Why not Wyoming? (Wyoming Wilds Series Book 1) (26 page)

BOOK: Why not Wyoming? (Wyoming Wilds Series Book 1)
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“Sorry about that, babe. Look who I found while I was getting
your cappuccino.”

Annie’s eyes darted to the doorway.

“Crys!” she cried, trying to push herself up.

Crystal rushed out of the crook of her husband’s arm and came
around to settle on the side of the hospital bed.

“I was so scared,” she whispered, crushing Annie in a hug.

“I’m okay,” Annie promised, trying to soothe her cousin.

“You’re in the hospital, Annie. That is not okay.”

“I lost consciousness in the crash and the weather is crappy,
so they want to keep me right here close for observation. The doctor even did a
precautionary CT scan and said everything looks fine. Who would’ve ever thought
someone would say that after taking a peek at my brain?”

Crystal swatted at her but smiled as she wiped tears away.

“I’ve missed you so much.”

“It’s been two weeks, and one of those you spent in Bora Bora.
You poor princess,” Annie teased, earning a laugh from all three of her
visitors, but she still pulled Crystal in for another hug.

Straightening, Crystal fussed with her hair, trying to arrange
it around stitches and bandages.

“When you get out of here, you are coming to Billings to stay
with us so I can take care of you until you’re ready to travel,” she said.

Smiling fondly at her cousin’s royal decree, Annie had to
gingerly shake her head.

“Thank you for the offer, but unless he has changed his mind
after this, I have a home right here in Wyoming.”

CJ’s face lit up in a grin, those gorgeous dimples carving his
full, bearded cheeks.

“I can’t think of anything I want more,” he vowed, giving her a
wink that sent tendrils of heat snaking through her battered body.

Crystal squealed, but Annie only had eyes for CJ. Stretching
her hand out to him, she laced her fingers through his.

“We’re going to have to hire someone to move my stuff. No more

“I can make that happen. Anything you want, beautiful.”

“What would you say if I told you I had visions of my beloved
purple furniture taking up residence in the loft between your pool table and my
new office?” she asked slyly.

“More blackmail?” he asked with a grin.

Annie matched it with one of her own.

“You’re so sexy when you’re scheming. I’d say it sounds

“You’ve got it bad, Cuz,” Tyler said with a low whistle.

CJ flicked a glance in his cousin’s direction before looking
back at Annie, still grinning.

“Just don’t tell her that I’d paint the whole damn house purple
if it made her happy.”    


Annie mounded fragrant bubbles up over her breasts and leaned
back against CJ. The master bathroom was bathed in candlelight, and the new
heat lamp CJ had installed for her Valentine’s gift stole any hint of chill
from the room. A dozen purple roses graced the double vanity, adding their
perfume to the humid air. Steaming mugs of decadent hot chocolate sat close at
hand. If anything could be more perfect, she didn’t know what it was.

He nuzzled her ear. “Bear with me here. I’m not the writer.”

Even in their steamy sanctuary, goose bumps prickled her skin
at the soft rumble of his voice. She instinctually tilted her head away,
granting his lips access to the side of her neck. The sensual scrape of his
beard made her sigh in pleasure even as her mind raced. She felt his chest lift
in a deep breath.

“Did you know that purple roses mean enchantment? Love at first
sight? I knew I wanted you to be the one the moment we met. I know now how my
dad must have felt, but your smile is more addictive than pie. You laughed and
I was lost,” he murmured against the shell of her ear. His linked fingers stroked
the soft skin of her belly. “When I saw you here at the cabin, it was a kick in
the gut. The whole picture fell into place. When you left, you took my heart
with you. When I thought I’d lost you I couldn’t breathe, and I didn’t want to.
I love you, Annie. I know it’s quick, but I never want to be without you. No
more airports between us. What I’m trying to ask, and not doing a very damn
good job of it is, will you marry me?”

A velvet box appeared in front of her. Annie drew in a sharp
breath, fingers flying to her lips. Bubbles lodged in the back of her throat.
Wrinkling her nose at the soapy taste, she sputtered, only managing to inhale
more. She panicked. Twisting to the side, her hip slipped and she flailed for a
handhold. Water surged over the side of the tub. CJ caught her around the waist
as she nearly went under. He pulled her back against the solid width of his
chest, his laugh vibrating through her.

“God, woman. If you don’t want to marry me, say so. You don’t
have to drown yourself to escape.”

Laughing through the coughing and sputtering, tears ran down
Annie’s cheeks. Unable to give voice to her answer, she nodded vigorously. CJ
stretched for a towel and mopped the water and suds from her face, careful of
the stitches on her head. He kissed her ear, still chuckling.

“I’m going to take that as a yes. Now if you want the ring
you’re going to have to help me find it.”

Her neck twinged painfully as she twisted to look at him in

“You dropped it?”

“Forgive me. I thought saving you from drowning might be a
bigger priority,” he said, eyes sparkling.  

Annie giggled at his dry wit and pushed piles of bubbles aside
to peer into the water. Keeping one arm securely around her, CJ groped along
the bottom of the tub with his other hand.

“Oh!” Annie cried, spotting it on the bottom between her feet.

When she lifted the open box out of the water the ring was
still glistening in its velvet clutches. Her heart tripped in her chest. It was
so gorgeous. The moment was surreal. Was this really happening? To her? CJ’s
hand closed around hers, cupping the dripping box.

“Let’s try this again. Annie Brand, will you marry me?”

“Yes.” The single word came out in a croak. Clearing her throat,
Annie tried again. “Absolutely yes.”

Her hand shook as CJ slid the platinum and diamond ring on her
finger. It fit! Candlelight played off the brilliant gem and she fought to

“You have such amazing taste,” she whispered.

“I know. I picked the perfect woman,” CJ said, nuzzling her

Turning in his embrace, Annie wrapped her arms around CJ’s neck
and kissed him for all she was worth. After so much loss and loneliness, she’d
found a man who was beyond her wildest dreams at Crystal’s wedding in Wyoming.
What were the chances?

“You always say the perfect thing. I love you so damn much,”
she whispered against his lips.

CJ’s hands cradled her ass, drawing her flush against him.

“Then I’m a lucky man because I’m madly in love with you.”   

Her grip tightened and she gave a squeak of surprise as he
surged out of the water. CJ urged her legs around his waist as he stepped free
of the tub, his lips eager on hers.

“Where are we going?”

“To the bed where it’s safer,” he mumbled, kissing her again.
“I know my Annie. If we try this here, one of us will drown for sure.”




1/2 cup semi-sweet
chocolate chips

1/4 cup sugar

1/4 cup water

Pinch of salt

2 3/4 cups milk

1 cup Half & Half
or cream

1 teaspoons vanilla


*Melt chocolate chips
in saucepan over low heat, stirring constantly. Stir in sugar, water and salt.

*Increase heat to
medium. Whisk constantly, until mixture comes to a full boil. Continue cooking
2 minutes, still stirring.

*Add milk and half
& half; warm until heated through. (Do not boil.) Add vanilla.

*Remove from heat;
beat with whisk until frothy. Pour into mugs, top with whipped cream and a dash
of cocoa powder if you like. Enjoy!

(Makes 3 large mugs)

About the Author


Anneliese Brand is a pen name, or a nom de plume if you’re
feeling fancy, for a painfully shy and average woman who loves to tell a story.
Cloaked in comfy pajamas, hoodies and fuzzy socks, she hides away in the
solitary confines of her mid-western den scribbling tales of love and laughter,
sipping hot cocoa, and reading pearls of wisdom from inside Dove chocolate






for book two in the




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