Remember Tuesday Morning

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Authors: Karen Kingsbury

BOOK: Remember Tuesday Morning
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Previously published as
Every Now & Then

To Donald, my Prince Charming …
How I rejoice to see you coaching again, sharing your gift of teaching and your uncanny basketball ability with another generation of kids — and best yet, now our boys are part of the mix. Isn’t this what we always dreamed of, my love? I love sitting back this time and letting you and God figure it out. I’ll always be here — cheering for you and the team from the bleachers. But God’s taught me a thing or two about being a coach’s wife. He’s so good that way. It’s fitting that you would find varsity coaching again now — after twenty years of marriage. Hard to believe that as you read this, our twentieth anniversary has come and gone. I look at you and I still see the blond, blue-eyed guy who would ride his bike to my house and read the Bible with me before a movie date. You stuck with me back then and you stand by me now — when I need you more than ever. I love you, my husband, my best friend, my Prince Charming. Stay with me, by my side, and let’s watch our children take wing, savoring every memory and each day gone by. Always and always … The ride is breathtakingly beautiful, my love. I pray it lasts far into our twilight years. Until then, I’ll enjoy not always knowing where I end and you begin. I love you always and forever.
To Kelsey, my precious daughter …
You are nineteen now, a young woman, and my heart soars with joy when I see all that you are, all you’ve become. This year is a precious one for us because you’re still home, attending junior college and spending nearly every day in the dance studio. When you’re not dancing, you’re helping out with the business and ministry of Life-Changing Fiction

