Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1) (15 page)

BOOK: Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1)
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The hairs stood up on the back of Grant’s neck. It seemed things just kept getting worse. Growing and selling marijuana was one thing, but murder was a whole other ball game. If the man was responsible for the murders of the Mendez men, then he wouldn’t hesitate to kill Nina. How was he going to protect her when he couldn’t even tell her she was in danger?

Chapter Twelve


It was almost dark by the time Grant pulled up in front of Nina’s house. No one was outside so he assumed everyone was inside having dinner. Making as little noise as possible, he went straight to his room and slipped inside. Josh sat in a chair in front of the window with a pair of binoculars.

Josh lowered the binoculars and peered at him. “I was getting worried. What took you so long?”

Grant thought about the needless murders and he felt sick at heart. With a shake of his head he tried to put the grizzly scene out of his mind. “A lot has happened.” Grant retold Josh all that Uncle Tate had divulged to him about the murders of the members of the Mendez Cartel.

“Maybe Uncle Tate should go ahead and arrest Collins and his cohorts. I’m sure once faced with the death penalty one of his men will turn on him.”

Grant stuffed his hands into the pockets of his shorts and began to pace the room. “He wants Matthew Collins. Last night when the Mendez crew was killed, he was having dinner with his wife. He won’t make an arrest until he has all the evidence he needs. Now he is focusing on a murder conviction.”

“Perhaps you should explain to Nina what’s going down.” His brother gave him a level glance. “If this Randle Collins is capable of murdering boys, he might harm her.”

Grant gathered his resolve. He had considered doing just that but feared she would insist he leave. No, it was not an option. First and foremost he had to be there to protect her. “I can’t take the chance. We’re close. Give me a few days and I’m sure we’ll have enough evidence to put Randle Collins and his cronies away for life.”

He moved to the window and peered at the house. “Have you seen Clay leave the pool house?”

“No, they’ve been quiet.”

“I have yet to figure out why he is here. I don’t know if he is spying on Nina or me. Either way the man is dangerous. Uncle Tate says he has a rap sheet as long as my arm.” Every muscle in his body was tight. “The best we can hope for is he and his friends will have another night of partying by the pool. I have three bugs in the trunk of my car. While they are preoccupied with booze and sex, hide them in the pool house. You’re better at these things than I am. If we are lucky, they’ll discuss amongst themselves why they are here.”

Grant felt like he was in over his head. He was a soldier not an investigator. Lives were at stake and he didn’t want to make a mistake. He had enough guilt to live with. He didn’t need to add more.


Nina stood at the sink washing dishes. She leaned against the counter and looked through the kitchen window. From her location she saw Grant coast into the drive, get out of his car, and disappear into the front room of the barn. Curious, she wondered where he had gone. She didn’t see Josh get out of the car. Why would he leave his brother behind? And where was Josh? Not once had she seen Grant’s brother since she and Juan got back from the farmer’s market. She sighed in frustration. Something was going on and she didn’t know what.

She jumped when Maria placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll finish the dishes, Nina.” She dried her hands and moved away from the sink. “Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m fine. Why do you ask?” Nina slipped onto the stool and crossed her arms over her chest.

“You seem preoccupied lately. I thought it might have something to do with Grant.”

Not wanting to worry Maria, she smiled. “I’m fine.”

“I see the way you look at him.” Maria began to dry the dishes in the drain. “It is none of my business but I thought you might want to talk.” She opened the overhead cabinet and placed the plates on the rack. “Is it serious?”

After a moment of reflection she answered, “Only on my part. The plain truth is I love him. I don’t think he is ready to make a commitment.”

Eyes deep and dark with sincerity peered at Nina. “Give him time. I see the way he looks at you.” She placed her hand over Nina’s. “He is a good man. Juan looks up to him and I like having a male figure around to teach him what it means to be a man. I worry that I coddle him too much.”

“Nonsense, Juan is as tough as nails. You have been a wonderful mother. After the tragedy of losing your husband, you could have fallen apart but you didn’t. Because you have a son you kept it together.”

