Wolf Frenzy

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Authors: Ava Frost

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Witches & Wizards

BOOK: Wolf Frenzy
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Table of Contents

  This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language that may be considered offensive to some readers.


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By: Ava Frost

Copyright ©2016 by Ava Frost


All rights reserved. 

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quote brief passages in reviews.



© Copyright 2016 by Ava Frost. All rights reserved.

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Paranormal Romance




Ava Frost

Wolf Frenzy




Chapter One


Everybody knew about the dragons. They didn’t know about the others that came with them.

Anatowok Island sits quietly in the middle of the Straits of Georgia between Vancouver Island and the mainland. It’s uniformly covered with pine trees and has one mountain range running down the middle of the island. Only ten thousand people live on the island.

Dragons abruptly appeared on Earth, and on Anatowok Island, two hundred years before today. Everyone on earth went to bed in a dragon-free world and woke up to huge animals marauding around the countryside. Two hundred years of selective breeding eliminated the trouble makers and gave the dragons a soft, gentle nature. Scientists created small implants that sat under the skin just behind the ears that turned off the urge to fly or breathe fire. Slowly, dragons took the place of horses and were bred and kept by those with money enough to keep them.

People accepted the dragons completely. Unfortunately, the dragons weren’t the only creatures that came to earth.

Jack Butters backed the dragon out of the trailer carefully. He whistled softly and patted its side. One of his assistants approached the animal. Butters barked, "Get away from him. He's mine."

The dragon being unloaded from the truck had a moment of discomfort due to a buildup of gas in his stomach. He burped; a small, polite burp that would have been accepted at any dinner table. A small flame a foot long came with the burp. Nobody looked at anybody else or said anything. This was the boss's dragon and none of them were going to interfere.


Inspector John Knowles kicked a burning piece of wood on the floor of the small house; or, what would have been the house if three walls and ceiling hadn't been consumed in a fire of extraordinary ferocity.

John noticed burns splashed on the remaining wall as if someone pointed a military flame thrower at it and held the trigger down.

A man in a fireman's uniform said, "There's no accelerant, John. None. The place should smell of jellied gasoline."

They looked at each other. Neither one wanted to say it out loud. Finally, John said, "It could be an unrestricted dragon."

"We haven't had a dragon-caused fire in fifty years. They're too tightly controlled."

"What else could have done it?"

"I don't know. This is the fourth one in two months."

"I know."

The fireman had to look up to John Knowles who stood six feet five inches tall and weighed two hundred and forty pounds. The bulk was muscle. John had a stubby beard, green eyes and sandy hair, an impressive chest and shoulders and a grim expression. His face looked coarse and angular as if it had been created by a workman who only had access to the big tools. John turned around in a circle. "Damn it."

“Do you think they’re related?”

“The Mafia and the fires? I don’t see how. This looks like vandalism on a big scale instead of traditional organized crime.”


Chapter Two


A few blocks away Becky Stimson stared at herself in the mirror. She wore an expensive bra and panty set that cost more than triple the cost of the simple, ugly cotton ones she used to wear.

She had been staring at herself in amazement for three months now. She said to herself, “Seventy five pounds is a lot to lose.”

She spread out the men’s magazine on the counter and compared her body with the body of the woman on the foldout. She had the same breast and hip measurements and legs that showed curves. She took a deep breath. She’d been doing the same thing for three months and it never failed to amaze her. She closed her eyes and ran her hands down her ribcage. When she reached her waist, she gasped. It was there. She had a waist, defined and graceful. It spread out to womanly hips that pleased her deeply.

The phone rang and she answered quickly, “Hi mom.”

“Are you standing in front of the mirror again?” Her mother’s tone held approval and appreciation. “You know that’ll make you feel beautiful and feminine.”

Becky smiled. “Yes, I know, mom. I’m addicted.”

“I’m happy for you, sweetheart.”

“Thanks mom. Something else is going to happen today. I’m going to start looking for a man to marry.”

“Good. Good for you.”

“I want a man who’s everything good. A perfect man. I’ve been waiting a long time. The universe owes me.”

“That sounds pretty demanding.”

“I know that. I’m aiming high.”

“Good luck on your first day of work, dear.”

“Thanks mom. I love you.”

“I love you too, dear.”

Just as Becky was about to put the phone down, her mother said, “Are you going to look for your father?”

“Yes, I have to.”

“We only have that entry in his appointment book to tell us he had anything to do with Butters and Butters.”

“I know. But I have to look.”

“I know, dear. Don’t get fired.”

“I won’t, mom.”

Becky’s father, Dwight Stimson, disappeared three months earlier after visiting Butters and Butters, Attorneys at Law.


