When It Rains... (4 page)

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Authors: Angie Daniels

BOOK: When It Rains...
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Jay rolled down the glass and flicked his cigarette out of the window into the chilly air. One thing he'd learned over the past several days was that he couldn't continue to run from shit. He'd run from so much shit all his life, and made too many damn mistakes along the way. It was time for him to come to terms with his decisions, put his pride aside, and fight for the things he wanted most.
How much was he willing to give up in the process?
Every fuckin' thing.
This time he was going to make everything right.
“It's time,” he whispered.
Even though he was still unsure of which direction his life was headed, Jay pressed down on the accelerator,no longer afraid of what the future might hold.
h, this is so cute!” Sasha cried, holding up a tiny pair of pink booties. “These are the smallest I've ever seen!” She showed the gift to her guests and listened to their awed reactions.
Both the large Persian rug and the polished hardwood floor under her feet were covered with gifts for the upcomingbirth. When a recent ultrasound confirmed that her first child was a girl, friends and family had taken advantage of that vital piece of information to purchase plenty of pink and yellow gifts.
Honey passed Sasha another beautifully wrapped package. “This one's from the future grandmother,” Honey announced, then glanced over at Roxaner Moore, who sat, beaming, at the far end of the couch. Roxaner was a petite woman with a girlish figure who managed to look superb in a washed-blue pantsuit. Her ebony hair, graying only at the temples, was cut into a short, tapered style that drew attention to a dark mocha face that was clear and free of wrinkles. Her gentle walnut eyes sparkled with pride. For years, Roxaner had waited patiently for the day to come when she could have the pleasure of a grandchild to spoil; now it was about to happen.
Sasha carefully opened the box, beautifully decoratedin pastel purple paper, trying to prevent it from tearing. She believed anything worth saving could be used again. Even though she had married into wealth, she hadn't allowed it to spoil her.
Lifting the lid, Sasha gasped and stared down at its contents for several seconds. When she looked up at Roxaner, her hazel eyes brimmed with tears. She removedan antique carousel music box and held it up for everyone to see, then said softly to her mother, “I alwayswondered what happened to this.”
Roxaner nodded knowingly. “I put it away, saving it for this day.”
Sasha could hear the love in her mother's voice. The family heirloom had passed to all the women in their family for generations. It had once belonged to Sasha when she was a little girl. One day she had dropped it on the floor. It had broken, and because she'd never seen it again, she thought her mother had been unable to repair it. However, Roxaner had the miniature horse glued back in place, then stored the carousel away in a box on a shelf for years, waiting for this day to arrive. As a single tear rolled down her cheek, Sasha rocked her swollen body off the couch and rose to hug her.
Honey watched the play of emotion on her friend's face, sharing in her joy. Her future goddaughter was going to be born into a family surrounded by love. She envisioned a little girl with Sasha's caramel complexionand naturally curly hair, and Terraine's signature raisin-brown eyes. Honey's throat tightened as she was painfully reminded of her own personal loss.
Damn, girl! Don't even go there.
She swallowed quickly, then handed Sasha another box. “This one's from me.”
Looking down at the wrapping paper decorated with
Sesame Street
characters, Sasha grinned. She raised the lid and eagerly removed a lovely white christening gown. “It's darling,” she gasped before leaning over to hug her best friend.
Her own tears unshed, Honey gazed at her friend and said, “I can't wait to see her wear it! She's gonna look absolutely beautiful.”
Several more gifts were opened. Sasha unwrapped a hand-sewn quilt, baby books, and several adorable outfits.Shortly thereafter, the group moved to the dining room, where a well-known caterer had delivered a sumptuous luncheon of teriyaki ribs, smothered potatoes,and a variety of salads.
Honey was cutting a long sheet cake decorated with pink candy booties when she felt a strange sensation. Sasha's husband, Terraine, had walked through the door, and Honey didn't have to turn around to know Jay was with him. She knew the brothers had gone ice fishing, and planned to return only after the guests had gone home.
