When The Runway Went South (17 page)

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Authors: Lois Kasznia

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: When The Runway Went South
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"Then do it," said Ally in a small voice.

"It should be ready by Monday."

Ally disconnected the phone and simmered angrily. How could this be happening to her? Drawing on her resolve, Ally called the home warranty and made a claim for the A/C. This, too, should have been caught during the inspection. They set up an appointment for their company to come later this afternoon. The kitchen clock showed the time as only three in the afternoon, but Ally needed a drink. She morosely went through all the paperwork over and over. Eight hundred dollars for toilets, twelve thousand dollars for a new A/C unit and twenty five hundred dollars for her car? She buried her head in her arms.

She picked up the phone to call Kat. "When are you coming over today? I've had a day from hell."

"Oh, Ally, now what went wrong?"

"You wouldn't believe it. This house is a money pit."

"Look, I'll be there around dinner. Do I need to bring some alcohol?"

"Make sure you bring the whole store." Ally hung up with Kat and wondered if she should call her dad. No, he'd go see it when he got here.

She did pour herself a glass of wine and stared out at the pool, which had turned murky green instead of its usual azure blue color. Ally sighed and jotted down to ask Caleb who he used to service his pool. A knock sounded at the door and Ally answered it thinking it might be the man from the home warranty.

"What's wrong?" asked Caleb as he entered the house. Ally's entire body shook with anger.

"Oh, Caleb," cried Ally. She really tried to stop the tears, but she couldn't.

"Ally, you know I don't like it when you cry." He gathered her into his arms and Ally molded into the familiar all too perfect fit. She held him so tightly, he almost couldn't breathe. Caleb loosened her grip, walked her back to the kitchen table and sat her down in the chair. That's when he noticed the papers on the table. "What's all this?" he asked.

"Remember the place I used to fix the gas leaks? They came out to give me a free estimate on my plumbing, heating and cooling. Look." Ally had lost her voice and began to pantomime while she tried to explain it to Caleb.

"He's charging you this to fix the toilets?" Caleb picked up the next estimate."The same company is suggesting an entire new unit?" He looked at Ally in shock and then anger. "I'm calling Dottie. This should've been caught in the inspection. This is highway robbery." Caleb started to punch in Dottie's number, but Ally stopped him.

"I called the home warranty company and they are sending out another service man for a second opinion." Ally's voice had come back. "That's not all. While they were here, the fence blew down, a plant landed in my pool and my car is going to cost twenty-five hundred dollars to pass inspection."

"Honey, you could use a drink stronger than what you're drinking." Caleb went to her liquor cabinet and pulled out some whiskey. He found a shot glass and poured Ally a small shot. "Here, drink up."

At first, Ally made a face as the liquid burned a hole down her throat. "Come here." Caleb stood Ally up and began to kiss her, slowly at first and the kiss turned hot and searing Ally wrapped her arms around Caleb's neck and pulled him closer. The kiss deepened even further and both lost all track of time as they craved the taste of each other..

"Caleb," Ally protested weakly as she pulled away. "We're not supposed to be doing this."

"Says who?" This time, he buried his head in her neck and slowly kissed underneath her chin and Ally sighed with pleasure. Caleb's hands ran down the length of her body and stopped at Ally's slightly curved buttocks.

"Caleb." Ally had pulled away from him and looked deeply in his eyes. The tenderness made her legs weak. This happened all too fast. She had prayed not to be in this situation, but she felt such a connection with Caleb.

"You're a temptress," murmured Caleb as he held her head between his hands. "Look at what you had me do?" He found her lips again, his tongue thrusting hers, as if claiming her. The doorbell rang and Ally pulled away slowly, looking in wonderment at Caleb.

"It's the door." Ally did not break eye contact.

"I know." Caleb stared back at her. "Aren't you going to get it?"

"Right." Ally shook her head to clear her dazed mind and headed for the door. The serviceman appeared and Ally let him in and explained the situation. She handed him the estimate the other company had given her and the man shook his head.

"How old is this house?" he asked

"Two years," answered Caleb.

"Let me take a look and I'll get back to you." With this knowledge, the serviceman left to inspect the units.

"Now, where were we?" Caleb grabbed Ally, but Ally successfully sidestepped him.

"Caleb. There's a man in the house," protested Ally, but pleased all the same. "We've only know each other a week." She faced him head on. "I need to know you don't have any other girlfriends."

