Winning Dawn (3 page)

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Authors: Thayer King

BOOK: Winning Dawn
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“I’ll keep the townhouse if you can’t afford the rent. You can move back in with your mother.”

His eyes widened. “Come on, girl. You’re being spiteful. Here.” He took her hand and tried to put the ring on her finger.

Dawn pulled away from him. “No,” she said firmly. “We don’t want the same things. This isn’t about tonight only.”

He shook his head. “No. I know what this is. You found out about that thing with Tanika. Look, that’s over now. You know I love you. She didn’t mean anything.”

Dawn covered her face with her hands. She didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. She’d heard those words from him more times than she cared to count. Reggie always said they didn’t mean anything, but that wasn’t true. Those women signified how little he cared about hurting her. “How long?”

“Not long. Four or five months, maybe.”

She dropped her hands. “Have you been working any overtime at all or have you been seeing her?” At his shrug, she had her answer. She also knew now that her overtime wasn’t the only reason they hadn’t been having sex. She should have suspected something sooner. But she’d been too preoccupied feeling guilty over a simple kiss. Her conscience yelled that the kiss had been too significant to call “simple,” but she ignored it.

“Look, baby, I can end it with her. She’s nothing. I only want you.”

She was so tired of playing this scene over and over with him. He didn’t seem to notice his slip. Minutes ago, he’d said it was over with Tanika. Now he was promising to end it. “The phone number in your pocket with the lipstick on it that you told me belonged to your cousin, was that her number?”

He looked wary. “Yes,” he said slowly.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to call her.” She’d confronted his flings in the past, but no more. “Reggie, I didn’t know about Tanika until you told me. I want out because this isn’t healthy for us.”

He pulled her to him. “Come on, baby. You don’t mean that.” He tried to kiss her, but she resisted and twisted out of his embrace. “What do you want? You want me to beg? Fine. I’ll beg.” He dropped to his knees. His green eyes darkened with emotion. “Please, baby. You mean everything to me.”

“It’s not going to work this time. You don’t get it. I’m done.”

He clung to her, tears filling his beautiful eyes. “I love you. I’m so sorry. It won’t ever happen again.”

Dawn fought to break his embrace but couldn’t. She didn’t believe his words or his tears. They’d been down this road so many times before. The difference was that this was the first time she’d had a clear head. She could see the pattern of their past of break ups and make ups. Their relationship had cost her the friendships of women that he’d been attracted to. She’d left school to come back to him because he’d said the separation was too difficult. That decision had caused a strain on her relationship with her mother and the rest of her family that still wasn’t repaired. She’d chosen to put him and his feelings first time after time. “Reggie, stop it. It’s over.”

“Never. You still love me. Why else would you be crying?”

She ran her hand over her cheeks, surprised to find fresh tears. Dashing them away with the back of her hand, she made another attempt to get away from him. “I don’t know.” She shoved at his shoulders, almost losing her balance. “Let me go, damn it!”

“Not until you tell me that you love me and that you’ll marry me.”

“This is ridiculous. You don’t want to marry me!”

“I know. But I’ll do it for you.”

“Don’t do me any favors. I don’t want to marry you anymore.”

His eyes narrowed. He released her legs and slowly stood. “You fucking around on me?”

“No!” She turned from him. He grabbed her arm and swung her back around.

“My turn. Look me in the eye and tell me that you’re not fucking around.”

She glared at his hand on her arm. “Let go.”

He threw her arm down. “You are, aren’t you?”

“Don’t try to flip the script on me, Reggie. We’re through.”

“Answer my question and then we’re through.”

“No, I am not sleeping with anyone else.” She didn’t see the point in telling him about the explosive kiss she’d shared with Evan. It would serve no purpose other than to hurt him. Despite the numerous times he’d been unfaithful to her, she didn’t want to injure him that way. After all they’d shared, she hoped they could part amicably.

He continued to stare at her. Finally, he sighed when she didn’t back down. “I love you, girl. I’ll sleep on the couch tonight. Tomorrow, I’ll get some of my stuff and move out.” He shrugged. “Maybe before I get fully moved out, you’ll change your mind.” He took his pillow off his side of the bed and went downstairs.

Dawn closed the door and locked it just in case he thought to seduce her to his way of thinking. She climbed into bed and had a good cry over finally letting go of her dream of happily ever after with Reggie.

