Widow Need Sex - Erotic story (2 page)

Read Widow Need Sex - Erotic story Online

Authors: Nicky Sasso

Tags: #sex, #widow, #milf moms, #mother son sex, #incest erotic story

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I do not have anything to tell you about the
practice, except that I was completely absentminded. I had only one
image in front of my eyes. No one mentioned the contract, so I did
not mention it either. I returned home exhausted.

When I came home, I found some relatives
visiting, and I could not wait for them to leave. Not because they
bothered me, but because I was impatient. I wanted the night to
come as quickly as possible, so that I could go and get some rest
and, of course, look at my half-naked mom.

As usual, right after 9 PM, we went to bed. I
gave her some 15 minutes to lie down first, and then I

When I entered, she lay on her back wearing
the same black nightgown. For the first time, I saw clearly how she
looked like from the front side. Taking a quick glance, I paid the
most attention to her boobs which filled the upper part of her
summer nightgown that hung on her shoulders on two thin straps. Her
boobs were impressive, just like the butt, so my dick started
giving me away.

I was not sure if she noticed it or not, but
she rolled to her usual side quietly saying: “Oh, God, it’s hot in

She rolled over and, accidentally or not,
lifted up the nightgown’s hem to her round hips. I felt
thunderstruck when I saw what my own mother showed me, not knowing
if she did it on purpose or not. This time she wore a black thong,
which was not strange for young women like her, but I was petrified
when I saw that the part which should have been pulled in between
the buttocks was actually placed over her right, in this case -
upper, buttock.

Some indescribable restlessness crawled into
my pants. I had an incredible desire to masturbate. Distraught, I
stared at her. I succumbed to the side of my personality which was
not controlled by reason. I remembered what happened the day
before, the night before, and on that day, trying to find an excuse
for the situation I was in. All the time I stared at her almost
naked butt. I started drooling.

Thinking and trying to find an answer to this
temptation, in my blocked mind one thought appeared, a thought
which my mom said many times during the period of the previous 2-3
days: “You have to be determined! It’s important to try! You have
to recognize what you want! Be determined, at work, and in BED!
BED! BED! BED!...”

The word “bed” tormented me the most, and my
dick became harder and harder. I wanted to masturbate, to calm down
a bit. I needed only half a minute to jerk it off, I thought. But
it was impracticable and I knew it. Then she asked: “Son, are you

- “No!” I replied getting even more

- “I didn’t have a chance to ask you how it
was at the practice today. Did you decide?”

- “Nothing important. I still don’t know,” I
said addlebrained, making an effort to take a better look at the
space between her buttocks, which was in shade.

- “Oh, my son... You’re very undetermined. Do
I have to paint you a picture to understand? You have to be more
active, to fight for your position. I see you’re not interested in
anything...” She paused leaving the sentence unfinished.

I was insulted by my mom’s words. At that
moment, I decided I had to react in some way. It was obvious what
she wanted. I wanted the same, but she did not know it, because I
did my best to hide every possible detail that could reveal my
desires, and especially this 7-inch-long detail in my pants. But
after her words, I did not feel any shame. All obstacles between us
fell down. The only obstacle left was two feet of bed to her almost
naked butt. I felt so strong and brave that I thought to myself:
“Now you’ll find out how determined I am. I don’t care that you’re
my mom.”

I dragged myself to her pressing already
pulled out dick against warm and soft skin of her butt. I did not
talk. She did not talk either. She only trembled as if she had been
afraid of something. I plunged my head into her luxuriant black
hair scattered across her back and pillow trying to absorb her
scents. Slowly, my hand travelled to her thighs, with her
permission, of course.

We still did not talk, but we started
breathing faster and faster. Since she gave me her permission
obviously, I could do whatever I wanted. I did not know what to
grab first. I was so wild that I forgot about everything else. I
was ready to rape her if she had not agreed. But there was no need
for that, because she was even hornier than me. I felt it as soon
as I touched her pussy. It was wet as if she had peed. She was so
aroused that the liquid spread on her thighs.

