Wicked Werewolf Passion (8 page)

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Authors: Lisa Renee Jones

BOOK: Wicked Werewolf Passion
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Alexander screamed in pain and Carmen screamed with him. Shi grabbed her and held her, while she pressed her face to his shoulder. Seconds that felt like hours passed until the screams stopped. Alexander went completely still, and Shi feared he was dead, that Carmen had lost her father and she would blame him. That in the end, magic would destroy them all. 


One week later...

Chapter Eight


With a blanket wrapped around her, and wearing one of Shi’s t-shirts, Carmen sat on a thick rug in front of a fireplace, watching the flames leap and jump, when only days before, she’d been in sunshine and heat. The cold days and nights were a shock to her system after Vegas, but unavoidable considering the underground Alaska facility was the Benedanti’s secret headquarters. To the world of The Society, her father was on special assignment at the Benedanti’s training facility. To Carmen, he was a stranger she hoped would become her father again, not the stranger who stared blankly at the walls. But he was alive, and the Benedanti had given her hope that they could save him, and that was what mattered.

Carmen smiled as Shi joined her, wrapping himself around her from behind and holding a cup of hot chocolate to her lips. She sipped the warm, yummy beverage. She was pretty sure he was naked, just the way she liked him. “You do know how to win a girl’s heart.”

“Do I?” he asked, nuzzling her hair.

“You do,” she said, her stomach fluttering with a mix of arousal and emotion. He’d been there for her every step of the way with her father, just as he had when she’d lost her mother. This place felt more like home than The Society had in a very long time, and she knew it was because Shi was here. It didn’t hurt that she and Aylia, Nico’s mate, had become fast friends, either, and that they had been given an open invitation to stay as long as they wished. 

“So you say I know how to win a woman’s heart,” Shi said, setting the cup aside. “Enough to make this thing between us forever?”

She sucked in a breath, knowing what he was telling her, and grabbing his hand. Her eyes prickled with the absence of the magic mark that had kept them from mating. She twisted in his arms. “You...we can-”

“Yeah. We can. And by choice.” He slid his hand into her hair. “I choose you for the rest of my life. The question is – do you choose me?”

Carmen leaned back and pulled his shirt over her head, but his eyes held hers as he leaned against the table behind him, and pulled her on him.  “I choose you,” she whispered, too emotional to find her voice fully.  And when he was buried deep inside her, filling her as he had her life, kissing her with so much passion that he both stole her breath and gave her the next breath she took at the same time, she knew she’d found her forever. 

A long time later, she lay on her side in front of him, the fire crackling and burning in front of them. Carmen stared sleepily down at the crescent moon on her palm before she started to drift to sleep. Just when her lashes were heavy, when the room began to fade, Shi’s cell phone started to ring and a knock sounded on the door. 

Carmen jerked to a sitting position and Shi sat up and grabbed the phone. On edge, Carmen waited to hear what came next, afraid it was about her father, relieved when Shi ended the call with a wolfish grin. “Aylia’s finally in labor. She’s asking for you.” He chuckled. “And according to the nurse, Nico isn’t the calm leader we all know and trust. He’s freaking out and making them all crazy.” 

Carmen grinned and jumped to her feet with excitement. A  new baby. A new magical baby. Maybe, just maybe, magic wasn’t all bad. In fact, in this case, knowing how in love Nico and Aylia were, she had to believe it was the beginning of something very special. This was the first baby born part wolf and part Benedanti in centuries. That had to be special. 




Darkness. There was darkness everywhere. Alexander could feel nothing but the weight of it, suffocating him. 


He froze at the soft, feminine voice that hummed along his nerve endings. 


An image of a beautiful blond filled his mind, wiping away the darkness.  The pain eased, his limbs warmed. Peace. He felt peace. He could sleep.




He jerked and felt adrenaline race through his veins. He knew the voice. He knew this woman. Yes. The beautiful blonde. Her name...what was her name? A coppery taste filled his mouth, bled into his taste buds, and her image came to him again. She was kissing him, leaning over him and he wanted to touch her but he couldn’t seem to move.  And there was...blood on her lips, on his lips. She was his worst enemy. She was the very thing that had stripped his world away and ruined his life. She was...a vampire. 

With an intake of breath, Alexander sat up, his gaze wildly taking in the sterile hospital room he lay in. He reached up and wiped his mouth, and then looked at his hand. There was blood on it. He growled low in his throat and swung his legs off the bed. He was hunting a vampire and her name was Isabella. 




THE END of the story but not the series!

Look for Alexander’s story  – Wicked Werewolf Magic – coming soon! 













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