When Kat's Away [Sequel to Anna Doubles Down] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (7 page)

BOOK: When Kat's Away [Sequel to Anna Doubles Down] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Alicia took his arm. “Timothy, please, let go of this. You can’t make Pa proud because he’s dead. You can only bring shame on yourself, and maybe even me.”

He hugged her close to his side. “Don’t you worry none, little sister. Maybe I’ll just get her to tell me how she got here. I mean, if she can get here, then somebody should be able to go back to where she came from.”

Alicia’s eyes widened. “You mean go to the future?”

“Yeah, that’s exactly what I mean. What if we could travel to some new place that had never heard of Bart Canders and what he did? We could have a wonderful life, Alicia. We could have a chance to make something of ourselves.”

She shook her head and glanced around warily. “Timothy, I fear you have more of Pa in you than I originally thought. Please promise me you won’t do anything stupid.”

He took her hand and guided her to the buggy he’d left parked at the livery. “Don’t worry, Alicia. I’ll be very careful. I promise you I won’t get into trouble like Pa did.”


* * * *


Kat looked at Anna’s family sitting around the dinner table. She’d spent the day exploring with David and Win, and now everyone had gathered for the evening meal. “How the hell do you stay up on what’s happening in the world? Or in the United States for that matter?”

Anna laughed. “We do have access to newspapers from time to time.” She looked at David. “Do you still have the one that miner from Wyoming left here a while back?”

He nodded. “Yeah, I put it in my desk, upstairs. I’ll run get it.”

Kat watched the way his pants contoured over his ass as he left the room. She cleared her throat. “So, what kinds of things have been in your news lately?”

Beau choked on his water. “How far back do you want to know about?”

“Let’s just stick with the last year for now.”

He scratched his head. “Let’s see…”

Anna patted his arm. “Stick with things you think might interest her, maybe things that would also apply in her time.”

“In my time. I thought it was your time too.”

Anna ran her hand along Beau’s cheek. “Not anymore. I’m living in the time I’m supposed to be in.”

Beau grabbed her hand and kissed her fingers. “Okay, in late January, or maybe it was early February, the Spanish-American War ended.”

Kat nodded. “Uh-huh.”

He laughed. “Okay, how about March of last year the first automobile was sold, and Traveler’s Insurance wrote the first insurance policy for drivers?”

Anna punched his arm. “Come on, give her the good stuff.” She took Kat’s hand and squeezed. “They just came out last month with a soft drink called Brad’s Drink.” She shook Kat’s arm. “I swear, Kat, you’d think you were drinking a Pepsi.”

Kat leaned forward. “Do you have any?”

“No.” Anna sighed. “We only got the sample case and it didn’t last a week. I’ve got an order coming from North Carolina, but I’m told they’ve oversold their inventory so it’ll be a while.” She sat back in her seat. “Oh, and aspirin finally became available in March of this year.”

“Wow.” Kat giggled. “That was really noteworthy.”

David walked into the room and handed Kat a yellowed newspaper, his fingers trailing softly over her skin. “We had a miner from Wyoming stay here for one night back a couple of years ago. He was just traveling through.” He leaned closer, his warm breath fanning her cheek. “Take a look. You might find it interesting.”

She gulped, her hands shaking, and looked at the paper. “Lander, Wyoming, Monday, September 27, 1897.” She glanced at the front page and laughed. “Exciting headlines. Banker’s Protest, Free Silver Camp Meeting, Success Assured.” She turned the page. “Oh, this is cool.
The Frozen Deep
, a novel by Wilkie Collins, International Press Association.”

“Hey, I remember that.” Zeke got up to get the coffeepot. “It was a very interesting story.”

David leaned closer to look over her shoulder, his clean, masculine scent intoxicating. Clearing her throat, she turned her attention back to the paper.

“Oh, my gosh, listen to this ad. Don’t tobacco spit and smoke your life away. It’s an advertisement for some kind of smoking cure. It says all druggists fifty cents or a dollar. Cure guaranteed.”

