Wolf Frenzy (5 page)

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Authors: Ava Frost

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Paranormal, #Vampires, #Werewolves & Shifters, #Angels, #Demons & Devils, #Ghosts, #Psychics, #Witches & Wizards

BOOK: Wolf Frenzy
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John knelt behind a heavily armed vehicle. The dragon concentrated a blast of flame at the vehicle. For a few seconds, the flames flowed over and around it, hiding John from her sight.

Her heart froze. She couldn't talk. She couldn't breathe. Her eyes flooded with tears. She rocked back and forth with her arms hugging herself. She said, "Oh no. Please, dear God, no."

The flames ended. John was still alive, unhurt. A man called John's name from behind a building. John turned and the man tossed a strange rifle and a small package to him. John opened the package and took out a dart. He loaded it into the rifle.

The dragon was turning to the side. His tail swung against the vehicle and threatened to push it over on top of John.  Becky bit the second joint of her index finger and made pitiful groaning noises.

John bounced up, put the rifle to his shoulder and fired the dart. It hit the dragon in the big muscle of its rear leg.

John scrambled around on the ground looking for the package containing the other darts. He found it. The dragon hadn't slowed down yet. It was still whirling around looking for a wolf to set on fire. They bobbed and jumped in front of it.

John's second dart landed within five inches of the first.

It took five minutes and two more darts for the dragon to slump down to the ground. Within thirty seconds, the dragon changed into Jack Butters. He was carried into a stockade and into a cell. Becky found that suddenly she wasn’t interested in Jack in any way.

Chapter Fourteen


She ran as hard as she ever had toward John. He turned and opened his arms. She ran right into him and bounced against his chest. She kissed him then stood back. "Are you okay? Did you get hurt?" She felt his shoulders and arms and made him turn around. He said, "I'm fine. Honest. No burns. No broken bones." He embraced her for ten seconds then twitched and pushed her away. He used his neutral, cop voice to say, "Are you alright now?”

She gulped. He hadn’t changed. Why would he? He didn’t know what she did. She said, "Yes. I am. "

“What did you have to tell me?”

“We can’t do it here.” She led him to his house and made him stand still in the middle of his front room. She held his arms to keep him close. “Do you remember the day I helped you in the frenzy?”

“Very much.”

“Well, it turns out that I either forgot to take my pills or one of them failed at just the right time. Sweetheart, I’m carrying your baby.”

He backed away. His face was wary and careful. He said, “Have your feelings changed for me?”

“Yes, Completely. They’ve turned around and gotten stronger. I don’t dislike you or hate you. Just the opposite. When I saw you in danger, I almost died. I love you. Do you love me?”

He was a very direct man. He simply said, “I always have. Come here.”

He held her in his arms, gently kissing the top of her head. “You have to decide whether you want to become a wolf.”

“I’ve already done that. I want to be with you and our baby is a wolf so I really don’t have a choice.



The ceremony was an odd one. Becky, John, Henry and a doctor stood in a circle in Henry's office.

Henry said, "Just a small nip. You'll barely feel it."

John bent over and bit Becky's neck. She twitched slightly. He sucked her blood for a second and the doctor put a small bandage on the wound. The doctor brought out a needle with a blood red liquid in it. He said, "You'll feel a small pinch now" just before he poked it in her arm.

John helped her to a chair and held her hand while they waited.

Suddenly, Becky's vision went cloudy and her head felt like it contained sparkling wine. The doctor held up a mirror. Becky looked at herself. Her eyes changed color to a lovely gold. In a few seconds, they turned back to her normal blue color.

The doctor said, "You're now a werewolf. We'll help you acclimate and bring you into the pack.


The dragon takeover of the earth was a complete failure. The RCMP and the other werewolf units had good intelligence. They located the nineteen other shape-shifters and captured them.

John and Becky were in love, more in love than either one of them ever imagined they could be.  They couldn’t wait to share their lives together as wolves… as one.





