While You Were Spying (Regency Spies Book 0) (9 page)

BOOK: While You Were Spying (Regency Spies Book 0)
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“I must give you my sincerest thanks once again,
.” Her mother handed Francesca a cup of tea without the sugar or milk she preferred.

“It’s not necessary,
.” His impatient gaze darted to the door.

“Oh but it
necessary, my lord. The safety of my daughters is my only concern in life.”

And their marriage to a wealthy lord, Francesca thought wryly.

Francesca added two lumps of sugar to her tea and reached for the third. Her mother glared at her, and Francesca dropped the tongs. Her stomach growled.

Her gaze roved and settled on the plate of chocolate tarts beside her. She could almost taste them—sweet and rich on her tongue. Francesca peeked at her mother, who shook her head. She slumped. Apparently her mother’s concern did not extend to making sure her daughter received nourishment of any sort.

“Naturally you’re concerned for Miss Dashing’s safety.” Winterbourne sounded as if he answered by rote. Francesca’s attention had once again strayed to the forbidden chocolate tarts, and she tore it from them to see his face. He was glowering at her mother from under lowered brows, the sheer force of his annoyance like a blast of freezing wind. Of course, her mother didn’t notice, but Francesca felt a sudden, desperate need for the comfort of a chocolate tart.

“When I heard the awful news this morning—
fammi respirare
!—my poor heart almost stopped from the fear.” Lady Brigham set down her teacup and turned to Francesca, who blushed because she’d been eyeing the tea tray again. “That was the state I was in this morning when I learned that our neighbor was dead, possibly even

Francesca dropped her cup, jumping at the clatter it made against her saucer. “Murdered? Who was murdered,
?” She looked from her mother to Winterbourne. “What are you talking about?”

“That awful neighbor of ours. Mr. Scarlet.”

“Skerrit!” Francesca’s tea sloshed over the rim of her cup and stained her dress. “He’s
? How?”

“He was murdered last night, shortly after dark,” Winterbourne said.

“Shortly after—” Francesca felt her throat tighten. Skerrit must have been killed right after she’d left with Thunder. But by whom?

“What happened?” Francesca blurted out. She stared at Winterbourne, looking for clues in his features. He’d left before her, but he might have gone back. She took a deep breath. Winterbourne must have sensed the trail of her thoughts because his gaze met hers. In his eyes, she saw neither guilt nor denial. He wasn’t a nice man, but she didn’t think he’d killed Skerrit. Couldn’t think that of him. Besides, what reason would he have?

“Who killed him?” Francesca asked, tearing her gaze from Winterbourne.

“No one knows,
mia figlia
,” her mother answered. “The culprit is still at large.” She put a hand to the lace at her throat.

But if Winterbourne didn’t kill the farmer, then who did? Francesca shuddered, frosty fingers skittering along the small of her back. Had the killer been lying in wait even as she’d argued with Winterbourne? Had she passed him on her return to Tanglewilde? Was that why Winterbourne had insisted on seeing her home today? Had he
been concerned for her safety?

She wanted to laugh, but his amber eyes were watching her, the honey-colored flecks trapping her again. He’s not a nice man. He’s
a nice man.

“Horrible man,” her mother said, and Francesca jumped, half-afraid she’d voiced her own thoughts. But her mother was talking of Skerrit. “I could not even tolerate the sight of him. Of course, I did not want him to die. Imagine! A murder in our own little patch of Hampshire.” She fell back on the chaise, hand to her forehead. “I can hardly bear to think of it. Oh, how my heart is pounding!”

Francesca had wondered how long it would take for her mother to collapse into one of her spells.

“Bloody hell,” Winterbourne muttered.

Avoiding his eyes—she didn’t really want to see his reaction—she rose dutifully and knelt by her mother, reaching across the lush fabric to take her hand. She was closer to the tarts now. She deserved a tart after this day’s trials. As soon as her mother wasn’t looking...

“Calm down,
,” Francesca soothed. “Take deep breaths.”

Her mother clutched at her chest and gulped.

“Here, have a sip of your tea.”

