Wildcat (10 page)

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Authors: Cheyenne McCray

Tags: #Romance, #Fiction, #Erotica

BOOK: Wildcat
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Chapter Nine

Catie woke the following morning with Jarrod’s arms wrapped tight around her, one hand cupping her breast. He had a leg hooked over hers, and his erect cock pressed tight to her backside. His face was buried in the crook of her neck, his warm breath brushing over her skin. It felt so good waking up with him…

Wait. What the hell was she doing? Twice now she’d broken her no-spending-the-night rule. Twice with the same man, no less.

When he’d asked her to spend the night after they’d left the mayor’s house, she caved plain as could be. Maybe she should have seen him during the week, ‘cause she would have gotten him a little more out of her system. As it was, she couldn’t seem to satisfy her craving for his taste, his smell, or the feel of him deep inside her.

Yeah, that was it. The sex. When she’d had enough of him she’d break it off like she always did.

A contented sigh eased through her as she allowed herself to relax in his arms. Her muscles felt the good ache of a long night of fucking, and the smell of their sex surrounded her, filling her senses.

Jarrod stirred, his cock rubbing up against her ass, and her pussy grew wet with the desire to have him yet again. Her nipples beaded, and need curled through her belly. Damn, but she had to get through this quick before she fell in lo—

No. Not going there. Ever. I’m not an idiot like either of my parents were.

His lips and tongue began a moist trail down the curve of her neck. “Good morning, beautiful.”

“Hi, Sheriff.” Catie shivered and closed her eyes, trying to fight off the deeper feelings of intimacy surging through her. Feelings that she didn’t believe in, that she couldn’t allow herself to acknowledge.

“I think I like waking up with you in my arms,” Jarrod’s husky voice murmured, and she had to bite her tongue not to agree. He squeezed and flexed the sweetly tender flesh of her breast, and her nipple sprang to life beneath his touch.

“Well, don’t get used to it,” Catie replied instead, but her voice wavered as her arousal grew.

“Don’t count on that, honey.” He rubbed the inside of his thigh along her hip while rubbing his erection along her backside. A moan escaped and she arched into the hand fondling her breast while her ass pressed even harder against his cock.

Before she had a chance to catch her breath, Jarrod rolled her over and slid between her thighs. He propped his arms to either side of her, his brown hair tousled and his morning beard making him appear dark and dangerous. He just looked down at her with sleepy morning arousal in his green eyes, and that sexy smile that took her breath away.

And something more that she definitely did not want to see.

Catie squirmed, wrapping her legs around his hips, and tried to reach for his cock. “Just fuck me already.”

“Uh-uh.” In a quick movement he grabbed both her wrists and pinned them over her head. “Let’s take this slow and easy.”

His mouth captured her protest and turned it into a moan that burned through her soul. His kiss was gentle but demanding, encouraging and insistent all at once.

Catie couldn’t think any longer, she could only feel…his lips, soft yet firm against hers, the rough scrape of his stubble against her cheeks and her mouth, the taste and smell of him that flooded her senses.

She whimpered, clamping her legs tighter around his hips, pressing his erection to her belly. But he ignored her body’s pleas, torturing her with the kiss, filling her mouth with his tongue and his taste.

When he finally raised his head, she couldn’t seem to catch her breath. He studied her with heavy-lidded eyes, one hand still pinning both her wrists above her head, the other stroking her hair from her face.

“You are so beautiful, honey.” His voice was a sensual purr that shimmered through her body in waves, a sensation she’d never felt before.

“Please.” She swallowed, not knowing what she was begging him for. To make love to her? To stop making her feel like she could fall in…

She just wanted him to fuck her good and hard.

Jarrod smiled as though he’d heard the thoughts she wouldn’t allow herself to finish. “You’re mine, Catie Wilds.” His expression turned positively possessive, even predatory. “Don’t think for one moment you aren’t.”

She shook her head, but he only smiled again and stilled her with another soul-searing, spine-tingling, world-ending kiss. Everything melted around her and she was only aware of his lips and tongue against her skin as he moved his mouth to her ear, dipping inside and then nipping her lope with his teeth.

“Jarrod.” Catie could hardly catch her breath, and forget about being able to form a single thought. “Please.”

“Tell me what you want.” His mouth, tongue and teeth continued down her neck to her shoulder. “What do you need?”

“You—I need your cock inside me.” She arched her back and cried out as he captured her nipple between his teeth and gently bit. “Fuck me.”

“That’s not what you need.” His tongue laved her nipple, first hard, then gentle. “Tell me what you really need.”

