When It Rains... (16 page)

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Authors: Angie Daniels

BOOK: When It Rains...
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“It's all about timing,” Jay said as he reached the door.
“Well, you need to hurry up,” she mumbled as he exited the room.
Sasha mouthed something off to her husband, then everything was quiet. Jay was certain Terraine had found a way to silence her.
While he was waiting for the elevator, his cell phone went off.
“Jay speaking.”
“Mr. Andrews, this is Jocelyn Price.”
Oh yeah.
“Thanks for returning my call. I spoke with my partner, and I'd like to hear more about your case. Can we meet?”
“Yes, definitely,” she answered. “I'm free tomorrow evening. How about dinner, my treat?”
Jay smiled. “Dinner would be fabulous, as long as I get to pick the place.”
“Fine,” she agreed. “I'll call you tomorrow.”
oney was squeezing into a pair of panty hose when the phone rang.
It better be important.
On one leg, she hopped over to her nightstand and retrieved the cordless.
“Who are you going out with?” Sasha barked before she even had a chance to say hello.
“Damn,” Honey muttered under her breath. While struggling to get her other leg into the hose without ripping them, she asked, “How'd you know I was going out?”
Sasha hesitated, then said, “Jay told me.”
“Jay!” Honey said. “What's he doing running his fuckin' mouth?” Blowing out a breath, she lowered herselfonto the edge of her red satin comforter before asking, “What did he say?”
“He wasn't gossiping or anything. Jay just happened to mention it to Terraine.” She clucked her tongue. “So, who is he?”
Honey groaned. She didn't need this shit, not after a long day. Candy had cleared most of the afternoon so she could leave the salon by four, only to find that she had nothing to wear, which meant she had to race to North-westPlaza. After spending an hour trying on dresses, she'd finally settled for a simple black turtleneck sweater dress she found on a clearance rack at JC Penney.
Rising, she peered at the clock and realized she had less than fifteen minutes before Darrius was to arrive. “It's no big deal,” she said by way of dismissal. “Just one of Rashad's bucktooth friends from junior high.” She padded to the adjoining bathroom decorated in rose and reached for the facial cleanser.
“Then why are you going out with him?” Sasha asked.
Honey spread the cream generously across her cheeks while wishing she hadn't bothered to answer the damn phone. “Not that it's any business of yours, but last time I checked I was still single and could do whatever the hell I wanted.”
“Well, Jay is pissed.”
Honey stopped scrubbing her face long enough to snarl, “I don't give a fuck!”
“Yes, you do.”
“No, I don't,” she snapped louder than she intended.
“Then why are you getting mad?” Humor had crept into Sasha's voice.
“I'm not getting mad.” Staring at her reflected image, Honey saw evidence of frustration. “I'm just sick of everyone gettin' in my damn business.”
“Girl, puhleeze! Your business is my business. Don't you know we're joined at the hip?”
“And I guess since you're married to one brother, you expect me to be dating the other?”
“What's wrong with that?”
“Bye, Sasha.” Honey depressed the button, ending the call on her best friend's giggles.
Leaning against the sink, she took a moment to grin at the fact that Jay had been discussing her. She wonderedwhat he was thinking.
Who gives a fuck?
she remindedherself. Brushing the thought aside, she splashed her face with cold water and reached for a face towel. She had a date to prepare for.
Moving to the full-length mirror behind the door, she glanced at her reflection and was pleased with what she saw. The dress was narrow, fitting her small breasts, narrow hips, and phat ass to perfection.
Not bad for a last-minute decision.
After one more quick look, she went in search of her black leather boots.
Tonight, Jay would be the furthest thing from her mind.
Max's Steakhouse was already crowded when they arrived. Luckily, they didn't have too long a wait. With his hand at the small of her back, Darrius escorted her to a cozy table for two at the left side of the room. The lights were dim, giving an intimate atmosphere. Soft dinner music was in the background, and the aroma of grilled meat filled the air.
