Whistlin' Dixie (Tempered Steel Book 1) (3 page)

BOOK: Whistlin' Dixie (Tempered Steel Book 1)
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“How dare you laugh at me!” Her voice sounded hoarse but the stinging in his cheek was what left him speechless. The little hellcat had hit him!

Dixie felt like a fool. Her and her damn temper. She had actually hit the man; hauled off and smacked him in the face. And now she didn’t know what to do. She knew she was staring, but she couldn’t stop. He was looking at her with those fabulous eyes widened in shock. They suddenly narrowed, and he reminded her of a panther at watch over its prey, content that there would be no escape.

Her common sense - or maybe her instinct for survival - kicked in and told her to get out while the getting was good. The door was still open. She took a step toward it. Even as that thought occurred, he slammed it shut, cutting off her only escape. She continued to stare at him, frantically thinking of something to calm him down.

Mac took a step toward her and she backed away. She hated that she showed her fear, but retreat was best, her mind told her. “I’m sorry,” she stammered as she continued to walk backwards, and he continued to match her step for step. “But you shouldn’t be lookin’ where you ain’t got any business lookin’. And I was trying to be nice, and then you laughed at me. And I only did what any self respecting woman would do, and …WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP?” she shouted as she backed up to a chair and tried to ward him off with her hands. He was within inches of her and coming closer. She knew he wasn’t stopping. “Okay, fine! I’m not sorry, so there!” she shouted defiantly, crossing her arms like a ten year old in a fit.

Mac threw back his head and laughed, the sound once again booming off the walls. “You remind me of a kitten I once had. Always spitting fire and clawing at me when I tried to pick her up, but after a few soft strokes, she began to purr.”

Was that a sexual innuendo? Dixie wasn’t sure. She’d had limited, as in
experience with men. He rattled her brain that was for sure. He started walking around the desk, still chuckling, motioning for her to sit in the chair with one hand while he wiped the tears of laughter from his eyes with the other. This man confused the living daylights out of her. He laughed when he should be angry and growled when offered compassion.

“Now, Dixie, perhaps we can start over. I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you, but I’m extremely busy and I assumed you were just going to try to get the charges against your brother dropped. It’s not happening.”

Dixie heard his harsh words but refused to be intimidated. She had seen him laugh just a second ago. Granted, he was laughing at her, but she knew the hard man before her had some redeeming qualities. He was trying to save his town, after all. She took a deep breath. “If you will just listen to me, this mess can be cleared up,” She swallowed hard as his mouth tightened and he rolled his eyes, but he motioned for her to continue.

“Jamie was telling the truth about the man. He explained to me that this guy came up to them at the gas station and asked if they would like to make a few bucks playing a joke on a friend. He told them he just wanted them to trespass on the property and leave this envelope for his friend to find. He had bet his friend that he could get past the security measures because his friend was bragging about how tight security was now with the vandals and all. Jamie didn’t want any part of it at first, but then, well, the other boys insinuated that he was chicken. You know how young men are, very proud of their manliness, or whatever.” She rolled her eyes and flipped her hand in the air to show just what she thought of such idiocy.

“Anyway, they accepted the job, and the man gave them directions on how to get to the houses. They were just supposed to climb the fences and leave these envelopes taped to the doors. Then they were to meet the guy back near the old church on Baker Road, and he would pay them. The boys had just arrived at the first house when the police grabbed them and took them to jail. Sheriff Yates has the envelopes; he said there was nothing in them. By the time Jamie was released and we went to look for the man, he was gone.”

Mac leaned forward in his chair and pinned her with his angry gaze. His deep voice took on a deadly edge. “You’re telling me you went out on Baker Road in the middle of the night to find some sleazy man who tried to get your brother to take the rap for his mischief?” His voice boomed across the desk as he stood and walked toward her.

“All the homes on Baker Road have been condemned by the government because of the flood. If you had gotten into trouble, there would have been no one there to save you.” He came to rest directly in front of her. Grabbing her by the arms, he hauled her to her feet and gave her a little shake. “Good God woman, you need a keeper!”

