Wives with Benefits: Volume Two (24 page)

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Nina laughed. “I already wear bikinis.”

“Uh-huh. But there are bikinis, and then there are daring bikinis.”


“And think of all those guys looking your way if you were showing a little more, and how they’d be in those little briefs of theirs…”

Nina actually blushed, but there was a wicked glint in her eye. She grabbed my hand and steered us back into the store to look at the women’s section. And damn if it wasn’t a thrill to search through the tiniest of bikinis and imagine my pretty wife displaying herself in them, and all the other men who would gawp at her and want her for themselves.

We came away with a few pairs of really tiny string bikinis, which I was surprised that Nina would even wear — but somehow, this whole vacation seemed to only encourage us both. There was this feeling of being isolated from anyone we knew, of society’s strict rules no longer really applying.

Sure, I felt a little comical donning my briefs and leaving the security of our room, but I didn’t have too much to worry about in terms of my physique — and around the pool I did notice some female eyes straying my way here and there. After a day or two, I grew accustomed to it and hardly noticed what I was wearing — other than the fact that it seemed to draw my wife’s wandering hands a little more than my trunks had.

Nina, though, took to it like a duck to water — I suppose she had already been wearing bikinis that hardly left much to the imagination — and it only added to her sense of confidence, confidence that made her more and more gorgeous, I might add.

Now, the guys didn’t just walk past her and subtly check her out — they were actively smiling at her, saluting her, and when she was away from me — topping up our cocktails, for example — they were more and more bold about chatting with her and flirting with her.

I just lay back in my sun lounger, enjoying the sight of her flirting with them, the guys checking her out in that teeny bathing suit either surreptitiously or plain up front, and Nina doing the same with their well-built bodies and the bulges in their tight swimwear.

Sometimes, I told her I’d had enough sun, and I’d go up to our room to chill out on our balcony — and I’d watch her out there by the pool, staring at the guys in their speedos, occasionally chatting to this one or that one, whichever was bold enough to wander past her and say hello.

I loved watching her displaying herself for them — arching her back and pushing out her chest, making sure they were getting their fill of eyeing up her body in that tiny little swim suit. The broad smiles she gave them, the laughter I could hear all the way from our room.

It seemed easier for her to flirt while I was away, in no danger of making people think we were a couple.

I watched Nina asking guys to help her apply sun cream to her back and her shoulders and the back of her neck, and I’d get to see them touching her, running their hands all over her. Nina would allow them to rub cream over her lower back, their hands straying a little over her butt. She’s allow them to make sure the backs of her thighs were nicely coated, too, so their hands came tantalizingly close to her tiny bikini bottoms.

For a few of them, she lay their topless, on her front but allowing their hands to get breathtakingly close to her breasts as they coaxed the cream into her back and around her sides.

It was harmless, a little pleasant fantasy. A light flirtation for her, though I found myself feeling all light-headed to watch her, my hardness throbbing between my thighs. I also found myself quietly hoping that one of them would persuade my wife to go somewhere a little more private for a more extensive massage.

Then one afternoon Nina strolled up to me and told me,

“Julio wants to take me snorkeling.”

I looked across the pool to where Nina indicated a striking-looking black guy with a pair of green trunks that weren’t exactly the kind of skin-tight swimwear my wife had been drawn to during our trip — and yet what he kept within his trunks was apparently so sizable that it was obvious even though he was wearing trunks.

“Uh… okay,” I said, feeling a strange mixture of emotions. The hairs stood up on the back of my neck — and yet my pulse quickened, my manhood began to thicken. I’d have to be very careful in those speedos of mine.

“Do you mind if I go with him?” she asked.

Julio was looking over at us, his likable face breaking out into a broad grin. He gave me a quick wave.

I gave him a wave back.

“No — of course, go have fun,” I said.

“You don’t mind me spending time with another guy?” Nina was giving me a mischievous smirk, teasing me, but perhaps making the suggestion that this little adventure of ours could go a little further.

“If you like him,” I said, “then you can do whatever you want with him.”



She leaned down to kiss me. “I love you, honey.”

“I love you, too. Have fun.”

I watched her scamper away, rejoin Julio, and slip an arm around his waist. I mean, damn, from over here that bikini looked so small, she almost seemed to be naked with him.

Julio put one of his big, dark hands all over her pert behind, and then the two of them padded away.

They were gone all day.






I ate dinner alone in front of a gorgeous view, only made more gorgeous still when a boat came in, and among the passengers was my stunning new wife, Nina, and her new friend.

They clambered out of the boat along with the other scuba divers on that particular tour, and scampered up the beach toward the hotel. Nina was hanging onto Julio as though he was helping her across a minefield.

The two of them had clearly bonded during the day spent together.

I waved at them, and they joined me at the table in the resort’s beachfront restaurant.

“Oh my God it was so amazing!” was the first thing Nina said as they took their seats at my table, and the rest of the meal was full of superlatives as she recounted the tour, the diving.

“You were really good,” Julio said plenty of nice things to her, flirting even though her husband was sitting just a few feet away.

He had the kind of natural confidence that hinted at having done this before.

As we ate, the cocktails came thick and fast, and it wasn’t difficult to spot how Nina was with Julio, how she touched him whenever the slimmest of opportunities arose, how she smiled at him, flashed her eyes at him, toyed with her hair in front of him. Flirting like crazy.