Chapter Three


Becky went through the usual procedures for new employees; filling out forms, studying the company manual, sitting through a video on sexual harassment and locating the rest rooms. She’d been hired as an investigator in the liability department. Besides a degree in Criminal Justice, she had a doctorate in computer technology.

She sat at her appointed desk and fired up her work station. It showed the traditional peaceful scene that all business computers have. She reached in her handbag for her lipstick and held it in her hand. A few expert brushes with the lipstick and her makeup was perfect. As she put the tube back in her bag and tightened her fingers around a square, thin metal object stuck to the bottom of the tube.

Becky slipped the thumb drive into the USB port in the front of the computer under her desk. The program on the drive would let her investigate every file on the computer without alerting security.

A shadow passed over her desk. It was a large, properly shaped male shadow. She looked up at the kind of man who visits a woman's dreams. He was over six feet, slender and masculine. His clothes fit his perfect body as if they couldn't fit anyone else. He had black hair and dark brown eyes. He said, "Miss Stimson, I'm Jack Butters. This is my building and my law firm. I'm happy to see that you're my new employee. I'd like to welcome you to Butters and Butters, Attorneys at Law. Would you join me in my office?" He waited for Becky to stand up and move around her desk. He pointed down a long corridor. "My office is at the end of that hallway." He stepped back to let her walk ahead of him.

As Becky walked in front of him, she thought, “The Universe came through. Mr. Butters looks as perfect as he can be.”

As she walked, Becky passed a hundred people sitting at their desks. All of them stopped work and looked at her, most with pity, some with anger.

She walked slowly, cautiously. She didn't want to stumble or trip. It occurred to her that her slow gait gave her hips a chance to sway. She hadn't planned it. It hadn’t happened before. She saw him in a polished glass door. He wasn’t looking at her.

Inside his office, he sat at his desk. "Do you like the theatre, Miss Stimson?"

"Yes I do, very much."

"Will you accompany me tonight? Romeo and Juliet' is playing in Vancouver."

"That would be wonderful."

"An employee's first day at work is seldom productive. You've filled out our paperwork. Please go home and prepare. I've sent something for you to wear."

Becky was surprised, more than surprised, shocked. She had to establish some sort of independence. She said, "You're very smooth."

For a few seconds, Jack looked perplexed. He recovered and said, "Am I successful?"

Becky waited a bit before she said, "Yes. I'll go with you. But nothing else." She paused to make her next words mean something. "Not on the first date, certainly."

Jack Butters smiled at her and bent his head over some papers on his desk. A middle-aged woman appeared at her elbow and showed her out of the office.

Twenty minutes later, Becky found a man in an excellent suit waiting at her door. He said, "Miss Stimson?"

Becky said, "Yes".

He handed her a box from the most exclusive women's apparel shop in Vancouver. He smiled and walked out.

The dress was exquisite and the right size and color.

A limo picked her up at eight that evening and drove her to the airport. A private jet took her to Vancouver and another limo carried her to a very expensive restaurant. Jack sat at the best table in the room. He ordered for her and got it right.

She noticed a scar on the back of his left hand. She pointed at it. “Where did you get that?”

Jack lost thirty years. He grinned. She had seen his smile before and liked it. His grin made her think of him as a boy. He said, “My brother threw a rock at me when I was twelve. I had to go to the hospital to get stitched up.” He laughed a little. “He got a week in his room and no TV.”

Becky’s heart fluttered. The small boy in Jack was more pronounced away from the office. She liked this casual Jack Butters. It made him seem very human and approachable. She asked, “Where were you born?”

“Red Deer in Alberta. Actually a small suburb of Red Deer. Red Deer’s tiny so you can imagine how small my town was. Our post office, general store and sheriff’s office were all in the same building and run by the same man.”

The evening was perfect. Becky didn’t have another word to describe it. Jack was perfect. The food was perfect. Her gown was perfect. They flew back from Vancouver in comfort. Jack knew how to talk to a woman. He treated her with respect.

The chauffer dropped Jack at his office and took her home. She smiled all the way into her building.


Chapter Four


She walked into the corridor that led to her apartment and noticed a very large man near her door. He stood with his legs apart and his arms folded.

Maybe it was the elegant way Mr. Butters treated her and the boost it gave her self-confidence. Maybe she was lonely or needed to be touched. Whatever it was, she wanted to appreciate men instead of avoid them.

He wasn’t Jack Butters. Jack was smooth and in control. The man in front of her looked rough and capable of violence. His appearance aroused her more than she expected. He was bigger than a box car. She liked that. He had a strong face that stirred her emotions.

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