Wicked: Leather and Lace [Wicked Series Book 2] (4 page)

BOOK: Wicked: Leather and Lace [Wicked Series Book 2]
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He smiled as he recalled her little dance on the bar. He'd been so hard watching her he could barely sit still. Everything about her screamed unbridled lust. She would be a firecracker in bed. Yeah, ten minutes was an insult. To him. No way would such a small taste of the fiery woman he saw last night do. She needed to be savored.

Finding the strings, Luke stood and walked across the room to the sofa and sat down. He barely got the old string out when the door opened and the object of his musings walked in looking like a ray of sunshine. A pale yellow top bared those sun-warmed shoulders and was cut low enough in the front to show a hint of soft breast. Low riding jeans hugged her body and left nothing to the imagination. If the girl had any fat on her, he didn't know where to find it.

She laughed at something Devin said, a rosy blush stealing over her cheeks before Mick grabbed her, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her to him. Luke ground his teeth together at the sight before shaking off his ire. Mick was the last person he'd be worried about taking what he wanted. After a whirlwind romance with a fan landed the drummer in divorce court, and cost him thousands, he'd sworn off women. Not that he blamed him. Mick's ex-wife got exactly what she wanted out of that relationship. His money.

Turning his attention to his guitar strings, Luke tried to ignore them, or more specifically, Roxy. He'd spent the previous night alone, the first time in longer than he could remember, and just the sight of her let him know he'd botched his seduction of her. That had never happened. He almost laughed at the thought. Luke Harris, self-proclaimed playboy, was unable to seduce a woman who obviously wanted him.

He shook his head, clearing his thoughts, and attached the string, working it through the end and tightening it before tuning the guitar and playing a few chords to see if the sound was right. A few chords turned to several and ended up being a lengthy portion of their newest song, one that showcased his ability. Truth be known, he was showing off. It worked, however. Movement out of the corner of his eye showed the sunlight he'd been trying to impress walking across the room. He looked up, staring at Roxy before smiling and stood up when she stopped in front of him.


"Hey, yourself,” he said, turning to lay his guitar on the sofa.

Roxy felt a rush of butterflies dart around her stomach when he stood up straight and faced her. God, he was so beautiful. And you are an idiot, she thought with a sigh. She should have taken his ten-minute offer and ran with it. Especially looking at him now. This was the Luke she wanted to see. Black leather pants, his jacket thrown over bare skin, and his hair falling in silken waves over his shoulders.

A tiny smile lifted the corner of his mouth but laughter wasn't what she saw in his eyes. He ran an appreciative glance over her body, one that heated her skin and caused a shiver to race up her spine. The same tingles she'd felt the night before when he'd kissed her ignited every nerve, sending waves shooting to every limb. She swallowed the nerves trying to choke her and smiled. If he didn't stop looking at her like that, she'd never get this right.

Straightening her spine, she cleared her throat. “Um, I'm sure I'm the last person you want to see this morning, especially after what Holly told me about last night, but I wanted to come over and apologize to you anyway. I had no right to say those things about you. I don't even know you. It was unfair of me and I truly am sorry."

So this is what groveling feels like
. She didn't like it. Not one bit. Luke's expression didn't change but something in his eyes did. They looked ... softer somehow. The look he was giving her now did more for her than the lust filled gaze from the night before. She felt uncomfortable all of a sudden and looked away, shifting on her feet as uneasiness washed over her.

She needed a rock to crawl under. Last night's humiliation was bad enough. To have the object of her desire look at her like ... well, like he cared, was worse. She couldn't let herself think something as idiotic as that.

When he moved, she turned back to face him. That little half smile he was so fond of was still there but it didn't seem to be mocking her. It looked genuine.

"Apology accepted, only if you'll extend the same to me."

Roxy stared at him, watching him glance at the others before he straightened his shoulders. His cheeks flushed for a brief second and she was taken aback at the thought of him being embarrassed. Why he would be embarrassed was beyond her.