“What—what the hell are you talking about?” Damn but she couldn’t even think, she had to have him so badly.

He moved to her other nipple, giving it the same attention he’d showered on the first. Laving it, sucking it, nipping at it. “This isn’t just about sex anymore, honey.”

She barely realized he had released her hands as he moved his mouth down her flat belly, over her shaved mound and to her leg. “Yes.” Catie gasped as Jarrod’s tongue flicked along the inside of her thigh. “I mean yes, it is just about fucking.”

“Uh-uh.” He continued swirling his tongue close to the puffy lips of her pussy, but not licking her clit like she wanted him to. “You can deny it all you want, but this is a hell of a lot more.”

“Damn you, Jarrod Savage.” Emotion and sensation whirled through Catie as he tortured her with his words and tongue. “I told you I’ve never believed in commitment, or anything that goes along with it.”

He raised himself up on his elbows and his mouth quirked into a grin, his expression confident and cocksure. “But that was before you met me.” He trailed a finger down her shaved pussy and touched her clit, and she nearly came off the bed with the intense sensations shooting through her.

Before she could tell him what a cocky bastard he was, he lowered his head and lapped at her pussy and she cried out from the excruciating pleasure. Oh, God did his tongue ever feel good on her clit as he licked and sucked, bringing her close to orgasm, and then backing off and starting the whole thing over again. She slid her hands in his thick hair, welcoming the distraction from their conversation, not wanting to examine the feelings growing inside her.

“Jarrod, please.” Her hands clenched tighter in his hair, her thighs trembling from the orgasm that was almost about to overtake her. “Please make me come.”

A growl rumbled from his chest as he slid both palms under her ass and buried his face hard against her pussy.

Catie screamed, her body jerking hard with every aftershock of her release. It seemed like her climax would never end. Her eyesight blurred, and she couldn’t see or hear, only feel. He continued on, sucking and licking her clit until a second orgasm sent her reeling beyond the first.

For a moment she could only stay there, perched on a precipice of sensations, unable to move. Gradually she came back down, her breathing harsh, heart pounding and blood rushing in her ears. Her vision cleared and her awareness of the world around her returned just as Jarrod eased up her body and propped himself above her. He watched her, an almost serious expression on his handsome face.

Lowering his weight so that he was pressed against her, he reached up and stroked her hair out of her face. “My little wildcat.”

“No.” She shook her head, not wanting him to voice the emotion she saw in his eyes. “Don’t go there.”

Jarrod smiled. “Whether you want to hear it or not, I’m going to tell you exactly where we’re headed.” He trailed his thumb along her lips, a slow and sensuous movement that caused her to catch her breath. “I’m in love with you, Catie Wilds.”

“You haven’t known me long enough to say that.” Her lower lip trembled. “It’s just the sex. We’re good in bed.”

“Listen to me.” Jarrod put his hand over her mouth, his calloused fingers warm against her lips. “I knew from the moment you walked into my office. You’re my woman.”

Catie widened her eyes and tried to speak, but he only pressed his hand tighter to her mouth.

“I know you need time, and I’ll give it to you.” His smile was gentle, yet determined. “But you’re not going to keep pushing me away, and you’re not going to keep pretending this is all about sex.” She tried to shake her head, but he moved his hands and caught her face between his palms. “You’d better get used to it, honey, ‘cause you’re my woman, and I’m your man.”

His kiss was hard and possessive, melting away her automatic denial. She gave into the sensations, and somewhere deep in her heart, she reveled in the knowledge that this man had declared his love to her. That out of any woman he could have chosen, he loved

God. She was losing her mind. And the next thing she knew, she’d be losing her heart, too.

“This isn’t fucking, Catie.” He positioned his cock at the entrance to her core, his eyes locked with hers. “I’m making love to you.”

Jarrod plunged his cock inside her pussy and she automatically raised her hips to meet him. He was such a perfect fit. And somehow it felt more intense, more pleasurable than it ever had before. As if knowing he loved her made their sex even better.

Making love.

Unable to take her eyes from his as he thrust with slow and deep strokes, Catie bit her lip to hold back any words that might decide to spill out on their own. He smiled and brought his mouth to hers, licking her lip where she was biting it. She wrapped her arms around his neck, holding on tight as she opened up to his tongue, and maybe even to the sweet emotions sweeping through her heart and soul.

This time her orgasm came out of nowhere. Fireworks exploded in her mind, brilliant colors and flashes of light that rocked her straight to her core. The walls of her channel contracted, gripping his cock with every pulse of her release.

