Why Can't I Lose Weight? 26 Ways Your Diet Is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss (4 page)

BOOK: Why Can't I Lose Weight? 26 Ways Your Diet Is Sabotaging Your Weight Loss
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Remember, you will never be successful if all you do is read about how to lose weight. You must put the following weight loss diet blueprint into action to see results.
Here’s your Advanced Weight Loss Diet Blueprint:
1. Eat primarily whole, natural, nutrient-dense foods with one single ingredient.
This will naturally eliminate the use of HFCS, artificial sweeteners, vegetable oils, trans fats, refined carbs, processed foods, and foods that are “low” and “free”. These foods provide the most nutrients and greatest satiety. They will also eliminate the need to count calories. 
2. Drink mostly water, and herbal teas.
By drinking primarily water and unsweetened teas you will be avoiding the high sugar drinks that we’re tempted by everywhere we go. Add lemon and lime to enhance flavor. If you do need to use a sweetener, try Stevia. 
3. Prepare meals and snacks ahead of time.
Plan out healthy meals for the week. Make a list of ingredients needed to make the meals. Shop only for the ingredients included on your list. Cut, wash, chop, and cook all meals and snacks for the week so you will never be caught hungry without a healthy option.
4. If it isn’t in your house you won’t eat it.
Go through all of your cupboards, cabinets, and refrigerator. Get rid of any food and drink that does not meet the requirements in #1 and #2 of this blueprint. Do not bring anything else back into the house that is not on your grocery list. 
5. Don’t eat breakfast or any other meal until you are actually hungry.
Breakfast is not the most important meal of the day. Don’t eat until you’re hungry. The longer you go the more fat you can burn. Don’t eat lunch, dinner or snacks unless you’re hungry. 
6. Consume healthy fats.
Healthy fats are essential for our cells, hormones, and energy levels. Fats are also great for keeping our hunger at bay. Include avocado, unprocessed coconut products, 85% or greater dark chocolate, butter, olive oil, plain greek yogurt, EVOO, nuts, and egg yolks in your diet.
7. Leave at least 4-5 hours between meals.
This is sort of a “mini” intermittent fast allowing insulin to clear your bloodstream from the previous meal, allowing growth hormone levels to raise, and the greater utilization of fat to be burned from your body for energy. 
8. Use intermittent fasting at least 1x per week.
Same idea as above in #7, however will also further balance weight loss hormones, and allow for a massive calorie deficit. 
9. Take an Omega-3 supplement & eat foods high in Omega-3.
Focus on consuming foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as cold water fish and seafood, kelp, and seaweed. Or you could just take a supplement.
Contact me
directly if you’d like to know what I take. 
10. Track everything you consume in a food log.
Track what you eat, how much of it, and when you eat it. Track what you were feeling at the time. Look for areas you can improve in. Look for things that are working and be sure to continue them. 
11. Avoid eating food or drinking beverages out of plastic containers.
Plastic contains xenoestrogens that act exactly like the primarily female hormone, estrogen in both women and men. Excess estrogen can lead to weight gain, man boobs, age spots, irregular cycles, etc. Store food in glass containers and fill a BPA free water bottle with filtered water from your tap. 
There's your advanced weight loss diet blueprint. Use it, starting today, to help you get the body you deserve and to restore your health. 
Remember, you will never succeed without taking action. 
Good luck! You've got this! 
Susan Campbell, MS
"It's not CAN you, but WILL you."
~ Tony Robbins
Why Can't I Lose Weight? Part 2


The next guide in the "
Why Can't I Lose Weight
" Series,
Why Can’t I Lose Weight? How Your Workouts Are Sabotaging Your Weight Loss
, will be available soon. 
Feel free to regularly check in to my
Amazon Author page
to see what I've published as of late or check in
on my blog
where I'll announce its release as well.
Other Awesome Fitness Ebooks by Susan


Low Carb Diet Strategies You Don't Know About -
5 Little-Known Low Carb Diet Hacks To Help You Lose Weight Quickly Starting Today


Weight Loss Motivation Strategies You Don't Know About -
7 Simple Strategies You Aren't Currently Using to Get & Keep the Motivation You NEED to Lose Unwanted Body Fat Starting Today

Useful Resources I Recommend


- My website and blog where I share additional weight loss strategies and encourage and lead a community of people to work towards a common weight loss goal. 


- free online resource where you can log your food intake and discover the macronutrient breakdown of each food and meal.

Thank You From Susan


Thank you for investing in this guide and taking the time to read it. I hope you found the reasons why you can’t lose weight, along with the weight loss diet blueprint, helpful and will start to incorporate the action steps I provided into your weight loss program. 
I would be eternally grateful if you would go back to the Amazon page you bought this on and leave a brief, positive review if you learned anything of value. 
Also, don’t forget to grab your free 24-minute, metabolism-boosting workout I designed for you just for buying this guide. Grab it by clicking the link below now:
Good luck on your weight loss journey and if I can answer any questions for you or assist you in any way please feel free to contact me at any time:
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