Wicked Heat (5 page)

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Authors: Nicola Marsh

Tags: #Feel the Heat#1

BOOK: Wicked Heat
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“Jett…please…,” she said, her muscles tensing with exquisite pleasure bordering on
pain. Every inch of her skin prickled, and with every lick, the sensation intensified.

He glanced up at her and their gazes locked for a prolonged moment before his tongue
centered on her clit and went crazy, licking until her orgasm slammed into her with
the force of a meteor.

She saw stars, pinpricks of white in the darkness behind her closed eyelids, as wave
after wave of sheer pleasure crashed over her.

Allegra had no idea when Jett sheathed himself or when he crawled up beside her, the
aftershocks rocking her body all she could focus on. She felt loose and languid and
freaking sensational, unable to move even if she tried.


“Hmm?” She mumbled, reluctantly prying her eyelids open and rolling onto her side
to face him.

“We need to buckle in.” He held up a giant seat belt encompassing the bed, one for
each. “Safety precaution.”

“Like that?” She pointed at his condom-covered erection, studying it for the first
time and suitably impressed. They bred big boys Down Under.

“Minx.” He buckled them into one belt, a very snug fit. Not that she was complaining,
when he hooked her top leg over his hip and nudged her entrance.

“Consider this a prelude to that wild sex you requested at the airport.”

“But—” Her protest, along the lines of “this should be a onetime thing/you need to
work on the island/we’ve both fulfilled a fantasy let’s leave it at that,” died on
her lips as he entered her in one smooth thrust.

He filled her so completely, so fully, that she stared at him in wonder as he moved
in and out, the pleasure starting to build all over again.

“You’re so wet,” he said, watching where their bodies joined. She followed his line
of sight and gasped, the sight of him pumping into her where her legs spread beyond

“You like to watch too, huh?” He slid his hand down and fingered her clit, the zap
of pleasure so intense she almost came apart.

There was something infinitely hedonistic about watching, and she found it an incredible

But Jett wasn’t done with her so easily and with a deft move, he shifted his hips
so he thrust higher and deeper, hitting a sweet spot inside while circling her clit
with his finger.

This time, the tension built quicker, spiraling out of control so fast she felt light-headed.
Mindless with the escalating pleasure, she met him thrust for thrust, her hips slapping
against his as his finger picked up tempo along with his thrusts.

“Jett, I’m coming…”

He pumped so hard the buckle on the seat belt popped.

“Fuck—” His mouth crashed onto hers, swallowing her scream of ecstasy and his deep-throated
growl as they came together, his final thrust so high Allegra belatedly wondered if
she’d ever walk again.

Not that she cared. Right now, she didn’t care about much, beyond how she could abduct
Jett on the island and keep him as her sex slave for the week ahead.

Chapter Three

“Thanks for flying with us. We hope you had a pleasant flight.”

Jett grinned at the flight attendant bidding farewell to passengers as they exited
the plane eight hours later.
wasn’t a word he’d use to describe the flight from LA to Palm Bay. More like frigging

“She knows,” Allegra hissed, squeezing his hand a tad tight.

“Knows what?” He ducked down to nibble her earlobe. “Knows that our initiation into
the mile-high club was the best fuck I’ve had in ages, or the fact I went down on
you another three times after that?”

A crimson blush stained her cheeks and he laughed. “Relax. Why do you think the airline
offers those romance packages? They probably see smug, satisfied passengers leaving
their flights all the time.”

Allegra ducked her head, using her hair to shield her face, but not before he’d seen
the smug satisfaction he’d predicted for those lucky first-class passengers in the
private cabins.

Pity Reeve had blown all their company money. He could get used to traveling in style.
If he didn’t land the lucrative advertising gig for the island’s luxury resort chain
around the world and had to use his savings to start a new company from scratch without
a business partner…well, he’d barely be able afford coach class.

“You’re awfully quiet,” he said, stopping where the tarmac met the terminus to allow
a stunning local girl to place frangipani leis around their necks.

He smiled his gratitude as Allegra said, “Thanks,” waiting until they entered the
terminal to respond.

She stopped and slid her hand out of his, using it to tuck windblown strands behind
her ear. “I’m a little nervous.”


Her nose crinkled adorably. “Aren’t you feeling the teensiest bit awkward?

“Because we had sensational sex on a plane?” He shook his head. “Sorry, babe. No awkwardness
here. Simply a giant hard-on from talking about it and wanting a repeat the moment
we get to the hotel.”

Her mouth dropped open.

“Don’t expect me to sugar-coat anything.” He placed a finger under her chin and gently
closed her mouth. “Not after what we shared up there.”

She shifted her weight from side to side, fiddled with the strap on her handbag, and
repeated the hair-behind-the-ear thing.

Why was she nervous? He’d pegged her to be late twenties, so it wasn’t like she was
a virgin or anything. Why the sudden recalcitrance now?

He held his hands out, palm up, and wiggled his fingers. “Come on, give it to me straight.
I’m a big boy, I can take it.”

Her top teeth snagged her bottom lip—exactly what he’d like to do—before she blurted,
“I don’t know what to do from here.”

