Wicked: Leather and Lace [Wicked Series Book 2] (3 page)

BOOK: Wicked: Leather and Lace [Wicked Series Book 2]
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The entire act lasted seconds. The taste of him washed away by salt and tequila before that wicked tongue was once again in her mouth. The fruit flavored kiss lasted longer than the first, Luke's hand locking her head in place and she wasn't about to complain. Kissing around a piece of fruit wasn't an easy task but Luke made it seem natural. And god, could this man kiss.

His next shot nearly did her in. He nuzzled her breasts, his breath warming the soft flesh peeking above the top of her dress, and she closed her eyes at the sensation. The feel of his lips and tongue caused shivers to run laps up and down her spine and her nipples tingled and hardened in anticipation.

The kiss that followed caused her to moan deep in her throat. She sagged against him, holding on to his arms for support when he tilted her head to deepen the kiss.

The loud whoops and yells from the crowd finally caught Roxy's attention and she broke the kiss. Their small group of onlookers had grown and heat crawled up her chest to land on her face. She glanced at every one watching them and one face in particular drew her attention. Holly. Her friend was shaking her head and smiling along with everyone else but the look on her face let her know she was about to blow the whole
play it hard to get

Reluctantly, she pulled away from him, taking a step back. “I think our audience has grown."

Luke looked at the gathering crowd and chuckled. “I'm used to a crowd,” he said, dipping his head and whispering in her ear, “I'd like to take my next taste a little lower. You want to make this party private and head back to the hotel?"

And there it was, Roxy thought. Her invitation to his bed. She knew without a doubt that was exactly where she'd end up if she agreed and damn Holly and her dumb ass plans! This man was doing exactly as she'd hoped and what was
going to do?

She looked at Holly, gave her the best pleading look she could, only to have her friend laugh and say no. She sighed and looked back at Luke. “As tempting as that offer is, I'll have to decline ... tonight."

Roxy could have laughed at the expression on his face. It looked as if he didn't hear her at first then his smile fell away and he frowned.


"Yes. I don't even know you,” she said.

"Exactly why I offered to take our party elsewhere,” he grinned. “I'll assure you, by tomorrow morning, you'll know plenty about me."

Smiling to keep from grinding her teeth, Roxy leaned in to him, rubbing herself against him and said, “The nights still young. Besides, I came to dance."

She took a step back from him, sliding her hand across his stomach as she moved away from the bar and prayed to every god known to man he'd follow her. She glared at Holly while making her way to the dance floor. Her friend was laughing. Roxy saw her lean over and say something to Devin, who turned his attention to Luke. His answering laugh only made it worse.

She shook off her irritation at them and moved to the center of the dance floor. Just as she suspected, it only took her a second to find a willing dance partner. The urge to look over her shoulder to see what Luke was doing almost killed her. Was he headed back to the blonde now? She felt sick even thinking it. She'd kill Holly if he did. She bit back the temptation to look and set her hips into motion, swaying to the beat of the music.

Closing her eyes, she let the song move through her, her limbs following the rhythm and losing herself in the heavy beat while her unseen dance partner wrapped his arms around her.

A quick look at his face caused her to smile. He was nice looking. Not the drop-dead sexy man she wished to be dancing with, but hardly a burden. If she were in L.A., and looking for someone to fill her bed, he'd definitely do. She could have done worse, she supposed.

The song ended and a slower one replaced the fast, thumping beats she'd been dancing to and her partner took advantage of the change in tempo. His arms tightened around her waist and he leaned forward, nuzzling the side of her neck without invitation. She'd barely got her arms up around his shoulders when she felt someone brush against her back. An arm slid around her waist from behind and she was pulled into the warmth of a massive chest.

She grinned when she heard Luke tell her dance partner to “get lost.” To her surprise, he did. She turned her head, looking over her shoulder. He was grinning at her.

"Okay, maybe I didn't make my self clear,” he said, cradling her body in his arms.

"About what?"

He nuzzled the side of her neck and Roxy felt light headed. He ground his hips into her backside and she was pleasantly surprised to find him excited. The obvious bulge pushing into her butt caused her knees to go weak.

