Winning Dawn (5 page)

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Authors: Thayer King

BOOK: Winning Dawn
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She laced her fingers in his hair and closed her eyes. She shimmied ever so slightly so that the peaks of her breasts teased his chest. “And here I was thinking that you were the sensible one and Josh was the horny player.”

“I don’t consider myself to be a player. There haven’t been that many women.” He maneuvered her back to the bed. “But I’m not a monk.” He positioned her on the bed so that her butt was at the edge of the mattress. He kneeled and pushed her legs apart.

“W-what are you doing?”

“What does it look like?” He gently kissed her mound before licking up her slit.

Dawn covered herself with her hands. “I don’t enjoy oral.”

“Is this like when you say you’re not very sexually responsive?” He took her hands in his. “It may be a matter of who’s been giving it to you. Let me taste you. If you don’t enjoy it, you can stop me.”

She figured this was an exercise in futility. Reggie had tried it with her a couple of times, but it wasn’t something either of them had enjoyed. So she’d asked him to stop. She sighed and nodded her head. Evan seemed to want to do this and she wouldn’t deny him. He placed his arms under her thighs and spread her legs with his shoulders. The first flick of his tongue on her clit had her spine straightening. He licked her, teased her, and finally suckled. “Oh.” She gripped his hair and pulled him away.

He groaned. “You taste so good, Dawn. You don’t like it?” He slid a finger in her portal, which she knew was filled with fresh cream due to his kisses on her intimate anatomy.

“I like it too much.” His slow, sensual smile had her moaning. And then he bent his head back to her. “Oh, God.” She arched her back and thrust her hips up to him. She twisted and writhed as he sucked her clit. She panted his name over and over.

He added a second finger and speared her deeply. Dawn rode his fingers until her orgasm exploded over her while she screamed his name.

Evan stood quickly. He opened a condom with his teeth and swiftly sheathed himself. He lifted her and pierced her with his cock practically in one motion. Her body clenched his tightly and they both groaned. She wrapped her legs around his waist and held on as he moved her up and down on his staff. Her pussy was still pulsing from her climax. Each time he entered her, he tunneled through tight clasping tissues, increasing her pleasure. She didn’t know how much longer she could hold on without passing out.

He maneuvered them until her back was against the wall and then he truly began to fuck her. Dawn screamed as he hammered her pussy with harder and deeper thrusts. Having the wall at her back gave him added leverage. She pushed forward, opening her thighs wider even as he pressed them upwards. She’d never been possessed so deeply. Her moans filled the air.

“Fuck, you feel so damn good.” He swiveled his hips and she was gone. Her body clamped down on his in the strongest orgasm she’d had tonight. She cried out his name. Evan groaned and bucked his hips. He stiffened and was still for long moments before carrying her over to the bed. “Okay, next time will be the slow one.”

She couldn’t help it. She laughed.

Chapter 5


She woke with a cry of ecstasy as Evan buried himself inside her creamy pussy. She was lying flat on her tummy. She’d been having the most erotic dream about his hands on her nipples and her clit. Now she suspected that Evan had been readying her for his fucking.

“So, you’re finally awake,” he murmured.

She lifted her hips to him only to have him slam her back into the mattress. She moaned. “Don’t you ever get enough?”

He bit her shoulder. “This sweet pussy of yours is addictive. Had to have it for breakfast.” He used his knee to spread her thighs wider.  His next thrust was deep and hard. Dawn gave a strangled cry. He laced his fingers with hers over her head. It was a very submissive position. She’d never thought of herself as the type to submit, but it was a turn on to be held down and dominated by him. His hips ground hers into the mattress. She opened her legs wider to give him better access. He sank deeper. His cock was hard and thick and caressing her in exactly the right way to make her come quickly.

He released her hands and snaked his fingers down her belly. He slid a finger into her moist folds and caressed her clit until her orgasm broke over her. She bucked against his hand. Evan emitted a sound between a laugh and a groan. “You’re so easy. I love it.” He was still within her sheath as she rippled around him. Dawn could feel him swelling and knew he was coming, too. He groaned her name into the skin of her back.

He shifted so that he could rest an arm around her waist but his full weight would not crush her. Their lower bodies remained entangled. He hadn’t even withdrawn from the warmth of her body.

“So what do you want for breakfast?”

