Where Were You?: America Remembers the JFK Assassination (50 page)

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Fritz, Will
, 37
, 52–53
, 368

Frost, Robert
, 320
, 323

Fuentes, Miguel Ydigoras
, 162


Gagarin, Yuri
, 304–5

Galbraith, John Kenneth
, 118
, 205
, 240

Gannon, Frank
, 184–88

Garrison, Jim
, 72
, 158–62
, 164
, 247–52
, 253
, 255–60
, 262–70
, 273
, 283
, 292
, 363
, 369–71

Gentlemen’s Quarterly
, 168

Georgetown University
, 184
, 214
, 216
, 219

Gervais, Pershing
, 265
, 267–68

GI Bill
, 166

Gilruth, Bob
, 306

Glenn, Annie
, 310

Glenn, John
, 177–78
, 303–314

Goebbels, Joseph
, 297

Gold, Lynn
, 350

Goldwater, Barry
, 181
, 183
, 209
, 236
, 364

Goodnight America
, 280

Goodwin, Doris Kearns
, 115–26
, 331

Goodwin, Richard
, 106
, 115–26

Gorbachev, Mikhail
, 74

Gore, Al
, 217

Graham, Kay
, 118

Grant, Eva
, 68

grassy knoll
, 3–4
, 83
, 182
, 277
, 282
, 291

Greenwich Village
, 335
, 347
, 349

Gregory, Dick
, 145
, 277

Groden, Robert
, 277–86

Grossman, Amy
, 13

Grossman, Ellen
, 13

Grossman, Kate
, 13

Grossman, Robert
, 10–15

, 150
, 269

Guevara, Che
, 121
, 163

Gulf of Mexico
, 175

Gulf of Tonkin
, 230
, 332
, 372

Guns of August, The
, 19

Gurvich, William
, 159
, 255

Guthrie, Woody
, 347
, 349


Halberstam, David
, 338

Hanks, Tom
, 386–96

Hanoi, Vietnam
, 332

Hardball with Chris Matthews
, 129
, 232

Hardwood, Richard
, 238

Hardy’s Shoe Store
, 46

Hart, Gary
, 168

Harvard University
, 203
, 227

Hawkins, Ray
, 46
, 50–55

Haynes, Racehorse
, 289

Hefner, Hugh
, 247

Heidelberg, Germany
, 208

Helms, Dick
, 97–99
, 101

Hemingway, Ernest
, 233

Hernandez, Celso
, 152

Herter Committee
, 187

Hickory Hill
, 25
, 310

Hill School, the
, 363
, 367

Hiss, Alger
, 205

Hitler, Adolf
, 98–99

Holt, Will
, 350

Hoover, J. Edgar
, 26
, 139
, 179
, 188

Hosty, James
, 393

House Select Committee on Assassinations
, 277–78
, 280–82
, 285
, 290–92

Hufty, Alex
, 177

Hufty, Page Lee
, 177

Hufty, Page
, 177

Humphrey, Hubert
, 203
, 238

Hunt, E. Howard
, 208

Hunt, H. L.
, 203–8

Hunt, Helen
, 206–7

Hunt, Swanee
, 203–8

Hurt, John
, 366

Hyannis, Massachusetts
, 106
, 132–33
, 227
, 310–11
, 325
, 333–34


“I Believe in You
,” 186

, 305

“Ich Bin ein Berliner” speech
, 236
, 377

“I Have a Dream” speech
, 116
, 134
, 139

“If Ever I Would Leave You
,” 186

“If I Had a Hammer
,” 337–39

I Led Three Lives
, 366–67

, 71

Inside: A Public and Private Life
, 99

Interdepartmental Coordinating Committee for Cuban Affairs
, 96

International House
, 153

International Space Station
, 309
, 312

International Spy Museum
, 74

Iran-Contra scandal
, 295

Irish Mafia
, 238–40

Irving, Texas
, 36

I’ve Got a Secret
, 383


Jack Kennedy: Elusive Hero
, 232
, 328

Jacks, Hershel
, 23

Jackson, Scoop
, 235

Jacobson, Max
, 170

James, Rosemary
, 262–70

, 234

Jarman, Junior
, 33

, 290

, 150
, 161
, 267–68
, 277
, 283–4
, 363
, 371
, 376
, 378
, 394

JFK: Absolute Proof
, 285

Job Corps
, 114

Joel, Billy
, 186

John Glenn School of Public Affairs
, 313

Johnson, Eric
, 87

Johnson, Ladybird
, 20
, 22–23

Johnson, Lyndon B.
, 82
, 93
, 104
, 146
, 165
, 215–16

belief that Castro killed Kennedy
, 98–99

biographer of
, 16

Civil Rights Act, x
, 27–28
, 101–3
, 123
, 211

civil rights
, 148–49
, 331

, 99–102

during the assassination
, 22–23

involvement in assassination
, 278

Kennedy’s funeral
, 110–11

1960 election
, 20–21

opinion of John F. Kennedy
, 18–19

presidency of
, 24–29
, 88
, 101–2
, 123–24
, 182–83
, 211
, 220
, 326
, 331
, 351–52