— so we have many precious hours together. I know this time is short and won’t last, but I’m enjoying it so much — you, no longer the high school girl, a young woman and in every way my daughter, my friend. That part will always stay, but you, my sweet girl, will go where your dreams lead, soaring through the future doors God opens. Honey, you grow more beautiful — inside and out — every day. And always I treasure the way you talk to me, telling me your hopes and dreams and everything in between. I can almost sense the plans God has for you, the very good plans. I pray you keep holding on to His hand as He walks you toward them. I love you, sweetheart.
To Tyler, my lasting song …
I can hardly wait to see what this school year will bring for you, my precious son. Last year you were one of Joseph’s brothers, and you were Troy Bolton, and Captain Hook — becoming a stronger singer and stage actor with every role. This year you’ll be at a new high school, where I believe God will continue to shape you as the leader He wants you to be. Your straight A’s last year were a sign of things to come, and I couldn’t be prouder, Ty. I know it was hard watching Kelsey graduate, knowing that your time with your best friend is running short. But you’ll be fine, and no matter where God leads you in the future, the deep and lasting relationships you’ve begun here in your childhood will remain. Thank you for the hours of music and song. As you seize hold of your sophomore year, I am mindful that the time is rushing past, and I make a point to stop and listen a little longer when I hear you singing. I’m proud of you, Ty, of the young man you’re becoming. I’m proud of your talent and your compassion for people and your place in our family. However your dreams unfold, I’ll be in the front row to watch them happen. Hold on to Jesus, Ty. I love you.
To Sean, my happy sunshine …
Today you came home from school, eyes sparkling, and showed me your science notebook — all your meticulous neat sentences and careful drawings of red and white blood cells and various bones and bacteria. I was marveling over every page, remarking at the time you’d taken and the quality of your work, and together we laughed over the fact that neither of us really cares too much for science — but that it still matters that we do our best. You smiled that easy smile of yours and said, “Wait till you see Josh’s — his blows mine away.” You didn’t know it at the time, but I was very touched by the tone in your voice. You weren’t envious or defeated by the fact that Josh — in your same grade — might have managed to draw even more detailed pictures in his science journal. You were merely happy that you’d done your best, earned your A, and could move on from seventh grade science proud of your effort. I love that about you, Sean. You could easily sulk in the shadow of your brother, a kid who excels in so many areas that the two of you share. But you also excel, my dear son. And one of the best ways you shine is in your happy heart, your great love for life and for people, and your constant joy.
Sean, you have a way of bringing smiles into our family, even in the most mundane moments, and lately we are smiling very big about your grades. I pray that God will use your positive spirit to always make a difference in the lives around you. You’re a precious gift, Son. Keep smiling and keep seeking God’s best for your life. I love you, honey.
To Josh, my tenderhearted perfectionist …
So, you finally did it! You can beat me at ping-pong now, not that I’m surprised. God has given you great talents, Josh, and the ability to work at them with the sort of diligent determination that is rare in young teens. Whether in football or soccer, track or room inspections, you take the time to seek perfection. Along with that, there are bound to be struggles. Times when you need to understand again that the gifts and talents you bear are God’s, not yours, and times when you must learn that perfection isn’t possible for us, only for God. Even so, my heart almost bursts with pride over the young man you’re becoming. After one of your recent soccer tournaments, one of the parents said something I’ll always remember: “Josh is such a leader,” she told me. “Even when he doesn’t know other parents are looking, he’s always setting an example for his teammates.” The best one, of course, is when you remind your teammates to pray before a game. What a legacy you and your brothers are creating here in Washington State. You have an unlimited future ahead of you, Josh, and I’ll forever be cheering on the sidelines. Keep God first in your life. I love you always.
To EJ, my chosen one …
Here you are in the early months of seventh grade, and I can barely recognize the student athlete you’ve become. Those two years of home schooling with Dad continue to reap a harvest a hundred times bigger than what was sown, and we couldn’t be prouder of you. But even beyond your grades, we are blessed to have you in our family for so many reasons. You are wonderful with our pets — always the first to feed them and pet them and look out for them — and you are a willing worker when it comes to chores. Besides all that, you make us laugh — oftentimes right out loud. I’ve always believed that getting through life’s little difficulties and challenges requires a lot of laughter — and I thank you for bringing that to our home. You’re a wonderful boy, Son, a child with such potential. Clearly, that’s what you displayed the other day when you came out of nowhere in your soccer qualifiers and scored three goals. I’m amazed because you’re so talented in so many ways, but all of them pale in comparison to your desire to truly live for the Lord. I’m so excited about the future, EJ, because God has great plans for you, and we want to be the first to congratulate you as you work to discover those. Thanks for your giving heart, EJ. I love you so.
To Austin, my miracle boy …
I smile when I picture you hitting not one home run, but
last baseball season — all of them for Papa — and I feel my heart swell with joy as I think of what happened after your second home run, when you had rounded the bases one at a time and accepted congratulations at home plate from your entire team. You headed into the dugout, and a couple of your teammates tugged on your arm. “Tell us, Austin … how do you do it? How do you hit a home run like that?” That’s when you smiled and shrugged your shoulders. “Easy. I asked God for the strength to hit the ball better than I could without Him.” Papa must be loving every minute of this, Aus. I’m sure of it. What I’m not sure of is whether missing him will ever go away. I can only tell you that our quiet times together are what I love most too. Those, and our times of playing give-and-go out on the basketball court. You’re my youngest, my last, Austin. I’m holding on to every moment, for sure. Thanks for giving me so many wonderful reasons to treasure today. I thank God for you, for the miracle of your life. I love you, Austin.
And to God Almighty, the Author of Life, who has — for now — blessed me with these.
special thanks to the Northern Cross Foundation and the Spica family who won Forever in Fiction
at the Grand Rapids annual “Making it Home” Auction. The Spica family chose to honor their friend Dave Jacobs, age 58, by naming him Forever in Fiction. Dave is a pillar in his community, a man with many friends and much integrity and faith. He spent his younger years in social work, but then became involved in the Home Repair Services business — a venture devoted to helping the less fortunate in various Michigan neighborhoods.
Dave has won many awards for his philanthropic efforts, but remains deeply humble and committed to making life better for the people around him. His greatest accomplishments include his marriage to his wife, Lois, and their four children. He loves woodworking and bird-watching, and when he travels to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with his family, he tries to do a little of both.
Dave’s character in
Remember Tuesday Morning
is that of the generous developer whose Oak Canyon Estates are the subject of threats by a radical environmental group. I could see Dave working in that role, commanding a team of construction workers and still finding time to be with family and friends, and making a difference in his community.
I pray that the Spica family sees their friend Dave deeply honored by their gift and by his placement in
Remember Tuesday Morning
and that they will always see a bit of Dave when they read his name in the pages of this novel, where he will be Forever in Fiction.
For those of you who are not familiar with Forever in Fiction, it is my way of involving you, the readers, in my stories, while raising money for charities. To date Forever in Fiction has raised more than $100,000 at charity auctions across the country. If you are interested in having a Forever in Fiction package donated to your auction, contact my assistant, Tricia Kingsbury, at [email protected]. Please write
Forever in Fiction
in the subject line. Please note that I am only able to donate a limited number of these each year. For that reason, I have set a fairly high minimum bid on this package. That way the maximum funds are raised for charities.
Forever in Fiction is a registered trademark owned by Karen Kingsbury.

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