She smiled and decided to end their uncomfortable torment. Holly's plan was simple. Apologize and walk away. Leave him alone and see what he did. With the plan clearly in mind, she said, “Done.” Watching him for a few seconds, she nodded her head at him. “Well, I'll let you guys get back to practice. Holly and I have plans to max out my credit cards and after last night, I owe her in a way I'll never recover from financially."

When he didn't say anything, she gave him a parting smile and turned. She'd only taken three steps when he said her name.

"Roxy, what do you say we start over?"

She stopped and turned back to face him. “Start over?"

"Yeah,” he said, taking a step closer to her.

She grinned. “Only if it doesn't require body shots. I don't want to see another shot glass for as long as I live."

He laughed. “How about dinner instead?"

Dinner? That wasn't part of Holly's plan.
She glanced at her friend, watching her cuddle against Devin's side before looking back at Luke. Now what?

"Just dinner,” Luke said. “I won't expect anything else from you ... well, unless you expect it from me first, of course, then all bets are off."

There was the Luke Harris she knew and loved. Boyish charm wrapped in a lust filled package.

She thought about what Holly had said. Ignore him and he'd fall all over himself to get to her. Was her friend right, after all?

"Dinner?” she asked, dumbly.

"Yes. Just you and me. Anywhere you'd like."

He wanted to take her out? Like ... on a date? Nah. She laughed to herself and gave him a smile. “Dinner then. Although I don't know much about New York, so I'll let you pick the place."

"Alright. It's a date, then."

Her smile widened as she looked at him. It
a date. At least he
it was.

She turned when Holly said her name, nodding to her when her friend said their ride was there before turning back to Luke. “Well, I guess I need to go. Just let me know when."

"Tomorrow. Seven o'clock?"

Her pulse quickened. “Tomorrow, then."

She left on cloud nine, glancing back over her shoulder at Luke when she pulled the door shut. He was watching her with an unreadable expression on his face. Her heart fluttered at the look and she practically bounced to the elevator.

Holly's rapid-fire questions were nothing but a jumble of words as her mind still tried to register the fact that she had a date. An actual
with Luke Harris. She laughed as the elevator doors closed. “You are a freaking genius, Holly."

[Back to Table of Contents]

Chapter 4

A night out on the town with Luke Harris was just as Roxy imagined it would be ... sort of.

It was definitely a once in a lifetime experience. Not having to wait in any lines was a plus ... the flash of cameras was exciting, and the push and shove of people trying to make their way through a crowd to get to him left her star-struck.

Then, there was the horrifying reality that she was just in the way. Being shoved away while the groupies practically attacked her date hadn't been part of her little fantasy.

Roxy sighed in frustration; staring at nothing as yet another blonde threw her arms around Luke and snuggled in to his side while a friend snapped a picture of them.

It had been that way all night.

At dinner, the trendy new age restaurant Luke had taken her to offered a bevy of people crammed into the dining rooms, loud voices and music you had to yell to be heard over, and gave Roxy her first taste of what Luke's life was actually like. The man couldn't go anywhere without someone noticing him. They were interrupted no less than a dozen times by someone wanting an autograph or picture, but Luke took it all in stride. Hell, the man thrived on it, if the look on his face was any indication.

Of course, sitting there while his attention was diverted elsewhere hadn't been fun, especially when the bravest of admirers groped him right where he sat and left her feeling like a jealous girlfriend.

It was then she realized her dream date with Luke Harris had turned into a nightmare.

Glancing over her shoulder, she watched him smile yet again at another girl as he posed for pictures, and she shook her head at the scene. They'd stepped out of the restaurant fifteen minutes ago and she was pushed to the side the moment someone recognized him. She'd watched until his face was covered in a rainbow of colored lipstick before turning away.

She was invisible, and had been for hours now. They hadn't said more than twenty words to each other all night. She'd stressed all day in preparations of their date, bought a new dress, and listened to Holly beg her not to sleep with him.
Fat chance of that
, she thought. He didn't even know she was there.

The busy New York streets buzzed with life. The sidewalks full of people going about their business and Roxy watched them for long minutes. The longer she stood there alone, while her date showered his attention on other women, the madder she became.

