Wolf Creek Ghosts (Texas Pack 3) (Wolf Creek Werewolf Shifters) (9 page)

BOOK: Wolf Creek Ghosts (Texas Pack 3) (Wolf Creek Werewolf Shifters)
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“Because he’s dead. His world is that realty now. Oh, he has some power to interact, as we’ve seen. But he doesn’t have the capabilities that we have once we get there. Everyone knows there are haunted places all over the world, but the ghosts usually stay around a place they know, but don’t really do a lot of physical interacting. They’re limited in how much they can influence our world. Since we’re all alive, the death realm is more of a ‘what can happen’ place for us. We have our imagination to make things happen. The dead no longer have that ability,” Devlin informed them.

“So Willie’s strength comes from the pond. Otherwise, he’d be a ‘normal’ ghost just lost in the death realm,” Ian stated.

“That’s my impression. If it weren’t for the pond, Olivia could probably have easily sent him on his way,” Devlin said.

“Well, Olivia is not ready to enter his world yet, so there’s nothing to do right now. It’s almost dinner time, I’ll start the grill.”

Rafe paused and spoke quietly to Devlin. “I understand you plan on mating her tonight. I wouldn’t wait for a formal ceremony to change her, she needs the strength of her wolf to fight this battle.”

Devlin nodded, his plans for the night already set.

Chapter 8

Olivia stepped out of the shower with her towel held tightly to her chest. Once dry, she did her nightly ablutions with her lotion, gliding her hands up and down her legs. She felt like a virgin going to her marriage bed, knowing it was ridiculous but still nervous. She would not walk out of his bathroom with nothing on, so she picked her towel up to use as covering. She stopped suddenly seeing Devlin sitting on the edge of the bed, naked.

He held his hand out, beckoning. “Come on love, let me brush your hair out.”

“Really? Couldn’t you put on some shorts or something?”

Devlin laughed. “Why? I’ll just be taking them off again. The human body is a beautiful thing.”

“Oh, so now you’re a work of art?” Olivia couldn’t help but roll her eyes. She didn’t think he ever took anything seriously.

She sat beside him and turned slightly, handing over her comb and making sure her towel was tucked firmly between her breasts. She felt herself relaxing as he slowly combed through her hair.

Devlin had turned also, placing his hands on her shoulders as he brushed her hair aside. She felt his teeth gently nip her shoulder. Shivering, she felt goose bumps break out all over her skin. His hand slowly slid down her arm to the bottom of her towel, gently moving his hand to stroke her thigh.

Devlin took a deep breath, pushing his nose into her neck. He had to concentrate on going slow, fighting the instinct to push her down on all fours and mount her from behind. That would come later once she transformed. He had to remind himself she wasn’t a wolf yet. Changing positions, he scooped her up in his arms, watching as her towel fell open.

Olivia let out a small squeal in surprise as he moved her to the head of the bed and rolled her out of the towel. She ended up on her back with him quickly covering her. He was so warm and hard. His legs held hers down, while his chest pressed against her breasts.

This is what she wanted, his body pressing hers into the mattress. She knew this was right, what she needed to complete the hole in her soul. Feeling him press against her opening, waiting for that moment when they would become one. She looked into his eyes, the intense green seeming to change between amber and emerald.

Devlin rested his elbows on either side of her head, seeing the arousal in her blue eyes. “My love, my mate. I didn’t know I needed you until I met you. I didn’t know you would fill my heart and make me a better man.” He took her lips, nipping gently before thrusting his tongue inside.

She pushed her pelvis up against him, trying to force him inside and felt his chuckle against her lips. She growled in frustration as he held himself away.

“Aw baby, you are not in charge here.” He rested his entire weight on her while he took her wrists and pinned them next to her head. Lifting his chest, he quirked an eyebrow, enjoying her slight struggle before she gave in.

“Are you going to fuck me, or talk all night?” Her annoyance was obvious.

Devlin laughed, before sliding down her body. “Well, we could talk but I’d rather do this.” He nipped her hip before spreading her thighs wider to fit his shoulders.

Olivia moaned and twisted as he nuzzled her, trying to force him into moving where she wanted him. She grabbed his head, holding him as he spread her labia and licked her.

