Read When Lightning Strikes Online

Authors: Sedona Venez

Tags: #Credence Curse#2

When Lightning Strikes (24 page)

BOOK: When Lightning Strikes
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All of them stared at me as if they had discovered a new species in the wild.

Soar stepped forward. “I’ve never seen a mate mark quite like that.”

I looked at Ryker. “And what about you, Ryker?”

He shrugged. “Never. But I wouldn’t worry about it.”

I looked at him like he had lost his mind. “There is a mark on my shoulder that wasn’t there last night, and you want to ignore it?” I tapped my chin. “Uh, right…” I rolled my eyes and pointed at Jackal. “You, geek guy wrapped in the body of a male model. Find out what the hell this is. Search the Other search engine or something.”

He laughed. “And what keywords should I enter, oh wise one? Fae, Witch, fucked, an Alpha?”

I threw my hands in the air. “Now everyone thinks they’re a comedian.” My lips twitched into a smile. “Forget it. You’re right. This is unexplainable.”

Soar gulped his coffee. “Exactly. Unexplainable. We’re shifters who transform into wolves. Try and explain that logically.”

“Okay, so riddle me this, shifter. Why do I feel like this is a big deal?”

Ryker kissed me softly. “Because it probably is. That’s why when I’m not around, the pack protects you.”

He was acting nonchalant, but I knew it wasn’t that simple. “So let me get this straight. I’m supposed live my life under twenty-four-seven protection?”

“Until we eliminate the threat. Stop worrying. Get your ass over here.” He pulled out the stool.

“And what about my job?” I demanded as I sat down. I wasn’t stupid. I knew things had changed. I wasn’t only the mate of an Alpha shifter, but the mate of the most respected and hated Other in North America. There was bound to be some issues from Others trying to hurt him by using me, and I couldn’t risk that happening.

“When the Council reinstates Credence O., you go back to work.” His mouth smashed down onto mine. He pulled back, trailing a finger across my lips. “I’m not trying to change you, Light. But you’ll always have security. That shit is not negotiable.”

I was happy we weren’t going to have an ugly argument about me working, because I wasn’t ever going to step back from working at Credence O. Storm and I had worked hard for our business stake in the company, and I refused to walk away from something I loved. And besides, I truly believed women should be financially independent from their men.

I sighed heavily. “We’ll work on the logistics of making this work without putting me in solitary confinement.”

He smiled. “I’m one lucky shifter,” he drawled.

“And don’t you forget it,” I responded before he pushed a steaming cup of espresso across the counter. I rubbed my hand across his cheek. “My man remembered. That’s earned you one hot and heavy session of me on my knees blowing your mind.”

He winked. “I can’t wait,” he responded before swinging me away from the breathtaking Central Park view. “Now let me cook my woman some breakfast.” I sat there in awe, watching him bustle around, chopping vegetables, stirring things around in the pan, all confident and sure-like. I fucking loved watching him cook. I was so hot and bothered, all I wanted to do was rip his clothes off and have my filthy way with him right there on the granite kitchen counter.

As if he could sense my thoughts, he froze, looking over his shoulders with a sexy smile. And that was all I needed. I hopped off the stool as he turned around, watching my approach with predator eyes, making my heart race with excitement. Stopping right before him, I stepped between his legs, grabbing his hips, reaching up to lick his silky warm lips. Pushing into his mouth with a persistent tongue. He squeezed my ass with one hand, the other wrapped around my waist possessively. I almost came when he sucked my tongue into his mouth, twining around it. He plundered, possessed, nipped. He growled, a sound that rumbled deep in his chest as he hoisted me up, kneading my ass with two hands. Instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his waist, completely gone. I wanted him right now and be damned who knew.

He pulled back with a husky, “We’ll finish this later.” He kissed me softly before effortlessly carrying me back to the stool.

Jackal stared with his tablet dangling precariously from his fingers. “Holy shit! That was fucking hot.”

Rip shifted away from the counter sheepishly, trying to hide his obvious hard-on. I winked. “Don’t be embarrassed. It was definitely a ‘cigars on ice’ moment.”

Rip scoffed. “I’m not embarrassed. I’m pissed I don’t have time to take a cold shower to relieve my hard-on.”

Jackal shook his head. “See? This is what happens when you don’t get laid on a regular basis. A lifetime of embarrassing cigars on ice moments.”

