Whiff Of Money (9 page)

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Authors: James Hadley Chase

BOOK: Whiff Of Money
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'There will be a one hour delay on Flight AF 025 to New York. Will passengers for New York please go to the reception centre? They will be informed when to proceed to Gate 10.'

Sherman flinched. This could be dangerous. The longer he remained at the airport, the greater the chances were of his being recognised.

'Tiresome, isn't it? Especially for you,' a quiet voice said at his side.

Sherman started and swung around, then stiffened as he stared at the short, squat man who had come up silently and was now standing before him.

This man had hooded eyes, a thick hooked nose and the deeply tanned complexion of a man who travels a lot in the sun.

He wore a black slouch hat and a dark English tweed suit, impeccably cut. Over his arm, he carried a light-weight black cashmere overcoat. A large diamond glittered in his tie. Another large diamond set in a heavy gold ring, glittered on his thick, little finger. His shirt, the handkerchief in his top pocket, his lizard skin black shoes were immaculate. He exuded power, money and luxury as he might well do for that squat man was Herman Radnitz, internationally known as one of the richest men in the world whose thick ringers spread like the tentacles of an octopus over the whole of the financial globe; a deadly spider sitting in the middle of his web moving bankers, statesmen and even minor kings as a chess player moves his pawns.

Radnitz was the last man on earth Sherman expected or wanted to see. He knew immediately that Radnitz was far too astute not to have recognised him. There was no question of attempting a bluff.

'We mustn't be seen talking together,' Sherman said hurriedly. 'It's too dangerous.'

'Yet we will talk,' Radnitz said in his guttural voice. 'The door marked A.' He pointed. 'Go in there, I will join you.'

I am sorry, Radnitz, I...'

'You have no alternative,' Radnitz said. He paused, his hooded eyes were little pools of ice water as he stared up at Sherman, 'Or do you imagine you have?'

The threat was unmistakable. Sherman only hesitated for a brief moment, then he nodded and walked away, his heart now hammering, his breathing uneven. He reached the door marked A, opened it and stepped into a luxuriously furnished waiting-room - a room, he guessed, reserved for V.I.Ps.

A few seconds later, Radnitz joined him. He closed the door and turned the key.

'May I ask what you are doing here, Sherman?' he asked with deadly politeness. 'You are travelling on a false passport and wearing a ridiculous false moustache. Are you mentally ill?'

Sherman drew himself up to his full imposing height. Although he was frightened of Radnitz, he was determined to retain his dignity. After all, he reminded himself, he was the future President of the United States. This squat German must remember this.

I don't know what you mean! I'm perfectly well. If you are all that interested, I had to come here on urgent and private business. It was so urgent I had to resort to this - this subterfuge.'

Radnitz sat down in a big lounging chair. He took a seal-skin cigar case from his pocket, selected a cigar, nipped off the end of it with a gold cutter, then slowly and deliberately lit it. It was only when he was satisfied that the cigar was burning evenly that he again looked at Sherman who was now sitting on the arm of a chair opposite him, wiping his sweating face nervously with his handkerchief.

'Sufficiently urgent and sufficiently private for you to endanger your election as President of the United States?' Radnitz asked softly.

I can't discuss this with you!' Sherman's voice was sharp. 'I wouldn't be here unless it was vitally urgent.'

'My dear Sherman, I think you must be forgetting our bargain.' Radnitz's face was now a cold, forbidding mask, 'May I remind you that the money that is making it possible for you to become the President of the United States amounts to $35,000,000. May I also remind you that the money that is making this possible is half mine . . . that I have put up half this sum from my own personal funds.' He leaned forward, his eyes suddenly alight with a contained, but burning rage.

'Do you imagine I will tolerate stupid behaviour from any man who owes me such a sum? Stupid behaviour? That is putting it mildly. You have been reckless and I consider the risk you have taken coming here disgraceful! If someone recognises you . . . some cheap hack of a newspaper man . . . anyone . . . your chances of becoming President are completely and utterly damned and my money will be lost. I promised you that I would make you President. In turn, you promised me the Arcadia Dam contract. Now here you are in this ridiculous disguise . .. here in Paris.'