Maria squeezed her hand. “You helped me keep it together. If not for you, we would have been on the street.” She wrapped her arms around Nina and placed her head on her chest. “I know I’m not much older than you, but I think of you as a daughter.” As if embarrassed for showing so much emotion, she pushed away from Nina. “I’m sorry.” She could barely get out a sentence. “Just know Juan and I both love you and want you to be happy.”

“Thank you, but I am happy. It’s just that a life with Grant would make me that much happier.”

Pride took over and she squared her shoulders. Enough about a man she should never have gotten involved with in the first place. From the beginning she knew he wasn’t the marrying kind. “I’ll work on balancing the books. The worst part of having a business is all the paper work involved. Money seems to disappear as fast as I bring it in.”

Nina plopped into the swivel chair in her office. She turned on her computer and started entering receipts for feed for the animals onto her monthly balance sheet. Because of all the time she spent with Grant she was behind. Most nights she had stayed up late to do the paperwork. Since he arrived she spent her nights making love.

After twenty minutes she let out a heavy sigh. Unable to concentrate, she propped her head on the back of the chair and stared at the ceiling. She had too many commitments and responsibilities to be fretting over Grant. Even though she told him she didn’t expect anything from their relationship, she lied. Nothing would make her happier than for him to stay and share a life with her. But then again it wasn’t fair for her to saddle him with all her troubles. A farm barely surviving, then there was Maria and Juan she couldn’t afford to pay some weeks. Beth was almost finished with school, but then her last year of vet school would be just about as expensive as a year of law school. Thankfully, Lacy got a full scholarship.

The cold truth was she loved Grant, but didn’t think he would ever fit into her life. What man in his right mind would take on all her baggage? Painful as letting him walk out of her life would be she refused to ask him to stay.

“Are you okay?”

Startled, Nina sat straight in her chair and peered at Grant standing in the doorway. “Yes, I’m fine. Why do you ask?”

“You were a million miles away.” In three long strides he was by her side. His fingers raked over her cheek. “I’m sorry I haven’t been around today. Josh and I went for a drive.”

A lie. Nina wanted to call him out on the fib he just told but chose to ignore it instead. She wasn’t his wife. Hell, she wasn’t even really his girlfriend. In reality she didn’t know what she was to him. Maybe she was only a good piece of ass.

“Let’s go to bed.”

The slender thread of hope she had broke. Sex was all he wanted from her. Of course it was her own fault for telling him she didn’t expect anything in return. Silence continued for what seemed an eternity.

Grant took her arm and tucked it into his. He gently pulled her to her feet. “How about tomorrow we go back to the waterfall? We’ll let Josh, Juan, and Maria, accompany us and have a picnic.” His fingers trailed over her arm leaving goosebumps in its wake. “Josh can escort them back to the house and you and I will spend the rest of the day doing whatever you ask of me. I’ll be your slave. Your love slave.”

Nina giggled. He did know how to charm the depression right out of her. He was also good at charming her right out of her panties. Her senses were vibrantly alive just thinking of all the wicked things she would have him do to please her. As he led her toward her bedroom she whispered, “So anything I want you will do?”

“Yes, ma’am. I aim to please.”

Nina glanced at his crotch and saw that he already had a bulge. By the time he closed the door to her bedroom she was trembling with anticipation. He helped her peel off her clothes and then shoved her to the bed. Propped on her side, she watched as he pulled his shirt over his head and threw it in the chair. Then he kicked his shoes off and last his shorts. He flexed his muscles and she giggled.

Grant moved the last few feet to the bed and stood there. She moved her hands over her breasts and across her flat stomach. She melted as his eyes devoured her. By a sheer act of will she never touched him. At the moment she wanted to take in his handsome face and tight, hard body.

Grant leaned over her and stroked the golden curls at the apex of her thighs. When his finger penetrated her, she thought she would come off the bed. His finger drove in her several times before he rose above her. He cupped her jaw in his hand and tilted her face to his. His lips touched hers for a slow, gentle kiss. Her hands sank into the mass of his hair and she demanded more from the kiss. She sucked his tongue with a seductive rhythm. She felt she could kiss him forever.