Anna reached for the paper and flipped it over. “Sit down, David. She doesn’t need your help to read. Turn the page over, Kat. There’s a story about a photographer who tried to take a picture of some lions on the beach and narrowly escaped being eaten alive. He told the lions to ‘smile.’”

Kat laughed as she watched David pout as he returned to his seat. “It has an ad here from Mrs. Pinkham of Lynn, Massachusetts. She gives free advice to women on life’s issues. There’s even an advertisement to buy a buggy harness for eight dollars and fifty cents from a wholesaler in Denver.”

“Sounds reasonable,” said Beau.

“Holy crap! They’ll send you the merchandise for examination before you buy.”

Beau took his plate to the sink. “Yeah, people are pretty trusting.”

Zeke got to his feet and stretched. “Well, this has been fun, but you’re heading to Treasure City tomorrow morning so you’ll need a good night’s sleep. It’s a fairly long ride, and you’re not used to the hard buggy seat. I’m betting it’ll be a slow trip with you needing to stop every once in a while.”

Beau pulled out Anna’s chair. “We’ll be saying good night as well. Just lock up when you leave, David, and we’ll come over later in the morning and open up. Take your time and if the weather turns bad just get a hotel room and come back the next day. I’d rather you not make the trip after dark if it’s storming.”

“Don’t worry, we’ll take every precaution.” David glanced at Kat. “Wouldn’t want to do anything to endanger our guest.”

Anna snorted and walked toward the door. She turned back and gave Kat a long look. “I want you to remember something.”

Chapter 3


“What’s that?” asked Kat.

“Enjoy your day, but try and keep an open mind about where you are now.”

“What does that mean?”

“Look first, speak never. Don’t comment on anything until you come back here. Women don’t regularly give their opinion on anything these days.”

Kat groaned. “Don’t tell me. Let me guess. Women can’t even vote yet.”

Anna laughed. “Now, you know as well as I do that women won’t be allowed to vote all over the States until 1920, although there are places in the West where we can vote now. I think Wyoming was the first to pass a law giving women the right some thirty years ago. Hell, they had the first woman judge ever.”

“So, why haven’t you up and moved to Wyoming?” asked Kat, trying to hold in her laughter.

“Because the time portal’s here, you ninny.” Anna hugged Kat and then took each of her husband’s arms and left.

Kat stood and began picking up the plates from the table. David walked over and took them from her hand, his fingers caressing hers under the plates.

“Let us get these, Kat. You must be tired after your first full day.”

Win walked over and picked up more of the plates. “What’s your first impression of our little town?”

She sat back down. “It’s too quiet. It needs the sound of children.” She ran her finger around the edge of her glass. “Anna says the miners have kids. Where are they? Why aren’t they in school?”

“There are around twenty or so children that I can remember. Isn’t that right, Win?”

“Yes, sounds about right.”

“The miners keep them inside during the day. The parents are off working at the mill or the mine, and they leave orders for them to stay in and not run around getting in folks’ way.” He put the dishes in a pan in the sink and then turned to look at Kat. “Do you think you’d like to open up the school?”

Win pulled out a chair and sat down at the table. “It’s been closed for a long time. It might be difficult to get them to trust someone they don’t know.”

Kat sighed. “Well, after tomorrow I won’t look like such a stranger, so maybe they’ll give me a chance then. It’s the only thing I know how to do. How old are the children? Do you know?”

David looked at Win and then back at Kat. “I think they range from small boys of five or six, to older girls and boys around fourteen or fifteen.”

“But you can forget about the older boys.” Win ran his hand through his hair.

“Why?” asked Kat.

“Their folks wouldn’t want to waste the boys’ time in school. Boys that age are for working the fields and in some cases the mine itself. You won’t be persuading the parents to let them boys come to class, unless it’s the dead of winter.”

Kat stood. “We’ll see about that. Education is important for everyone.”

David walked over and put his hands on her shoulders, giving her a light massage. “He didn’t mean anything by it, Kat. We just don’t want you to get your hopes up. Can you forgive us?” He took a small step closer.