“How so?”

“I’ve never had sex on a plane with a virtual stranger before.” She ticked off points
on one hand. “I don’t have much sex, period, so am a tad clueless here.” Another finger
bent down. “I have no idea of morning-after etiquette.” Her pinkie joined the rest.
“And lastly, I assumed what happened up there was a one-night thing, and have no clue
whether you want to have a fling while we’re here or just walk away now or—”

He kissed her, more than a little surprised that every time he did it was like the
first: similar to the time he’d been playing around with an electrical outlet and
a hairpin as a kid and received a jolt of electricity for his troubles.

Now, like the first time at LAX and many times on the plane, a thousand volts of pure
lust short-circuited his brain and headed south.

A few breathless moments later she tore her mouth from his and glared.

He grinned. “Does that answer your questions?”

“No.” She pouted and he wanted to kiss her all over again.

“Fine, you need it spelled out?” He slid an arm around her waist and pulled her close.
“Yeah, I’m here for a few days, for work, and it’s pretty damn important. But if you
need a sexathon partner, I’m your guy.”

She laughed.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothing,” she said, which only served to make her laugh harder.

“If you’re insulting my manhood again, it may get performance anxiety.”

“That thing?” Her sultry gaze zeroed in on his cock. “I bow down to it.”

Which of course brought an instant image of her doing exactly that to mind, with her
mouth wrapped around him…

“We’re in public,” he said, his tone barely above a low growl. “And you’re making
walking extremely difficult for me.”

This seemed to set her off again and she practically howled with laughter.

“If you don’t tell me what’s so damn funny right this minute, I promise to spank you
so hard I won’t be the only one unable to walk.”

A flicker of heat darkened her eyes to reflect the perfect robin’s-egg blue sky. He
groaned. “Don’t tell me you’re into that kinky shit.”

She shot him a coy glance from beneath lowered lashes. “You’re not?”

He shook his head. “I prefer pleasure in the bedroom, not pain.”

“Me, too.” She elbowed him. “I was kidding.”

“Phew.” He wiped his brow. “Now are you going to tell me what’s so funny?”

Her eyes sparkled with mischief. “You mentioned sexathon and that got me thinking
about our rationed condom situation on the plane.”

“What about it?”

She smirked and pointed at her hand luggage. “When I had another shower after our…ah…interlude
in the sky, I noticed Zoe hadn’t just packed lingerie.”

Jett groaned and smacked his head. “Don’t tell me, we could’ve been fucking our way
across the Pacific.”

“Okay then, I won’t tell you.” Her lips curved in a saucy smile that made him ache
with wanting her. “But look on the bright side, we have a whole box to get through
now that we’re here.”

“So you’re saying—”

“You and me. Hot island fling. For however long we’ve got.” She held out her hand
to shake on it. “You in?”

“Babe, I’m in all the way.”

He pulled her flush against him to prove it.

Allegra had staked a claim poolside and laid her towel and iPad on a banana lounge
when her cell beeped and Zoe’s face appeared on the screen via Skype.

She popped the beach umbrella over the lounger, spread the towel, and sat before answering.
“Hope you’ve got more background info on Kaluna, Zo-Zo. I’m about to do some finessing
on my pitch in the sun.”

Zoe’s wide brown eyes sparkled with mischief. “Working in the sun is good. You’ll
get a tan. And that means you can strip off for some hot, young stud while you’re
on the island so it’s not all work and no play.”

Allegra couldn’t stop the grin spreading across her face.

Zoe yelped. “Oh my God. What’s that look for? You only just arrived. Have you already
hooked up with someone? Good for you—”

“Slow down, you’re giving me a headache.”

“Jet lag or no sleep?” Zoe smirked. “Despite your lack of a groom, tell me the lingerie
came in handy.”

Very handy, considering her inadvertent lingerie trail had led Jett straight to her.

“It served a purpose,” she said, trying to keep a straight face and failing.

“You did get some!” Zoe jabbed a finger at her. “I want to know every last filthy

“How come you weren’t this interested when I was engaged?”

“Puh-lease.” Zoe rolled her eyes. “Flint-baby might’ve been a nice guy and knew all
the right people but he was a decrepit old fart who probably couldn’t get it up for
longer than a minute.”

Shocked into silence, Allegra stared at the screen.

Zoe winced. “Sorry? Did I go too far?” She shrugged. “You know me. Blunt as ever.
Anyway, forget”—she held up her pinkie and let it droop—“and back to the hot stud.”

Allegra couldn’t help it. She laughed, her loud guffaw drawing curious glances from
fellow poolside patrons.

She’d bonded with Zoe the moment the outrageous Texan had strutted into her dorm the
final year at boarding school, toting a cowboy hat, a bottle of tequila, and a porn
mag filled with well-hung naked guys.

Allegra had been bored out of her brain for too long, and rooming with Zoe had injected
a much-needed shot of color into her dull life.

They couldn’t have been more opposite: brash, loud-talking Zoe came from new money
when her Texan daddy struck oil, and quiet, refined Allegra came from old money, Beverly
Hills socialites as far back as her great-grandfather, who’d founded some art deco
movie studio.

