Winter Interlude (12 page)

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“Let me assure you,” he said with a self-satisfied smile

hat despite being a
Californian who
se dad rarely took long weekends, I don’t feel I
missed out on anything
James and I had a damn good upbringing.”

“Of course you did

“My parents are great.”

“I didn’t mean to suggest otherwise
She exhaled a long breath
“Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut and stick to playing Angry Birds
I promised Judith I’d be nice and I can’t do that if you’re going to find fault with everything I say.”

“I’m not finding fault.”

you are
If you didn’t like my suggestion about playing games, you only had to say so.”

“Is that what we’re doing,
Playing games
just popped out of his mouth
He wished he could take them back when he looked over and saw her stunned face.

the shock wore off, but she still didn’t respond right away
Instead, she took her time, clearly weighing her answer
Finally, her gaze pierced his and she said, with a voice full of challenge, “I don’t know, Paul
Are we?”

His bark of laughter filled the air
“Okay, the ice is broken
Now you can tell me about your
,” he parried back

“Oh, shut up
She crossed her arms and glared out the window
“I’ve changed my mind
I’m not playing any games with you

looked over and watched her for a moment
He always thought of her as pushy and obnoxious, never silently subdued like now
She was kind of cute when she stewed

Figuring he’d gone a little too far, he decided to strive for amicability
“What I mean is, tell me about
promised Judith to behave

The silence was deafening as
she completely ignored him

minutes went by before he tried again
“Come on, it just slipped out
I’m trying here, but you never make it easy.”

Her entire body stiffened and color infused her face
now I’ve heard everything,” she huffed
Her tightened jaw jutted out
“So tell me
Why do I make it so hard?”

“God, you tempt me,” Paul replied,
and shook
his head, totally unprepared for the though
ts streaking through his brain that allowed
the comment to just slip out
Damn his quick, twisted mind
How in the hell could he even think of saying that to someone other than Judith
The fact that it was
was a double whammy.
ven though her words had taken him by surprise, he found he couldn’t let them go
“And here I promised to mind my manners

He caught the exact moment realization hit
Her face went from blushing pink to beet red
She moved to stare out the window, without saying another word.

“So I guess
Paul asked a little while later, risking another quick glance at her
He grinned, holding on
to a chuckle
She’d crossed her arms and legs again, closing up like a hedgehog with quills, steadfastly refusing to acknowledge him any further

Laughing at this point wouldn’t be wise
He resisted the urge to toss out a snide comment, determined to honor his word
t the same time, he couldn’t help feeling a twinge of satisfaction that
despite her barbed exterior, he was getting under her skin, digging his way
as easily as an earthworm plows through moist dirt
hy that gave him so much enjoyment, he had no idea
The thought stopped him cold and he threw her another sideways glance
Since when had he started thinking of sparring with
Winters as entertaining?


fumed, she
wished Paul could fall into one of the potholes in the road and be swallowed up
Of course, her wish included him leaving his car behind so she could drive it the rest of the way

This ride wasn’t going the way she’d planned
At all
Her reaction, not his words, was the real problem
For some idiotic reason, their limited conversation had been fun in an invigorating, almost naughty fashion, which totally threw her off
Anger was the only way to regain even a little bit of balance
He was her enemy, not someone to find exciting
She needed to remember that for the rest of the trip
She reached for her cell phone and retrieved the app for Spider Solitaire, deciding it best to ignore him from here on out.

“I need a diversion
Paul’s voice broke into her thoughts a half hour later.

When she spared him a brief glance, he smiled
“Tell me about

She gave a disbelieving snort, ignoring the butterfly wings flapping inside her tummy at his teasing voice
“Like I’m going to touch that remark
His silly expression wasn’t about to lure her in either

You’ve won round one
His grin spread, drawing her focus like an invisible force
It was Jame
smile, but so much more infectious
“Come on,” he pleaded
“Tell me and we’ll play
His eyebrows rose up and down several times.

couldn’t withhold her laughter any longer
completely destroying her resolve of not engaging
She shouldn’t want to respond, but why deny herself when he looked so innocent, yet full of mischief.

So with her own gleam and innocent smile forming, she shot back, “Okay, but let me warn you, I’m not someone who’s easy to take down
Don’t forget
, I’ve been dodging your verbal blows for years.”

“You always got in a few good punches
if my memory is correct,” he countered, still grinning like an idiot

“You left me no choice
Her smile died, as memories of all his jokes came back

one by one

allowing her good sense to return
Looking at him like this, she couldn’t imagine he was the same man who’d hurled so many insults her way
She couldn’t help asking, “Why do you hate me so much?”

He stiffened and his glance went from her to the road and back again
He definitely hadn’t expected the question
considering the expression that settled over his features
Remaining silent, he refocused on driving, as if he couldn’t find the words to answer her question
out moment
he said quietly, “I don’t hate you.”

shook her head
“Then what have I ever done to you to deserve such venom?” she blurted out, unable to halt the words because she really wanted to know.

With all of her defenses lowered, she couldn’t erase the hurt from her voice or keep pain from showing on her face

Unfortunately, Paul chose that moment to glance over
When he swore under his breath and resumed staring at the road ahead, she groaned inwardly, dying to disappear
Why had she opened her mouth
She’d probably never hear the end of this.

He drove for several miles before offering in a contrite voice, one that was totally
void of his usual mocking tone, “I don’t know

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