Read White Girl Bleed a Lot Online
Authors: Colin Flaherty
Tags: #Political Science, #Civil Rights, #Social Science, #Ethnic Studies, #African American Studies, #Media Studies
Williams went through the story with your humble correspondent, which is available by podcast online.
AUDIO: The Mike Williams Show
“You do not live in Minnesota, correct?†he asked to start off the interview. I had to confess I did not, but I reminded him that I had written a book about the return of racial violence and how the media ignored it and wrote a piece about it for WND. I proceeded to give him some times, dates, and places of fifteen to twenty examples of horrific racial violence in Minneapolis—where
large groups of black people roamed the streets of downtown, beating, stealing, vandalizing, and hurting people.
That was in June 2012.
I told him how the press in Minneapolis ignored the fact that all the members of all of the violent mobs were black.
“You’re saying the mainstream media is ignoring them. Then how would you have known about them if the main stream media did not report them,†he asked.
He thought he had me.
They did not report the repeated episodes, the fact that all the mobs were black, and that it was happening all over the country, I told him. It’s called connecting the dots. I did my research.
It’s not that hard but you have to be willing to look.
The criminals may have been black, Williams conceded, but he did not “buy†the fact that they had racial motives for the attacks, which was okay because that was not what I was selling. “The perpetrators of these crimes are black, I did not attempt to read their minds to figure out why they did it,†I said.
It went on like that for a while, with Williams remaining polite but doing the usual media dance: denying the issue existed white simultaneously explaining why it existed. Or why it was so difficult for him to acknowledge it. He concluded that black mob violence was just some kind of statistical fluke, a mystery of nature, and that was that. And then my part of the show was over.
After the break, callers jammed the lines with their own experiences with racial violence in downtown Minneapolis. The first caller was from a woman whose son was beaten by a black mob. After hearing the host and I talk about serious injuries and police indifference, the woman was convinced we had been talking about her son’s experience.
We had not. Her son was a different case. An even more serious case.
“My son was assaulted in Minneapolis back in July 2010, and it was an unprovoked attack,†said Haley. “A group of males approached him. One broke out of the group and punched him in the jaw and double-fracture his jaw…. We filed a police report. It was very traumatic because I could not get the police department to help me with anything.â€
After six hours of surgery for a compound fracture of the jaw, Haley set out to find the criminals. And “nobody did anything about it,†she said. They would not look at security camera videotape. They would not help her look at it. “They didn’t care. I get flamed up thinking about it. They basically told me they had bigger fish to fry.â€
The Williams’ facade was cracking. “It still seems to me that it is not race based, but it just happens to be racial,†Williams said. Whatever that means.
His producer tried to buck him up: Race had nothing to do with anything.
That was too much for even Williams.
“When you are downtown and see a group of kids descending on you and you are white, do you feel a little more vulnerable because of the color of your skin?†asked Williams.
No, said the producer. That was a bit much even for Williams. “Well I do … And that is a terrible thing for me to say.â€
If Williams’ door was cracking open, the next callers would give it another nudge.
First up, a black mob beat up a young soldier just back from Afghanistan. “It does seem to be an epidemic,†said the caller.
Then a black man from Minnesota talked about how your humble correspondent was correct in his reporting, and how “these kids are embarrassing me and they are embarrassing our race. And it just makes me sick.â€
Creak, the door opens wider “I feel a little odd right now,â€
confessed Williams, “about some of the things I’ve said. But that is just because I’ve observed this scene and that is just because what it either looks like, or to a white guy, feels like.â€
The caller told the story about a group of black people just a few weeks earlier who tried to stop a white kid on a bike. He did not stop and “they shot, and they killed him.â€
Williams, undaunted, pressed on. “It just depends on the scene. If that were the case and the kid on the bicycle were black, I am still willing to think they would have shot and killed him.â€
Uh, okay, I guess.
Then came a regular listener to the John Williams show who had won a few tickets from the station to a Timberwolves game in downtown Minneapolis. The caller gave the tickets to his son. After the game, the caller’s son and his friend were set upon by a black mob who taunted them, beat them, and hurled racial epithets at them—as well as rocks. The caller told us, “As they were leaving, they held up a gun and said ‘white boy you are lucky.’â€
Williams’ explanations became less and less convincing, even to himself. He started disagreeing with things I never said or wrote. Finally the segment ended and Williams summed it up: “This is a gut check for you.â€
Of course over the next few weeks there were several more shootings, lots of fights, and lots of mayhem, all in downtown Minneapolis.