Deciding to end her torment, she walked to the curb and tried to hale a cab. Apparently there was an art to it as every cab she saw zoomed past her like she wasn't even there.

"You have to be more aggressive than that."

Roxy looked to her left, at the man who in record time had a cab in front of her and the door held open.

"Care to share with me?” he asked.

He was cute, Roxy noticed. Tall, blond and young.
And probably full of come
, she thought with a grin.
apparently wasn't blind to her presence. She looked over her shoulder, glancing at Luke before turning back to the man waiting by the cab. It would certainly be a proper revenge. She wasn't going to be ignored, especially by Luke Harris.

Smiling, she walked to the open door. “Thanks,” she said. “I just need a ride back to my hotel.

"Anything you want,” he said, winking at her.

Roxy stepped off the curb and had just leaned down to get inside the cab when someone grabbed her arm. She turned her head, surprised to see Luke. He didn't look happy.

"Can I help you,” she said, trying to keep the venom out of her voice.

"Where are you going?” he asked.

"To the hotel.” She glanced back at the restaurant. “You better hurry,” she said, nodding her head toward the waiting group of ladies. “Your harem looks like it's getting restless."

When he looked back, Roxy rolled her eyes and pulled her arm from his grip. She looked over at the blond. “How far are you going?"

"Park Avenue,” he said.

"How long until we get there?"

"About ten minutes,” he said.

"Ten minutes? Perfect! Are you up for a little adventure?” she said, throwing a hateful glare at Luke before climbing into the cab.

"Most definitely,” the blond said.

Roxy leaned back in the seat, trying to keep the forced smile on her face. She ground her teeth together and stared straight ahead. When she saw someone lean in through the open door, she turned her head and gasped when Luke reached out, grabbed her around the waist, and pulled her non-too gently from the cab.

"What the hell are you doing?” she asked when her feet hit the sidewalk.

Luke grinned at her. “You're not getting away from me that easily, doll face."

"Let go of me,” she said, pulling away from him.

"I don't think so."

His hold on her waist tightened and Roxy could only stumble after him as he pulled her along the crowded sidewalk. She cursed under her breath and tried to get her temper under control.

She knew being pissed at him was childish. It wasn't his fault he was gorgeous and every woman who saw him wanted a piece of him. Not to mention, Rock Star! He was a celebrity. Of course people wanted to be near him.

Relaxing her posture, she inhaled deeply, trying to let the anger go. She almost managed it. A brunette, who really needed a bigger shirt, appeared in front of them and just like before, Roxy was pushed aside as his adoring fans threw themselves at him.

"Oh, that's it! I've had enough of this shit. I'm out of here,” she said, turning on her heel and storming off in the other direction.

She'd only taken four steps when Luke grabbed her again. She slapped at his reaching arms. When he bent at the knees and hoisted her over his shoulder, she let out a startled squeal.

"What the hell are you doing?” she yelled.

"Getting out of here,” he said. “And you're going with me."

"Luke! I'm wearing a dress. You're going to show my ass to half of New York!"

His hand landing on her bottom wasn't exactly the remedy she was looking for.

Roxy could only squirm as the sidewalk rushed by under her face. Her hair swung down his back and she had half a mind to pinch his ass just so he'd let her go. Getting dropped on her head didn't sound like such a bright idea, though. So, she hung there, listening to his fan club call his name while she did her best impersonation of a potato sack.

When he stepped off the curb, her eyes widened when her feet hit the pavement. Straightening, she shoved her skirt down her legs and lifted a hand, pushing her hair away from her face. “I didn't know you were such a caveman, Luke. You cease to amaze me."

"I'm used to taking what I want,” he grinned.

"I've noticed,” she said. “So am I and right now, I want to go back to the hotel."

"As you wish,” he said, smiling down at her. He reached behind her and she turned, noticing the limo. It hadn't been there moments ago.

She didn't wait for an invitation to get in.

When she was seated, Luke crawled in behind her, shutting the door and blocking out the sights and sounds of the crowd. He slid closer to her, throwing his arm over her shoulder, and Roxy raised a brow at his smiling face before moving to the opposite end of the limo.

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