Whisper Cape (40 page)

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Authors: Susan Griscom

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Psychics

BOOK: Whisper Cape
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“What’s up, buddy, you waiting for someone?” Cael asked.

“Yeah. Darcy. She was supposed to meet me here around nine o’clock.” He took a sip of his beer and gave the room another quick perusal.

“Really? I thought Darcy had a date with Lieutenant Whelan tonight,” Addison said.

He grinned. “She did ... does, but something happened between us this afternoon. I went to see her and I think we’re going to try to make another go of things. You know, rekindle our relationship. Except she’s late and I’m beginning to worry.”

“She was supposed to be here at nine? It’s nearly ten,” Cael said.

Jared frowned. “Yeah, I know, that’s why I’m worried.”

Addison put her hand on top of Jared’s. “Don’t worry. Maybe she couldn’t end it so soon.”

Jared shot her a sour look and shifted in his chair.

“What I mean is, sometimes it can be difficult ending a date early after a guy’s gone to the trouble of buying you dinner and all.”

Cael raised his eyebrow and she frowned at him.

“They’re probably just sitting around at Barney’s, sipping port like we are, and talking. Darcy might be having a hard time finding an excuse to leave, especially if he’s being nice.”

“Right, and maybe she started feeling guilty about using the man to buy her dinner and then just dumping him.” Cael felt a kick on his ankle from Addison under the table.

“Ouch.” He glared at her.
That wasn’t necessary.

Well, you’re not helping.
Addison glared back.

“Look. I’m sure she’ll be here any minute. We’ll hang out here with you until she shows.” Cael remembered what Addison had said about Eidolon taking Darcy first and prayed she’d show up soon.

Jared leaned forward, elbows on the table, his fingers toying nervously around the rim of his glass. “Thanks. I’m just concerned, you know with the three murders and all. Speaking of those, any new developments?”

Cael studied Jared carefully before answering. He didn’t want to worry him any more than he already was. “Actually, yes. The last wasn’t a drug overdose; she was murdered.”

Not very subtle, babe.

Be quiet, Addison. Let me finish.

“But they still don’t think the three deaths are related. The woman was missing an earring so maybe the killer took it or it could have just fallen out.”

Jared straightened. “What did you say?”

“When? Which part?”

“About the earring, the part about the fucking earring. You said she was missing an earring!” Jared was almost shouting as he vibrated in his seat and his hands trembled around his beer.

“Yeah, so?”

“The other night, I don’t know, maybe last night or the night before, I was in the bathroom here and Whelan came in. I remember this because he irritated the hell out of me, not only because Darcy liked him but also because he kept calling me ‘son’ as if he was so much older. Anyway, he dropped something. An earring. I picked it up and handed it to him. He thanked me and made some lame comment about not wanting to lose it and that he couldn’t wear it while he was in uniform. Maybe he’s the killer. Holy Fuck, he has Darcy! I need to go.”

Cael grabbed his arm. “Wait, man, you don’t know this for sure. You can’t go off half-cocked, accusing a police lieutenant of murder.”

“Well, then you tell me, where the fuck is Darcy? She was supposed to be here at nine. He must have her. And what if he ... oh, God, what if he’s already killed her?”

So much for not wanting to worry him.
Addison frowned at Cael.

Well, I don’t want him running off to save Darcy, if in fact Duane Whelan is actually Eidolon. So help me find a way to keep him here so you and I can go and destroy the bastard.

Addison turned to Jared, placing her hand on his arm. “Okay, listen. If Duane is the murderer, you can’t go after him. He has a gun. He could shoot you. Let Cael go. At least he has a gun, and is trained to use it. Do we even know what kind of car he drives?”

“Yep, it’s a puke-green Prius,” Jared said.

“Have you tried calling Darcy?” Cael asked.

“No, wait, shit, shit! I left my phone in the back—I’ll go get it.” He scrambled out of his seat and sprinted to the kitchen.

“Oh, God, Cael. What if Jared is right? Eidolon did say he would go after Darcy first.”

“Yeah, I remember. We should have been watching out for her.”

“Yeah, but who would have thought—Lieutenant Whelan?”

“I should have.”

“You can’t blame yourself. We both knew she was in danger.”