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Bonus Romance

Twice the Wolf


Chapter 1


Erin watched in horror as the man closed in on the unsuspecting girl. She knew that the girl wasn’t going to make it out alive, but there was nothing she could do. Even if she could stop what was about to happen, she wouldn’t. As the man started to reach for the pretty young woman, he tripped over a brick at his feet and fell to the ground.

“Shit! Cut,” yelled Erin, “what the heck Cory? Do you know how to walk or is that a new thing for you? Jesus, do you think we have all night?”

“Sorry Miss O’Neil, maybe if I could get a raise?” Cory said.

He was joking, of course; he wasn’t getting paid a dime to help his best friend and roommate create her final for film school. None the less, he had to joke with her.

She didn’t see the humor in it, though. She was running out of time, and he wasn’t the actor she had wanted for the part.

“Sure, I will pay your rent and not kick your butt out in the cold,” she hissed at him.

He just laughed at her. She already had her rent paid thanks to a full-ride scholarship.

“Alright guys, let's call it a night,” she said with a dramatic sigh.

Nothing was going right, and she needed a stiff drink. She stood up and stretched her back. Her thick frame and ample bosom made sitting for any length of time a little bit difficult. It was a small price to pay for the ability to captivate a man just by donning a low-cut top and a tight pair of jeans. Her mother had always told her she was one of ‘those girls’ who could be a model for real women. Instead, Erin had decided to go into directing.

“Hey, you’re not mad are you?” Asked Cory as he ran up to her side. In the short time that she had spent putting away her gear, he had changed and was ready for a night on the town.

“No hon, I’m just tired and ready for this exam to be over,” she replied lovingly.

“So are you going to hit the town with me tonight?” Asked Cory.

She gave him a sideways glance and answered, “not a chance cowboy. You’ll have to take on the world by yourself.”

He laughed before he spoke, “Fine, but you better be ready for Friday. You promised!”

Erin rolled her eyes at her friend. She had committed to hosting a party the day after finals with her friend. She was pretty sure she could get out of it since she had been drunk at the time. However, it would break Cory's heart, and she couldn’t do that to him. Without waiting for a reply, he gave her a peck on the cheek and trotted off to the waiting car outside the door to the studio. More specifically, he ran to the dark skinned man waiting in the car.

As she watched him go, she had to envy him a little bit. Cory found love like she found problems. He was always finding someone who was handsome, mysterious, adventurous and filthy rich. She wanted that, just once in her life. She wanted to be swept off her feet and jetted off to Spain or France. It would happen; she told herself reassuringly as she walked to her car. The parking lot was dark and for the first time since she had started production, she felt uneasy. Like someone or something was watching her.

Erin quickened her pace as she heard rustling in the nearby bush. She cursed under her breath when she realized that her key was buried somewhere deep in her handbag.

“Excuse me,” said a voice behind her.

Erin jumped and yelped as she spun around. The man standing behind her was like something from a dream. He was tall, maybe six foot two and dark. His skin looked like a warm mocha latte. The stranger took her breath away with his black hair and penetrating eyes. For several moments, Erin stood looking at him, unable to speak. When he smiled, her desire almost overpowered her. Instead, she cleared her throat and spoke.

“Can I help you?” She stammered.

“I am so sorry, but my brother and I were driving, and we got into a bit of a fight. Is there any way I could use your phone? The jerk left me behind.” He said, his eyes telling the story along with his voice.

“Oh! Um, sure I guess so.” Said Erin, finally able to gather her thoughts, she reached into her purse and pulled out her phone.

The man smiled at her, making her blush. Before he could call anyone, though, a jet black car squealed through the parking lot and came within inches of her and her car. The stranger dove in front of her protectively, blocking her body with his own rock hard frame. She forgot about the danger as she looked up into his eyes. Dark like his hair, they dripped passion. She wanted to kiss him, and she could feel his own desire for her pressing against her body. The offending car came to a halt and the moment was broken as the man turned to berate the driver.

“Just what the hell do you think you're doing Cal?” Demanded the man.

“Cal?” Asked Erin.

“I am so sorry,” the man let the words linger, waiting for a name.

