Wild Is My Heart (15 page)

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Authors: Connie Mason

BOOK: Wild Is My Heart
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“You’re as sleek and beautiful as a newborn filly.” His voice was barely recognizable in the heat of passion. “I want to be inside you so bad it hurts.”

Highly erotic, his words aroused her as much as his hands and mouth.

Frantically he began stripping off his own clothes until he stood before her in all the glory of proud nudity. His body was a mass of finely tuned muscles; a mountain of steel—hard, unyielding, and intimidating. The fine furring over the flatness of his belly drew her gaze to his lean flanks where his staff stood proud and erect with pulsing anticipation. She stared with unabashed curiosity and awe. The sudden paleness of his lower region highlighted the tawny patch of hair surrounding his maleness, and his tapered hips flared into thighs thick with muscle and hard with strength.

She reached out and touched his skin. It was much coarser than hers, hair-roughened with the feel of softly tanned leather. Her touch was the only invitation Colt needed as he pressed her into the softness of the mattress with the hardness of his body.

Sam ground her hips against him in response and felt his arousal swell to astounding proportions. His hands dropped to her buttocks where he stroked and caressed with maddening results. She lifted her hands to cup his face and, moving her fingers to the back of his neck, pulled him closer still. Her mouth touched his, and when she felt his lips open to her, she slipped her tongue inside. Colt groaned, his arousal approaching physical pain. Need mushroomed into intense craving and fanned the flames of passion into a blazing inferno too hot, too explosive, to deny.

The sinewed column of his thigh gently nudged her legs apart, letting her feel the urgency of his desire. Then he shocked her by snaking his body downward and dropping his head to that aching place between her thighs. She cried out his name in blind and mindless surrender as his mouth touched her heat, his tongue caressed, at first in light, teasing strokes, until she felt she could bear no more. Then he penetrated deeply, seeking to drive her beyond mere pleasure. He succeeded beyond his wildest imaginings as she spasmed and jerked violently beneath his tender torment. Her eyes popped open in surprise and her head strained up off the mattress as Colt continued until there was nothing more to give.

“My wild little darlin’,” Colt moaned, trembling with passion. “If I don’t put this inside you soon I’m goin’ to explode.”

Then she felt herself expanding with the hugeness of him, the core of her body finding new fire, burning hotter and hotter with each relentless thrust. Easter and harder he plunged, driven by a passionate, all-consuming fury. The muscles of her femininity contracted violently against the rigid intruder in her body, squeezing, holding, embracing its hard length as she rode it to blind rapture. Then the explosion began, sending her spinning to the stars. At the same instant Colt found his own release, the breath leaving his chest as he raced to join Sam on her rapturous journey.

Sam dozed in Colt’s arms, but Colt was denied the solace of sleep. What he had just experienced with Sam had been devastating. He had taken her only once before and like an arrogant fool thought it would be enough. But it wasn’t. Forever would not be enough. Sam had a way of interfering in his life without really trying. If he didn’t guard his heart he would never be able to walk away from her, not without leaving a part of himself behind. He had always prided himself on being a free spirit who came and went with the wind. What could it hurt if he appeased his passion while remaining detached? He would tire of Sam long before he left Karlsburg, wouldn’t he? At least that had been his thought mere hours ago. If you believe that, Colt old boy, he chided himself, you’ll believe the Crowders are as gentle as lambs. A harsh chortle rumbled through his chest and Sam stirred in his arms. Slowly her eyes opened, and Colt floundered helplessly in those compelling violet depths before his gaze faltered and he lowered his lids.


“What is it, darlin’.”

“That first time we made love,” she said shyly, “I thought nothing could be more wonderful. But after today—well—it far surpassed anything I imagined. I envy all those other women you’ve ever made love to.”

Her innocent remark startled Colt into acknowledging something he hadn’t wanted to face. No other woman had affected him in the same way Sam did, had turned him inside out with a single glance or touch. He had made love to women far more experienced, a few just as beautiful, but none who had captivated him so thoroughly.

“What would you say if I told you it’s never been like this with any other woman? That what we shared is unique.”

“I’d say you were a liar,” Sam replied, the thought intriguing yet somehow ludicrous.