Devlin didn’t think he could hold out much longer. He enjoyed playing with her, but he was ready to make her his, forever. Sucking her clit into his mouth, he pushed one finger inside, feeling her clench around his finger, he sucked harder and felt her release.

He slid up her body and devoured her mouth as she gasped for air before pulling back. Holding himself above her, he needed to make sure she was ready to be his. “You were made just for me. I love how perfectly your body matches mine. My love, are you sure? There’s no going back, no divorce among wolves. We’ll be together for eternity.”

“If you stop now, I will hurt you,” she told him grimly.

He didn’t wait any longer, plunging inside and taking her mouth once again. He held still, waiting while she adjusted. She was so snug, so tight, holding him in before she started to push up against him, trying to get him to move.

He waited no longer, moving in and out while taking her breast in his mouth, laving her nipple before biting down. Reaching between them, he pinched her clit and ran his fingers back and forth vigorously, feeling her squeeze his cock as she came again. Releasing her nipple, he bit into her shoulder as he came, making her scream as her orgasm went on and on.

Olivia moaned as he licked her shoulder, small shocks rippling through her. Opening her eyes, she saw the twinkling lights surrounding them, zooming from him to her as they zipped around and bound them together.

Devlin slid out and dropped to her side, resting one arm above his head as he watched the light show. “I’d heard about what happens when mate’s bond, but no one explains it well. I can understand why, now. This is too personal, do you feel it?”

“Yes, it’s like we’re connected, you know? I can feel your soul,” Olivia said with tears in her eyes.

Devlin rose up on his elbow, gently wiping her eyes. “So, was it good for you too?”

She felt his breath whoosh out when she elbowed his stomach, and he fell back chuckling.

Pulling her to his side, they watched the light show as it slowly faded away. He felt surprisingly content, finally understanding his brothers’ tranquility. Then he remembered the threat and squeezed her tighter.

Olivia squeaked against his side and looked up to see him staring off in the distance. She nuzzled his chest, placing small kisses along his taut skin as she sleepily let out a sigh and closed her eyes.

Devlin kissed the top of her head and relaxed once again. Nothing would hurt her, she was his to protect and take care of forever. He knew she was a very capable woman and could manage quite well on her own, but he was a man that thrived on taking care of his woman, like all werewolves. His lips tilted in a small grin, thinking about her reaction to that thought. But he also knew they would flourish together as she would take care of him as well. His wolf settled down now that their mate was secured. He would let her rest, and then take her to the pond and immerse them both in the magical waters to complete her transformation.

Olivia woke to feel Devlin’s hand rubbing up and down her hip. “Wake up my love, it’s time.” Devlin rolled out of the bed and stood waiting for her to take his hand.

She blinked, taking a moment to remember what he was talking about. Moving to the side, she rose and reached for her clothing.

“You won’t need your clothes.” Devlin smiled.

She snorted. “I am not walking through this house and out to the pond naked. And you put some shorts on too in case Lisa or Melanie are insomniacs.”

Devlin shrugged and saluted. “Yes ma’am.” Grabbing a pair of boxers, he quickly slipped them on. “I can’t wait to see your wolf. You’ll be the hottest bitch around.”

Olivia straightened abruptly and growled, “Um, no. You will not call me a bitch, ever.”

Laughing, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. “Aw baby, that was so sexy, you being all growly and everything.”

He would not release her even though she struggled. “Okay, my love, I will not call you a bitch ever again. Even though the dictionary defines one as a female of the carnivorous mammals.”

Exasperated, Olivia turned her head and bit into his forearm.

He whispered next to her ear, “Biting is foreplay for wolves.”

They made their way quietly down the stairs and out the front door. With only the moon shining down and no artificial light, Devlin guided her through the soft grass towards the water. He noticed several of his pack mates patrolling in the distance as they stopped to acknowledge him before moving on. He knew Olivia did not see the other wolves with her human eyesight, and decided to keep quiet about their protective audience.

Olivia was nervous. She could see the crescent moon glistening off the water, but it did not provide enough light for her to see much. Feeling Devlin’s hand on her back as he led her to the water was comforting, but her anxiety caused her to stumble drunkenly.