Even with her back to the foyer, Honey was instantly aware of the exact moment Jay stepped into the room. A tingly sensation began to travel through her breasts making her nipples hard and aroused. Her breath caught in her throat as she turned slightly to her right. Jay was standing against the wall, laughing at something Roxanerhad said. He still looked just as she had rememberedhim, the image etched in her brain for months:
sexy as a mothafucka
Honey looked away before Jay had a chance to notice her. She resumed cutting the cake, but realized her hand was shaking as she placed slices on the small decorativeplates. She took several deep breaths, trying to calm her body.
Relax, girl.
Echoes of laughter ricocheted around the room, but Honey couldn't hear anything above the hammering of her own damn heart. With great effort, she tried not to turn his way again, but Jay's silence and the feeling that he was looking her way made her feel too self-conscious. With her mind wandering, her eyes eventually looked up to see Jay still standing in the corner, making it no secret that he was indeed watching her.
Cheeks burning with embarrassment, Honey grabbed the empty punch bowl from the table and backed out of the room into the kitchen. Once she was alone she set the bowl on the counter and let out a deep, shaky breath, realizing she'd been holding it since she found Jay assessingher. She ran nervous fingers through her hair, displeased with her shameful reaction. She knew it would be difficult seeing him again, but she'd never imagined her reaction would be so powerful.
Honey moved away from the Formica countertop and shook her head, trying to remove any further thoughts. She scowled and mumbled, “Shit,” as she reached into the refrigerator for punch ingredients. How the hell could one man have so much power over her? She didn't like it one bit. After being in control of her emotions for almosttwenty-seven years, she was angered that one man was capable of turning her life upside down.
After mixing the tropical concoction, Honey poured herself a sample. Then, satisfied that she'd gotten the proportions right, she picked up the bowl, feeling more in control, and turned to leave. She almost collided with Jay, whose muscular frame filled the entire doorway.Even though punch sloshed onto the floor and all over her brown leather boots, Honey barely noticed. Even as she grabbed a dishcloth and hastily wiped up the spill, her eyes were drawn to his broad shoulders and those bulky arms folded comfortably across his massive chest.
“Hey, Honey,” he said. Their eyes locked.
At the sound of her name falling from his lips, Honey's heart raced wildly, and her eyes moved appreciativelyover his frame. His muscular, solidly constructedbody was the color of bread toasted to perfection. He had the most remarkable brown eyes, accented by bushy coal-black eyebrows that connected slightly in the middle. Hanging from his left earlobe was a small gold loop that made him appear sexier than ever. Her eyes shifted to his full lips, and her memory relived the exquisite softness of their touch that had sent shock waves through her body. Sensing there was something different about him, she shifted her gaze and realized he was sporting a beard that had grown in smoothly across his square jaw, connecting with a thin mustache. It didn't appear unkempt, but added a little flava to his overall rugged image. She had to resist a strong urge to reach up and stroke it as soon as she placed the punch-soakedcloth on the counter.
As he stood there towering over her, Jay's smile broadened and two deep dimples appeared at his cheeks. His nearness sent a small shiver racing down her back, causing her to respond with a breathless “Hey.”
Silence fell over them as Jay recalled the last time he'd seen her: at his brother's wedding. That afternoon, it had taken all he had not to get down on one knee and beg her for another chance. Instead, he'd acted as cool as he could possibly manage and kept his distance, givingher what he believed she wanted: to be left alone.
Jay dropped his arms and stepped inside the room to stand in front of her. “What's been up with you?” he asked, eyes glued to her face.
His broad, dimpled grin was contagious, and Honey managed to return the same friendly smile. “I ... I've been well,” she managed to say. The depth of her feelingsat seeing him again made her voice raspy, and she cleared her throat. He was so close she could smell him. It was a dizzying combination of a spicy scent that was so much his own, but tainted with ... stankin'-assfish, compliments of his fishing trip that day.
She took a moment to regain her composure, steppingback from this giant who stood a foot taller than she, minimizing the electrifying potential of their bodiestouching and attempting to steady her emotions. “I've been meaning to call you. I, uh, need to upgrade my security system.” Her voice trembled, but she was surprised at how easily the lie fell from her lips.