Chapter 3


Evan looked down at the woman who was ruining his life. She’d changed her hair again. Today it was a mass of black curls subtly shot through with burgundy and artfully arranged upon her head to allow a few tendrils to trail down to rest upon her plump bosom. The color went surprisingly well with the icy blue bridesmaid gown she wore.

Josh and Kayla’s wedding had been beautiful. Kayla had been a lovely bride, but he hadn’t been able to take his eyes off the woman in his arms. And she was giving him the cold shoulder. She was stiff in his arms and hadn’t spoken a word to him since he took her hand to lead her onto the dance floor. Her gaze skittered away whenever their eyes met.

The only reason she was dancing with him was because he was the best man and she was the maid of honor. It would have been rude of her not to dance with him.

How this woman had gotten under his skin was a mystery to him. He’d shared one kiss with Dawn Smith and it was wrecking his life. He couldn’t sleep without dreaming of her. Thoughts of her had ruined any chances he’d had with April. He’d wanted to want to bed April. It had been a while for him and he’d needed the release. April was single, smart, and lovely. Sure, she was a bit skinny, but he could overlook that. She was the type of woman he’d always liked before he’d developed this unfortunate obsession with the lushly curved Dawn. Instead, he’d found himself turning away a very willing April. That had not been a pretty scene. She’d questioned his manhood when he’d asked her to put her clothes back on. He’d questioned his sanity. He was being loyal to a woman who wouldn’t care if he disappeared tomorrow. And most likely, would not notice if he did. Lack of sleep and sexual frustration were taking its toll on his work. As a technical writer, he had deadlines. He was days behind where he should have been on his latest software user manual.

No doubt about it. Dawn Smith was wrecking his life. He felt like the stupidest dolt alive. He’d sworn after what happened with Sylvia that he’d never let another woman get to him. Yet here he was, all torn up over a woman who acted as though she hated him.

His fingers tightened in frustration over hers. She gave him a curious glance. He clenched his jaw. “So where’s your intended?”

She pursed her lips. “We broke up.”

Evan was momentarily stunned. He stopped moving and another couple bumped into them on the dance floor. His heart thumped. She was single. “What do you mean you broke up? Nobody told me.”

“I haven’t told Kayla. I wanted her to enjoy her wedding day and all the festivities leading up to it. I didn’t want her feeling sorry for me.” She looked up at him with shiny black lashes decorated with tiny, shiny jewels. “Where’s the dental floss?”

“Dental floss?”

“You know, the blond you brought to Kayla’s rehearsal dinner last week.”

He grinned. So he wasn’t completely invisible to her. “It didn’t work out.”

“That was quick.”

“Yeah, I can be pretty decisive. I know what I want and what I don’t want.”

“Dumped you, huh?”

He laughed. “Let’s say it was mutual.”

“Definitely dumped.”

“I want to fuck you.”

This time, it was Dawn who stopped abruptly on the dance floor. “Excuse me?”

He could have bitten his tongue off. He was doing a web search on social graces as soon as he got home. “I didn’t mean it to come out like that.”

“Just how did you plan to phrase it?”

He shook his head. He was at a complete loss as to what to say to make this situation better. “May I fuck you, please?”

“You don’t date much, do you?”

He pulled her closer and resumed dancing. Josh and Kayla were staring at them. When she gasped, he knew she could feel his erection. “Dawn, you may have noticed that I tend to be brutally honest. I’d like to think it’s a trait we share. I don’t date. I was married once and let’s just say committed relationships don’t work for me. But I’m not a eunuch. And I want you very much.”

She bit her lip and looked away. When she met his gaze again, there were tears in her brown eyes. “And you thought that since I let one man string me along for fourteen years without the benefit of marriage,
would be the right time to ask me for no strings sex?”

He really was a clod. “I’m sorry. I didn’t think. I didn’t mean it that way.” Could he screw this up any worse? He hadn’t given her feelings any consideration. He’d been so thrilled to learn that she was available that he’d immediately moved in to ask for what he wanted. And she was still Kayla’s cousin. This made her his cousin-in-law of sorts. And to think he usually accused Josh of thinking with his dick. “I’m really sorry.” He would have said more, but the music ended and she walked off the dance floor without another word to him.

