Why Can't I Lose Weight? 26 Ways Your Diet Is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss

BOOK: Why Can't I Lose Weight? 26 Ways Your Diet Is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss
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Why Can't I Lose Weight?
26 Ways Your Diet is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss


Susan J. Campbell, MS




Why Can’t I Lose Weight? -
26 Ways Your Diet is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss
Copyright © 2013 PhysioLogix Fitness & Nutrition, LLC
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author.
This publication is not intended to treat or diagnose any health issues. If you feel you have a condition related to this material please contact your physician. Do not start any diet without the approval from your physician. Do not start any exercise program without the approval of your physician. If you fail to see your physician before implementing any of the nutrition or exercise strategies from this guide you do so at your own risk. Neither the author nor the publisher assume any responsibility whatsoever on the behalf of the purchaser or reader of these materials. 
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Why Can't I Lose Weight? The #1 Sabotage


This reason is the reason why you’re here reading this book. It’s the reason why you’ve read all the latest weight loss books. It’s the reason you scour the weight loss blogs on the internet. 
It’s also the reason why you haven’t yet taken action on everything you already know about diet and losing weight. 
You want a quick fix.
It’s not so much that you can’t lose weight, it’s that you really haven’t even tried to. 
Let’s face it. You know that to lose weight you have to make appropriate diet modifications and get off your butt. But that’s uncomfortable, which makes you not want to have to do it.
Sound familiar?
Honestly, you’re not alone. 
I realize that cutting out sugary and processed foods and switching them for healthier options isn’t exactly enticing. 
And swapping exercise for the time you spend watching reality TV doesn’t sound fun either.
But the dirty little secret of the fitness industry is that there is no quick fix. They just want you to think there is.
Makes sense, right? They convince you that there is a quick and easy way to lose weight - something you want really badly to do. Then they sell you a product that will help you do that quick fix. 
In the end, the quick fix ends up slowing down your progress. If you had simply done the handful of things that might actually get you moving towards achieving your weight loss goals, you would have been much farther along. 
If you are going to achieve your personal weight loss goals then you must stop looking for the quick fix. 
There is no quick fix.
There is no one food that will magically melt the fat off your stomach. 
There is no one diet pill that will shrivel up the fat on your thighs. 
There is no one exercise that will get rid of your man boobs or your bat wings. 
Please re-read those last four sentences. I really want this concept to sink in before you read any further.
Why? Because I don’t want you to read on thinking that you are going to find some magic weight loss technique that you simply just haven’t stumbled upon yet that will have you back in your skinny jeans next week.
If you do, you’re going to be disappointed. 
While I did my absolute best to not write the same old weight loss tips that you can find for free on any website on the internet, there will be some points that you have seen before.
And you’ll probably just skim past them, looking for that one magic trick. You’ll be upset with me because “there’s nothing new in here”. 
And you probably will just stay fat.
Listen, one of my biggest frustrations as a Fitness Professional has been that the people who come to me for help losing weight (just like you) don’t do the simple things it takes to see results. It’s like they want the process to be difficult!
And then they make a dozen excuses about why they’re still fat and then go read yet another diet book.
Instead, they could just follow my advanced weight loss diet blueprint, like the one I provide for you at the end of this guide, stop wasting time and actually see results. 
In fact, you probably don’t even have to do every single step in the weight loss blueprint to start seeing results.
But you do have to do something. 
Who Should Read This Guide?
If you’re one of those people who are going to get frustrated that there’s no silver bullet in this guide that will cause rapid weight loss, please don’t read any further.
If you’re one of those people who will go back and leave a bad review on this book’s sales page because you didn’t read anything new and exciting, please don’t read any further.
If you’re one of those people who don’t feel that the low cost of this guide is worth getting a tried and true weight loss diet blueprint from an experienced Fitness Professional who has successfully helped hundreds of people meet their weight loss goals, then please don’t read any further and just go back to bed. 
However, if you are one of those people who want to follow a simple weight loss blueprint and are willing to put in some effort to see the results you are pining for, then please continue on.
If you are someone who wants to get rid of their extra body fat and are fed up with all the schemes and fads that constantly inundate you online, in magazines, and on TV, then please devour every bit of this guide.
If you are someone who wants to know exactly what you may be unknowingly doing that is preventing you from seeing the weight loss results you deserve, keep on reading. 
If you are this person, please take extra time to read through the ways you are sabotaging your weight loss. They may sound familiar to you but I promise these are serious weight loss “sabotagers” that, with a few simple tweaks, could really make a difference.
This guide is set up first to point out what diet weight loss mistakes you are making that are sabotaging your weight loss. Second, I give you an action step to take to reverse each mistake. Third, I give you a simple, step-by-step weight loss diet blueprint for you to follow.
There will be a follow up guide to this coming soon, focusing on the ways your workouts are sabotaging your weight loss.
This guide is shorter than my last two ebooks I’ve published, however, I did that purposefully.
Your lives are full and you are busy. You are also probably experiencing “information overload” - you don’t need any more information and details than what it takes to meet your weight loss goals.
The explanations for each way you’re sabotaging your weight loss are clear, succinct, and lacking fluff. This makes it an easy read that won’t waste your time, just give you a clear action for you to take to reverse your mistakes starting today.
As I mentioned before, I tried not to include tips you’ve heard over and over again, especially if they’re pointless.
For example, “drink more water” (enter eye roll here). What a stupid thing to say. If drink more water is the only effort you make to lose a few pounds, I promise you that you will be disappointed with the outcome.
Now don’t get me wrong, drinking more water is great, but you’ve all read it a million times, and look where that’s gotten you.
Now if I said to replace some of the crap you currently drink with water, then we might be getting somewhere.
Ooops, I’m getting ahead of myself. More on that later...
Why Should You Listen To Lil ‘ole Me, Anyway?
Well, that’s easy. It’s because I know what I’m talking about and I don’t write this stuff and put it out there just because it sounds good.
I create these fitness and weight loss information guides because, unlike some people throwing out all kinds of crappy information products out there, I’ve actually worked with and successfully coached people to lose weight.
I’ve implemented these practices on myself, my friends, and my weight loss clients. I’ve even used them with my Mom!
And just so you know, I’m not just some random “fitness enthusiast” pumping out information without any education like a lot of people nowadays. I actually hold both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Exercise Physiology and have been a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the National Strength and Conditioning Association.
All of those credientials required some serious time on not just exercise, but proper nutrition as well.
Most importantly, most of the weight loss strategies I teach are based on the latest research in the fields of nutrition and exercise. The rest are based on what I have seen work over and over again on myself and my weight loss clients.
That’s enough of that, let’s get started, I have a lot of information to share with you.
So, grab a green tea with a twist of lime, kick back, and check out what you’ll learn in this guide. That’s IF you’re one of those people I described above who should keep reading...
Table Of Contents
Sabotage #2: You've Made NO Changes to Your Diet


I’ve read all sorts of statistics as to exactly how important the nutrition portion of your weight loss program actually is - 75%, 80%, 90%. I’m not sure where people get these percentages, but I do know what their point of sharing the stats are. 
What you eat (and don’t eat) is the single most important factor determining the success of your weight loss efforts. If you’ve made NO changes to your diet you will see very little, if any, fat come off your body. 

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