Winter Interlude (53 page)

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“I thought you’d go for the more active type
She’s obviously not a skier.”

James shrugged
“Dinner doesn’t require supreme physical fitness, just a willingness to have fun.”

Paul’s annoyance flared
“God, James
how could you go so quickly from
to her

He couldn’t keep the disgust out of his tone.

“We can’t
be saints like you, little brother,” James mocked,
as he opened
the locker.

Paul sneered, rising to
bait. “It seems to me you could at least show a little sincere regret over breaking up with her.”

eyes narrowed to slits
“Let me give you some advice
There was no mistaking the heat of anger rising off his body
“You shouldn’t stick your nose into things that don’t concern you
My relationship with
is my business
You know nothing about what went on between us.”

“I know she doesn’t deserve to be treated the way you’ve treated her all those years.”

James slammed the locker door, his expression turning livid

Point taken
, but who are you to be telling me how to behave
You never wasted any time trying to bring her down a peg with your constant haranguing
don’t lecture to me about treating anyone the way they deserve
never deserved your sarcasm and cruelty
I should have shut you up back then, because you’re right
She deserved better than the two of us
With those words, he snatched his clothes and stalked into the men’s room to change.

Paul stared after him, swearing under his breath
He should
ve kept his mouth shut
Why had it bothered him that James seemed so cavalier about their breakup
It should
ve made him feel better knowing the two were no longer together
But the thought of James taking
so lightly did anger him
, once Paul thought about it a moment,
made him realize his brother wasn’t as unaffected as he’d portrayed.

He gave J
ames a few minutes to cool off
grabbed his stuff to change into and headed for the restroom
He spotted James, who was pulling on a pair of faded jeans
He walked over to him. “I’m sorry
You’re right
It is none of my business.”

accepted his apology with a nod. “You hit a nerve
He ran a hand through his hair
“For what it’s worth, I haven’t slept with anyone


in months, and I
planning on ending things so she could find the right person
I do feel bad about letting us go on for so long
Then, he snared Paul’s gaze, his serious
“So, what about you and Judith?”

“She and I are friends, period,” Paul replied truthfully, wondering about the question
“I should’ve let her go a long time ago too
Sitting on the bench, he leaned over and put his elbow on his knee, cradling his chin with his hand
He blew out his breath in a long sigh
“Man, how did we get to be so pathetic?”

Laughing, James clapped him on the back
“Cheer up
we’re getting wiser
. W
I am anyway
Since I’m the one with the date tonight, it’s obvious I’m moving on
I suggest you do the same.”

Paul watched his brother tuck in his shirt, totally cheered by his words
Somehow, in the past twenty minutes, James had provided answers to several of his questions without being asked
He knew now that James didn’t see
as his any longer
It was completely over between them
He also learned his brother still cared about
, as a friend, not as a lover, and that made all the difference in the world to him

But Paul wasn’t stupid
James had to have a pretty good idea of Paul’s feelings for
. His question about Judith confirmed this
He was doubly glad that James still cared enough about
to make certain Paul wasn’t trifling with her.

During the drive back to the house, they each cracked jokes about the day, and both claimed supremacy over the other for their prowess in the snow
Neither mentioned
or the topic of Jame

left for his date with
the snow bunny
Paul ate dinner by himself
Afterward, he pulled out his laptop, determined to put the rest of the night to good use
e fought
throughout the whole evening
avoid thoughts of
, not wanting to dwell on the jealousy lurking over some guy named Mike

There was nothing he could do about it until he confronted her

and his plans definitely included confrontation
This had gone on long enough
It was time she realized the truth
They belonged together
He’d make sure she understood, so that there’d be no mistaking what they shared.

The next morning Paul was up early
By the time James came slowly out of his room
he was eating breakfast, having already showered and made coffee

His brother padded over to the pot and poured a cup
He leaned back against the counter and crossed his legs at the ankles
He stood like this for several minutes before finally looking over at Paul and lifting his mug in a silent toast
“I should’ve stayed home with you last night
Brandie, that’s with an
, not a
, got on my nerves after the salad arrived
He rolled his eyes
“It’s been a
while since I dated a
imbo, and that’s
imbo with a capital
I’d completely forgotten why I steered clear of them in college

Paul grinned
“That bad, huh?”

James grunted
She even signs her name with a heart over
He frowned
“God, I hate the dating game
After a long drink, he said, “I realized that’s part of the reason why I stayed with
so long
That and the fact that even after eight years, she never bored me.”

“I hate the dating game too, but I don’t expect I’ll be playing it again, except with one special person,” Paul said in a low voice
“But I’m sure you already figured that out.”

James, about to take another sip of coffee, stopped with the cup an inch from his mouth
He eyed Paul thoughtfully,
offered an exaggerated sigh. “What gave me away
I tried to be so careful.”

Paul laughed
you were
You had me going for a while
Besides, I should be asking you…
hat gave me away?”

Grinning, James replied, “You know I can’t tell you because if I did, you’d learn all my secrets
Damn, I must be getting rusty
But then again, my concern for
weighed more on my mind than razzing you
I just wanted to be sure

’s sake
She doesn’t deserve another Morrison who can’t commit
You do plan to commit, right?

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