Winter Interlude (26 page)

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On his way to the kitchen, he asked, “Do you want more wine

Heavens no
Too much wine too fast would just make the situation crazier
“No, thank you
I’m fine right now
Reaching for calm, she cleared her throat and pushed her short hair behind her ears
“Do you think the power will be out all night?”

“Don’t know
But, look on the bright side
At least we have plenty to drink!” he said holding up the second bottle
, still unopened
He came up behind her carrying the other half-full bottle
“Are you sure you don’t want any
This French
hardonnay is really good

But only half a glass
She held her breath, totally aware of his nearness while he poured, and wasn’t able to inhale or exhale until he sat down

Paul took a sip before picking up his fork

“How can you be so calm?” she asked, watching him eat.

He ate a couple of bites and paused
“It’s very simple
I have no choice
Then he grinned
Light from the candle’s flame captured his expressive eyes and cast his amused gleam quite well, adding to the affectionate, teasing quality in his voice when he added, “Why worry when we have all we need
Excellent wine and great company
the food is incredible
I didn’t know you were a gourmet cook.”

His words encompassed her like a warm blanket, filling her with well-being
She smiled
It felt like her whole body wanted to smile, e
ven her toes
He liked her cooking
“It’s a hobby,” she said,
to have something else to focus on other than how sexy he looked in candlelight
“This soufflé is my creation
I like experimenting with different spices and seasonings.”

resumed eating, but couldn’t relax
All too soon
the current of awareness that had permeated the shadowy room earlier returned in full force
She had to fight doubly hard to ignore him, purposefully keeping her attention on her food, too afraid that if she glanced his way, he’d see the spark of attraction she couldn’t hide

Wouldn’t he have a good laugh over that
help her
This attraction wasn’t real
It couldn’t be
It was a fluke…a rebound…a coincidence of circumstance due to suddenly finding herself free to look around again
for the first time in
Of course
it was just her luck that Paul

Judith’s Paul

just happened to be the best man
in front of her
now that her eyes were open

Why did he have to be so attractive
Why was he being so nice
hen she did chance to glance up at some comment he’d make and her focus would land on
engaging smile
, she wondered about the biggest question of all
be like to kiss him
She closed her eyes and almost groaned aloud in disgust
What kind of person lusted after her
best friend’s
Judith deserved better than a friend like her for even entertaining the thought.

He stood
“I should get the fire started out here and check on the one in my bedroom.”

Thankful for the disruption, she jumped up
“I’ll help.”

don’t you close all the bedroom doors
and grab your stuff from the guesthouse?”

“Sure,” she murmured, rushing to get away from him.


aul watched her go wondering what went on in that sharp mind of hers, especially during dinner when she never stopped fidgeting
Her hands had
Whether twisting her napkin or fingering her wineglass, she appeared nervous
As nervous as she’d been the day before when they first arrived, and so unlike the woman he thought he knew
Winters was always as bold as brass and twice as nervy
almost to the point of being pushy
nstead of irritating him as she’d once done, now she intrigued him

made him want to see what would happen if he pushed back

Interesting and definitely surprising

He lit the fireplace in the living room
The flames roared to life when he adjusted the setting to the highest level

He then went around the house searching for candles
The two on the table simply weren’t enough
The shadows they cast added a romantic element to the room
No freaking way he could sit with her in such a
environment and act as if he wasn’t dying to kiss her

“Help me light these,” he said, nodding to the half dozen he’d found when she walked back inside
They placed a few in strategic spots
While they added more light, it wasn’t near
enough and did little to ease his torment

“How about a game of Monopoly

She nodded

He knew damn well he shouldn’t be suggesting any game, but it was too early to retire
Besides, if he eased up on the wine, he should be okay
might like another glass
“There’s more wine if you want it.”

“No thanks
I’ll have some later, after dessert.”

He headed to the kitchen and placed his glass on the counter
“How ’bout water
he shouted while rummaging th
rough the refrigerator
and bending to reach the bottles in the back

“Actually, hot chocolate would be great on a night like tonight
Startled to realize she’d followed him, he almost jumped when she added from just inches behind him, “Do you have any?”

“Hot chocolate, huh
He straightened and threw her a quick smile
“I think I can find some
Funny, but I never pegged you as the type
In his mind, she was more the hot toddy, heavy on the bourbon

“There are a lot of things you don’t know about me
She scooted him out of the way and grabbed the milk from the still
open refrigerator

“So I’m finding out
His smiled deepened
“Since I’m so far off

you know

regarding what I know about you

care to enlighten me
Though he knew he
, he couldn’t help raising his eyebrows and taunting, “
’ve got
nothing better to do
He paused,
added, “Considering our situation.”

“Oh, no,
You may have a need for a tell-all,


experience tonight, but I prefer to remain a mystery.”

Of course she did, he mused,
as he pulled
a container of
from the cupboard
it to her
“Just for the record, I don’t even know what


means, but I’m a pushover for hot chocolate
Especially during a snowfall
He’d get her to talk about herself
People didn’t call him personable for no reason.

“Oh, that’s right
, shaking her head
“You’ve probably never experienced singing
a campfire, since your family never drove anywhere

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