Whisper Cape (37 page)

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Authors: Susan Griscom

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Mystery; Thriller & Suspense, #Thrillers, #Suspense, #Romance, #Paranormal, #Psychics

BOOK: Whisper Cape
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Cael sipped his tea, remembering the conversation he and Addison had the other night about children.

“I’m not sure. My intuitive gift is foggy with her. She can be rather ambivalent at times.”

“Maybe she’s not sure how you feel about her and is reluctant to show her own emotions. Some women aren't comfortable exposing their feelings for a man unless he’s revealed his first, especially in a new relationship. Have you told her you love her?”


“But you’ve made love to her.”

“That’s none of your business and I prefer not to discuss my sex life with you. I’ve only known her a little over a week and I’m not in the habit of telling women I love them, especially after such a short time.”

He took another sip of tea and Siana sat silently looking at him.

“Oh, hell, I think I love her, but I need to be careful. Infatuation and lust feel very similar to love. I need to be sure. And, we’ve been a little busy lately with Eidolon.”

“You have time to make love, but not time to discuss love?”

“You have me there, but it’s difficult.”

Siana set her cup down and stood. “Well, now you see why I wanted to have this conversation in private. Think about it Cael, but don’t take too long. You’re running out of time. Let’s get back downstairs before Breena talks Addison’s ears off about her Barbie collection.”

The idea of Addison and Breena discussing dolls tickled Cael and he wondered how Addison would deal with that. He thought she had a fondness for children, but he wasn’t sure.




Cael and Siana materialized back in the training center, where Addison and Breena sat cross-legged on the floor, patting each other’s hands in time with some sort of rhyme they were singing. Breena had on the gloves she usually wore when she didn’t want to see someone’s future. Good thing, Cael mused as he sat on the black leather chair he’d been in earlier while Siana took the other one. Addison actually looked as if she knew the words and the different hand placements and seemed to be enjoying herself.

When the song was finished, they both jumped up and Breena ran over to Cael, jumping on his lap.

“Addison knows a lot of fun songs and she promised to teach me a new one every time she comes to see me.”

Cael looked up at Addison and felt his heart tug. “That’s cool, squirt. Listen, I need to work with Grammy for a while. Addison, would you mind taking Breena over there and showing her your powers while I work with my mom?”

“Of course not. Come on Breena, let’s go.” Addison took Breena’s gloved hand in hers and they walked to the area of the room Cael had set up for her to practice. Cael smiled as they walked hand in hand with their arms swinging all the way.

Siana and Cael stood. His smile vanished as he faced her. She placed her hands on his shoulders and looked into his eyes.

“Okay, first I want you to clear your mind and meditate.”

“It’s hard to mediate standing here with you staring at me.”


“Okay, okay.” He closed his eyes and relaxed his shoulders.

“Good, I can’t get anything from you. Now think of something while you meditate.”


“Focus, Cael, you can do it.”

He let out his breath and thought about taking Addison away when this was all over.

“Good, I couldn’t detect a single thought or emotion. Now, think of something you really never ever want me to know about, but at the same time think of something you do want me to know about.”

Cael stood and thought about sex—what else could he think about with Addison so close?

“Keep it clean, please,” his mother said before he’d had a chance to think of something else.

He thought about sex with Addison again, but more specifically, sex on a deserted island, but also thought of Thanksgiving dinner with her aunt—and how he was dreading it because Gerry would be there.

“Okay, I’m a little upset that you’re not going to be here for Thanksgiving, but what does this Gerry have to do with anything?”

“Oh, it’s a long story—some other time. Anything else?”


“Really? Wow. Sorry about Thanksgiving, but I’m sure I can persuade Addison to drop by here for a short while, if you promise hors d’oeuvres and cocktails.”

“Yes, of course, that would be lovely.”

“It’s all about the chaos, right? That’s why I can’t read people when they’re confused. Let’s try it again.” He was excited and felt as if he were twelve years old again when he’d first learned how to teleport.

After a short while, Razvan came in.

“What’s up, Cael?”

“Oh, hey, Raz, my man. I was wondering if I could get your help with something since you have the ability of illusion, similar to Eidolon.”

