Wickedest Witch

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Wickedest Witch
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Wickedest Witch


Eve Langlais

Copyright & Disclaimer


Copyright ©
June 2013, Eve Langlais

Cover Art by Amanda Kelsey ©
May 2013

Originally Edited (2010) by Victoria Miller

Second Edition Edited (2013) by Brienna Roberston

Produced in


Published by Eve Langlais

1606 Main Street, PO Box 151

, Ontario, Canada, K2S1A3



978 – 1 – 927459 – 38 – 6


Wickedest Witch
is a work of fiction and the characters, events and dialogue found within the story are of the author's imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, either living or deceased, is completely coincidental.


No part of this book may be reproduced or shared in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including but not limited to digital copying, file sharing, audio recording, email and printing without permission in writing from the author.

Author’s Foreword

Please note, Wickedest Witch was originally published by Liquid Silver Books from October of 2010, until May of 2013. Published anew in June 2013 by Eve Langlais, this book has been expanded from its original version. It features a new sexy cover and has grown from a 30,000 word novelette to a category romance of 46,000 words.

It is my sincere hope that you enjoy this plumper version of my popular story featuring an evil witch who, despite herself, can’t help falling in love.

Table of Contents

Wickedest Witch

Copyright & Disclaimer

Author’s Foreword

Table of Contents



Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty One

Chapter Twenty Two

Chapter Twenty Three

Chapter Twenty Four

Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Twenty Six

Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter Twenty Nine


More Books by Eve Langlais

Sneak Peek

Author Biography


Thank you for engaging the services of Wicked Incorporated, where the insults are given for free.


Evangeline is not a very nice witch,
and she’s not afraid to show it. Her ruthless nature comes in handy as a problem solver until she lands a job where she’s forced to work with an uncouth shifter. He’s rude, cocky, totally unsuitable, not to mention part animal, but despite it all, she can’t help craving his touch.

is big, bad, and brash. When he’s partnered with a curvy witch, he does everything in his power to fight her allure. And fails. But he’s not too disappointed as he discovers wickedness has its uses, especially in the bedroom.

ampires, a wedding from hell, and a cackling boss named Rumpelstiltskin make this an adventure packed, humorous paranormal romance sure to make you smile.


“I don’t think we should see each other anymore,” said her boyfriend of three months, practically a record for her.

The nerve of him. Breaking up with her, and in person.
Evangeline would have never thought he had the balls to do it face to face. She’d always pictured Derek more as an email or texting kind of guy.

“May I ask why?” She didn’t really care
; however, she couldn’t deny a curiosity as to his reason. Her last few boyfriends just stopped calling and moved without leaving a forwarding address. Despite the brevity of their relationships, they’d known her well enough to not stick around.

You’re just too evil for me,” Derek answered with a shrug, ducking his head in an attempt to appear apologetic.

Too evil? Most women would have taken offense at his claim,
but he spoke the truth, a nasty habit of his. What a shock, though, that he acted as if it were a flaw. Could she help her natural inclination to do harm instead of good? So she possessed malevolent tendencies, it wasn’t as if she killed people—often.
The way I look at it is if they’re too mentally deficient to get out of my way then they deserve to die before they do something even more dim-witted, such as procreate.
Evangeline held a low tolerance for people she deemed TSTL – too stupid to live.
Congratulations, Derek, you’ve just become the newest member of that group.

What made
the remark by her ex-lover ironic was Derek made his living as a thief, but unlike Robin Hood, he didn’t steal to give to the poor. Derek stole to supplement his extravagant lifestyle, yet the smug bastard had the
to call her evil? Not to mention, break up with her?
I decide when things are over. Not this pathetic excuse for a man.

Is there any particular reason you chose to break up with me now?” So close to her sister’s wedding and totally messing up her plans to bring a plus one. “It’s not like you didn’t know my reputation before we began seeing each other,” she commented, pursing her lips and placing her hands on her hips, a sign of agitation he foolishly ignored.

Derek ran a hand through his
thinning hair. “I heard the rumors, but I thought they were exaggerated. I didn’t think you were that bad. I mean, come on. Did you really have to turn all their candy into broccoli? They were just kids and you made them cry.”

Evangeline wanted to roll her eyes.
I can’t believe he’s still harping on that. It happened weeks ago.
“I don’t approve of Halloween, making fun of witches and what not,” she said. She couldn’t help her yearly annoyance at the way the media had bastardized a sacred holiday, one the mystical society she belong to revered. “Served them right. Besides, isn’t the media always telling us that children need to eat healthier?” The parents of those brats should have thanked her for saving their progeny from obesity.

