Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1) (17 page)

BOOK: Whispers of the Falls: Book one (Twelve Oaks Farm Series 1)
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Bold eyes lingered on his shaft now standing at attention. It twitched and she giggled. “I think it has a mind of its own.”

“You have no idea.” His hands closed around her waist. “I think it has something to do with you.”

She gripped his shaft and then slowly, sensuously moved her fisted hand back and forth. With quick jerks of her hips she pressed against the tip of his shaft. He took a deep breath to control his desire. His nerves were sizzling. If he was going to do all he promised, he would have to conserve his energy. “How does it feel, love slave?”

Their gazes remained locked as he peered into her deep blue eyes. “Like heaven. You know just where to touch me.”

She never took her eyes off him as she stood on tiptoe and framed his face in her hands. She brushed her lips at each corner of his mouth, then crushed her mouth to his causing him to moan. He stroked her hair and neck while he moved his hips forward and back. Searing heat burned pleasure throughout his body as she continued to devour his mouth. Her body was a treasure and he couldn’t ignore the reaction of her touches. He was so hard he ached. He pushed her to her back. At the moment he felt free and alive. “Now it is my turn to pleasure you.”

His hands caressed her tight bottom, and naked thighs. Her breathing was erratic as his finger plunged inside. She pressed against his hand and he felt her muscles clutch around his finger. He stroked her until she was dripping wet. He caught her knees in his hand and pressed them apart. She gasped as his hands became rough. He caught her hips and held them in place as a bolt of light burst in her. Her thigh muscles tightened as an orgasm began. She writhed and twisted under him as he continued his sensual attack. She screamed, “Grant, Grant!”

Too weak to move, she lay motionless beneath him. He sat back on his haunches and asked, “Are you okay?”

She smiled and whispered, “That was earth shattering.”

“Are you ready for more?” When she didn’t say anything, he whispered against her ear. “You are wonderful to touch.”

He felt her tremble as his fingertips grazed her rosy, taut nipples. He fondled her buttocks for a few seconds and then dipped a finger into her wet vagina. She was ready for him. Her body hummed and purred beneath his hands. He dropped to his knees and entered her in one swift thrust. Hands gripping her thighs, he held her in place. “Honey, that feels good.”

She squirmed against him. She moaned loudly as he pulled out and penetrated her again. “Oh, Grant, that feels wonderful.”

He slid his full length into her. Tight muscles clenched against him and held him there as another orgasm ripped through her. Her hips jerked and she ground herself against him in frantic need. Seconds passed before a tiny scream escaped her lips, and she began to rock back and forth. Grant pulled out to keep from climaxing. There was still more he wanted to show her.

With rough hands, he gripped her waist and hauled her to her feet. She stumbled almost too weak to stand. He pulled her against his hard, muscular chest and held her while his breathing slowed. It wasn’t easy to stay in control when all he wanted was to have sex with her. Her mouth was reckless as it moved over his lips. Her hands were rough as they moved over his back. Hands of a woman who didn’t think twice about getting dirty. He didn’t mind. She possessed the qualities of a strong, vibrant lover. She was a lady in every sense of the word.

Her mouth was savage as she plunged her tongue deep to meld with his. God, she was a great kisser. He gripped her bottom cheeks and lifted her off the ground. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he plunged inch by inch into her dripping wetness. Her eyes grew round, then stormy. She held her breath as she grew accustomed to the fullness from this new and exciting position. It didn’t take long and she was grinding against him. In seconds he was in danger of having an orgasm. He must have been out of his mind to think he would be able to withstand her legs wrapped around him. It took every fiber in his being not to climax. Instead he pulled out of her and sat her back on her feet.

She stomped her bare foot in frustration. “I was enjoying that position.”

He touched his fingers to her cheek and in a breathless whisper announced, “So was I, maybe a little too much.” Grant fell to his back on the quilt and added, “I need a rest. You are too much woman for me.”