Annoyed by his attitude, Rip scoffed. “Shut up. I wouldn’t be bragging when you’re secretly lusting after a hybrid vampire.”

Jackal slammed his cup onto the table. “I don’t do vampires.”

Rip grabbed a plate piled high with bacon and eggs, looking pointedly at Jackal. “Yeah, that’s why you were growling at anyone who even blinked at her. Bullshit.”

“Hold on, no one talks about my best friend like that,” I snapped.

Ryker slid a plate with a fluffy omelet in front of me. “Eat, baby.” He glared at Jackal. “Don’t set her off. She’s the calmest I’ve seen her in days.”

“I’m not done with you.” I dug my fork into the omelet, giving Jackal the evil eye. The first bite melted in my mouth. “Oh. My. God. This is the tastiest thing I’ve ever eaten.”

Ryker growled playfully.

I winked at him. “Besides you, baby.” I continued eating as they piled plates high with food and dug in. I had to admit the vibe was relaxed, like a real family, and I loved it. I pointed my fork at Rip. “Hey, where’s Bones?”

He snarled. “Having a conversation with his former mentor, Noah.”

“Conversation?” I took a sip of espresso. “Is that code for kicking his ass?”

He looked at Ryker pointedly.

“No, that’s code for having a civil conversation before we have to drag his ass in by force,” Ryker responded with a hard voice.

“Hmmm.” I chewed. “Any attempts to attack the gala last night?”

Soar’s face tightened. “No. Apparently they were warned by a snitch that we were waiting and prepared for them.”

I watched Ryker shake his head at Soar. My eyes narrowed. Something was going on within the pack that had everyone on edge. “You know, there might be an easier way to get information about the Shadows.” My eyes slid to Ryker, then back to the pack.

Ryker pushed his plate away. “No.”

Rip looked at him. “No to what?”

I shrugged. “I’m just saying…”

“The answer is still no. You are not contacting your father.”

I stared at him, annoyed. “Sperm donor. He’s not my father.” I continued eating. “You know the crazy thing is I think I’ve seen him before. I can’t remember where.”

Rip scoffed. “Of course you’ve seen him before. He pretty much admitted he’s been stalking you since you were born.”

I shivered. “Okay, the way you put it sounds creepy.”

“Because it is,” Jackal interjected. “And your grandather sending men to kidnap you is even creepier.”

Ryker got up with his plate. “We don’t need him. Your mom found a lead on the missing client list.”

“Good. So after we eat, we’ll head over there.” I continued to eat. I was ravenous.

Soar’s cell rang, but he continued shoveling food into his mouth. “No, that’s great.” He hung up. “We got the location of the Shadows’s hideout.”

“I’m done eating. Let me get my bag and we’ll roll.” I pushed away from the counter.

Ryker grabbed my face. “Forget about contacting your father. Ever,” he stated flatly.

I cupped his cheek. “Baby, I don’t take orders. Now ask nicely.”

“Don’t fucking try to find him,” he growled. “Is that nice enough?”

I smiled sweetly… too sweetly. He glared. “We’ll work on your manners later. Many of the most valuable etiquette lessons can be learned under the guidance of my mouth on your cock,” I turned on my heel, swaggering away. I was so done discussing this.



mirror, making sure the SUV trailing us with Jackal, Rip, and Soar was still behind us, while I sat silently fuming. He placed a hand on my thigh. I glared, pushing his hand off.

Ryker sighed. “Still angry with me, I see.”

I looked at him incredulously. “I’ve been sitting here in ‘I don’t give a shit’ mode for eleven minutes. And now you’re noticing?”

He gave me a blank stare.

I rolled my eyes. I couldn’t believe he was that clueless about how pissed off I was. Not one word did I utter when he shoved me into his SUV. Shit, even the pack knew I was angry. And smartly, they decided to ride in separate vehicles, trying to stay out of the line of fire.

“I’m going to be clear so we don’t have these communication gaps again. I don’t like ‘you woman, me man’ caveman shit. Now, I’m not asking you to get all poetic while communicating with me, but I…”

He scoffed. “Good, because that shit ain’t happening.”

I blew out.
Patience, Light.
My gorgeous savage beast was going to take more work than I envisioned, but I was up to the job.