I hereby swear I had nothing to do with them.
Has a Whole Lotta Soul and Racial Violence
f Chaim Amalek, an alias for New York video blogger Luke Ford, had his way, no one would know that mobs of black people are attacking and beating and robbing Jews in the New York area. Or that they shout anti-Semitic epithets. Or that they target Jews because “they don’t fight back.†Or that it has been going on for a while—and that even Al Sharpton got in on it.
“Such information can only serve to heighten racial tensions between these two groups,†said Amalek. “Let us all look beyond the issue of race (in any event a mere social construct) and instead celebrate our diversityâ€
New York Post
saw a pattern that most other media outlets never see—or want to see. To some, it was jarring. A June headline about a series of anti-Semitic attacks read “Anti-Jewish crime wave.â€
reporters wrote that “in the most disturbing incident, a mob of six black teenagers shouting, ‘Dirty Jew!’ and ‘Dirty kike!’ repeatedly bashed Marc Heinberg, 61, as he walked home from temple in Sheepshead Bay.â€
This was just one of several vicious black mob attacks perpetrated against Jewish people in Brooklyn during 2011 and 2012. Orthodox Jews may bear a disproportionate amount of the violence in that part of New York. But the mob violence in the area is not limited to Jews.
In February 2011, four black people beat and robbed an Orthodox Jew in the New York suburb of Monsey. They were charged with hate crimes after it was determined they targeted the victim based on his religion. News accounts did not mention the race of the attackers, but the video tells the whole story.
VIDEO: Monsey Beating
In a three-week period after Thanksgiving 2010, the same group of black people were charged in three separate episodes of targeting, beating, and robbing members of the Orthodox community. One of the victims, Joel Weinberger, spent four days in the hospital with broken bones and required surgery on his broken jaw and eye socket.
Ford and others, such as MSNBC news anchor Melissa Harris-Perry, who say the media should not report news if it makes black people look bad, don’t have to worry too much. Most racial crimes and violence from groups of black people in the New York area are usually not reported—not by the media anyway.
But witnesses and others who know often find a way to drop a dime. Or a video. Or an Internet post.
Just a few days before the Weinberger beating, a group of students from a predominately black school in a predominantly black New York neighborhood were “evicted†from the 9/11 Memorial site in Manhattan_“after they callously hurled trash
into its fountains. The vile vandals from Junior High School 292 in East New York treated the solemn memorial — its reflecting pools honoring the nearly 3,000 people killed in the terror attacks — like a garbage dump.â€
One of the students was found carrying ammunition.
The story did not identify the race of the students. The picture for the article featured a young white person looking over the fountains. But people who posted comments to the story, many of whom said they lived near the school, identified the vandals as black—if only to defend them.
“The NYPD have destroyed enough young black lives,†said poster Blaque Knyte. “I’d be willing to bet you didn’t suggest jail for the little white suburban thugs who harassed that elderly bus matron to tears, which IS a crime by the way.â€
Many of the commenters said the story should have identified the race of the miscreants—if only to protect the community from future mayhem. That was too much for “brooklynborn,†who said “I am embarrassed for my fellow Americans who flaunt their racism so publicly. What they did was offensive, but the conditions of where we grew up - compared to the wealth of Wall St - is also offensive.â€
While New Yorkers continue to debate whether race has anything to do with crime, or whether it should be reported, the list of racially violent and lawless episodes continues to grow.
In May 2011 nearly two dozen black people went on a rampage at a Dunkin’ Donuts, “terrorizing†employees and making off with sweets and drinks. The “swarm mob†attacked patrons, destroyed the fixtures, and stole food, said the
Daily Mail
, which published the story with pictures.
A few months before, the same scenario unfolded at a New York Wendy’s. A mob of black people were fighting and
destroying property, and when it was over, a teenage employee was attacked and hospitalized with a concussion.
Also like the episode before, the New York Fox affiliate removed the videos of the attack from its website. But not before Hip Hop News 24/7 posted it.
VIDEO: Hip Hop News
Let’s head over to Rochester, if for no other reason than they had some racial violence there and no one writes about that city anymore. In 2011, city officials in Rochester, New York, had a great idea: let’s have a rib festival on Memorial Day. More than two hundred black people showed up, ate, rioted, and then left. Thirteen people were arrested, all black. One for assaulting a police officer.
VIDEO: Brooklyn-Queens Day Riot