“I’m surprised they let you dive at all wearing a bikini like that,” I said to her at one point.

Julio said, “Oh, they all just wanted the excuse to get their hands on her.”

I laughed, and Julio gave me a knowing little wink and a smile that told me in no uncertain terms that he knew my secret, he knew how I felt about Nina.

At the end of the meal, the sun was going down and the three of us seemed to gravitate naturally toward the dance floor over on the pier. We were carried along by the music, but as the three of us danced and grooved, I found it more exciting to see Nina facing Julio than actually dancing with me. After a few numbers, I suggested getting some more drinks and slipped away — only to find myself a vantage point where I could see my wife and her new friend dancing together.

In that bikini, it looked almost as though she were entirely naked grinding up against Julio’s impressive physique, the man’s large, dark hands sprawling all over her body as they danced.

She was getting a lot of subtle — and some not-so-subtle — glances from men all around them on the dance floor, and seemed to be lapping it all up.

And while she gazed into Julio’s eyes and felt him up every opportunity she got, Nina did look over to find where I was, and from then on continued to glance over my way, flashing me joyous smiles and enigmatic grins, teasing me as she enjoyed herself with this new man.

Periodically they’d take a break from the music and swan over to me, where I was propping up the bar.

“You should come dance!” she pleaded of me, but I was having far too good a time watching her to do so.

“You look like you’re having a whale of a time with Julio,” I insisted.

“I just worry about you sitting here all alone,” she pouted.

“Well don’t. I’m having a wonderful time.”

Julio offered me a pat on the shoulder and a broad smile, and told me what a fantastic dancer my wife was, how great she looked on the dance floor.

“She’s a work of art, my friend. Truly.”

It felt strange that he was attempting to butter me up, as though I were Nina’s father rather than her husband, and he was hoping some day to ask for her hand. I felt a little giddy perched there on my bar stool, watching him flirting with my wife, bewitching her.

He seemed completely attuned to how I felt about her.

“Well, enjoy, Julio. You have my blessing,” I said as the two of them readied themselves to stride back out into the lively dance floor.

Julio’s smile broadened further still, offering me all those white teeth, as he caught my meaning.

At last, with the sun going down behind us across the ocean, Nina and Julio hovered next to me after their most recent dance, and my wife was hugging herself as though cold.

“I’m going to go put a few more clothes on,” she told me.

“Sure,” I said, handing her our room key, since she’d left hers back in the room while out and about in that bikini.

“Then I was going to go for a little walk with Julio…” she said, spurring a curious flickering, fluttering within my chest. Was she really going to go off with Julio and… do something significant?

“Uh… sure… of course,” I blurted, feeling my pulse picking up, my manhood thickening in my pants.

“We won’t be gone long,” she promised, but there was mischief in her eyes — and I was hoping it meant she was intending on doing something with Julio.

“Thanks, man,” the big guy himself said to me, giving me another pat on the back as he followed her away, and off toward the hotel.

God, he was going with her while she changed. Would they even need to go for a walk? Maybe something would happen while they were in the room.

Had Nina finally caught on to exactly how I felt about her being with other men?

She linked her arm in his as they went, and then it evolved so that her hand was around his waist, his around her butt, the two of them looking like a couple as I watched them wander around the pool and into the main hotel building.

Now I was rock hard. I still felt a tingle of fear, of course, but more so the arousal, the excitement that something might really happen. Sure, in my head I would have ideally wanted to watch her with him, to take in her pleasure, and the strange sight of him taking her, entering her, making her scream. At the same time if Nina felt like she needed to start something away from the prying eyes of her husband, I could understand that, too.

I didn’t feel it would be so bad for her to see him in her own private place, and tell me about it afterwards.

I sat there on the bar stool, starting out on another pina colada, glancing at my watch every few seconds and then the hotel building, trying to imagine how long it would take them to walk up to our room, how long it might take Nina to pick out something extra to put on for the late evening, perhaps use the facilities while they were there, then come strolling casually back out here.

I made an estimate, and figured that any time they spent beyond that had to prove that they were doing something in that room.

And as that deadline neared, and I started to feel more and more certain the two of them must be doing something naughty in there, my pulse quickened further still, and it was suddenly a little more difficult to breathe there at the bar.

My hope was really turning into confidence that my fantasy was becoming real here, tonight.

And then there was Nina, arm-in-arm with Julio, slowly toddling back out from the hotel, to drift around the pool back toward me at the bar — and my hopes were dashed. She’d put on a white top and a wispy white shawl around her shoulders, while a short, dark skirt covered her hips.

There might have been time for something, right? A little making out, a speedy blow job, right? But my brain was telling my energized frame that nothing much of anything could really have happened.

Julio, though, came out of it a little better in my eyes. A true gentleman.

“Hey,” Nina smiled and kissed me as they returned.

“You look nice,” I said.

Another smile. “Why don’t you come for a walk?” she suggested.

I said, “Oh, you don’t need a third wheel handing around while you enjoy yourself.”

She laughed. “Third wheel? You’re my husband.”

“I’ll come if you like — but if you just wanted to enjoy a little time with Julio, here…”

She looked at me with mild surprise, as though she wasn’t really expecting this. Even though I’d spent most of the evening watching her dancing with him, and I’d just watched her go off to a private room with him where anything might have happened, even if it ultimately hadn’t.

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