“See? This is why I can’t be with you. You just don’t get it.”

“Get what?” She frowned.

“Anything. You’re a cold
-hearted witch, Evangeline, which is why I think it’s best if we stop seeing each other.”

I don’t believe this. You’re dumping me.” It still blew her away that he dared to. It also occurred to her she should feel something, anything; after all, they’d dated—make that screwed—for close to three months, a new record for her. Yet, as she looked upon his lanky frame, she didn’t feel any remorse or anguish. No urge to throw herself at him sobbing for him to change his mind. Nope. Nothing so weak and girly. On the other hand, annoyance bubbled and her pride kicked in.

How dare he break up with me, and right before my sister’s wedding too.
Now where would she find a date—she’d scared off most of the male population already. As for those that remained, well, they were single for a reason.

“I’m sure you’ll find someone else. Someone who will
…” He paused for a moment as he searched for a diplomatic end to his sentence. She should have told him not to bother. “Appreciate your unique qualities.”

“Derek, you really aren’t too bright
, are you? Then again, I didn’t date you for your brains.” No, she’d dated him for the sex—Derek lacked many things, but he sported a thick one and, with a little direction from her, learned how to use it. Evangeline arched a perfect brow at him and smiled sweetly, perhaps a tad too much judging by his blanching face. “You really should have ignored Ms. Manners and done this from a much safer location—say on another continent. Goodbye, Derek.” With a waggle of her fingers, Evangeline drew on her innate magical power. She never tired of the rush as the energy of the ether filled her and tingled inside.

Poor Derek, too late he realized his mistake. He backed away, hands held up in a pleading gesture. Her grin stretched wider as he turned and prepared to run.
As if he could escape her wrath.

Thrusting out her hand, she focused the power within her, concentrating and shaping it to her will. She flung the result at his fleeing back
. It struck him dead center and spread until it encased him from head to toe in a brilliant white light. When the glow dissipated, a puddle of clothes littered the ground and amongst them sat a large rat.

Bringing her fingers to her lips, she blew on them, gunslinger style.
She enjoyed meting out karma, or in this case, giving a dirty rat a body to match his actions.

With a squeak, Derek scurried off and Evangeline laughed. To think he’d had the nerve to break up with her. He should count himself lucky she hadn’t turned him into a grease spot.

They didn’t call
the Wickedest Witch for nothing.

Chapter One

Slouched on a bar stool, Ryker perused the patrons around him. A soothing drunken buzz muted the natters of the crowd and made the buck-toothed shifter—
by the smell, I’d say rabbit
—beside him appear more attractive than he recalled when he first arrived. And people said alcohol didn’t make things better. In this case, it turned a homely jack rabbit into someone he could fuck. Oh who was he kidding? He didn’t really care what she looked like.
I’m horny and any female body will do

Lurching toward her, he tripped over his own feet and staggered hard against the bar. Startled,
his intended prey scurried off.

Stymied and with no other prospects nearby, Ryker perched back on his stool and signaled Barry behind the bar for another beer.

Barry shook his bald head at him. “I think you’ve had quite enough,
old friend. Time you called it a night.”

“What are you? My mutha?” slurred Ryker.
Okay, so I might be a little drunk. Big fucking deal. I’m a big boy, and it’s not as if I’m driving.
Like a certain movie pirate, he’d stagger, stagger, and if needed, crawl his way home. Or sleep in a gutter until the drunkenness wore off. He’d travelled this road before.

“What’s up with you?” asked Barry
as he wiped down the bar in front of him. “I’ve never seen you like this. Does this have anything to do with your visit back home?”

“Nope.” As if he’d orate aloud the details of that embarrassment. So much for doing his family proud and following tradition. Before someone took him for a big family guy, it should be noted Ryker didn’t give a flying fuck about maintaining the purity of the family genes, or strengthening their position in the pack. Nope. Not him. He left those kinds of politics and shit to his other brothers usually. Usually being the key word. So why had he returned to the bosom of his pack when summoned? Why had he agreed to the farce his parents had their hearts set on, mainly marriage to a stranger? He’d done it – like some pansy, apron-tied wus
for his mother.

Gawd, just thinking about it made him want to hack up a hairball
or hit something until it begged for mercy, but he’d settle for another drink, if Barry would just shut the fuck up and give him one. He slapped a fiver on the bar.

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