“Like I was saying before I was rudely interrupted…” I pursed my lips. “I don’t expect you to be poetic. Shit, you’re incapable of not grunting every other word.” He grunted. I shook my head with dismay. “But I do expect you not to bark orders at me. I’m your mate, your equal, and I expect to be treated as such. Now I’m capable of being reasonable, contrary to your belief.” He snorted. I scowled. “So if you think I’m in fucking danger, communicate with me in a way that won’t make me want to punch you in the fucking throat.”

The vein along his jaw pulsed. “Do you even get that I’m worried about the Shadows? That I think they’re planning another move on you?” He paused. “I won’t survive losing you.” He glanced at me with pained eyes. “So if you’re expecting me to apologize for wanting to protect you, that shit ain’t happening.”

I sighed, grabbing his hand, kissing his fingers. “I get it. You don’t have to be so fucking abrasive about it. That’s all I’m saying, Alpha.”

He grunted. “I’ll work on my delivery.” He winked at me. “But I still need those valuable etiquette lessons you promised to give me under the guidance of your mouth on my cock.”

I smiled, looking out the window, when the comeback died on my lips as a black SUV slammed into the driver’s door, sending us spinning around. My head cracked against the window. Dazed, I pressed a hand to my forehead. My fingers trembled when I felt the bleeding gash.

“Light? You okay?”

My head was pounding as I tried not to give in to the wave of dizziness. “Yes. But we need…” My heart stopped when I turned to see his legs crushed under the dashboard, his body pinned by twisted metal. “God! Ryker… I need to get you out,” I cried with a panic-filled voice.

Gunfire erupted outside the car. My eyes widened at the sight of masked men firing at Jackal, Rip, and Soar. Ryker’s eyes clouded over with concern. “Light, listen to me. It’s too late. They’re going to take you.”

I yanked unsuccessfully on his seatbelt. “No. I can help you get out.”

“Light, look at me.” His sea-green eyes narrowed. “No matter what happens to me, don’t give up. Somehow I’ll find you.” He hissed in pain. “Now go!” I hesitated. “Light. Go!”

My pulse raced as I managed to get out, taking cover between the cars. The masked men continued to shoot. I tried to calm myself. My eyes darted around, looking for the quickest route to safety. My body stiffened, sensing something was wrong, before a man grabbed me, muffling my screams. Two other men helped drag me away as I struggled. That was the last thing I remembered before everything faded to black.



wrong, even before I opened my eyes. I cracked open my eyes to see a bunch of men with guns standing around an ornate room. And they weren’t speaking English. I could pick out certain words… French, they were speaking French. I tried to sit up but collapsed back against the couch. My head was throbbing and on raising my hand to touch my head, I felt the big knot. Motherfuckers knocked me out.

My gaze was unfocused. I swallowed hard, fearing I had a concussion. Bile rushed up my throat as I gritted my teeth, pushing up onto the couch. The men started talking rapidly. The room’s door opened. My mouth dropped open. An older man, thin and tall, with grey hair, stepped through with Celina trailing after him.

“Celina?” I blinked. Now I was hallucinating.
Exactly how hard did they hit me?

Celina’s hazel eyes were cold as ice. “Hello, Light.”

My eyes widened. “Celina? You’re alive?”

Celina smiled, moving toward me, raising her arms in the air, seeming drunk with power. “Surprise.”

“How—how did—what’s going on?” I struggled to get on my feet, wobbling forward, disoriented. The older man stepped forward, steadying me.

He looked at Celina angrily. “What part of do not hurt her did you not understand?”

Celina looked athim rebelliously. “I did what was necessary.”

I pulled my arm away from his grip. “What the fuck do you want?” I scanned the room, calculating how far I could get before they caught me. Not far. The armed guards blocked the only exit. My eyes darted to the glass interrogation room tucked into the corner. Shit! That wouldn’t work either.

The man smiled like he won the lottery. “You can’t escape, Light, but I applaud your spirit.”

I stuck up my middle finger. “Applaud this, motherfucker.”

He frowned. “You’re as rebellious as your mother.” He looked at me cruelly. “But I’ll break that right out of you… given time.”

I stared at him. “Like hell you will. Who are you?”

“I’m Baptiste Thomas.” He shrugged as if that explained everything. I wobbled but caught myself. “Are you all right?” He reached for me with a weird look in his eyes.

I widened my stance, preparing to fight my way out. “Don’t come near me.” I swallowed the bile that threatened to choke me. “If you’re going to kill me, prepare for a fight.”

Thomas smiled icily. “If I wanted you dead, you’d be dead already.”

BOOK: When Lightning Strikes
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