Winter Interlude (23 page)

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BOOK: Winter Interlude
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He swore under his breath
No one had
affected him this way
“It was only fair, since you made breakfast,” he murmured, before swiftly retreating
All she had to do was smile at him and need turned his brain into mush
, a feeling as
as it was

ack in the main house, he grabbed his lunch, along with the wine he’d poured earlier, went over to the table
and sat

It felt as if he was caught in some kind of
Twilight Zone
Though not funny, the irony of the situation did amuse him
He’d always had a twisted sense of humor
Maybe later

years from now

he’d be able to laugh

As h
e ate
sipped his wine while looking out the window and seeing nothing but white,
contemplated his options for the evening
He could go to a movie, maybe even check out one of the many bars
Friday night meant Tahoe City would swell with weekend visitors
For some reason,
the thought of spending time with someone other than the woman in the guesthouse just didn’t seem as thrilling or as exciting

He sighed
There was always work
His thoughts were too jumbled
No way
he be able to concentrate
He raked a hand through his hair and rubbed his neck.
How had his life become even more messed up
How had he gone, in a matter of twenty-four hours, from pining after
who didn’t love him like he
, to pining after another who belonged to his brother

Well, just make the best of it and stay in your room as much as possible
Don’t let her know she bothers you

His breath came out in one loud groan
If his secret ever came out, she’d have the means to get even with his badgering over the years
ouldn’t that be some kind of

He walked over to the sink with his plate
After rinsing it, he stuck it in the dishwasher, then topped
off his wineglass and retraced the steps to his room

Warmth from the fire hit him. The room glowed
He loved fires and he loved the snow
He’d relax and enjoy the rest of the afternoon until dinner, absorbed with TV or a magazine
Paul g
the remote, hit the
and scrolled
channels until
an animal show that caught his interest. But after staring at the screen for too long without paying attention to it, he shut off the TV and walked over to the huge window

Snow continued falling, silently providing a sense of isolation in the view outside
His focus landed on the blue lake, barely visible with all the white in the foreground
Nothing disturbed the quiet, which added to his loneliness

No longer willing to wait for something that would never happen, he sighed and finally accepted the truth
After spending such a wonderful day with
, he realized he wanted more than chasing a pipe dream with Judith
A heck of a lot more.

Chapter 6


ong after finishing her sandwich,
rested her shoulders against the bed’s propped
up pillows and, for the umpteenth time, tried to focus on the same page in the latest suspense
she’d brought
isturbing thoughts
insisted on annoying her,
with her concentration
Unable to continue pretending interest, she put the book down and stared at the ceiling

In seconds, memories of the day consumed her

a day where Paul had always stayed a step ahead of her
It was e
xhilarating and frustrating at the same time, considering his competitive drive, as strong as hers, hadn’t allowed her to gain any advantage
It was as if some
male trait of his burst forth, shouting his supremacy over her
dominating her in some age-old battle between the sexes
Because he was stronger and more stubborn, he was winning

She’d never felt this on edge because of a man

any man

not even James
ven worse, the day only increased her disillusionment with her current relationship
Too much time had slipped by since she and James had shared such a carefree day
In fact
she couldn’t remember the last
, which only highlighted bigger problems

having to endure
a trip back to Chicago for her sister Chrissie’s wedding to face her family without James
or the engagement ring she expected to be wearing

Too agitated to keep gawking at the ceiling, she jumped up and started pacing
Why had she pushed for this weekend
Why did she find Paul attractive
Why, why, why?

She’d never been fickle, just the opposite in her pursuit of James
So how could her thoughts shift from the love of her life to Paul so readily
In less than a day

Her relationship with
James had been an experience

one she was beginning to determine had no happy ending
Actions spoke louder than words
She’d given him
months to make a decision that he shouldn’t even have had to think twice about
s much as it hurt to realize the truth, giving him more time to commit would only be wasted, which in the end would be a mistake
She understood that now and certainly had no desire to make a bigger mistake by becoming involved with Paul when he still loved Judith
That could only bring on more heartache for everyone involved
Judith was her best friend
She had only to remember that

Heavens, she needed a drink
She needed to stop thinking of him
ost of all, she needed to keep him from discovering her unsettling attraction to him

Like the night before, she stuck her head out the door to listen
The c
oast looked clear
She stole across the patio, stepping around the snowdrifts
and stopped at the patio door to peer inside
Still clear
She crept into the kitchen
A bottle of the
hardonnay he’d bought the night before, per her request for their French dinner, sat
on the counter, uncorked
She quickly poured a glass,
tiptoed out the way she’d come.

ack in her room, she sipped and paced, wishing her foolish thoughts would cease

Maybe when James arrived, seeing him again and being
able to compare him
side by side
with Paul would jar some sense into her
Maybe her attraction stemmed from the fact that the two brothers looked so much alike
The minute the thought came out, she rejected it
They were like night and day
No two people who looked so much alike could be any more different from each other

sat back on the bed and picked up the book again
After a long pretense of absorption, she glanced at the clock on the nightstand
Almost 6:00 p
Breathing a sigh of relief, she rose, grabbed her half-full glass and headed for the kitchen
The door to Paul’s room was closed

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