“You are a great lover, Nina.” The compliment made her feel bold. If she would have known sex could be this stimulating, she would have given up her virtue years ago. But then she doubted any man could make her feel what Grant made her feel.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and curved her body against his. Minutes passed as she became the aggressor, touching, feeling, unable to get enough. It amazed her that he could bring her so much pleasure. He moved away from her and she sat up and waited as he took several deep breaths to keep from having an orgasm. After taking a few seconds to regain control, he said, “That was close. Those hot little hands of yours are amazing.” Pupils dilated, he cast a look at her and smiled. “You are sultry, Nina. You make me tremble.”

She pressed a hand to her racing heart. The throbbing between her legs needed attention. Instead of speaking, she motioned him back to bed with desire in her eyes. Roughly, he grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed. Dropping to his knees, he spread her legs and with a tender touch pressed against her moistness. She arched her back and gave a gentle thrust of her hips as his finger entered. Her inner muscles clutched as his finger dived deep. Her fingers twined in his hair and she pulled him tighter and ground her hips against his hand. She cried out in ecstasy as an intense orgasm ripped through her. It seemed to go on forever as he continued to give her pleasure with his hand. She began a low whimper then bit her lip to keep from screaming as her flesh contracted around his finger. The last thing she wanted was for Maria and Juan to hear.

Grant peered into her eyes for a second before he pushed her to the center of the bed. His mouth covered a hard nipple and he sucked so hard she gasped in pain which seemed to excite him even more. His callused hands gripped her breasts as he continued to suck, first one and then the other. His lips moved to her mouth and he kissed her with so much force she lost her breath. There was no tenderness in his approach. He gripped her hands twining his fingers with hers. Her legs wrapped around him when she felt him pushing against her center. With brutality she never knew he possessed, he entered her. Thrust after thrust he pounded against her. The pain was outweighed by the pleasure. Rocking back and forth, she tried to fit more of his shaft into her body. Searing heat burned hot desire throughout her body. She began to writhe and moan under him as she climaxed. Orgasm after orgasm rolled over her. She shut her eyes as her muscles tightened around his shaft. Groans filled the room as Grant’s orgasm followed. By the time he rolled off her, a sheen of sweat covered their bodies.

He spooned his body against hers. “Can we sleep until noon?”

Her fingers stroked his arm. “Remember we are going on a picnic tomorrow. We have to get up at the crack of dawn to tend to the animals.” He didn’t answer so she thought he was asleep. Seconds passed before he pressed against her and she could feel his soft member rub her bottom.

“You’re so virile, Grant. I could spend a life time making love with you. Thank you for introducing me to the pleasures of sex.”

Nina felt like screaming. She was so exhausted she was blubbering. His arms tightened around her and he nuzzled her neck. “I have to admit it is special with you, Nina. My every waking moment is spent thinking about making love to you. You’ve got my head in the clouds.”

Well, at least that was something. Maybe he wasn’t ready to tell her he loved her, but he had strong feelings for her. If he stayed longer, it was possible he would come to love her. As she dozed off to sleep, visions of them getting married filled her mind. She envisioned Beth and Lacy dressed in royal blue, her favorite color standing by her side. She would wear her mother’s wedding dress. Grant could wear his dress blues.


Grant woke to sunlight filling the room. He rolled over onto his back and moaned. Last night had been the most spectacular night of his life. He became hard just thinking about Nina. He felt the place next to him and it wasn’t even warm. Glancing at the alarm clock on the table by the bed, he grimaced. It was nine o’clock. He bounded out of bed and into the shower. Towel around his waist, he gathered his clothes left on the chair and got dressed. He hurried to the kitchen to find Maria loading the dishwasher with the breakfast dishes.

“Good morning, Grant.”

“Good morning, Maria. Is there anything left to eat?”

“Yes, I put your plate in the oven to keep it warm.” She poured him a cup of coffee and placed it on the table.

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