Kat’s breath caught as she gazed into his eyes. She felt Win move to stand close at her side. “Uh, there’s nothing to forgive. I just won’t worry about it until it’s time to open the school.” She took a small step back and looked down at her feet. “What time are we leaving in the morning?”

David moved close enough for her to feel his breath against her forehead. “We’ll leave out at first light if that’s okay with you.”

She nodded. “Then I need to get to bed. I’m not exactly a bright morning person.” She swallowed and took a deep breath before looking up. “Well, dinner was wonderful, and I’ll just say good night now.”

David leaned down and lowered his voice to almost a whisper. “Good night, beautiful Kat.” He touched his mouth lightly to hers, pressing harder when she didn’t push him away. His tongue came out and glided across her lips, but she stubbornly kept her mouth closed.

Anna would never forgive me if she walked in right now.

When he finally pulled back, she turned quickly, determined to get away before anything else could happen. She gasped when she found herself firmly in Win’s embrace. He kissed her, taking full advantage, his tongue forging inside. She became lost in the sensations of his tongue exploring her mouth. When he ended the kiss, she pulled back, unable to meet his gaze.

“Good night,” she mumbled, racing from the room.


* * * *


David grabbed Win and pushed him against the sink. “That was so hot, watching you kiss her.” He pressed closer, their hips grinding together, their tongues twining. He pulled back from Win’s lips to nibble on his jaw and felt his lover’s lips and tongue against his neck, licking, sucking, and biting gently.

“Do you want to go upstairs?” Win whispered.

He hooked his finger in Win’s belt loop and pulled their hips back together then walked him backward until they hit a wall. Leaning forward, he nuzzled cheek. “It would take too much time.”

Licking just below his ear, David slid his hand beneath Win’s shirt and drew little circles on his heated skin. He rubbed their cheeks together as he began to unbutton Win’s shirt. He pushed the cloth over Win’s shoulders and smiled when his nipples hardened under his gaze.

Win leaned forward and licked at his mouth, his tongue tracing David’s lips then licking them open. He turned the kiss into a sensual massage, his hands sliding down, rubbing, kneading David’s back. His tongue and lips traveled over David’s chin then licked the length of his throat.

David raised his hands to stroke Win’s smooth chest and stomach, stopping to tweak his nipples. Leaning close, he latched on to the brown circle, flicking his tongue back and forth, swirling around the tight bud. He inhaled Win’s sweet scent, his tongue trailing down his belly while one hand slid down Win’s side, his fingers clutching the denim-clad hip.

Win pushed him back. “Take off your shirt.” He helped David peel the shirt from his body, pressing a soft kiss to his stomach.

David groaned, fisting his hand in Win’s hair. His lover was so damn hard his cock was outlined perfectly in the thick denim of his pants. David’s fingers crept to the buttons, unfastening them one by one, until Win’s hard cock sprang free, his sac hanging low and heavy.

Win reached out and grabbed his hand, guiding it to his cock. “Touch me,” he begged.

Win’s cock reached almost to his navel, his balls larger than David ever seen them. David let his hand caress the length while his other hand swiftly undid his own pants. Pumping his arm, he reached back and slipped his fingers into Win’s crease, tapping the tight opening hidden there with his middle finger.

“This ass was made for my cock.”

“Don’t make me wait.” Win pushed his own pants down around his knees and then pushed David’s past his hips. He cupped David’s ass, taking his lips in a carnal kiss.

David clenched his stomach and rubbed his cock along Win’s and then slowly lowered himself to his knees. “Gotta taste you now,” he said, cupping Win’s balls, swallowing down half his length and sucking. Carefully he moved his hand up and down the rigid cock, his other hand gently cupping the heavy, warm sac beneath, slowly stroking him.

“David, that feels so good.”

He licked his way up Win’s shaft and flicked his tongue over and around the head. Animalistic growls came from Win as he lapped at the distended head. He explored his cock thoroughly, tongue tracing the veins, the head, dipping into the slit. Then, he swallowed him to the hilt, his nose buried deep into his musky-smelling curls.

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