Chapter 39



Cael and Addison waited about three minutes and when Jared didn’t return, Cael went looking for him, but returned almost immediately.

“Jared slipped out the back. Let’s go,” Cael hissed and grabbed Addison by the arm, tugging her to the door.

“Cael, slow down, I can’t keep up in these.” She pointed to the three-inch heels on her feet and Cael grimaced.

“Addison, you can’t fight a demon in those. Let’s go.” He pulled her to the bushes behind the trash bin.


“You okay?”

“Yeah, but I stubbed my toe. A demon?”

“Well, that's really just an expression, though he's the closest to one I've ever seen. Hold on.”

"Wait. You said you were trained to fight demons."

"Yeah, but I've never actually seen one. Now hold on."

They appeared in the bedroom of the beach house and Cael let go of Addison, hoping she wasn't too scared about what they were about to do.

Cael barked out orders. “Quick, change your shoes—change your skirt while you’re at it—and hurry up. I’m going to get a couple flashlights. You’d better grab a jacket. Meet me downstairs.”

Cael adjusted his gun, making sure he could get to it quickly. He took a second small pistol and stuck it in his ankle holster. He made sure the knife he carried was secure in the sheath strapped to his shin. He looked up to see Addison staring at him, her eyes wide and horrified.

“You have your weapons, these are mine.”

He went to her, placed his hands on her shoulders. “I know this scares you, baby, but it’s time to get tough. I need you to concentrate on using your abilities—we need your powers to destroy Eidolon. The guns and knives are just for extra precaution.”

Cael retrieved the journal from under the sofa cushion and stuck it in the inside pocket of his jacket.

“Why are you taking that?”

“Bargaining power.”

He stood in front of her, brushed his thumb over her bottom lip, then kissed her, softly. Lifting his face an inch from hers he stared into her eyes and in a low commanding voice, said, “You can do this. I believe in you. You need to believe in yourself. Remember, I’m in your mind, use me.”

She swallowed. “Okay. Let’s go kick some ass.”

“That's my girl. I love you.”

They went back to the truck since they had no clue where to start looking and Cael didn't want to waste energy teleporting in and out, especially with the added weight of Addison.

Addison’s phone rang. She pulled it out of her pocket and looked at the display. “It’s Darcy.”

“Keep it cool. Never mind. Let me have it.”

“Darcy, where are you?” he demanded.

Not so cool.

Cael frowned at Addison.

“Well, hello. Could this be Cael?” A raspy voice, thick with a New Jersey accent, chuckled from the phone. “I haven’t talked to you since you were, let’s see, two years old, I believe. I’m so glad you could join the party out here in Whisper Cape. It’s going to be a blast.”

“I know you have Darcy.” He glanced at Addison again; she sat stiff next to him with a blank stare. Eidolon had her in a trance through the phone, how the fuck was he doing that?

“Yes. Ten points for the hero P.I. No harm will come to her if I get the journal, of course. Oh and the crystal, too. Damn fucking book is useless without it, but then you know that already, don’t you? Bring the book and the crystal or she dies. Oh, and bring that pretty girlfriend of yours, I didn’t get enough of her last time. The things I’ve been wanting and waiting to do to Ristéard’s daughter, ooh, it makes my blood vibrate with anticipation.”

“Where are you?” Cael’s stomach knotted. He grabbed Addison’s knee and squeezed.

Addison, baby. I’m here with you. Try to block him.

She didn’t respond.

“We’re outside your house at the beach.”

What? They had just left there, but they'd never gone outside. Cael glanced over at Addison. She was still in a trance. “Release Addison’s mind right now or we won’t come. You’re going to kill Darcy anyway, or you probably already have.”

“You’re not in a position to make demands, my dear boy. Here, sweetheart, say something.”

“Cael? Please hurry, he’s insane! He ...”

“Shhh, sweetheart, we don’t want to give away all our secrets, now do we? Better hurry, she doesn’t have long. It’s a shame though; she’s so pretty, nice knockers on this one. Double D is what they call you, right darling?” he said to Darcy, and Cael heard her whimper in the background.

“Eidolon, release Addison.”

The phone went dead.

“Addison, baby, are you with me?”

A few tense and frightening seconds passed before she responded. “I wasn’t, but I am now. He had me again. I couldn’t move. I couldn’t hear anything and I couldn’t feel you in my head. Where did you go?”