Darrius pulled out a chair for her at a small table covered in white linen. A red rose was on display in the center. After the waitress took their drink orders, Darriuschatted away about the stock market. Honey had expected to be completely bored by the topic, but quickly found herself intrigued. He even agreed to help her put together a small portfolio when she was ready. During the conversation, she found her eyes lingering on his chest. She liked the way the peach rayon shirt fell from his wide shoulders. The color contrasted well with his skin. Darrius definitely had it goin' on. Intelligent eyes, full, juicy lips ... it was a shame she wasn't attracted to his sexy ass.
When the waitress returned with their drinks, Honey took the opportunity to peer out the window. She loved Clayton in the evening. Bright lights everywhere, the prestigious community was like a city within itself. Everything was right at your fingertips: shopping, art, restaurants. It even had its own downtown.
“What're you thinking about?” Darrius asked.
She turned to him, a smile on her lips and in her eyes. “Nothing. I was just lookin' at how beautiful the city is at night.”
Sitting opposite her, Darrius studied her face a moment,then said, “I disagree. The scenery in here is better.”He gave her a devilish grin.
Honey pursed her lips playfully. “Don't even go there.”
“My bad.” He threw his head back and chuckled. “You haven't changed a bit. You still don't believe in givin' a brotha a chance.” Pausing briefly, he sobered up before continuing, “All jokes aside, how's life been treating you?”
Honey fingered her water glass. “I haven't any complaints.Business has been good.”
With his arms on the table, Darrius leaned closer. “What about your personal life?” he probed. “Anyone special?”
“Nope,” she answered. “And I prefer to keep it that way.”
“That's understandable,” he agreed with a nod. “I'm recently divorced, with two little girls, Becky and Theresa. My pride-and-joys.” Reaching into his back pocket, he pulled out their photos, holding them out for her to see. They were the spitting image of their father, except for the large brown eyes Honey was sure they had inherited from their mother.
“They're beautiful children.”
“Yes,” he agreed as he returned the wallet to his pocket, his voice proud. “They made it quite hard to leave ... but my ex-wife didn't give me much of a choice.” His voice drifted; the divorce obviously wasn't of his choosing. He cleared his throat. “But enough about me. When are you gonna slow down long enough to start a family?”
Honey lowered her lashes and shook her head. “I have plenty of time for that later.” A lump rose to her throat. Reaching for her frosty strawberry margarita, she leaned in and took a cautious sip from the straw. She wasn't taking any chance of getting a brain freeze.
Darrius nodded. “Don't rush it, believe me.” His expressionturned thoughtful as he paused. “It
a lot of hard work. Marriage can be rewarding, but also a lot of pain.”
Honey pinched her lips. Pain was something she was familiar with.
Darrius moved a hand to hers and gripped it gently. “I'm gonna be honest with you.” He stopped to sigh, looking her directly in the eye. “I'm not ready for anotherserious relationship. I'm still tryin' to get over the last one.” His smile faltered at the reminder. “I hope I haven't misled you in any way, but I'm only interestedin conversation and company.”
Honey heaved a silent sigh of relief. This one wasn't going to be a problem. “That's fine by me.”
He smiled, pleased with himself. “Good, I'm glad we got that out of the way.” Before removing his hand, he added with a wolf grin, “But if I change my mind, you'll be the first to know.”
She was tempted to tell him not to even waste his time but thought better of it.
The waitress returned with a large sampler platter. When she departed with their dinner orders, Honey dropped a spicy wing in ranch dressing, then parted her lips and took a bite. “Ooh!” Eyes watering, she reached for her water and gulped until she could breathe again. “This shit is hot!”
Chuckling, Darrius appeared unaffected as he licked his fingertips. “The hotter the better.”
Honey decided to stay the hell away from the wings and helped herself to the fried zucchini. While enjoyingtheir appetizer, she and Darrius talked about the good old days and their old neighborhood.
“Do you remember Ms. Curtis?” Honey asked.
Twirling a straw around in his Long Island tea, Darriusanswered, “Sure. The old woman with the 'fro.”
She choked with laughter at the memory and nodded. Miss Curtis had been the principal of their junior high school. “Well, she married Ole' Man Smith.”