“Well, you don’t own the world and I’m not your possession, so you don’t have to worry about me!” she snapped crossly as she swatted at his hands. “And if you don’t let go of me, I’m going to show you how resourceful I can be.” Her first impression had been correct. He was incredibly chauvinistic!

His eyes darkened ominously. “While that might prove interesting, perhaps another time. Besides, you’re absolutely right. If you want to meet total strangers in the middle of the night on a deserted road, that’s entirely your business. Please accept my apology,” he drawled mercilessly as he let her go. She slid back down into the chair, wondering what she had said to set him off this time. And how could he make her actions seemed so tawdry?

She knew as soon as she had pulled up to the abandoned house that night it was a mistake, and she was profoundly grateful that no one had been there. But still, it rankled that this man made her feel so incompetent and naïve. Not to mention small. Very ,very small.

Dixie watched as he took off his jacket and threw it on a nearby sofa. He leaned his gorgeous body against the desk and folded his arms across his chest regarding her silently. He was one large man! She stared at the muscular tanned forearms visible from the rolled up the sleeves of his blue Oxford shirt. Her eyes traveled across the broad chest noting the crisp dark hair barely visible near his throat.

He moved his hand and she started, aware that she was staring. Quickly, she lowered her eyes down to her lap, but not before noting the muscular thighs so close to her chair. She chanced to peek at him to see if he had noticed her rudeness, her mouth going dry as he passed his hand across his face in a weary gesture. Those hands! They were the hands of a lover. Long, tanned fingers, callused palms, rough yet gentle in their exploration of her body.
Good gracious, where had that thought come from?


Dixie felt heat crawl up her face. “Well, what?”

“Are you going to continue in your defense of your brother are not? I’ve got work to do,” he growled.

Dixie frowned at his curt tone. “Oh yes.” She wracked her brain trying to remember where she left off, thankful that he had obviously not noticed her preoccupation with his body.

“As I was saying, I understand your need for answers, but Jamie isn’t guilty. He knows what he did was wrong, and he’s more than willing to make amends, if you would give him a chance. He’s a hard worker, and I promise he would be on time. And you do you need someone to clean up the mess the real vandals have done, and you can’t take your employees off their jobs, so it would be an ideal situation for everyone concerned, don’t you think?” She stopped to let her suggestion sink in.

“YOU WANT ME TO GIVE YOUR BROTHER A JOB?!” Mac shouted, disbelief tightening his face.

Dixie jumped at the volume in his voice. He looked as mad as a hornet. She sighed. This was not going at all well. “You don’t have to sound like I asked for your soul, Mr. Coalson. I’m offering you a solution. Listen, from the information I have gathered, it could very well be someone inside your company. Jamie and his friends are the only people to at least get a glimpse of the man responsible for all this mess. If Jamie was working for you, he might be able to pinpoint your man.”

“That only applies if your brother and his friends are innocent. You still haven’t convinced me that they aren’t the ones behind the vandalism,” Mac growled.

Dixie controlled the urge to throttle the stubborn man. He didn’t appear to be listening to a word she said. He knew she couldn’t prove her brother’s innocence; if she could have, she would have finished this by now. And the fact that her heart was beating as fast as a hummingbird’s wings wasn’t helping her to concentrate on the matter at hand. He was too sexy, looking at her with those bedroom eyes. And why did he keep staring at her dress? It was downright distracting.

Dixie decided he’d had enough time to get used to the idea. She opened her mouth to plead her case but he forestalled her by walking over to his window and staring at the view below. “Your idea does
have some merit. Your brother may have been prepared to do the actual vandalism, but someone had to have access to the model homes without drawing notice. They’ve been locked up since the vandalism started. And the most logical conclusion is that it is someone here at my company.” He turned back to her.