“Sorry … I guess I backed off from your mind to concentrate on what Eidolon was saying. I won’t let it happen again. We can stop him. We can stop him from taking control of your mind. Together, we have to work together. He has Darcy outside of the beach house. We must have just missed them. I had my suspicions about Duane, but I just didn’t think he had it in him.”

They pulled up to the rental house.

“Look, there’s the Prius,” Addison said.

They got out of the truck. Cael pulled out his gun and released the safety, then took Addison by the arm. “Look at me. Together we are strong. If you feel him start to enter your mind, call out my name. We can do this, baby. Trust me.”

“Let’s go. Wait, Cael, look over there!” She pointed her flashlight toward the Prius. There was a body lying on the ground next to the car. They ran to it.

“It’s Duane,” she said.

Cael knelt down, felt for a pulse. “He’s alive. Whose body is that sick bastard in?”

They headed toward the door of the house, but Addison tripped over something else on the ground and stumbled to her knees. Cael aimed his flashlight at it as he helped her up.

“It’s Jared. Damn it.” Again, he felt for a pulse. “He’s alive, too.”

Laughter filled the air as they turned to see Tim. His Harley lay on the ground, while he held a knife at Darcy’s throat. Tears streamed down her cheeks. They stood huddled between two trees over by the edge of the cliff.


Cael tried to shield Addison, but he was too late and she stopped moving.

He pointed his gun at Tim, but fear of hitting Darcy had him hesitating to pull the trigger. They were all dead without Addison’s powers.

The archway leading to the ocean caught Cael's eye. The strange rock formation through the opening on the other side wavered, casting off a shimmering reflection.

Take hold of Addison, Cael—together you are strong in mind and body.

Not Eidolon’s voice, he thought. Ristéard’s.

Cael reached out and grabbed Addison by the arm, pulling her to him. She blinked and came to.

“It’s not going to work, Eidolon. You can’t penetrate our minds. Let Darcy go.”

“Now, you don’t think I came all this way to give in that easily, do you? You dumb fuck. You’re just as stupid as those two fuck-heads on the ground. I can do more than penetrate your mind. Everyday my powers grow stronger. I know the crystal’s here, I can feel it.”

A low growl came from beyond the trees as an animal resembling a large wolf—teeth bared and mouth foaming—came charging at them. Addison held onto to Cael’s arm as she threw fire at it, sending it howling to the ground.

“Oh, that’s good. Gotta admit, the girl’s got some skill. Bet she’s good in the sack, too, huh Cael? I only got a little taste. She’s yummy.” He licked his fingers. “I’m looking forward to fucking her while you watch.”

“You’ll never get the chance, you sick fuck.”

Stay close. When I say “now,” send the knife he’s holding into the trees. Then quickly send a fireball at him.

But what about Darcy? I might hit Darcy.

I know. It’s a chance we have to take. You can heal her later.

Tim’s eyes were wild with rage. “Give me the book now or I swear I’ll slash her throat.”

“Let Darcy go, then I’ll give you the book.”

Tim shook his head and grinned as a tree branch cracked, split and fell to the ground merely inches from where Addison stood. She gasped in horror, but stayed close to Cael.

“No, no, no, first the journal and the crystal, them's the rules.”

“You know it’ll never work. We’ve dealt with this for centuries. The whole reason for the book, the crystal—they exist for our protection. You know the chaos you’ll create if you follow through with this. If you chant those words, it’ll be complete pandemonium. People will be afraid of you; they’ll hunt you down like a wild animal. They’ll experiment on you, try to figure out how you work, what makes you tick. They'll find a way to destroy you and ruin everything we’ve fought to protect all these years.”

“No, they won’t get the chance. Once I say those words, I’ll have control. No one will be able to resist me.”

“Don’t count on it. If you destroy the Sectorium, we all die, including you.”

“Give me the book, now! This knife is getting mighty heavy in my hand. It's ready to slip into this lovely lady's neck. Are you going to be responsible for her death?”

Cael reached in his jacket and pulled out the thin leather journal. “Okay, okay. Here's the book. Let her go and I'll throw it to you.”

Cael moved closer to Addison and took hold of her arm.

Tim lowered the knife several inches.

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