“You're shitting me?” he said. A retired Vietnam veteran, Ole' Man Smith was once the neighborhood drunk.
Honey nodded. “Miss Curtis cleaned his funky ass up and made an honest man out of him. Mom says he's a deacon at her church now.”
Darrius shook his head. “I can't believe it.” He was still chuckling when something over her shoulder caught his attention. He cocked his head toward the entrance.“Isn't that your boy over there?”
Honey shifted in her seat so she could see behind her, and what she saw made her drop her food. Steppinginto her line of vision was Jay. With a woman. Every muscle in Honey's body tensed. Taking a deep breath, she tried to pretend she couldn't care less, when in actuality she felt her heart turn over in her chest. She suddenly lost her appetite and pushed her plate away.
Jay was wearing a pair of tan pleated slacks and a rust-orange turtleneck that skimmed his chiseled chest. The outfit looked specially made for his tall physique. He had replaced a gold loop earring with a half-carat diamond stud, and gold chains were draped around his neck and wrist. He'd visited a barber recently; his wavy hair and beard were both neatly trimmed. Her heart thundered. Damn, Jay looked good.
And his chocolate ass knew it.
Moving as he was with a dignified grace, she could feel the power in his solid form. His arm draped around the woman's petite waist, he steered her in their direction, and Honey could only stare at him.
“Honey, what a pleasant surprise,” Jay greeted her.
She glowered at the man in question, who flashed a blinding smile at her, and snorted under her breath, “Yeah, right.”
Her gaze held his, and he knew she was voicing the silent irritation he knew all too well. Jay smirked in return,ignoring her obvious displeasure, and said, “Honey, let me introduce you to Dr. Jocelyn Price.”
The woman greeted her with a warm smile and an extended hand. Honey didn't miss the emphasis on “doctor.”Again, her eyes swung to the toasted almond–coloredwoman with freckles standing by his side. She was tall and willowy, and wore a slamming midnight-bluepantsuit. Draped over her arm was a winter-white wool coat. Her natural red hair was swept back in an elegantFrench braid, adding an air of sophistication. Eyes tawny, cheekbones high, she looked like something out of a glamour magazine.
The bitch ain't all that.
Jay rocked back on his heels in silent laughter, findingthe exchange amusing. His behavior infuriated Honey. Pasting on a fake grin, she managed a choked greeting. “Hello, Dr. Price.”
“Please, call me Jocelyn,” she said sweetly, her ringlesshand outstretched. Her long lashes fluttered as she spoke.
Leaning forward to shake her hand, Honey caught a whiff of her rich fragrance. Honey lowered her hand and gently dropped it to Darrius's arm, and her eyes swung up to Jay. “The other day, I didn't get a chance to introduce you two. I'd like both of you to meet Darrius.”
While Darrius and Jocelyn exchanged greetings, she watched closely for Jay's reaction. As she waited, she flashed a brilliant smile at her companion and leaned closer to him. As she had hoped, Jay's smile faded into a deadly expression, and jealousy flashed in his eyes before he could mask it with a smile.
Paybacks are a mothafucka,
she thought.
The men stared at each other before Jay initiated a courteous handshake.
“Would you care to join us?” Darrius offered politely.
As she swallowed her cry of protest, Honey's gaze slid from Jay to Darrius and back, and she was greeted by Jay's wide grin.
Don't even think about it,
she warned with her eyes.
Now that the tables were turned, Jay was enjoying himself. Even though he had no intention of sharing a table with them, he paused a little longer, making Honey suffer. While he watched her increasing discomfort,a knowing smile crept over his face before he finally answered, “Maybe next time.”
“Well ...” Honey hesitated as though unsure what to say next. Couldn't he tell she was uncomfortable?
But Jay didn't appear concerned. Silence enveloped them. The next minute felt like a fuckin' lifetime. The tension was thick. If she had a knife, she thought withouta hint of amusement, she could have sliced the shit. It was uncomfortable seeing Jay in the company of anotherwoman, and she wished he'd go take a seat at the table his waitress was preparing.

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