Sherman squirmed uneasily. It was true that he and Radnitz had made a bargain. Radnitz wanted the contract to build the Arcadia Dam ... the biggest and most expensive project on the agenda of the coming term which would cost the nation $500,000,000. Sherman had agreed that Radnitz should not only get the contract if he (Sherman) became President, but would receive five per cent of the total cost for his fee. Sherman knew that if it wasn't for Radnitz's enormous political influence and his fantastic wealth, he would not have been nominated for the Presidency in spite of his own personal wealth. So they had made the bargain.

Sherman fell back on his charm that had won over so many of his opponents, but in this small, luxury room, he realised that his charm didn't make much impact.

He forced a smile as he said, 'Now, Radnitz, there is no need for you to worry. You wouldn't have known of this visit of mine but for this chance meeting ... no one else does.'

'Chance? You say I wouldn't have known?' the guttural voice grated on Sherman's ears. 'I knew when you left New York. I knew you were in Paris. I know you have met Dorey of the CIA. That is why I am here - two hours ahead of my flight to Rabut. I am here because I want to know why you have taken this irresponsible risk. I demand to know!'

Sherman stared at him, shrinking a little under the glaring rage that burned from the small, venomous eyes.

'You knew?' Sherman felt blood leaving his face. 'I don't believe it! How could you know?'

Radnitz made a savage, impatient movement with his hand.

'You are an important investment, Sherman. I have agents who are well paid to keep me informed about all my investments... especially you. I am asking you why you are here.'

Sherman licked his dry lips.

'This is a private matter. It is nothing to do with you. I can't discuss it.'

Radnitz drew on his cigar. His hooded eyes never left Sherman's sweating face.

'Why did you go to Dorey and not to me?'

Sherman hesitated, then he said with an effort. 'Dorey was my only hope for help. He and I have been friends for a long time ... I mean real friends.'

Radnitz's thin lips curved into a pitying smile.

'So you don't consider me as a friend?'

Sherman looked directly at him, then slowly shook his head.

'No... I look on you as a powerful associate, but not as my friend.'

'So you have put your trust in a fool like Dorey?' Radnitz touched the ash off his cigar and it dropped onto the thick, green carpet. 'You begin to worry me. I am now wondering if you have the personality, the authority and the necessary leadership to make for a great President.' He leaned forward. 'Don't you realise that if you are in urgent, personal trouble, you don't go to friends? You come to people like myself who has an investment in you and who knows how to handle any kind of trouble. So tell me . . . what is this personal and urgent trouble of yours?'

'Dorey is no fool!' Sherman exclaimed. 'He is handling this and I am satisfied he will produce results!'

'I asked you: what is this personal and urgent trouble? I have a right to know.'

Sherman thought rapidly. Perhaps he had been irresponsible in rushing off to Paris to consult Dorey who had only been able to offer him the services of a man who Dorey had admitted was something of a crook. Maybe he (Sherman) should have consulted Radnitz and dumped the whole sordid affair in his lap, but Mary had been against consulting Radnitz.

She feared and hated this fat, squat German. When Sherman had asked her if she thought he should see Radnitz, she had begged him not to. Now, although he still refused to accept Radnitz's estimate of Dorey, he began to wonder if he should have listened to his wife's advice and instead, have gone immediately to Radnitz. After all, Radnitz had everything to gain in helping him and he also had tremendous influence.

Quickly, he came to a decision.

'I will tell you,' he said. Briefly, he told Radnitz about the stag film, the threatening letter and also that there were three other films and his need to find his daughter.

Radnitz sat motionless, drawing on his cigar, bis hooded eyes veiled while he listened.

'So you see,' Sherman concluded, raising his hands helplessly. 'I was desperate. Dorey is my friend. He is helping me. I had to take the risk of coming here, but now I can see I could have been hasty.' He forced a smile. 'I see now I should have come to you.'

Radnitz let rich-smelling smoke roll out of his thin-lipped mouth.

'So Girland is handling this operation?'

Sherman regarded him.

'Sounds as if you know this man.'

'There are few men of his ilk - happily few -1 don't know. I once employed him with disastrous results.(see 'This Is For Real') He is clever, cunning and dangerous ... a man I would never trust.'