I kissed her naked back rubbing her between
the legs. My hand was totally wet. Then she said moaning: “Ahhh...
you understood after all! Thaaat’s it! Thaaat’s what I need!
Yeees!” She grabbed my dick with her hand. When I felt my mom’s
hand at a place that no female hand had touched before, I got
dizzy. She kept moaning and saying: “Yeees! Yeees! Yeees!” She
turned me on even more, which was her intention.

I was afraid I would come without putting it
into her pussy. I took it from her hand and pointed towards her
pussy, a place that was a mystery to me. Assuming I was still a
virgin, she moved her right hand forwards and grabbed my dick
again, but this time she tried to help me find the right

When she showed it the right way, she moaned
loudly and added: “Ahhh, it’s sooo haaard and hot!”

When I heard that, I started going in and out
of her lubricious hot oven. It took me by surprise that she
willingly and actively participated in the act. She started shaking
her bottom like crazy, so that at one point I paused wondering who
fucked whom.

- “Grab my tit... Come on!” She asked

I did what she asked, of course. I grabbed
her right tit, but first I ripped the short nightgown straps. I
lost control completely.

I did not know if it was because of my
touching her tit or ripping the straps, but she worked her ass even
faster, pushing me back as if she had wanted to swallow me.

I bit her shoulders squeezing her huge right
tit which was soft and had a turgid nipple. Unsuccessfully, I tried
to tame it with one hand. The whole game was unknown to me. It
incredibly turned me on, so I knew I was close to finishing. She
knew that, too. She did not want us to separate. Breathing quickly,
she uttered: “Don’t get it out! I should get my period in three
days... Fill me up!” She said it at the moment when avalanche of
sperm rushed from my balls. I did what she asked, and she felt it
at the end of the sentence. She also started coming, screaming with
pleasure. She completely forgot about her late husband.

Although I had already come, I did not get my
dick out of her. It still bathed in my mom’s pussy that was hot
like a sauna. I waited for it to soften.

As my dick was getting down, my mood was
getting down, as well. I was not ashamed. It was more like a
feeling of remorse. I felt guilty when I thought of my father. On
the other hand, mom totally forgot about my father’s death.
Satisfied, she turned towards me, ready to cuddle and to continue
playing the game.

She noticed that I boycotted her, so she
started up a conversation. Her hair was messy and she looked shook
up from the intense experience. Her boobs were out of the
nightgown, her underwear was lifted up, she was all sweaty and she

- “What’s wrong now? You’re indecisive again?
Well, son, you’ll have to be more determined. There’s no remorse
after fucking. I just want to tell you that you were

I did not say a word. I stared at the
ceiling. She noticed that I felt something I was not able to
describe. The feeling did not go away. She continued: “There’s no
need to regret anything. You’re just like your father. He would
have been proud of you, too, if he had been able to see us. He
would have rather had his son fucking his wife than someone else.
I’m right, aren’t I? You’re aware that I’m 44 and that I need a
dick as much as you need what I gave you. Isn’t it better to have
this thing between us than to drag some guys in here... Oh, God, I
can’t even imagine that. In this way I stayed faithful to your
father. Trust me.”

We were silent for a while. I felt I was
getting back to a normal state. I wanted us to make love again,
which reflected on my dick.

- “Really? He would’ve been proud if he had
been able to see us?” I asked.

- “Sure!” She shortly replied.

- “Well, then...” Without finishing the
sentence, I threw myself on her, more precisely on her round
chocolate-like nipples.

= “Ahhh, yeees! See, you’re just like your
father! Ahhh! He liked doing that to me, too. Yeees!” She moaned
turning me on. She held her breasts in her hands offering them to

- “What else he liked doing?” I accepted this
pervert game.

- “He licked me... everywhere... down there.

Without hesitation, I went down there and
started licking her. She spread her legs and bent her knees moving
her underwear aside to make herself more hospitable.

Right away I started slapping the reddish
neatly-cropped pussy with my tongue. I tried to dry it up with my
tongue, collecting the liquids that originated from both of us.
Then, she stopped me for a moment. We had troubles with her undies
that kept coming back to the pussy, so she was not able to release
the hand with which she intended to touch the clitoris.