“Hmmm ... when did he acquire that?”

“Don’t know, but he has it.”

“This is news to me. I didn’t think anyone could … well, never mind. What can I do to help?”

“I’d like you to throw some visions into my mind. I want to try to shield them.”

“What type of visions?”

“Something I wouldn’t like—something that might hurt. The worse the better.”

“Are you sure?”


“All right, then. This should be interesting. I’ve never given anyone an unpleasant vision.”

Cael buckled over, clutching his gut in agony as a six-inch blade plunged into his stomach. He knew it was only a vision Raz threw into his mind, but he couldn’t make the pain go away. As he gaped at the blood oozing from the imaginary wound he heard Addison and Breena gasp with horror as they came rushing over.

“I thought you couldn’t make someone do something they didn’t want to do?” Addison asked.

“I can make him experience pain from what he sees or thinks is happening, but I can’t make him walk across the room,” Raz confirmed.

“That’s very confusing,” Breena said.

“Stop, Raz, stop! I can’t do this,” Cael choked out, still clutching his stomach.

Siana leaned into Razvan and whispered something in his ear and Razvan’s eyes grew huge as if in shock, but he nodded.

Cael screamed, “No, stop! Please. Oh no, oh God!”

After a few seconds he stood straight and stared at Raz, his jaw unclenched, his shoulders relaxed, his expression unwavering. He took a deep breath. “Man, don’t ever put that vision in my head again.”

“Well, it looks like you’re not going to let me anymore. You’re blocking me now.”

“What happened?” Addison asked.

Raz patted Cael on the shoulder. “You can relax now, man, I stopped.”

Raz turned to Addison. “I showed him a virtual scene of you dying.”

“Oh.” Addison paled as Breena’s gloved hand squeezed hers.



Chapter 36



Darcy opened the door expecting to find Addie or Ed Lewis, the apartment manager. She was surprised to find Jared standing on the other side, leaning with one arm up against the doorframe.

“What do you want?” Darcy held her robe closed with one hand and the door open with the other.

“I want to talk.”

“Jared, there’s nothing to talk about, and I don’t have time anyway. I have a date tonight, and I need to get ready.”

Her heart pounded in her chest at the sight of him leaning against the doorjamb with his blond curls hanging down over his forehead. His blue jeans hugged his thighs just tight enough to show off the curve in his hamstring and Darcy wished she didn’t have a date. She hadn’t seen Jared outside of work in such a long time she’d almost forgotten how sexy he really was.

“Please, just hear me out.” He dropped his arm down and put his hand on the door she held open.

“Okay, come on in, but only for a minute.”

“Thanks, do you have any beer?”

“You want a beer? You come to my door three hours before I have a date with another man and you want a beer?” She wasn’t sure why, but she went and grabbed a beer out of her refrigerator and handed it to him.

“Thanks.” He twisted off the cap and took a long pull on the bottle.

“Okay, what do you want?” Darcy picked up the glass of wine she’d been nursing and sipped, keeping her eyes on him.

“I don't care if you have a date tonight. I've stood by for a year now, watching you date. I came over to tell you one more time that I'm sorry for what happened with Hannah. You have to believe me, I was passed out drunk and don’t remember having sex with her. I’m not even sure I did, but she said we did. When I woke up and saw her next to me, well ... shit, this is old stuff. We’ve gone over it so many times before, Darce; I don’t know what else to say to you, other than I love you. I wake up every morning wishing I didn’t love you anymore. But it’s you, baby, it’s always been you. I’ve always loved you, since we were six years old. I can’t move on, I’ve tried. There’s nobody else I want to be with but you, nobody else I want to touch. I want you back, and I’m willing to do anything, anything you want.”

Darcy’s heart melted. Melted. Her entire body tingled with excitement and she couldn’t believe what she was considering after all this time. Could she actually still love him?

“Look, Darce, we’ve been dancing around this thing for a year now. I’m tired.”

“Maybe we should just listen to the music for a while, then.” She stepped toward him, her fingers touched his cheek, and she brushed her lips against his, testing to see what would happen.