public opinion of
, 8

relationship to Kennedys
, 21–22
, 119–20
, 122
, 235

Russian reaction to
, 80

as Senator
, 19
, 21

and Marie Tippit
, 44

vice presidency
, 21–22

Vietnam War
, 124
, 175
, 230–31
, (No Match)250–51
, 372

Warren Commission
, 71
, 100
, 157

Johnson Space Center
, 311

Jonah, Dolly
, 350

Jones, Penn
, 71

Jurgensen, Sonny
, 356–62


Kalugin, Oleg
, 74–80

Kammerer, Carl
, 356–62

Kapuscinski, Ryszard
, 173

Katzenbach, Nicholas
, 26

Keating, Kenneth
, 17

Kefauver, Estes
, 319

Kelly, Gene
, 246
, 337

Kennedy Center
, 101

Kennedy or Nixon
, 180

Kennedy School of Government
, 203

Kennedy, Caroline
, 186
, 326–27

Kennedy, Edward “Teddy
,” 72
, 106
, 130–31
, 133
, 227–28
, 248
, 319
, 326
, 329–30

Kennedy, Ethel
, 25–26
, 138
, 310
, 325
, 349
, 358

Kennedy, Jacqueline
, vii
, 82
, 155
, 190
, 240
, 318–20

, 166
, 186

on conspiracy theories
, 248

and the Clintons
, 219

as an editor
, 327

family of
, 326–27

funeral arrangements
, 93
, 95
, 107–8
, 110
, 118–19

and John Glenn
, 311

letter to Marie Tippit, ix
, 44

reaction to assassination
, 7
, 12
, 25–27
, 192
, 322

Kennedy, Jean
, 187

Kennedy, Joe Jr.
, 131

Kennedy, John “John-John” F. Jr.
, 132
, 186
, 326
, 382–83

Kennedy, John F.

amphetamine use
, 170–71

as an Irish Catholic
, 131
, 133
, 195
, 198
, 202
, 221

assassination of
, 5–6
, 10
, 22–23
, 34
, 36
, 67
, 69
, 78–79
, 82–85
, 129–30
, 140–41
, 147–48
, 155
, 158
, 162–63
, 172–73
, 179
, 181
, 185–88
, 191–92
, 201–2
, 206
, 210–11
, 218–19
, 223
, 228–29
, 233
, 241–42
, 247
, 253
, 262
, 271–72
, 277
, 279
, 287–88
, 295
, 299
, 311
, 320–21
, 325–26
, 330–31
, 340–42
, 350–52
, 355
, 358–61
, 366–68
, 370–71
, 375–76
, 382
, 384
, 387
, 390
, 392
, 395

, 12–14
, 279
, 371

back pain
, 17–19
, 116
, 171
, 233–34
, 237

books about
, 163–64
, 297
, 328
, 353

burial site
, 93–96

, 233
, 240
, 242
, 314
, 328
, 337
, 376
, 381

civil rights movement
, 116
, 123
, 125
, 134–39
, 145–47
, 171–72
, 175
, 178–79
, 200
, 210–11
, 215–16
, 218
, 236
, 254
, 331

conspiracy theories about
, 79
, 121–22
, 182
, 158–59
, 162–64
, 207–8
, 247–49
, 255
, 261
, 263
, 269
, 275
, 282
, 290–91
, 295
, 355
, 365–67
, 370–72
, 378
, 390
, 395

, 97–98
, 101–2
, 150
, 155–56
, 158
, 162–3
, 180
, 222
, 304
, 373–74

Dallas attitudes toward
, 60

eternal flame for
, 44
, 95
, 119

, 131
, 166
, 186–87
, 195–96
, 214–16
, 239
, 329–30
, 348
, 396

and Red Fay
, 184–85
, 188
, 189–94

and Jane Fonda
, 329

funeral of
, 25–27
, 95–96
, 106–12
, 130
, 254
, 376
, 382
, 388

health problems
, 16–19
, 116
, 169–70
, 236–38

human rights
, 213
, 215
, 327–28

and H. L. Hunt
, 203
, 207–8

and Lyndon Johnson
, 19–21

and Khrushchev
, 170–71

and Nancy Olson Livingston
, 316–22

Lee Harvey Oswald’s opinion of
, 154

legacy of
, 9
, 15
, 27–29
, 55
, 72–73
, 88
, 101
, 114
, 124–26
, 148–49
, 181–82
, 188
, 193–94
, 211–13
, 224
, 321–22
, 326–28
, 333–34
, 342
, 344–46
, 353
, 396

Mass card
, 108–9

medical care after assassination
, 10–15
, 393

missing records
, 249
, 279–80

and Bobby Mitchell
, 357–58

mock trial
, 288–89

, vii
, 3–4
, 22
, 33–34
, 60

movies about
, 375–76
, 378–81
, 393–95
See also JFK

1960 election
, 19–21
, 74–75
, 187
, 195
, 197–98
, 214–25
, 221
, 225
, 235
, 238
, 245–47

and Richard Nixon
, 180
, 186–87
, 238

Peace Corps
, 104–5
, 109
, 114
, 212
, 241
, 272

personality and charisma
, viii
, 177–78
, 185
, 190
, 193
, 196–97
, 227–28
, 237–40
, 246–47
, 276
, 277
, 350
, 354
, 365

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