Dawn mulled it over for a moment. “I should get going.”

His fingertips caressed her spine. “Fucking with me is okay, but having a meal with me is a deal breaker?”

She rolled over and sat up. She ran her hands gingerly through her hair. It was probably a tangled mess. She looked down at Evan. “I don’t think it would be wise. Evan, neither one of us wants this to go too far. I can’t afford to put my life and career on the backburner for some man again. And as I recall, you requested no strings attached. There is the rumor that you’re shy of commitment.”

“I’m not afraid of commitment. I’ve tried it. It doesn’t work.”

She assumed that to mean that he had cheated on his wife. Good grief. She could really pick them! At least this time, she had known what she was letting herself in for. She slid out of bed. “Mind if I shower before leaving?”

“Be my guest.”


* * * *


Evan watched Dawn as she disappeared into his bathroom. He couldn’t help studying her body. She was beautiful. All brown sugar colored curves and softness. She had a tiny waist, full hips and breasts, and shapely legs. He groaned as his cock hardened again. She made him hard faster than any woman he’d ever known. He was almost forty. Surely, this wasn’t natural? He’d taken her several times last night and again this morning. And he still wanted more. He wasn’t kidding when he’d called her addictive.

He stood and tossed the used condom into the trash.

He wanted to join Dawn in the shower, but he was uncertain of his welcome. He sighed. He’d said or done something to annoy her. He recognized all the signs. The terse tone and tight lips were all clues that he’d bumbled something. There was nothing unusual in that. His specialty was in writing manuals for complex software. He excelled at making the convoluted simple. But in social or romantic situations, he was flummoxed.

He should have been relieved that she was taking pains to remain emotionally unattached to him. He was no good at relationships. Yet, some part of him couldn’t help but feel...discontent.

He showered in the guestroom. By the time he came back, Dawn was fastening the clasp on her bra. Her hair was wet at the ends. She’d brushed it out. It was the first time he’d seen when she didn’t have her hair coifed to perfection and threaded through with an added color. She looked disheveled, unguarded, and utterly gorgeous.

He walked across the room and took her into his arms with no conscious thought. He cupped her mound.

“Evan, again?”

That’s right. She was angry with him. That meant no sex. “Sorry,” he began, removing his hand from between her warm thighs.

“No.” Her hand covered his, holding it firmly to her sex. She kissed him once and then again, her fingers tangling in his wet hair. “I never told you why I changed my mind, did I?”

“No, you didn’t.”

“It’s simple.” She removed the towel from his waist. “I want you.”

His eyes closed as she wrapped her fingers around his erection and squeezed. His hand remained between her thighs. He slipped his fingers beneath the band of her panties to find her cleft hot and moist. “Damn, Dawn, you’re going to be the death of me.”

Chapter 6


Dawn arrived at Myers & Donahue sleepy and seven minutes late Monday morning. Evan had called the night before asking to come over. Her attraction to him hadn’t abated despite their many passionate encounters. She’d never expected anything beyond one night. 

She stowed her purse in an empty desk drawer and turned on her computer. While it booted up, she smoothed her hair. For work, she chose to forgo her usual hair accessory—colored hair extensions. Technically, Myers & Donahue didn’t have a dress code, yet it didn’t take a genius to figure out that the ultraconservative law firm would frown upon neon blue hair accents on their administrative assistants.

Today, she wore her shoulder length hair in a sleek bun since she hadn’t had time to curl it. She thought she looked decent considering she’d had less than six hours of sleep. The thought brought a smile to her lips even as memories of Evan’s hands cruising her body made her cheeks flush with heat.

The morning dragged by. She went to lunch with some co-workers. Jenna Mae was a personal assistant to Jonathan Myers, Sr. Mr. Myers was nearly eighty and looked close to one hundred. He came into the office every day despite his family’s efforts to get him to retire. Marshall was a paralegal. He was taking night classes and was close to obtaining his law degree. After she stifled her third yawn, Marshall not so subtly nudged Jenna Mae and nodded at her. 

“What?” Dawn asked irritably.

“You know.” He arched a sandy brown brow. “You got some last night. Don’t deny it. You’ve been daydreaming all day long. Reggie finally got down on his knees and begged you to take him back, huh?” While she hadn’t told her family and friends about the breakup with Reggie, she couldn’t keep the news from her co-workers. She no longer met Reggie for the occasional lunch or used breaks to call him. Jenna Mae had noticed within a matter of days that something was amiss. And while she didn’t wear her engagement ring often, she had worn it to work most days. Marshall had commented on the missing bling.

