With Me (2 page)

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Authors: Gabbie S. Duran

BOOK: With Me
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Closing my eyes, I let the sensation of our touch take over, our tongues gliding slowly against each other. I feel his hands come up to cradle my head in his palms, tilting my head so he can take and demand more of my mouth. I can taste him completely. This, the way he’s kissing me, is the way I’ve seen people kiss and now I know why they do it so often. I can already tell I’m addicted to it.

Slowly I match his movements inside my mouth. I’m praying I’m doing them right.

I feel him slowly pull away, making me whimper at the loss. Why did he stop? I must have done something wrong. I didn’t want to disappoint him.

Slowly opening my eyes, I can see him breathing as heavy as I am. Our chests are rising and falling, trying to catch our breaths, as he rests his forehead against mine. My heart is racing from the passion rising in me. I can barely keep my breathing under control.

“I’ve waited so long to be able to do that,” he declares, his eyes intensely staring down at me.

My body is still humming from our kiss and I’m weaker than before. I’m still speechless as I pull him back down to return to kissing him. He returns the kiss, this time much more fiercely. When I feel him pull back, severing our kiss, I whimper from the loss.

“I better leave now, Kasey, before I end up doing something I’m going to regret,” he quietly growls, as he tries to push my body away. I don’t let him, keeping a firm grip on his shirt to hold him in place.

“Please don’t leave. Not now,” I whisper to him, practically begging.

I don’t know why I want him to stay, but deep down inside I know that I don’t want him to leave. Not tonight.

“Are you sure, Kasey? I won’t be able to control myself if you don’t let me leave right now,” he says, his voice sounding hesitant and restrained. Almost as if he fears I’d tell him otherwise.

I nod my head to answer his question. I grab for his hand and start to pull him towards my bedroom, already comprehending what I want from him. I need to know that he’ll be mine, even if it’s only for one night.

The second we enter my bedroom he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me up against his body. My feet are now dangling off the ground and I can only hold on to him as he walks us backwards towards my bed. I feel my legs hit the edge, our bodies descending onto the bed as he comes down with me.

As he breaks our kiss, his lips slowly start trailing down my neck. His kisses leave a heated trail behind and I tilt my head, giving him better access to tantalize me. I feel his hand slowly starting to tease its way up my stomach, grazing my skin with his palm. It’s scorching a trail to match the heat of his lips along the way. My body feels like it’s on fire from his touch.

Wanting to feel more of his body, my hands start to explore him; loving the way his body feels against my palms. His skin feels smooth and warm and I crave to feel it against my own.

I frantically start to yank his shirt off and he does the same with mine, ridding us of the barriers. Our chests meet and the warmth of his body above mine makes me lose all control.

Slamming his lips onto mine, my hands start roaming up and down his back. The feeling of his warm skin against my hands is amazing and I want to feel more. I lower my hands and feeling brave, I skim them across his ass. I feel him chuckle against my mouth and I know I shouldn’t have done it. Quickly, I lift my hands away, as if they were burned.

“I’m sorry, Kasey. I didn’t mean to laugh at you. I like that you did it, that’s all.” His deep voice, whispering into my ear, causes a shiver to travel through me, all the way down to my toes.

He goes back to kissing his way down my neck. If my body didn’t already feel like it was on fire, I’m pretty sure I would have turned beet red from his comment. Before I even have time to feel ashamed of what I did, his hand reaches under my back and I feel the clasp of my bra being undone. He pulls my bra completely off me and tosses it aside, leaving me naked from the waist up.

With the light of the streetlamp outside my window, I watch as his eyes roam up and down my body. The hunger evident in his eyes should frighten me, but I feel the same way as him

The excitement rebuilds within me when he lowers his mouth down to one of my breasts. The feel of his lips lightly brushing my nipple, teases me, until I feel him take it into his mouth sucking it softly, causing a moan to escape from my lips. When his mouth starts sucking harder, I’m forced to grab for his head, afraid he might stop.

He moves his mouth to the other, my back arching up, thrusting myself at him. My fingers are now digging into his ruffled hair, gripping it for dear life. The noises that are coming from me are surprising myself, but I can’t control them.

When he stops, he brings his head up to look down at me, before his hands reach for the button of my jeans to undo them. Still intensely peering down at me, his hooded eyes are strongly focused on my own, as if he’s waiting for me to stop him. But I don’t. I can’t.

He lifts his body completely away and uses both hands to pull my jeans off, taking my panties with them. I’m already barefoot, preferring to not wear shoes while in the house, so my pants easily slip off.

Laying there, staring back at him, I take him in. His body is long and lean. His hair looking disheveled from my hands, and his eyes are dark with hunger as he stands tall peering back at me. His lips are turned up in a sensual smile. Slowly, he unbuttons his jeans, his eyes never leaving mine. I would have preferred to do it myself, but right now I’m not sure I would be able to. I lie there, taking in every inch of his body as he removes the last of his clothing. When he’s done, I catch one quick glimpse of his erection standing long and tall. My eyes go wide when I see how big he is. I’m left a little scared.

Gradually, he makes his way back to the bed, and I slowly scoot up so I’m in the middle. He climbs back on top of me, my legs opening to allow his body to come down on mine. My hands start feeling every inch of his naked body, with my fingertips grazing his skin. It’s when I feel something hard nudge against my thigh that I grow frightened again. But I’m soon distracted as he starts kissing me, making all of my fear quickly disappear. It’s replaced with desire. Our kiss grows passionate and I start to feel an ache between my legs.