“Oh! Erin! Erin O’Neil,” she replied.

The stranger smiled at her, “Erin. I am so sorry; this would be my jerk brother, Cal. My name is Oden, Oden Denmark. This may seem a little bit forward, but could I buy you dinner?”

Something about the stranger's name triggered a switch; she couldn’t pinpoint it as she replied, “absolutely.”

Moments later as Erin pulled away from the two brothers who were now deep into a heated argument, the trigger hit her. She had just given her phone number to the one and only Oden Denmark. The same man who co-owned one of Los Angeles largest production companies.


Chapter 2


Erin waited for two days for the call to come. On the morning of the third, she decided that Oden Denmark was like every other man, useless and a liar. She tossed her phone carelessly onto the passenger seat of her car as she drove through the gate of her production studio.

“Useless men,” she muttered under her breath to the man at the gate.

Glaring down at her phone, she parked her car and climbed out. Just as she did, it began to vibrate. Erin cursed her own heart for doing a flip when a number appeared that she didn’t recognize. I shouldn’t answer it, she thought, that will show him. She resisted for a few moments but finally caved.

“Hello,” she said.

“Erin?” Asked the voice on the other end.

“Yes, who’s this?” She replied coyly.

“It’s Cal, Cal Denmark, we met the other night,” he answered.

Cal? That was not who she had been expected, and it caught her off guard.

“Oh, okay,” she said, stunned.

He cleared his voice, “listen, I know this is out of the blue, but I just can’t stop thinking of you. My brother would flip if he knew I was calling you. Would you go out with me tonight?”

Erin was stunned; she didn’t know how to react to him. She thought of all the things she had planned on saying to Oden, but she hadn’t thought about telling Cal anything at all.

“Hello? Erin,” he asked when she didn’t reply.

“Oh! Right, I guess it wouldn’t hurt anything. Since you brother hasn’t called, I suppose he wasn’t interested anyways,” she said, a little hostility in her voice.

“I’m sure he will, he’s just a little slow at times, but I got here first right?” He said playfully.

She wasn’t taking the bait, though, “well honestly, it’s not the first one who calls, it’s the one I like right?”

He laughed, and she couldn’t help but smile when she heard the noise.

“Too bad we can’t just share right?” He said jokingly.

Erin blushed, she had dreamt of taking both brothers the night before.

“Hello?” He said again.

“I’m sorry, I am a little distracted today. Tonight would be perfect for dinner,” she said as she did her best to focus on the conversation and not the thought of both men in bed.

“Great! Listen, would you be okay with coming here? I have an amazing chef, and he’s been harping on me to use or lose these oysters we caught yesterday.

“That sounds wonderful,” she replied earnestly.

“I’ll send a car for you at six okay? Listen, let’s just go casual okay? I hate trying to dress up for first dates,” he said.

She couldn’t believe how laid back he was, she agreed and hung up after giving him her address. The rest of the day went by in a daze. Somehow, production even went flawlessly. Cory could tell that something was going on with her, but she wasn’t ready to share everything with him just yet. She still wasn’t sure it was real herself. She decided to see how the night went before filling in her friend on everything.

When six rolled around, Erin was ready and waiting. She had almost gone the ‘complete casual’ look with no makeup and old clothes. However, common sense stepped in, and she put on makeup and spend an hour picking out the perfect outfit. She was more than happy with the overall look. Her jeans fit her perfectly, hugging her ample curves, and the blouse she was wearing was just a shade above immodest.

The entire time she was getting ready, her mind kept flicking back to the dream she’d had the night before. Both men had taken her, and she woke dripping wet in desire. The sound of her doorbell snapped her out of the fantasy. If she didn’t watch herself, she was going to end up desiring more than she could get.

The driver was a wonderfully pleasant older man who talked to her during the entire trip. He spoke about his employers with love and caring. Every once in a while, though, he would slip up and say something to make her do a double take. When he told her about an ex-girlfriend, she could have sworn that he referred to both brothers in the story as dating the same woman. When she asked why they broke up, the driver said she ‘couldn’t handle it.'

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