head. “I can't marry her, Nat.”
“I'm not asking you to marry her,” she said. “All I'm asking is that you raise the baby yourself.”
He looked up, confused, and said, “I don't know,” wishing he were as convinced of his ability to raise a child as Natalia.
She planted both hands on her trim waist. “Well then, you better figure it out, because that baby is gonna need a father. A mother, too, if you have any possibilities.” Natalia noticed Jay flinch slightly, and was surprised at what she read on his face. Her gaze narrowed. “You mean to tell me there
someone in your unstable life?”
Jay shrugged, then said, “Yes and no.” He paused then, but Natalia waited. Finally, he added, “Yes, I love someone.No, she won't have anything to do with my black ass.”
“Damn!” Natalia wagged her hand as if she'd been burned, then giggled. “Someone has finally sunk her teeth in you. Well, it's about time.” Moving merrily around her desk, she pulled up a chair so she could sit facing him. “Who is she?”
Jay chuckled at Natalia's response despite his anguish,and told her about Honey.
“She sounds lovely,” she said, and her eyes sparkled with approval. “When do I get to meet her?”
“Nat, don't start,” Jay groaned. “Honey isn't interestedin being anything but a friend.”
Natalia ignored his look of opposition. “Maybe you haven't tried hard enough. A good woman is worth fighting for.” She crossed one leg over the other. “Remember,I waited for Terraine to come around for fifteenyears.”
A grin stole across his face. “Yeah, and look what good it did you.”
Natalia frowned, and Jay opened his mouth to speak, but she jabbed him in the arm before spitting out a simplewarning: “Don't even go there.”
Honey had to pinch her arm just to make certain she wasn't dreaming. She had arrived at the salon around eight to find Rashad and a crew of five out front waiting in two trucks bearing the company's logo NOTHING BUT LOVE.
The rest of the morning breezed by in record time. Rashad instructed his crew, and by eleven o'clock most of the rubbish had been hauled away. Freddy's was beginning to look less like a diner, and Honey could almost visualize the changes to come.
While going over the layout of the area with her brother, she heard someone call his name. Rashad looked up first, then her eyes followed to find a fine brotha moving toward them. With eyes glued to the handsome stranger, Honey slid off the stool, brushing the dust from the back of her jeans. Her lips curled when she realized the stranger was Darrius. Gone was his frail, skinny body; in its place was a bomb-ass body. No longer slouching, the man moved with earned dignity.
“Hey, man, what's up?” Stepping forward, Rashad greeted him with a firm slap on the back.
“Just keepin' it real,” Darrius responded before his eyes traveled over to Honey. He honored her with a charming grin, causing her to blush.
My, my,
Honey thought as she took in his explosive good looks. A gorgeous brotha the color of roasted peanuts, Darrius was a tempting package. He was blessed with good hair that he once wore in a curly ponytail, but now was cut low. The gray two-piece suit added distinction to his features, and complemented his tall, solid frame. The years had definitely been good to him.
He greeted her with a warm brotherly hug. “You're still as fine as I remembered,” he said, pleased at what he saw. Pulling away slightly, he kept his arms wrapped loosely around her small waist while his dark eyes feasted on her pretty face.
Honey smiled up into a pair of magnificent tawny eyes and said, “You didn't turn out bad yourself.” The scent of his expensive cologne filled her nose. She waited, hoping to feel a warm tingle traveling through her veins or even a couple of drips in her panties. But her jaw sagged with disappointment. Nothing, not even a spark.
Darrius finally released her and Honey took two steps back, smiling brightly up at him.
Rashad poked Darrius in the arm. “Didn't I tell you she was somethin' else?”
Still gazing down at her with admiration, Darrius licked his lips before speaking in a low tone. “And for once you didn't lie.”
Honey rolled her eyes and grimaced, dying to knock a silly-ass grin off her brother's face. Standing next to her, Rashad began engaging in a conversation about her love for flannel as if she weren't there. She couldn't believe her ears. Matchmaking was bad enough. However,Rashad knew she didn't share her personal life with anyone. By the time she overheard him revealing she was a lousy cook, Honey decided to nip the conversationin the bud.
Enough is enough.
Agreeing to go out with one of Rashad's boys was becoming a grave mistake.
She propped her hands on her waist and said, “Rashad, don't you have work to do?”
The irritation in her voice got his attention. Realizingthat he probably said more than he should have, Rashad smiled and said, “Yeah, I guess I do.” He gazed at her for a second as if to say, “My bad,” before turning to Darrius. “Man, I'll holla atcha later.” They gave each other dap before he returned to his crew.
Honey clicked her tongue at her brother's retreating back and said, “You have to excuse him. Sometimes he doesn't know when to shut the hell up.”
Darrius chuckled at her irritated look. “No problem.”Hearing hammering behind him, he allowed his eyes to wander around the room. “Rashad says you're expanding your salon?” He faced her in time to watch her nod proudly in response. She was excited, and had every right to be. He was always happy to see a sista reach her dreams. Darrius's heart warmed with affection,and a smile crept to his lips. “Congratulations,” he added. “You've come a long way from my boy's pain-in-the-ass little sister.”
Honey slugged him playfully in the chest, and Darriusreacted as if she'd knocked the wind from his lungs before he laughed.
“Watch it, buddy,” she warned. “The way I rememberit, you had a mad crush on me.”
“True, that.” He allowed his eyes to travel the length of her again, taking a quick appraisal of her curves. “Damn, you look good! How have you been?”
“I've been good. And yourself?”
“I can't complain.” He stuck out his chest. “Life has been good to me. I'm a stockbroker.”
“Ooh! Wall Street,” she said, impressed. She could just see him racing around the stock market trading floor.
He chuckled. “Yeah, about as close as I'll ever get.”
She admired the way the corners of his eyes crinkled when he laughed. “Well, you definitely wear it well,” she murmured.
They grinned stupidly at each other.
“So, when can I take you out to dinner?” he finally asked.
She made a face. “I'm not sure if I want to go out with someone who thinks I'm a pain in the ass.”
Darrius dropped a hand to her shoulder and squeezed, then gave her a devilish grin. “You can pester me anytime.”
Staring up at him awhile longer, Honey waited for some kind of reaction. She hoped for at least a shiver. However, once again she didn't feel even an inkling of a response. She sighed. It was fuckin' hopeless. “I don't care.” She shrugged, then smiled. “I'm always game for a free meal.”
He looked surprised, and said jokingly, “You mean I'm paying?”
With narrowed eyes, she said, “Don't even play.”

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