Dixie hurried to lower her eyes, afraid he had caught her looking at his magnificent butt. Really, it was just perfect. With a small sigh, she acknowledged his grim look with understanding. After meeting him last night, she understood his need for answers. And to think the vandal was someone he employed, someone that he trusted, was a hard pill to swallow.

“Although letting your brother near my company is probably ludicrous, I’m willing to take that chance. To be perfectly frank, if your brother’s not the culprit, I’m grasping at straws,” he mumbled as he gave her a shuttered look that sent shivers up her spine.

Here, at last was the noble man she’d heard so much about. “I know,” she said quietly. “And I’m sorry I got so angry with you at the police station last night. It was just my nature to protect my brother. But after I had a chance to calm down, I tried to look at it from your point of view. It must be terribly frustrating to keep hitting a dead-end.”

“I can think of a lot of things more frustrating at the moment.”

Oh boy! He was back to looking at her with those bedroom eyes. “Uhm, well, thank you for reconsidering. I know you won’t be disappointed.” She stood up.

“I’m sure I won’t,” he murmured, then smiled slightly as she stuck out her hand to close the deal.

Dixie stared at him. This man was lethal to a woman’s equilibrium. His dazzling smile, coupled with those silver eyes threatened to melt her bones. It was so disconcerting, having his attention completely focused on her, looking at her as if he wanted to memorize every feature of her face.

Dixie smiled back, but her smile slowly faltered as Mac grabbed her hand, and drew her into his arms. Dixie didn’t know what to do. She was pretty sure this was not proper business protocol. Alarm bells were going off in her head, but heaven help her, she didn’t want to move. Since meeting this man last night, her mind had conjured up all sorts of ideas about his hands; fantasizing about how it would feel to be held in his strong arms-absolutely wonderful. To have his fingers lightly touched her cheek… With a jolt of awareness, Dixie realized she was almost purring. His lips were coming closer. He was most definitely going to kiss her. Her knees began to shake at the mere thought of it. The phrase “Devil’s playmate” floated across her jumbled mind as he bent his head, blocking out the light.

At the first touch of her sweet lips, Mac’s mind and body rocked with desire. Never before had such an innocent kiss robbed him of his self-control. But she was so warm and sweet; she even tasted like bubblegum. He almost laughed out loud, but it would’ve meant breaking the exquisite contact. He wasn’t about to do that. Not when he had her exactly where he wanted her.
Well, not exactly
, he amended in his mind. He wanted her naked and writhing underneath him, but this was neither the time nor the place.
Although the door did have a lock

Dixie reluctantly pulled away and touched her lips. “Why did you do that?”

“Because I felt like it,” Mac smiled softly as he traced her swollen lips with his finger. He’d bet she was a virgin, given the inexperience in her kiss, and the thought made him even harder.

“Do you always do what you feel like doing?” she retorted as she stepped away, looking at him with wary eyes.

Mac studied her as she fussed with the strand of hair that had come loose from her bun. It was disturbing to know that less than twenty minutes ago, he had been infuriated with her, and her callous disregard for her safety. Now he wanted her back in this arms, kissing her senseless again…
and maybe even more
. He wanted her badly. But he wanted her warm and willing; not frightened or offended.

Of course, she was a beautiful woman, and that excused his behavior. It was a perfectly normal reaction to a beautiful woman.


He drew her within his embrace once more. “Most of time I do.”

He watched the blush suffuse her face then her dimples appeared. “You’re teasing me, aren’t you?”

“No, baby. I think you’re teasing me.” His mouth quickly descended once more. Mac forced himself to move slowly, gently trying to coax her response. It was futile. He needed more. He lifted her up against his body for more intimate contact, because she was simply too scrumptious to resist. His tongue swept inside for another taste of her sweetness. He judged the few steps to his desk, sitting her down on the hard surface without breaking contact.

Mac groaned when Dixie grabbed his shoulders, another rush of desire making him even harder. He forced himself between her legs. Her limbs wrapped around him like it was the most natural response in the world.

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