“I love you, Catie,” Jarrod murmured, his words uneven with his harsh breathing. And then he groaned with his orgasm, his cock throbbing inside her as he came.

He rolled over onto his side, pulling her with him, but keeping his cock within her pussy. He held her tight to his chest, their sweaty flesh pressed close, enveloping her in his strong arms. “You’re mine, little wildcat. All mine.”


* * * * *


While Catie sat beside him on the drive to the Flying M Ranch, Jarrod wondered what was going on in her gorgeous head. He had a good idea that she was sorting out her feelings for him, yet trying to keep from acknowledging them. But as far as he was concerned, it was only a matter of time.

Of course if he ended up having to arrest her brother, that might put a bit of a damper on their relationship.

She’d been fairly subdued as he drove her to the Wilds Ranch to change and get ready for the MacLeod-Reynolds shindig. Steve Wilds had been there, but the man hadn’t had much to say, and seemed to have a lot on his mind. Jarrod liked Steve, and his gut told him that Wilds was a good man. But from experience Jarrod knew too well how a good man could end up in a bad situation and not know how to dig himself out.

Outside the November day was cloudy, but it didn’t look like it would rain, at least until late evening. Acres of dry grass rolled by on the two mile drive, populated by herds of cattle. Jarrod gritted his teeth at the thought of what he might have to do soon. A little more evidence and he wouldn’t have a choice.

Catie seemed to tense the closer they got to MacLeod Ranch, and one hand moved to her neck to play with the heart necklace he’d convinced her to wear. She clenched her other hand so tight on her lap that her knuckles whitened against her denim skirt. Her blonde hair shone in the sunlight and her chocolate eyes looked so big she appeared younger than she was. She had flawless skin, a natural beauty that didn’t need makeup, and the freckles across her nose were just damn irresistible.

Jarrod took one hand off the steering wheel and placed it over hers. “You all right, honey?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?” She gave a forced smile. “It’s just a party.”

He turned his attention back to the dirt road as he made the turn into the Flying M Ranch. “It bothers you that your friend has gotten married.”

“I’m happy for Dee.”

“But you’re worried about her for the same reason you’re worried about us.” He glanced at Catie as she raised her chin, a defiant look on her face.

“You know my history, Jarrod,” she said as he looked back to the road.

“It’s not
history. Can’t you get that through your thick little head?” He gave her a crooked grin. “It’s a beautiful head, but damn thick.”

Catie’s lips twitched. “You’d better watch it, or I’ll come up with something really good to do to you while we’re at the barbeque.”

“Uh-oh.” Jarrod shook his head as he guided the truck up to the MacLeod house. “You’ve got that look in your eyes again. Don’t tell me you’re gonna try to corner me in the bathroom again.”

She reached over and rubbed his already lengthening cock through his jeans. “Oh, just you wait. I’ll think of something even better.”

Jarrod groaned as he pulled the truck alongside a row of vehicles parked in the massive front yard. Obviously it was going to be one hell of a party—there had to be fifty vehicles there. Off to the right, to the side of the barn and extensive corrals, huge awnings had been pitched and folks milled around, chatting and carrying plates heaped with food.

“Looks like everyone and their mother is here,” Catie said as he opened the door and climbed out.

He took her hand as she followed him out the driver side door, enjoying the feel of her small fingers within his. Her skirt hiked up and his cock jerked at the thought of what was under that skirt—nothing but bare pussy.

“Later, Sheriff.” With a naughty smile, Catie pulled her skirt lower, hiding that delicious prize. “If you’re a good boy, I might just let you sample some.”

Jarrod groaned and swatted her on the ass while he slammed the door shut. “If you’re not a good girl, I’m gonna have to turn you over my knee and spank you.”

She grinned up at him as he draped his arm around her shoulders. “You keep promising and not delivering.”

Even though he was determined that she take their relationship seriously, he was glad to see her feisty personality and sass had returned. He held her close as they walked toward the crowd, the sound of voices and laughter filling the chilly November air. Children played Frisbee and football out in the field, and to the side of the tents a few folks apparently had a hot game of horseshoes going on. A faint breeze carried with it smells of grilled beef and roasted chicken, along with the tangy scent of barbeque and spice.

Catie was her animated self as she greeted people she knew and was introduced to those she didn’t. Jarrod could hardly tear his gaze from her beautiful smile long enough to do his own share of socializing. It felt good to be with her anywhere they went.

But damn, he couldn’t wait to get her alone again.

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