Grazie, mia cuore
.” Her mother smiled at her and patted her hand before shifting her gaze back to Winterbourne. Francesca eyed the tarts again.

“Lord Winterbourne, you must tell me your opinion of the situation. Are we
here in Hampshire? Should we remove ourselves to Town until these cold-blooded murderers are discovered? You must advise me,
. I have two daughters to think of.”

Winterbourne shifted. “You should consult with your husband on the matter,
.” He spread his hands in an impatient gesture. “Is he expected soon?”

Francesca bit her lip. He wouldn’t escape so easily.

“Oh, but I would be so appreciative of your own opinion, my lord.”

Francesca wanted to know as well. First highwaymen, now Skerrit dead. Could those two happenings really be a coincidence?

Winterbourne certainly seemed concerned. He’d locked his jaw so tightly she could see the whiteness along the edges. She swore the armchair shrunk beneath him when he sat forward abruptly.

“I see no reason for you to leave Tanglewilde at this point.” He sounded as if he squeezed the words from his stiff lips. “But keep your daughters home. It’s not safe for them to be out alone.”

Francesca huffed. He
say that! She tried to rise from the floor, but her mother tightened her grip on her hand, shuddering dramatically and closing her eyes.

Francesca sighed. One taste of a chocolate tart and she could endure anything—even her mother’s histrionics. She sank down again. If her mother would only keep her eyes closed a few more seconds...

“When I think of the harm that could have come to Francesca, I can hardly bear it,” her mother lamented.

“Don’t think of it,
.” Francesca reached stealthily for one of the chocolate tarts.

Across from her, Winterbourne raised a brow. She felt a quiver of attraction in her belly. Fighting it, she gave him a look, imploring him to remain silent. He winked. Then, just as her fingers grazed a tart, her mother slapped her hand away. Francesca gasped. How had her mother seen when her eyes weren’t even open?

“But I must think of it!” Lady Brigham fluttered her eyelids. “We owe the marquess our gratitude.”

“That’s not necessary.” Winterbourne glanced at the plate of tarts, then at Francesca, his expression uncharacteristically sympathetic.

“Oh, but you must allow me to do something to thank you.” Lady Brigham smiled at Winterbourne. “Perhaps a small dinner party? Is Tuesday next convenient?”

Winterbourne made a strangled sound. “I don’t think—”

“The weather was unseasonably warm today,” Francesca interrupted in desperation. She recognized the look in her mother’s eyes and knew she was about to turn to the dreaded topic of marriage. “Don’t you agree,

She didn’t think she’d ever sounded quite so excited about the weather, but she had to stop her mother before Winterbourne murdered her. Her mother released her hand, and Francesca retreated to the settle, dread closing a fist on her insides.

“I would not know,
.” Lady Brigham twisted her lips into a frown. “I have not been outdoors all day. Instead, I have been pacing my chamber, worried to death about you.” She turned her attention back to Winterbourne. “
, you will want your brother to attend the dinner, but you must allow me to arrange the rest. We have some of the best families in all of England in this part of Hampshire,
. I’m sure the earl must have remarked upon it.”

“No.” Winterbourne pulled out his pocket watch and checked the time. He couldn’t have been more obvious about his desire to leave.

“Really? But—”

, have you heard that Mrs. Jensen’s new mare had twin foals last week?” Francesca knew a discussion of horses was unlikely to distract her mother before she began planning the wedding breakfast, but she had to try. “They are a lovely shade of bay, although she assures me their coats will darken like their mother’s.”

“How fortunate for Mrs. Jensen.” Her mother pursed her lips, directing her gaze back to Lord Winterbourne. “Do you know, we have yet to see Lord Selbourne at any of the public balls in the village this fall, and I must tell you that we have been sorely disappointed.”

“Selbourne doesn’t dance.” He had his watch out again. “Madam—”


Francesca saw a muscle in his jaw tense, and she twisted her hands together, casting about for something else to distract her mother.

. It’s late.” He rose, no longer trying to veil his impatience. “Is there any possibility of seeing your husband this afternoon?”