Marshall was entirely too perceptive for a man. If it weren’t for the way she caught his eyes lingering on her bosom whenever she wore a low cut top, she’d think he was gay. There was no point in lying to him. “It wasn’t Reggie.”

“Do tell,” Jenna Mae said, leaning forward. “You mean you and Reggie are

“Yes.” When she’d informed them about the breakup, they’d been sympathetic, but she could tell they didn’t believe that it would be permanent.

“So who’s this new guy?”

Dawn took a sip of her sweet tea and shook her head. “It’s nothing serious.”

“You’re sleeping with him,” Marshall pointed out.

She felt her face heating up. “It was a temporary fling. Nothing more.”


* * * *


When Dawn returned to the office, she paused upon seeing a large bouquet of peach roses sitting on her desk. She blinked. They couldn’t be for her. She’d never received flowers. Someone must have placed them on her desk for her to deliver. Plucking the envelope from its plastic prongs, she was surprised to see her name there.

“Wow,” Jenna Mae said, coming to a halt at Dawn’s desk. “Does your fling know that he’s only temporary?”

Dawn frowned. “Yes.” But she definitely needed to talk to Evan. This was inappropriate. She fished her cell out of her purse and dialed Evan’s number. She gave Jenna Mae a meaningful look to let her know she wanted some privacy.


“They’re beautiful, but you really shouldn’t have sent them.”

“Come again? You’ve lost me.”

“The roses, Evan.” She touched a fingertip to one of the delicate petals. Their color was exquisite. “I appreciate the thought, but you shouldn’t have sent them.”

There was a long pause. “Dawn, I didn’t send you roses. I’m well aware that you think of me as a walking dildo.”

She wanted to be insulted, but she saw the humor in his sarcasm. Damn, sometimes the man was too much like her. He always spoke his mind. “I’m sorry. I saw them and assumed they were from you.”

He grunted. “Who are they from?”

She opened the envelope and read the card.
Forgive me. Still loving you. –Reggie

She gasped. “Reggie.” Reggie had never bought her flowers outside of the corsage she had picked out for prom.

“Thought that was over?” Evan’s voice sounded curiously tight.

“It is.” She hadn’t heard from Reggie since he’d retrieved the last of his belongings. She’d received a call from his mother stating that he was miserable without her. But she’d heard from friends that he was hitting the club scene pretty hard. She wondered what had happened to his beloved Wii to get him off of the couch.

“Does he know that?”

Dawn took a deep breath. “He does, but it’s really none of your business. I’m sorry I bothered you.”

“Wait. While I’ve got you, do you want to come over tonight?”

She hesitated. She wanted to say yes, but she didn’t think seeing him again would be a good idea. She wanted it too much. “I don’t know. I was pretty tired this morning.”

“Then I’ll come to you.”

He disconnected before she could object. “Men,” she muttered, her gaze drawn once more to the lovely bouquet.

Why was Reggie doing this now? After he’d moved out, he hadn’t pressured her to take him back or even made any attempts to contact her. While his acquiescence at the time had surprised her, she’d figured he wanted to move on with Tanika. Being forgotten so easily hadn’t felt good, but it had let her know she’d made the right decision.

Then why was he sending her roses? Had he broken up with Tanika already?

Dawn shook her head. She tossed the card and envelope into the trash and took the flowers to the small kitchenette where everyone in the office could enjoy their beauty. Reggie had wasted enough of her time.


* * * *


At the end of the day, Dawn rushed home. Though she had spent most of the night in his arms, she found she was eager to see Evan again. What was it about him that she liked so much? He was frustrating as hell at times, but there was something about him that pulled at her.

She had a quick grilled chicken salad for dinner and then showered. She curled her hair and fluffed it. She pawed through her lingerie for something that would entice him. Not that he seemed to need much enticement to become excited. She shrugged out of her robe and held a black lace teddy in front of herself as she stood before her the full length mirror she’d mounted to the back of her bedroom door. The teddy came with a sheer thong. She heard the doorbell ring and hurriedly dressed. She put her robe on in case there were any neighbors about.

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