'Dorey said he was my only chance to get these films.'

'Yes... I think Dorey might be right. If one pays Girland enough, he delivers. He could find the films and also your daughter.' Radnitz looked quizzingly at Sherman. 'Then what?'

Sherman moved uneasily.

I will destroy the films and control my daughter.'

'Will you? How old is your daughter?'


'So how will you control her?'

'I'll reason with her... persuade her...'

Radnitz made an impatient movement with his hands.

'What do you know about your daughter, Sherman?'

Sherman looked away, frowning, then he said slowly, 'She has always been tiresome, unruly ... a rebel. I admit I don't know much about her. I haven't seen her for three years.'

' I know that. I have had her watched... she is part of my investment.' Radnitz shifted his bulk in the chair. 'What are your feelings about her?'

Sherman shrugged.

'I can't say I have any great feelings about her. She just doesn't fit in with my way of life. It would be impossible to have her with us at the White House ... utterly impossible.'

There was a long pause, then Radnitz said in his quiet, deadly voice, 'Suppose some unfortunate accident happened to her and you lost her... would you mind?'

Sherman stared at the squat fat man who reminded him of a stone Buddha.

'I don't understand

'You are wasting time!' Radnitz's voice was savage. 'You heard what I asked you. If you never saw your daughter again, would you mind? That's simple enough, isn't it?'

Sherman hesitated, then slowly shook his head.

'No. In fact, it would be a relief to me if I was sure I would never see her again. But why go into this? She's here ...making a nuisance of herself, and I have to accept it.'

'Do you?' Radnitz flicked ash again onto the carpet. 'Your daughter presents a permanent embarrassment to you as long as she is alive. Suppose Girland is successful and he gets the films . . . what good does that do you? She can make other films or she can make other scandals. The fact is she hates you and your way of life as much as you dislike her and her way of life. I have had your daughter investigated. She is tied up with this stupid, juvenile Ban War organisation. She goes around with a man called Pierre Rosnold who runs this vapid organisation for profit. She is under his influence. He is politically minded if you can call his mind a mind. She and he are determined you should not be President. He, because you stand for the escalation of the Vietnam war and because he can profit by his power: she, because you are her father and she wants revenge for the way you have neglected her.' Radnitz paused to stare at Sherman. 'Children have a way of paying back old scores. You wanted to be rid of her, she resented it, and now she has you where she thinks she wants you.' Again Radnitz paused. 'This is why,' he continued, 'you should have brought this problem immediately to me. Dorey may find your daughter, but he would not silence her, nor would he silence Rosnold.' The ice cold eyes surveyed Sherman. 'But I would and can.'

Sherman felt sweat break out on his forehead.

I can't listen to this kind of talk,' he said. T am sure you don't mean what you seem to be suggesting.'

'What other solution is there to this problem?' Radnitz asked. 'Suggest something. Girland will probably find your daughter... then what?'

Sherman had no answer to this. He gnawed his lip, staring down at the carpet.

'Are you going to allow a degenerate chit of a girl to stand between you and the White House?' Radnitz asked. 'Because of the way you have treated her in the past, she will stop at nothing to prevent you becoming President . . . and she has the power to do this if she is allowed to. These films can be found and destroyed . . . they are nothing. It is not the films that need to be destroyed ... it is she.'

A voice broke in on this conversation, coming through the loudspeaker on the wall.

'Passengers for Flight 025 to New York should now proceed to Gate 10. Thank you.'

Sherman got hastily to his feet

I must go,' he said huskily. He looked at Radnitz for a brief, furtive moment, then looked away. T feel sure I can leave this in your hands...'

But Radnitz wasn't going to let this tall, white-faced future President of the United States off his hook, nor let him shift has responsibilities nor let him salve his conscience so easily.

'I am going to cancel my flight,' he said. 'I am at the Georges V hotel. When you get home, telephone Dorey and find out what is happening. Then telephone me. Is that understood?'

Sherman nodded and began edging to the door.

'One moment...' The ice cold eyes surveyed Sherman. T am to take it that I can arrange to get rid of your daughter?

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