The teasing of his hand as it skims my skin intensifies the desire that I’m still unfamiliar with. His hand finds it’s way under my back and down under my ass; forcing me to lift up to him. At the same time I feel something nudge at the opening between my legs, as if demanding entrance, but just as quickly I feel him enter me in one quick thrust.

I let out a loud scream as I feel myself being stretched completely. A slight burn quickly follows. My hands reach for his shoulders to hold onto him, my nails digging into the skin from the pain I’m feeling at this moment. My face meets the crook of his neck as I try to catch my breath, hoping it will subside soon.

I feel his body grow rigid and tense. “Oh shit, Kasey. I’m sorry. I should have been gentler with you. I forgot this is your first time,” I hear him whisper into my ear as he lies above me, his warm breath against my skin.

When he attempts to shift himself, I stop him, holding him tight. “Please, don’t move,” I plead to him, scared if he moves the pain will only increase. This is nothing like the ache I felt earlier.

Still rigid above me, I can feel his warm breath on my neck. I lay there not knowing what to do next. “Kasey, let me know when I can move. I don’t want to hurt you again,” he desperately pleads into the hollow of my neck, his voice sounding strained.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I lay underneath him, waiting for the pain to subside. It only takes a couple of seconds for the pain to slowly disappear. I still feel full from having him inside me, but when I try moving my hips a little, it starts to feel better.

I hear Joseph groan, as if he’s in pain as well. “Did I hurt you, Joseph? I’m sorry,” I apologetically whisper to him.

He chuckles against my neck, before kissing my skin, sending a shiver down my body. “It’s not pain I’m in, Kasey. Unless you call torturing me when you wiggle like that, pain. Then yes, I am,” he says, almost laughing.

Confused why he’d find the situation amusing, I lift my hips up to test how I feel, but I soon discover that he must have lost his patience. He starts to slowly thrust inside of me, sending a wave of pleasure up my body, building it more and more as he continues.

My legs voluntarily wrap around his waist, wanting to feel closer to him; more than we already are. Eventually I find a rhythm that matches his, making the desire inside me build higher and higher. It increases with each minute that goes by and eventually I begin to grow frightened by it.

“Joseph, you have to stop. I think something is wrong,” I tell him.

He obeys, coming to a complete stop above me, his worried eyes looking down at me. “What’s wrong, Kasey? Am I hurting you?” he fearfully asks, his eyes looking frantic at this point.

“No, it’s not pain I feel, but something else. I can’t explain it,” I whisper to him, unsure of what more I can explain. I feel him let out a gush of air that he was clearly holding in.

“Kasey, I think I was going to make you finish,” he explains with a satisfied smile spreading across his face. It only confuses me more. “I don’t understand,” I confusedly respond, but when he kisses me, I completely forget what I was trying to explain as our tongues slowly glide against one another. His hips start to resume their rocking. “Just let go, Kasey. It will feel good, I promise.”

I still don’t understand his meaning, but the feeling soon builds as he returns to kissing me, making me close my eyes. Within minutes my body grows tight and I just let go. I feel as if I’m exploding from inside, but just as quickly being lifted off the ground and ascending into the clouds. The sensation continues for what feels like minutes.

My eyes are still closed, but I can feel Joseph’s body grow tight over me. His thrusting becoming faster before he yells out my name as he tries to muffle it against my neck. I feel him thrust one last time against my core before his body comes to a stop above mine. I open my eyes and I’m looking into dark eyes that are staring back down at me.

We’re both breathing heavy, almost gasping for air. My heart feels like I’ve just run a marathon. He brings his lips to mine, kissing me gently. His hand wipes away my sweat filled hair that is on my forehead, pushing it back before he says, “That was amazing, Kasey. It’s never felt that way before with anybody.”

Instead of being satisfied with his words, they pierce my heart. I know I’m not his first; I’m most likely not going to be his last. The words hurt, even though he was trying to tell me how special it was. I simply force myself to swallow the lump of disappointment I feel deep down inside and turn my face away.

I’m still disappointed when he asks, “Did I say something wrong?”

The only thing I can say is, “No.” Hating the way his words make me feel.

Rolling himself off my body, he pulls me with him, draping me across his chest. Wrapping me in his arms, he tightens his hold on me and I feel comforted and safe. He buries his face into my hair, leaving my face to find a spot on his shoulder. Within minutes I feel his breathing begin to calm. By the shallow rise and fall of his chest, I know he’s fallen asleep. His earlier words keep repeating in my head, as if they are mocking me, and there is nothing I can do about them.

We eventually make love one more time. Joseph claimed he couldn't leave without saying goodbye, but when we began to kiss, it grew passionate, resulting in our lovemaking. I know I shouldn’t have given in, but since my body already had a taste of the pleasure he’d given me, I couldn’t resist taking it once more. He was as gentle as the first time and just as generous in bringing me pleasure. But deep down inside, my heart was aching the whole time.

When I finally wake up, the sun is shining through my window, gleaming into my eyes. I am alone in bed. The scent of Joseph is still on my sheets, along with the memory of our night together; a memory I will treasure forever.






Five Years Later…

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