Caleb grinned wickedly. "You mean like your friend, Greg?"

"Well, yes." Ally decided not to back down.

"Shoot, how did he do that? I should give him a call for some pointers."

"You are incorrigible," muttered Ally and she stepped away.

"Ally, I'm teasing." Caleb took her in his arms and gave her a big bear hug. "Now, I'm going to check up on what's going on." He gave Ally a soft kiss on her cheek and went on his way.

"Wow. I can't believe this is happening. " Ally sat down because her legs were shaking so badly. How could Caleb affect her this way?

"Hey, Ally? What's going on?" Kat had let herself in the door and saw Ally's remnants of the shot Caleb had given her. "It must be bad."

"You don't know the half of it," murmured Ally. "Look." She handed Kat the papers of the estimates.

"Holy moly," gasped Kat as she looked at the papers. "You've got to be kidding me. This isn't from the same place as the van parked in your driveway?"

"No, he's from the home warranty company. If he finds out what the first place said is true, than this is covered under the policy. Caleb is with him right now."

"Caleb came here again?" Kat narrowed her eyes at Ally.

"He showed up because he saw all of these vans in my driveway." Ally remained noncommittal.

"Sis, I know you better. Are you falling for him?"

"I don't know, Kat." Ally got up and paced around the kitchen. "He's very attractive and he's been so good to me, but I'm scared. I don't want to get hurt again. I gave Greg three good years of my life."

"Did you really love Greg?" asked Kat quietly.

"I thought I did, but when I found out about the other women, my pride took a beating. I don't miss him at all."

"What about Caleb? How do you feel about him?"

"Even though I've barely known him a week, I'm closer to him than Greg."

"Ally, please be careful."

"Kat, don't you think I know when men say they want me it's a two-fold question; do they want Ally Duncan or the super model? I've really had to put a hold around my heart. I can't tell you how many times this has happened." Ally put her fingers to her lips as she heard the men come down the stairs.

"Hi, Kat." Caleb greeted her with a smile. "Ally, good news. There's nothing wrong that an oil change and cleaning won't fix. That place obviously tried to rip you off."

"Miracles do happen." Ally breathed a sigh of relief.

"I've got to go," said Caleb as he smiled at Ally. "Next time your fence comes down, call me and either Jeb or I will fix it for you. I'm really good at it since I do it all the time. Now, for your pool, I'll call my person and he'll take care of it for you."

"What about your cattle?" asked Kat.

"It's why I have to go." He started to leave, stopped and turned around to look at Ally. "Parents are coming tomorrow? Don't forget I need to speak with your dad."

"Come for dinner," suggested Kat. "I'll be doing the cooking."

"I'll be there." Caleb tipped his hat and left.

"Are we ready for Mom and Dad coming tomorrow?" Kat looked at Ally for help.

"Now? Yes." Ally felt so much better. She and Kat gathered more recipes to be used and were pleased with the progress they had made.







"Ally, this is such a big place," commented Tara, her mother. Tara walked around, the disappointment obvious on her face.

"It looks big because it's empty, Mom."

"Mom, I helped Ally pick it out," defended Kat.

"So when are you going to get things done?"

"I thought I'd do a room at a time. Right now, I've done the guest bedroom where you're sleeping."

"You should do the kitchen next," suggested Tara. "Your kitchen table is too small for all of us."

"I did get bar stools for the counter, so someone can sit there. I really don't plan on entertaining too much. Kat and I are going to be using the kitchen for the business," explained Ally. Kat and she made faces behind their mother's back. Ally knew she would be a tough sell. Ally could never do anything right, according to her mother.

"Ally, did you know you have two water heaters? That's a lot of money." Her father, Robert, came through the inside garage door. "This is a big house. You need to get some furniture. Why don't you girls go to the furniture store while we're here and get something to brighten this place up?" Robert walked to the window in the kitchen. "This is really nice. I wish my neighbors were quiet like those cows."

"It hasn't been very quiet with Ally here," began Kat and Ally gave her a look to be quiet. She didn't want her parents to know everything that had happened.

"At least you are unpacked." Tara opened up the kitchen cabinets and looked around. "You could use more dishes, too."

"I know, Mom. Tell you what, why don't we make a list of everything I need and then after lunch we can go shopping."

"Not me," declared Robert. "I'm staying around to make sure things are working properly."

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