Devlin grabbed her arm to keep her from falling, stopping at the waters edge and standing behind her with his arms wrapped around her waist. He rested his chin on her shoulder as he stared out over the water.

She shivered when he whispered in her ear. “Ready my love?”

Nodding, she slipped out of his arms and started stripping, glad for the darkness surrounding them. Her emotions were all over the place, the waiting making her heart pound. She was excited at the thought of being able to change into a wolf, scared that it would hurt, and elated at being mated to Devlin.

Olivia always met challenges head on, finding the anticipation worse than the actual act. Doing something new, anything she had not done before, made the butterflies in her stomach take flight. She remembered her driving test when she was a teenager, how nervous she felt waiting on the trooper as she sat in her car. When she had seen him stroll to her car in his police uniform, she had almost hyperventilated. After passing her road test, she had been almost giddy with relief. Knowing that ninety percent of the things we worry about don’t normally happen did not comfort her.

She finally noticed Devlin standing in the water holding his hand out, patiently waiting for her to make the decision of her own free will. He was gorgeous. Standing there in all his naked glory, she got sidetracked admiring him. With his hair flowing to his shoulders, and seeing the muscles in his chest and arms, she wondered how she’d gotten so lucky. The water lapped at his waist, hiding him from the stars twinkling in the night sky.

She walked to him and placed her hand in his, sure she’d made the right decision to belong to him forever.

Devlin pulled her into his body and moved them further out into the water. Feeling the tingle move around and through them, he stared into her eyes as they widened in surprise.

Olivia giggled when the sensation tickled her body as small lights winked around them. The water swirled, moving their bodies together in a slow dance as the magic moved through her body and settled in her heart.

She gasped, feeling the magic bind them together once again, as wolves, soul mates, and male to her female. She felt glorious, laughing out load at the tremendous relief of her wolf settling inside her.

“I can feel her, in my heart.” Olivia pointed to her chest, amazed.

Devlin pulled her back into his arms, his wolf practically jumping for joy inside him and wanting take off and run with his mate. He took her mouth, demanding entry with his tongue, and she gladly opened for him. Releasing her mouth, he rubbed his nose to hers, grinning before pulling her along to the bank. “I can’t wait to see your wolf, my love.”

Olivia stood dripping beside him and noticed how much clearer her vision was in the darkness. She squeaked when she saw the other wolves patrolling through the trees and on the opposite side of the water. Quickly grabbing her clothes she held them in front of her body, trying to cover the important bits. “Were they watching us?” She felt her entire body blush in embarrassment.

“Don’t worry about them, they’re pack. This is a part of pack life. We’re not voyeurs, just accustomed to being nude, and we don’t think much of it. You’ll notice that no one will stare below your shoulders. Well, let me amend that. If one of the younger members ogles you, I’ll kick their ass and teach them a lesson in manners.”

She did not release her clothes. Looking around, she saw that none of the other wolves seemed to be paying her any attention. Breathing a sigh of relief, she bravely dropped her clothing to the ground to face Devlin.

“What do I do now?” Olivia could feel her wolf but did not know how to call for the change.

Devlin stroked his hand down her hair, using his fingers to push the blonde strands behind her ear. “This is magic, so it’s easy. Simply picture your wolf in your minds eye and concentrate. There won’t be any pain. You won’t have muscles growing or joints popping in agony. The movies you’ve seen showing werewolves changing are done for dramatic effect. This is pure magic, not a horror show.”

Olivia tightly closed her eyes, concentrating on his instructions. She immediately felt the switch as the air seemed to swirl around her, and electricity moved through her body. Opening her eyes, she saw Devlin crouching in front of her and realized her view of the world had changed dramatically. She was no longer over six feet tall. Plopping down on her butt, she whined like a puppy in confusion.

Devlin laughed. “It’s alright, you’ll get used to the differences between human and wolf. But I’ve got to say, you are one beautiful wolf.”

Devlin stroked his hand down her white fur, the silky strands glistening in the subdued light. “I certainly won’t lose sight of you, your fur is like a beacon, my love. No running alone for you, I’m afraid. There’s no way you can blend into the forest. Also, now that we’re mated, we can speak to each other telepathically, which comes in handy.”

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