“I expect him any moment, my lord. But you must be hungry. Do have a tart before Francesca eats them all.”

Francesca jerked, her gaze flashing from her mother to Winterbourne, her face hot with embarrassment.

“No thank you,
.” He put his watch away and rubbed the bridge of his nose. “I’m not hungry.”

Her mother smiled, a practiced expression of innocence, and placed one of the tarts on a small plate, handing it to him. “They are quite good, I assure you. My chef is from Italy, but he has been trained in French cooking. And if you do not eat them, Francesca will, and with her figure...”

She raised her brows at Francesca, who wished she could disappear. If only God would take pity on her and send a bolt of lightning to strike her dead. And if it killed her mother too, well, she’d be the last one to fault God for His poor aim. Winterbourne’s gaze raked over her, apparently making his own assessment of her figure, and she felt her face turn the shade of beets.

“Francesca may not be
la bella di famiglia
—that title is usually given to my younger daughter—but you will not find a sweeter girl in all of England.” She glared at Francesca as if to suggest that she had better live up to the praise. “Or in all the world, for that matter.
Molto dolce

Winterbourne set the plate he’d been forced to accept on the side table with slow, precise movements. He looked like a man watching a play for the hundredth time and trying desperately not to strangle the director. Well, she didn’t much like the play or the director, either, but at least
wasn’t the one on stage.

“You will not find many girls like Francesca.”

Francesca let out a whimper of mortification.

“I imagine not.” The hardness in his voice could have ground diamonds to dust.

, the hour grows late.” Francesca almost leapt on her mother to staunch the flow of words that threatened to stream forth. “And Lord Winterbourne has a long ride. Perhaps we should continue this conversation at another time.”

“Rubbish! Lord Winterbourne wished to speak with your
, and he is not yet home. But you really must join us for dinner, my lord. As I’ve said, my chef Tommaso is

In answer, Winterbourne rose and turned toward the door. “Thank you for the offer, but, if you’ll excuse me, I’ll take my leave.”

Francesca cringed as her mother jumped up to intercept him.

Mamma mia
! My lord, you have not yet spoken with Viscount Brigham.” She scurried in front of him. Francesca dropped her face in her hands, unable to watch any longer. The whole awful scene would have been funny if it wasn’t happening to her.

“I assure you His Lordship will arrive momentarily,” her mother gasped.

Through the gaps in her fingers, Francesca saw Winterbourne step to the left. Her mother scuttled left. Winterbourne darted right. Her mother scampered after him. Francesca groaned, wondering if she should even attempt to intervene in the pathetic dance. Then she heard the sweetest sound of her life.

“By God! What the devil is that beast still doing in my stables?”


ord Brigham threw open the drawing room door, and Ethan barely had time to yank the girl’s mother out of the way before the viscount stormed inside.

“Where is Franny?” He gave his wife a cursory glance. “Where is your daughter, madam?”

!” Lady Brigham fluttered a hand to her forehead.

Lord Brigham’s gaze snapped to his daughter. “There you are!”

Francesca stood in front of the chaise longue wringing her hands.

“I thought I told you—”

“Daddy,” the girl interrupted. “We have a guest.” She gestured to Ethan, and Brigham whipped around, eyes widening as they locked on him.

“Who the devil is this?”

Ethan crossed his arms over his chest. He was beginning to think he was the only sane person in the house.

“Lord Winterbourne, you must know my father, Viscount Brigham. Daddy, surely you know the Marquess of Winterbourne from the Lords?”

The viscount’s eyebrows came together, and he scowled. “Winterbourne,” he muttered.

Ethan inclined his head.

“What brings
to Tanglewilde?”

“Your daughter,” Ethan said. “If you have a moment, I’d like to speak with you about her.”

Lady Brigham gasped. “
Mamma mia

Ethan tried very hard not to grimace. And he noticed that Brigham couldn’t quite control the pained expression that crossed his features at his wife’s outburst either.

“In private,” Ethan added with a significant look and an inclination of his head toward the viscountess.

Fammi respirare
! My little girl is finally—”

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