Nina lay down beside him, propped her head on her elbow and smiled. “What are we going to do next?”

“You are insatiable, honey. I don’t think my heart can take much more.”

She ran a finger over his chest. “I think I remember someone telling me they would be my sex slave. A deal is a deal.”

The evil glint in her eyes had him enthralled. Never in a million years would he have guessed she would be this great at sex. Especially, since she seemed so serious most of the time. The woman was a temptress.

“I think I have bit off more than I can chew.”

Nina sat on his legs and took his penis in her hands. “Some sex slave you are. It looks as if I’ll have to do all the work.”

His shaft twitched as she stroked her hand over its hardness. Just watching her caused his heart to pound with excitement. Bent over him, her silky hair draped over his stomach and the quilt, she began to stroke harder and harder. She slowed and peered up at him. His shaft throbbed with pleasure.

“Sit on it, Nina.”

He didn’t have to ask her twice. She straddled him and inched his full length into her wet body. A sweet tingle of anticipation sparked inside him as she took all of him. The firm, full feeling had her wiggling against him.

Her nipples hardened when he ran his thumbs over them. Even though her breasts were not overly large, she had the biggest nipples of any woman he had ever had sex with. Hands on her full, round breasts he began to roll them. She pressed her hands against his as she began to rise up and slam back down on his penis. She draped over him, her mouth devouring his. Lips and tongue melted together as her movements became faster and faster.

Grant clung to her as her thigh muscles tightened in a death grip around his hardness. The hold was so tight he couldn’t have gotten away from her if he wanted to. But of course he didn’t want the sensations to stop. Time seemed to lose all meaning as all his worries were forgotten. The rest of the world did not exist as he lay on the quilt deep inside Nina.

She cried out as the explosive sensation ripped through her. Her nails dug into his chest as she sat up, threw her head back, and screamed louder.

His lungs burned as she rode him to a mind blowing pleasure he had never felt in his entire life. Helpless to hold back any longer, he shattered and poured into her. His fingers burrowed into her firm bottom and he held her in place, gritted his teeth, and lost all control. Still on top of him, she continued to quiver and shudder until she seemed to have nothing left and collapsed.

Grant wrapped his arms around her slender shoulders and rolled over onto his side so they were facing each other. He pushed her damp, sweaty hair away from her face. Her eyes closed but the smile remained on her lips. Both too weak to move, they lay in that position for several minutes before he spoke. “You are amazing, Nina.”

Her eyes fluttered open. “If I had any idea sex was this good, I would have given up my cherry a long time ago.”

He smacked her on the bottom. “I like to believe that I am the reason you enjoy sex.”

She giggled but it was weak. “I would have thought there were more than just three positions of making love.”

Again he smacked her on the bottom. “One day maybe I can withstand to show you more.”

Her hand trembled as she touched his cheek with the tips of her fingers. “I’m glad you were my first.”

The smile disappeared and she looked sad. Perhaps she wanted to hear him say he loved her, but he couldn’t say the words. He would not give her hope and then leave. That would be cruel.

Pain caused his heart to constrict. As he lay under the shade of the mighty oak, sun filtering through the thick branches, he realized he did love her. He had done exactly what he promised himself he wouldn’t. He let himself fall in love with the farm girl. Sometimes love wasn’t enough. He still didn’t know what he wanted out of life.

As if she knew his internal battle, she sat and wrapped her arms around her knees. From the stubborn angle of her chin, he knew she was upset. Nothing was said as she looked straight ahead, staring at the cascading waterfall.

He wanted to take her in his arms and tell her everything would be okay, but he couldn’t. Hell, he didn’t know what the future held. If he thought for one minute he could stay with her, he would tell her.

Would he be content to feed animals and plant crops the rest of his life? Would he miss being a Marine? How could he throw nine years of service away as if it meant nothing to his future? In reality fighting battles was all he knew. But then his last battle had left him angry and bitter. Some of that bitterness would never go away.