“It’s true,” Colt insisted, awed by the discovery that he wasn’t lying. There was something very special about Samantha Howard. “But if you don’t believe me we could try it again,” he suggested wickedly.

“If we did I wouldn’t have the strength to ride back to town. Unless,” she hinted slyly, “you let me remain at the ranch until the new owner arrives. I’m certain he wouldn’t mind.”

“Oh, but he would.”

“How do you know?” Sam challenged. “Are you acquainted with Mr. Colter?”

Mr. Colter.”

“What! Your name is Colt Andrews.”

“My name is Steven Colter. I was given the nickname ‘Colt’ during the Mexican War and it stuck.”

“You bought my ranch?
The cold reality of what he’d done nearly suffocated her. “You conniving bastard!” She leaped from the bed and began flinging on her clothes.

“Sam, will you let me explain?”

“What’s to explain? Where did a worthless, gun-toting cowpoke like you get that kind of money? Did you use the stagecoach money to buy my ranch?” she accused hotly.

“You know I wouldn’t do that.”

“I don’t know what you’re capable of. It seems I hardly know you at all. Why do you call yourself Colt Andrews?”

“I was many things before I was a Texas Ranger. One of them was a bounty hunter. There’s too many trigger-happy outlaws around gunnin’ for Steve Colter so I often use Colt Andrews when on assignment. It’s better than findin’ my past catchin’ up with me when I least expect it. Around Texas Steve Colter is known as a quick draw.”

“Why did you steal my ranch?” Sam spat murderously.

“I wasn’t plannin’ to buy your land when I first met you. Then I learned somethin’ that convinced me to do it. I heard Vern Logan tellin’… a friend that his father wanted your land. The proposed railroad is goin’ through one section of your property. He’s been secretly buyin’ all the land along the right-of-way with the idea of commandin’ his own price. Calvin Logan has the cravin’ to become the most powerful man in the state of Texas.”

“I… I don’t believe you. Vern wouldn’t allow his father to cheat me like that”

“He would and he did. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Logans are behind all the cattle rustlin’ in the area. Without cattle to sell, your pa had no way to repay his loan.”

“The Indians stole our cows.”

“Maybe, maybe not,” Colt said cryptically. “Logan is a greedy man. He’s a threat to every decent settler tryin’ to make an honest livin’.”

“We’re not talking about the Logans,” Sam persisted. “We’re talking about you. You still haven’t told me where you came by the money to purchase my land.”

“I acquired it honestly,” Colt volunteered. “Bounty huntin’ earned me more than I could spend, and the rest came from the sale of land I owned near San Antonio.”

“Do you expect me to believe you? You’ve lied to me so often I don’t know what’s the truth. Our deal is off, Colt,” Sam glowered. “Go ahead and put me behind bars, I want nothing more to do with you.”

Having gotten no farther than slipping into his pants, Colt paused in his dressing to study Sam’s flushed features. He could see that explanations would get him nowhere, that she was too riled to listen to reason. There was only one way to capture her attention, he thought as he dropped his shirt and grasped her shoulders, pulling her against the solid wall of his chest.

“We made a bargain, darlin’, and you’re not goin’ to squirm out of it.” Resentment and anger melded into a confusing turbulence as Sam grew aware of Colt’s intention.

Then hard lips slanted across her mouth, driving the breath from her lungs. Cold fury budded and blossomed into full-blown rage, and with a sharp cry of wrathful indignation she pushed him away. Fire glittered in Colt’s tawny-gold eyes but he did not desist. Sam fought valiantly, not only Colt’s sensual assault but her own traitorous body. All the while he was dragging her toward the bed, her head was screaming “no” but her heart was whispering “yes.”

“Take your hands off my sister.” The words were spoken with quiet authority, warning Colt his life hung on his ability to obey.

“Will!” Sam cried, relief washing over her as she welcomed her young brother.

Removing his hands from Sam’s slim form with marked reluctance, Colt turned to face his youthful challenger. Will stood in the doorway holding a Sharps rifle, cocked and aimed.

“What’s this varmint doin’ to you, Sam?” Will asked tightly as he took in Colt’s state of undress. “Did he hurt you.”