Jared slipped his hand inside her robe and around her waist, pulling her against him. She fell into him, his mouth found hers and her lips parted with acceptance.

Her stomach did a flipity flop and she moaned. His mouth was as sweet as she remembered. God, she
still in love with Jared. She eased back and away, pulling her robe closed.

For a moment neither one spoke.

She bit her bottom lip. “Well, where do we go from here?”

Jared let out a half-laugh mixed with a sigh. “I don’t know, Darce ... you tell me.”

She wasn’t sure if she was about to make the biggest mistake of her life—God knows she’d been down this road with Jared before—and wondered if she was setting herself up for heartache all over again. But it had been a year now and he still hadn’t given up on her no matter how many times she discouraged him. She’d tried hard to forget him and gone out with other men, but no one could ever measure up to Jared. There must be something right about this.

She moved into him without thinking. His mouth covered hers, as her robe fell to the floor. The kiss, tender and full of passion, made her ache for more as he grazed his teeth down her neck pressing little kisses. He found his way to her breast and before she knew what was happening, they were both naked on her bed and it was just as wonderful as it had been a year ago—maybe even better. Yes, she still loved Jared.

They lay with their legs tangled together and Jared’s fingers intertwined with hers.

“I love you, Darce.”

“I love you, too, you big moron.”

“I’m the biggest.” He kissed her head.

“I have a date tonight with Duane.”

He propped up on his elbow, leaned his head on his fist, and twirled her hair in his fingers.


“I can’t cancel. He made dinner reservations and everything. It would be rude. I’ll go to dinner with him and explain everything so it won’t be awkward next time I see him, especially since he stops in the bar all the time.”

She wished she could cancel her plans with Duane and stay with Jared, but it would be better to go and explain. God, after all this time, laying here with Jared seemed so surreal; her body craved more of him.

“Right, the last thing we need is a pissed off police lieutenant hounding us. Will you meet me at the Cliff Hanger after?”

“It’s a date.”



“Don’t let him kiss you.”

“I won’t.”

He took her in his arms and kissed her again.




Addie leaned into Cael, his embrace tight and possessive. Maybe he was still trying to get the vision of her dying out of his mind. After they said goodbye to Siana, Raz, and Breena, he glanced at his watch and grinned.

“There’s still time before the dreaded dinner with your aunt. Are you ready to go?”

Addie rolled her eyes, wishing he didn’t feel that way. “Yes.”

“Close your eyes.”

“Trust me, I always do.” Addie closed her eyes as the familiar feel of the slight motion of air sliced through her bones.


She blinked and looked around at palm trees swaying in the soft warm breeze. “Where are we?”

“French Polynesia, on the Motu Tapu just off the island of Bora Bora, to be exact. I wanted to surprise you, take you to a different beach before we go to Maia's for dinner. I want to talk to you.”

She threw her arms up in the air and danced around in a circle. There wasn’t a soul around other than the two of them. Birds chirped from above, waves lapped and settled into soft-looking foam as they spilled onto the sand. The sun was warm and still high in the sky. The turquoise waters of the lagoon played off the deep blue color of Cael’s eyes. They stood on a white, sandy, palm-covered islet out on the reef, which circled the lagoon like a delicate ribbon of pearls.

“Oh, God, Cael. I never dreamed you could ... I mean ... well I thought about it, yeah. You know, if you could go anywhere, anytime, why wouldn’t you? I just never expected it. And will you look at that?” She pointed at two towering peaks of sheer black rock a short distance away that dominated the center of the island’s lush green tropic slopes, giving way to valleys blossoming with hibiscus.

“I wanted to take you somewhere warm to talk, a place where no one could interrupt us. Let’s go sit over there.” He pointed to an old weathered palm tree backing up against the sand ridge.

“This is definitely warm and beautiful.” She shrugged off her heavy coat, hung it on a protruding branch and sat on the eroded tree trunk.




Cael took his jacket off and spread it out on the sand. He sank to his knees in front of her.

“Cael? What's going on?”

“Addison.” He took her hands in his as he squared his shoulders with hers. God, he was nervous.

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