- “Wait a second. I have to take the thong
off. The thong performed its function.” She said revealing that she
had been luring me with it from the very beginning.

She got up to take off her nightgown, too.
She accidentally placed her irresistible butt in front of me.
Spell-bound, I threw myself on her, pushing her forward, so that
she ended up on her elbows and knees with her butt facing me. I
grabbed her buttocks firmly, separating them. I had never seen an
anus before. I had only read about it.

It was very neat, too, with many equally
cropped short hairs. I started wetting it with my tongue,
unconsciously preparing it for an act that would follow.

Judging by her reactions, the sensation of
having somebody’s tongue on her anus was not unfamiliar to her. She
was not ashamed at all, although it was her own son’s tongue. She
started moaning harder. She told me some things, repeating the
belly dance she performed at the beginning of the night.

- “Ahhh, you really are like your father...
Yeees... This was his favorite spot, too.” She said with tears in
her eyes. The tears were not an expression of sorrow for her
husband, but pleasure with her son.

Then she suggested that we get into a
different position, showing her 15-day-hunger for a dick.

- “Come on, give it to your mama’s mouth. Let
mama give you a blowjob. Ahhh!” She tried to divert me from licking
her anus although she enjoyed it divinely.

I did what she told me. I lay on my back
expecting she would start giving me a blowjob. However, she was an
experienced fucker. She did not want to give up the pleasure I
provided her by licking her. She put her legs around me so that her
butt was above my head. As soon as she bent down and put my dick in
her mouth, I went back to work, continuing where I left off. I
licked her anus again, only this time from a different

I tried to extend my neck so that I would be
able to reach that magical little circle which was the size of a
button and reminded me of a target. As a matter of fact, it was a
target I wanted to penetrate. I felt the warmth of her soft thighs
on my ears, while she was giving me a blowjob. I could not remember
how long the oral game lasted. I only remembered that, being afraid
I would come too early and delay the wish called my mom’s anus, I
pushed her forward forcing her to make two steps on her knees, so
that I would be able to get myself out. I got myself out and found
myself behind her, while she was still on her arms and knees ready
to receive me. I separated her buttocks with my hands. She
screamed: “Wait! You want to kill me? It can’t be done dry.” She
leaned aside to the night stand and took baby cream from a

- “Take this and put it on the hole if you
want to come inside.”

I took it and applied it on her anus, putting
in one finger at a time.

- “Yeees! Now put your dick inside, too.”

I did what she asked, of course. I creamed it
so much that it was ice-slippery. After thorough preparations, I
finally started fucking her butt. It was difficult at first for
both of us. It was difficult for me to penetrate, and it was very
painful for her. But as soon as the dick’s head paved the way, it
became much easier. It became indescribable. I stuffed it like
crazy and she moaned in a satisfied way. She turned me on with her
words that she just spilled out of her mouth: “Yeees! My son...
Yeees! Fuck your mommy! Yeees! Ahhh! Yeees! Console this bereft
widow... Come on! Ahhh! Console me! Yeees! Yeees!” She repeated
that all the time. It worked on me. It hardened my dick which
became very large. When she mentioned a widow, it drove me crazy;
it turned me on the most. I incredibly enjoyed.

She enjoyed just the same. I sensed it by the
rhythm of her movements. She took the initiative swaying back and
forth, while I paused and enjoyed. I more than enjoyed watching my
mom leaning on her elbows, with her butt up, swaying and swallowing
my shiny dick. Whenever she pushed back, colliding with my thighs
and stomach, her buttocks undulated like sea waves. She kept
turning me on with her words: “Look at mama doing it... Ahhh! Fuck
me! Yeees! Console the single mother... Yeees! You like widows,
don’t you?”

I could not delay the climax anymore. I did
not want to. I wanted to experience those few seconds that were
worth living for. Those seconds came.

I stood behind my mom calmly, letting her do
everything alone until the end. I filled her butt, while she was
coming at the same time, rubbing herself on her clitoris. While I
sprayed inside her anus, I had a feeling I was flying. I wanted it
to stay like that forever. Then she turned around sensing I was
done. She took things into her own hands. She did not let it go

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