Bitch, why did you say that? There ain't a damn thing wrong with your burglar alarm.
On the other hand, her words weren't completely untrue. If she got the loan to purchasethe space next door, of course she would need to have the space rewired.
Jay's smile faltered. He, too, had felt the unforgettable heat generated when their bodies were mere inches from each other, and he wanted more of it. He felt so alive when she was near. Her matter-of-fact statement affectedhim more than he cared to admit. He felt a tinge of disappointment as he came to understand that she had intended to contact him strictly for business purposes.
Taking a step closer, Jay tilted his head and looked down at the tiny woman, happy to see that her gorgeousface still brightened an entire room. Shiny chestnutcurls framed a heart-shaped face of delicate beauty. Long, dark lashes surrounded enormous gray eyes the color of a stormy sky, eyes that seemed to grow darker the longer he stared into them. He felt the strongest urge to trace her high, exotic cheekbones tenderly with his fingertips, to brush his fingers lightly across her charming little nose, and then caress the most beautiful creamy skin he'd ever come in contact with.
But that shit wasn't going to happen. Forcing himselfback into business mode, he replied, “No problem. I'll have one of my technicians swing by your salon next week.” He immediately changed his mind, but chose not to mention it. Not just yet. As the owner of Extreme Measures, a private investigation and security firm, Jay seldom worked the field unless his expertise was needed—he had employees trained for almost every type of case the agency accepted. But this time he didn't want to pass up an opportunity to spend time with her. In this particular case, he was more than willingto make an exception.
“All right,” she answered awkwardly, telling herself she needed to be strong and resist him. Maybe she should say something to erase any thought that she regrettedher decision to end their relationship. But his intense gaze caused her throat to tighten, preventing any additional discussion.
Granting him no more than an additional flickering glance, Honey swept past him and hurried into the dining room, trying not to let her nipples brush against his clothing. She placed the bowl at the center of the table and leaned against it, needing those few seconds to get her emotions back under control. Jay's presence had left her feeling vulnerable, and Honey was anxious to regain her better senses. Her brain seemed to stop functioning when Jay was near. Her heart was beating so fuckin' loud she could feel it pulsing in her ears. She had read the desire in his eyes, and because of it, her emotions had become a mixture of irritation and unwantedexcitement.
For the rest of the afternoon, the women played silly baby games while the brothers sat out on the wraparounddeck drinking brews and cleaning fish. It was cold outside, but Jay didn't notice; he found himself repeatedlylooking over his shoulder through the glass and into the living room at Honey, whose skin appearedto glow under the recessed lighting. She had paired a pink cashmere sweater with snug blue jeans that made her ass look sexier than ever. As he watched her mouth curl into a sensual smile, he felt a strong urge to go back inside and press her petite form against his, embracing her in a passionate kiss that would erase all insecurities and doubts from her mind. Once, when she turned toward the glass, their eyes tangled and love flooded the gaping wound in his heart as he rememberedhow painful it felt when she had shut him out of her life.
Jay's feelings for her hadn't changed. Honey still made his cheeks flush and his most intimate part hot and aroused. Gradually, as he observed her, he realized why he hadn't been successful in removing her from his heart.
That's what love does.
Jay's eyes widened with the realization. He loved Honey.
Terraine snapped two fingers before his brother's eyes, trying to release him from his trance. “Jay, man, when you gonna admit Honey's got your nose wide open?” Terraine teased.
Startled, Jay blinked several times, then frowned beforereaching into the bucket for another fish.
The brother Terraine grew up with had always kept a string of women on hand, and flinched at the word
. But in the last several months, detailed accounts of one
ass after another seemed to have ceased. Terraine was certain Honey had had something to do with Jay's unusual behavior. After observing Jay's far-off expression only seconds ago, Terraine was more certain than ever. He couldn't have picked a better woman for his brother.
After a while, Jay stopped skinning catfish and slowly raised his head. With a sigh of defeat he answered,“What good would it do? Honey ain't hearing it.”

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