But Allegra respected Zoe’s brand of blunt honesty, something she rarely came across
in the snobby princesses at boarding school or among her parents’ fake friends.

And Zoe loved teasing her in return. A constant barrage that sometimes resulted in
a headache, but more often than not ended up in them calling out for pizza and sharing
the last tub of Ben & Jerry’s.

Having her best friend get the same marketing degree in college had been a bonus,
and when Allegra offered Zoe a partnership to launch an advertising firm in LA, the
deal had been sealed.

But not as she’d anticipated. Zoe admired her daddy’s tenacity and how he made his
money the hard way and that’s what she wanted to do, too. She wouldn’t accept equal
partnership in the firm but demanded a job instead—as Allegra’s PA.

After much heated debate, Allegra had finally succumbed, her admiration knowing no
bounds for her friend who could buy the entire 90210 suburb twice over with her family
money if she wanted to, but preferred to do it the hard way.

Allegra had no such compunction. She happily used her trust fund set up by the grandparents,
who’d died when she was a baby, to launch her company. Though she did have something
in common with Zoe’s DIY vision. Allegra’s parents had never been there for her in
any capacity, and making AW Advertising a roaring success was as much about proving
she could do anything without them as earning respect in the industry.

Which meant she had to get her business back on track. No way would she lose it and
have her supercilious parents look down their snooty noses to say “We told you so.”

“You’ve zoned out. Which means you have hooked up with a hottie.” Zoe snapped her
fingers. “Let me guess. You met someone on the plane? Some rich dude in first class
who impressed you with his portfolio.”

“Not even close.” Allegra made a zipping motion over her lips. “Besides, I don’t kiss
and tell.”

Zoe squealed. “Gotta admit, girlfriend, I didn’t think you had it in you.”

That made two of them.

What Allegra had done with Jett on that plane defied explanation. She’d had oral sex
before but having Jett go down on her…there were no words to describe it. “Sublime”
came close, but even that was inadequate for how he’d made her feel. Over and over

And the sex itself…she’d never been a fan of swearing but hearing his dirty talk had
heightened the experience.

The fact that he’d been well endowed? Big bonus. Huge. Her bikini bottoms dampened
at the thought.

“Deets, please.”

Allegra shook her head. “No details.”

Zoe pouted. “Fine, be like that. Means I won’t tell you what my research on Kaluna
dug up.”

“Work is different.”

Zoe clamped her lips shut.

“I’ll fire you.”

Zoe let out a hoot, exactly as Allegra expected. Her BFF couldn’t stay silent for
more than two seconds, and that was being generous.

? Yeah, right.” Zoe tapped her bottom lip, pretending to ponder. “Let’s see. That
makes the eight hundred and fifty-seventh time you’ve threatened to fire me, which
we both know is bull on your part, because you couldn’t survive without me.”

“Ego much?”

Zoe smirked. “I can afford to have an ego when I’m good at what I do.”

“Okay, genius, tell me what you discovered.”

“Well, seeing as you asked so nicely…” Zoe crooked her finger at the screen. “It’s
not just the Palm Bay resort we can land if we’re lucky. Kaluna’s entire hotel chain’s
advertising is up for grabs.”

“Wow.” Allegra sat a little straighter. “How many resorts are we talking?”

“Whitsundays in Australia, Greek islands in the Mediterranean, a tiny Italian island
off the coast of Capri, the Caribbean, and Palm Bay.” Zoe counted them off on her
fingers, then rubbed her forefinger and thumb together to indicate big bucks.

“That’s mega.”

If AW Advertising landed Kaluna Resorts, she’d be set for life. She could expand,
hire extra staff, give Zoe a massive bonus and promote her—to partner, and this time
she wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“I know you’re working this week, and it’s vital we score a chance to pitch, but hun?”
Zoe waggled her finger. “Try to squeeze in a little R & R. Or S & R in your case.”

“Dare I ask what the
stands for?”

“Sex, of course. Or stud-muffin. Or—”

“I get the picture, thanks.”

Zoe giggled. “By that smug glow you’ve got going on, you’ve already had sex with a
stud-muffin, even if you won’t tell me about it.” Zoe paused and tilted her head to
one side. “You owe me, for giving up a date with a dildo model to do your research.”

“Dildo model? Seriously?”

“Just doing my duty for all womanhood and checking if the size of the product being
sold is proportional.”

Allegra laughed. “I’m going over my preliminary pitch now, then figuring out how to
set up a meeting with Kai Kaluna. So be a doll and see if you can find out if he already
has a short list and who’s on it.”

The spark in Zoe’s eyes faded. “There’s something else you should know but you’ve
been through a shitty time lately and I’d rather wait ’til you got back—”

“Just tell me already.”

Zoe sucked in a breath, puffed out her cheeks, before blowing it out. “Those other
new accounts you pitched for that we were counting on? We didn’t get them.”

Allegra’s blood ran cold as she clutched the phone so hard her fingers cramped. “What

“Both companies had asshat advisers who suggested they go with longer-established

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