Wielder's Fate (53 page)

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Authors: T.B. Christensen

Tags: #Fantasy

BOOK: Wielder's Fate
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Traven stood in silence, patiently waiting for the High King to continue.  The monarch remained silent and slightly raised his eyebrows.  Apparently, it was Traven’s turn to speak and convince the High King he possessed the necessary qualities.  He would have been at a complete loss of words if he hadn’t recently completed the King’s Trial among the elves.

“While I was among the elves, I completed a difficult trial in order to gain the privilege of wearing this armband.  The trial was designed by the elves to prove whether or not a candidate was worthy of being a king.  They call it the King’s Trial.  The most important lesson I learned from the trial was who I am.

“I am weak yet strong.  I often need help and support, but I can also protect others and lift them up.  A king is someone who can recognize his own weaknesses and accept help from others.  At the same time, a king is someone who uses his power to better the lives of those around him and isn’t afraid to make the difficult decisions necessary for the greater good.  Above all, a love for those he will serve through his rule is essential.”

Traven waited silently after delivering his short speech.  The High King stared back at him with a thoughtful expression.  A slight smile then curved upward from his lips.

“You are wiser than you look,” the High King stated.  “Perhaps I should give my daughter more credit for her choice.”  The monarch then grew serious once again.  “The second and most important thing for gaining my permission is whether or not you will take care of my only child and make her happy.  She obviously loves you.  Do you love her?”

“With all my heart,” Traven replied seriously.

“Will you make her happy?”

“I will do all in my power to give her as much happiness as possible.”

There was another long silence as the monarch stared intently at him.  He stood tall and tried not to let his nervousness show.  The High King walked up to him and slowly made a circle around him.  The ruler then stopped directly in front of him.  He was shorter than Traven, but his presence was powerful.  The High King glared up at him.  Traven stared back at him without flinching.  Suddenly, the glare was replaced by a smile.

“You have my permission.”







The wedding was a spectacular event.  People traveled from all over Kalia to witness it.  Leaders of the surrounding countries were in attendance as well.  It wasn’t every day that the future High Queen was to be married, and it wasn’t every day that one had the chance to see a master wielder.  The wedding was not only a celebration of the union of the happy couple; it was a celebration of the peace that had been restored to the kingdom.

Traven and Kalista exchanged vows in the grand ballroom of the palace.  Traven’s grandparents were in attendance, and Blaize served as his best man.  Darian and Giselle witnessed the ceremony from nearby, eagerly awaiting the day of their own wedding.  It was wonderful to have all those he cared for most under one roof.

After the ceremony, the High King threw a large and extravagant wedding dinner that was followed by ten full days of celebratory activities.  To the satisfaction and joy of all in attendance, Traven put on a show every night consisting of lightning and fire.  At the end of the ten days of celebrations, Traven and Kalista left and sailed to Faldor’s Keep.  The Keeper and Professor Studell welcomed them and excitedly listened to all that had happened.

The keep proved to be a quiet and relaxing escape from the bustle and responsibilities of Calyn.  Traven divided his time between his new bride and continuing to learn more of the ambience.  Kalista enjoyed seeing the hidden valley, reading in the keep’s library, and getting to know Traven better.  The more time they spent together, the more their love continued to grow.

After a relaxing stay in the ancient keep, they continued on to the forest of the elves.  At the appointed time, Traven returned the armband of endurance to the grateful elf king.  It was difficult to give up the powerful object, but Traven kept his promise.  The following night, Darian and Giselle were joined together in an elven marriage ceremony.  It was performed outside beneath a canopy of branches and stars with only the immediate families of the bride and groom present.  The ceremony was quiet and reserved yet deeply moving and powerful.  Both Kalista and Traven felt privileged to have witnessed the sacred event and were reminded of the sanctity of their own union.

Following several days among the elves, they began the long journey back to Calyn.  Traven attempted to convince Darian and Giselle to remain at Morian Haven but was once again reminded that their commitment to him lasted for their entire lives.  They were more than happy to continue serving, especially now that they were married.  Darian remained Traven’s personal bodyguard while Giselle became the personal bodyguard of Kalista.

The next ten years were spent in relative peace and contentment.  Traven learned all about his responsibilities as the future High King and grew comfortable in the challenges that would someday be his.  Every summer, Kalista and he returned to Faldor’s Keep to continue his training in the ambience.  Each year he grew in knowledge and power.  He and Kalista were happy in their marriage and remained excited for their future together.  The time eventually came when the High King grew old and passed on his reign to Traven.

The coronation took place in the throne room.  Every detail was the same as his visions from long ago.  Kalista placed the crown on his head.  His family and friends were present, and all in attendance bowed to him and cheered as he became the most respected and powerful monarch in the world.  Thus began a new era of prosperity, peace, and enlightenment under the reign of the great Master Wielder Traven, the High King of Kalia, and his wife, the High Queen Kalista d’ Roshedrian.



About the Author


T.B. Christensen is an accountant and a dreamer in his early 30’s.  He has a wonderful wife and two darling children.  He grew up in the hot desert and now lives in the cold mountains.  You can learn more about T.B. Christensen and his current and future books by visiting his blog at http://www.tbchristensen.blogspot.com/.

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