"About you coming back to the hotel with me,” he rasped in her ear.

"Oh, I'll definitely go back. I'm staying there too."

"In my bed?"

Roxy laughed. “Only if you're a good boy."

"Oh, I can be very good,” Luke promised, leaning down to brush a kiss on the side of her neck. Roxy's eyes closed when he placed a series of warm, wet kisses to her skin and shivered at the feel of his tongue stroking her flesh. “It'll be an experience you'll never forget."

"I'm sure it will,” she whispered.

He kept a firm grip on her waist but lowered one hand, skimming her hip before reaching the edge of her skirt. His fingers danced along her thigh, light, gentle strokes teasing her flesh. They swayed to the music, Luke's breath warm against her skin and Roxy raised her arm, wrapping it around his neck and closing her eyes. She lost herself in the feel of him. The warmth of his body ignited her senses and his free hand roamed her flesh until goose bumps pimpled her skin.

She opened her eyes when she felt his fingers brush against the front of her panties and tried to control her breathing. She glanced around at the other dancers, looking to see if anyone was paying any attention to them, but to her amazement, no one was.

His probing fingers found the edge of the silk covering her and she gasped when one lone digit crawled under the edge of her panties.

"Someone's a naughty girl,” he whispered in her ear, rubbing the soft bare skin between her legs. He gave her a brief, wicked smile before he captured her lips, forcing his tongue into her mouth.

Her body sagged against him. She drank in his kiss, letting him take what he wanted and she gasped when his curious fingers found her clit, rolling the small bundle of nerves in small circles.

He turned her suddenly, and ground his obvious erection into her hip. Reclaiming her lips, he crushed her to him, one large hand tangling into her hair and holding her to his hungry lips while the other did the most delicious things to her clit. It was more intense than any fantasy she'd ever had about him.

Luke Harris was definitely everything his image portrayed. He was sex. A walking orgasm just waiting for a place to happen. Seconds turned to minutes and Roxy broke the kiss with a gasp. She stared up into lust filled eyes and drank in the sight of it. His pale gray eyes had turned sparkling silver. Fire burned in his gaze and it was directed at her.

He placed a soft kiss on the side of her mouth, his tongue darting out to trace her bottom lip and she felt the small touch to the soles of her feet.

"I want you, Roxy. Now."

Oh god.
Roxy took a shuddering breath and tried to think around her sex-addled brain. Sleep with him now and chances are she'd be yesterday's rubbish. Continue with Holly's plan and ... and what? Prolong her misery? Leave her with another lonely night with nothing but her fantasies to keep her warm?

The hand between her legs was still there. His fingers burning a trail over her inner thigh and she could only imagine the heights this man would take her. Three minutes with his fingers buried in her panties and she was undone. What if she had all night?

Luke wanted her. He
her! How could she refuse? She'd done more stupid things in her life than she could count. This wouldn't be one of them. She smiled up at him and said, “Lead the way."

The smile he gave her made things low in her belly tighten with anticipation.

"Follow me,” he smiled, turning and leading her through the crowd toward the front door.

"Luke! Luke, wait."

Roxy turned her head when Luke stopped and did the same. A man approached them wearing a suit that looked as expensive as the dress she'd splurged on. His hair was thinning on top and was sprinkled with gray. He looked to be in his late forties. He carried an air of authority around him and she knew whoever he was, he was important. She raised a curious brow at him before looking at Luke. From the look on his face, she could tell he didn't like the man.

"The reporter I said was coming finally showed up. The other guys have already talked to him. It's your turn."

"Can't this wait?” Luke asked.

The man turned his attention to her briefly and Roxy couldn't be sure, but she thought he rolled his eyes.

"No, it can't. I promised the interviews and you agreed. Your
can wait in line with the other groupies."

Roxy's mouth fell open. Groupie. Did she
like a groupie?

Luke glanced at her before saying, “Give me ten minutes, Curt, and I'll be there with bells on."

Ten minutes? Ten minutes! Oh hell no!
She was
a no-tell motel for his cock. He'd give her all night or nothing. She snorted a laugh before shaking her head and pulling her hand away. “Go ahead and do your interview, Luke. I'm sure I can find someone else to waste ten minutes with."