“He…no…he didn’t hurt me,” Sam replied, her face poignantly stricken and pale. “What are you doing here?”

“I tried to stop him, Senorita Sam, but he’s as stubborn as you are.” Sanchez stood behind Will, one shoulder lifting in an apologetic shrug.

“I couldn’t stay away, Sam,” Will explained. “I’d be a coward to leave you to face the blame by yourself. As soon as we reached Laredo and Sanchez rested up a spell we started back. You’re all I have in this world, and I had to return. Don’t be angry with me.”

“Put the rifle down, Will,” Colt said quietly, “before you hurt someone.”

“Don’t move, Ranger,” Will warned when Colt made to step forward. “What are you doin’ here with Sam?”

“Please, Will, put the gun down,” Sam advised, knowing he was no match for Colt’s superior strength and experience.

“I expected to find you in jail, Sam,” Will said, confused. “What are you doin’ at the ranch? Where is the new owner?”

“One thing at a time, Will.” Sam smiled fondly. “Colt…didn’t turn me in, and I’ve been living in town with Ida Scheuer. I only returned today to retrieve some of our personal belongings. As for the new owner, he’s right here.”

“Where? I don’t see him.”

“I’m the new owner,” Colt revealed, his eyes glued to the rifle in Will’s hands.

“You? I don’t understand.”

“I’ll explain later, Will, but I think you should lay your gun aside. I…I don’t think Colt means us any harm.”

Will’s wide purple eyes shifted to Colt, so like Sam’s violet orbs it was uncanny. “Why is his shirt off and what was he tryin’ to do to you?” he asked.

“That’s between me and your sister,” Colt replied.

After several tense moments, Will lowered the rifle. “What happens next?” he asked, slanting Colt a defiant glare. “Now that I’m back you can turn me in and leave Sam alone.”

“I’m afraid that’s impossible.” Colt smiled lazily. “Your sister and I have already come to terms. Neither of you will go to jail unless … unless,” he repeated, his voice hardening, “she fails to keep her end of the bargain.”

Will searched Colt’s face, deciding he wasn’t a man easily intimidated or swayed. “What kind of bargain? Haven’t you hurt us enough?”

“I’ve hurt no one, Will,” Colt insisted, his glance lingering on Sam’s flushed face. “Sam has yet to see the inside of the jail, probably never will. If I hadn’t bought your ranch, the Logans would own it and Sam would be married to Vern.” Will grimaced. “To my way of thinkin’ I did you both a favor. I’m not the one who robbed the stagecoach. That was your own doin’.”

“Damn your hide, Colt Andrews, or whatever your name is—” Sam exploded, sparks dancing in her eyes like fireflies flitting in the dark.

“Watch your tongue, darlin’.”

“Quit badgering my brother. What are you going to do with us? Am I to go back to Ida’s?”

“I’ve been thinkin’. Since Will and Sanchez came back I ‘spect it wouldn’t hurt to let you both remain at the ranch.”

“But you said—”

“That was before Will and Sanchez turned up,” Colt said. “I couldn’t leave you here by yourself, but the three of you should get along right well until my foreman arrives.”

“You’re going to work the ranch?” Sam asked, stunned. “I thought you couldn’t abide attachments, like a home or … wife.” What made her say that? Sam silently reproached herself. It made little difference to her what Colt did or didn’t do.

“Jake Hobbs recruited ranch hands in San Antonio and they’re drivin’ several hundred head of cows out with them,” Colt explained, ignoring Sam’s question. Actually, he had no idea how to reply to her taunt. “There’s enough unbranded mavericks roamin’ the hills to increase the herd considerably. When Jake arrives, him and the boys will have plenty to do. Will,” he addressed the boy, “you must know somethin’ about ranchin’. I can always use another cowboy. Sanchez can cook for the men. Both of you will earn the same as the others. Is that agreeable?”

“Si, Senor, that is most generous,” Sanchez quickly acknowledged.

“I reckon,” allowed Will grudgingly. Actually he enjoyed ranch work and knew a great deal about it, but didn’t want to give the Ranger the satisfaction.

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