Kayla was glaring at him. Josh, the bastard, looked amused. His eyebrows raised, he gestured with a jerk of his head in Dawn’s direction. “Follow her, you dummy,” he mouthed.


* * * *


Dawn checked her makeup in the ladies room mirror. The damage from her crying jag was minimal. Her false lashes were holding strong. She generally didn’t cry at weddings, but she had at this one. Twice. The first time had been when she’d seen the tears in Josh’s eyes as he’d watched her cousin coming down the aisle. Why couldn’t she find a man like that? She was more than a little envious of her cousin. Everything came so easy for her. Kayla was perfect. She’d gone to college and finished. Then,
, she’s co-owner of a successful business with her gorgeous best friend. Of course, he falls head over heels in love with her and marries her. Dawn loved her cousin, but it was damn difficult living in the shadow of the younger woman sometimes.

Now, here she was, crying again. Damn Evan. He’d offered her something she wanted, but in the most repugnant way possible. She refreshed her lipstick. Maybe she should have said yes. It’s not as if she’d want any type of committed relationship with him. She’d decided upon her course of action since the breakup with Reggie. She would take time to rediscover herself. She’d concentrate on her work. Maybe take some online courses. Then after six months or so, she’d start dating again and find her Mr. Right. He would be an ambitious, intelligent, employed, supportive and faithful African American male within the age range of thirty-three to forty. She wasn’t asking for much, she thought with a smile at herself in the mirror.

As she walked out of the restroom, she passed one of the twins that worked for her cousin. She could never tell the two apart when they weren’t standing next to each other. She stopped short when she saw Evan leaning casually against the opposite wall.

“Can I talk to you alone for a sec?”

She rolled her eyes, but allowed him to maneuver her to a private alcove where hotel staff had placed a large palm plant. “What is it?”

“I’m sorry.” She waited for more, but he remained silent. So did she, but she arched a brow to let him know that she was not satisfied. He sighed. “I wasn’t being a gentleman when I offered you my proposal and I’d like you to forgive me for being such an uncouth idiot.”

That shocked a small laugh out of her. “Okay,” she relented. “I forgive you.” She offered him a weak smile. They were practically family. They would have to learn to play nice with each other.

Evan’s answering smile was slow and lazy. “You know, you never gave me an answer.” He still held her elbow in his hand from when he’d led her to this spot. Now he used his hold on her to back her against the wall.

“Evan, let’s not—” Her words were cut off with a gasp as he pressed his groin to hers. He was already very aroused. She braced her hands between their bodies to keep him from getting any closer.

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you since that night.” He flexed her hips against hers. Hard. Her hands balled into fists. He wasn’t playing fair. “I want you all the time. I want to feel you naked in my arms, your legs wrapped around my waist while I ride your pussy.”

An entirely too pleasant shiver of arousal chased its way down her spine. “Oh, God.” She shook her head in hopes of clearing away the overwhelming tide of lust his words sparked in her. His large hands moved down her back to cup her bottom, tilting her hips so that his erection was cradled by her heat. My God, he was going to fuck her right here in the hotel lobby. And she felt like letting him. Her limbs were languid with desire. “Please, Evan,” she began in feeble protest.

“You want me, Dawn. And I want you.” He bit her earlobe then opened his mouth over her pulse, licking and sucking. His voice, when he spoke again, was huskier than usual and thick with passion. “Just one kiss, Dawn. Then tell me if your answer is still no.” He was temptation itself and she lacked the will to deny him while he held her like this. She opened her mouth to receive his kiss. He was swift to take advantage. His tongue thrust deeply even as he did a wicked move with his hips that had her whimpering and clutching at his broad shoulders. If he kept that up, she’d be begging him to fuck her.

Someone cleared his throat loudly. “You guys might want to get a room.”

Evan broke the kiss immediately, but did not release her. Her head was still swimming. She barely registered that they’d been chastised by a member of the hotel staff. He eased away from her slowly, but not so far that their lower bodies weren’t still in contact. His cock brushed her belly. His dark gaze was ablaze with heat. She swallowed. She’d never seen that type of desire for her broadcast so clearly in a man’s eyes. It frightened her that he would want her so much. It also made her want to give in and see where this would go.

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