She saw his eyes widen before she turned and walked away. She didn't know what she was more pissed at—being interrupted or the thought of a ten-minute bang, in what would probably be the alley out back. The nerve of that man. Who the hell did he think he was?

She made it back to the table and Holly raised one eyebrow at her before looking across the club, presumably to Luke. Roxy snatched Holly's rum and coke, gulping it down before inhaling deeply to try and calm her nerves.
Ten minutes.
She laughed out loud and said, “I need a drink. A strong one."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 3

"Good morning, sleeping beauty. How's the head?"

Roxy groaned, turning her head to bury it in the pillow as bright light flooded the room. “Go away. I want to die in peace."

Holly laughed and jumped on the bed. “Die? You can't be serious. Half of New York is in love with you."

Roxy peeked up at her. “Why?"

"You don't remember?"


Holly snorted and lay down, reaching out and pushing Roxy's hair away from her face. “Does Alabama Slammer or Purple Haze jog your memory?"

"No. Should it?"

"Liquid Cocaine? Flying Monkey?"

Roxy shook her head, sucking in a breath when her head spun.

"No? What about, ‘Oh god, Holly. If you love me, just kill me now."

"That bad, huh?” Roxy said.

"Yeah, that bad.” Holly grinned. “I told you not to mix all those drinks. Devin had to carry you out of there."

"Oh god,” Roxy said, burying her face in the pillow again.

you did your Coyote Ugly impersonation and danced on the bar, much to the delight of half the men in there. But look on the bright side. You have fifteen business cards and ten napkins with phone numbers on it. You'll be too busy to worry about Luke What's-his-name."

Roxy rolled over, moaning as her body protested and took a deep breath. She stared at the ceiling, bits and pieces of the previous night flashing in her minds eye and she grimaced at most of it. “I'm such an idiot."

"No, you're not,” Holly said softly, reaching out and smoothing Roxy's hair back. “Luke's the idiot. Devin said so."

Roxy turned her head to Holly. “Did I embarrass you?"


"Are you lying?"

Holly flushed. “Only a little. Your proposition to Devin for a three-way might have embarrassed me."

Roxy's eyes widened. “I didn't."

"Yeah, you did. Devin knew how drunk you were and didn't think much of it. Lucky thing, too. I would have ripped his balls off if he did."

She didn't remember that conversation, thankfully. Roxy could see laughter dancing in Holly's eyes so she didn't have to worry about her friend being mad at her. It still didn't help the fact she couldn't remember most of the night. She remembered Luke, his tantalizing kisses and his wicked fingers playing between her legs. The feel of him warm and hard against her body and his suggestion of a ten-minute quickie. She still felt like slapping him for that.

What was she suppose to do now? “So, what do you suggest, oh wise one?"

"I thought you'd never ask,” Holly grinned. “I'll have room service bring you up some breakfast while you shower."

* * * *

Luke hissed a curse when a string broke on his guitar. He jerked the strap over his head and walked across the room to his guitar case, searching its contents for the pack of new strings he thought was there. The other guys were talking, laughing about something he couldn't hear, and he looked up when he thought he heard his name. They weren't looking at him but he had to wonder if their laughter wasn't directed at him.

They all knew what had transpired between him and Roxy the night before. The little vixen had told half the women in the club if they had ten minutes to spare, he was their guy. When he finally made it back to the table after his interview, Roxy was already three sheets to the wind and ordering every drink on the menu. She barely even glanced at him but when she did, fire shined in her hazel eyes. Yeah, saying she was pissed would be an understatement.

Of course, he couldn't really figure out
she was mad. He told her he wanted her and he did. And it was apparent she wanted him as well. That little feel he got on the dance floor told him as much. A few kisses and the girl was practically dripping. It had to be the
thing. She was all for it until Curt—the asshole—had interrupted them. He only suggested the quickie because he wanted her and would take what he could get. Apparently Roxy wasn't as easy as he initially thought. He assumed she was like every other girl he'd ever met. They'd take anything he offered and not complain. She complained. A lot. Then got drunk off her ass and practically showed it to everyone in the club.

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