Nina stood on trembling legs and made her way to the pool of water at the base of the waterfall. She climbed the rocks and dived into the deepest part of the pool.

Grant ambled to the rocks and watched as she surfaced. He climbed the rocks and dived into the clear, blue water. Underneath the water, he could see her treading water. He surfaced and took her in his arms. She wrapped her arms around him and seemed content even though he refused to make promises.

“I think we need to name the waterfall.”

She brushed her lips against his. “And what name would you bestow on a place this beautiful.”

“Nina Falls.”

Her face lit up because of the compliment. “I love it. I don’t know if Beth and Lacy will like being left out. Remember the spot also belongs to them.”

“How about we call it Nina Falls and Beth and Lacy can call it whatever they prefer. It will be our special place.”

“Sounds good to me.” Deep sorrow filled her eyes. “On many occasions my parents brought us here when we were young. I can still hear their voices in my mind. One night we camped out under the oak tree. Daddy had just purchased a huge tent big enough for all of us and we couldn’t wait to break it in.”

“You were a close family?”

Some of her sadness evaporated as a smile broke her lips. “Yes, my father and mother loved us dearly. We had a happy life together.” She cleared her throat. “Now back to my story. “I guess Lacy was twelve or thirteen. We stayed up late and popped popcorn over the campfire, made smores, and told ghost stories. Daddy had us scared out of our wits by the time we turned in. We finally dozed off to the sound of the falls.”

Her brow drew together and she hesitated for a few seconds. “For some reason daddy woke and did a sleeping bag check. Lacy wasn’t in the tent. After all the soda she had drunk, Daddy thought maybe she had gotten up to pee. He grabbed the flashlight and crawled out of the tent to search for her.”

Again she hesitated. “Please go on.”

She gave him a weak smile as the silence continued. “He began to panic when he couldn’t find her. He did a wide sweep with his flashlight and saw her standing on the rocks above the pool of water. I don’t guess I have to tell you how scared he was that she would jump in before he could get to her.” She raked her hands over her wet hair ringing out the water. It dripped over her shoulders. Her long, dark eyelashes were spiky from the water. “Daddy rushed to her side and took her hand. He shined the flashlight into her eyes and said it was as if she couldn’t see him. She stared straight up at the top of the falls and didn’t answer when he yelled her name. He gathered her into his arms and carried her back to camp.”

Her expression changed as if unsure she should finish the story. “After several seconds, she finally woke. Daddy assumed she had been sleepwalking but she began to cry. Said she heard whispers. She described the voice as a distraught female.”

Grant smiled. “Sounds like a campfire story to me. You’re making this up.”

Nina raised her hand as if testifying on the stand. “I swear every word is the God’s truth.”

“Why haven’t you told me the story before today?”

“And make you believe I’m crazy. You are the first person I have related what happened that night. It’s not anything Lacy likes to speak about.”

“Why tell me now?”

“Because we have a connection. I feel comfortable with you.”

With a shaky croak, she continued, “Over a hundred years ago our house belonged to Daddy’s great-great-great uncle Russell Reynolds who had a daughter named Hilda. He did a little investigating and discovered Hilda disappeared when she was fifteen years old.”

She paused and a sad look showed on her face. “Daddy looked through old newspapers at the library which reported she had left with a man her father had hired to look after the grounds. Not only did she disappear but so did some of his valuables including his wife’s jewelry. The man’s name was Darrell Talbert. Neither Darrell nor Hilda was ever seen again. Her father hired investigators to find her, but they had no luck tracking them down. The police believe they left the country.”

“Have you had strange things happen at your house?”

“No, only the time at the falls. Needless to say, Lacy never felt comfortable ever again while here. Daddy was so spooked we never camped at the falls again.”

“Surely, Lacy was only dreaming. It’s impossible to believe a spirit enticed her to jump to her death.”

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