Wolf Song (3 page)

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Authors: Storm Savage

Tags: #erotic Romance, #Paranormal, #Shapeshifter, #Ghost

BOOK: Wolf Song
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“Do you want to?”

She whisked a tear from her cheek. “It would be nice, but I’d have to be free of Zale before I could even consider trying love again.”

They didn’t speak for a while, but stared into the fire in surprisingly comfortable silence, as if processing everything shared in this unexpected encounter. Even after his candid and graphic account of the hell he’d suffered, she still found him undeniably appealing. A gentle nature shone in those mysterious dark eyes and his genuine smile set her at ease. The tenderness in his touch stilled her fears. She found herself entertaining deeper fantasies about this intriguing man.

Her physical relationship with Zale had always been cold, almost ritualistic when they had sex. She never could call it making love because it did not feel like love. Zale was as brutal in bed as he was after parties. This one night away from him was the best she’d had in many years, which was a very sad fact, considering she’d left herself to die.

“What are you thinking about?” Lorcan’s kind voice broke into her thoughts.

She turned her head toward him. “You.”

Reaching up, he laid one hand lightly alongside her face and ever so gently drew her down toward him. She easily became lost in his soul-searching gaze as their lips became very close. Her heart beat faster. Flutters filled her stomach. He held her there, suspended a mere whisper’s breadth from his sensual lips, seemingly giving her time to feel safe.

Closing her eyes, she sighed when his lips touched hers. Tenderly he tugged at her mouth with his, easing her into a deep kiss before sliding his tongue into her mouth. A tiny moan escaped her. He tasted amazingly fresh and invitingly masculine. She sank into the kiss, letting her breasts press against his bare chest as she lowered her body onto his.

They kissed passionately for a long time before his arms swept up her back and he rolled her over. His hands touching the bare skin not covered by the dress sent shivers down her spine. An ache welled between her thighs and a surge of warmth dampened her lace panties. She couldn’t remember the last time she’d felt sexually aroused. This man stimulated feelings inside that had been buried for years.

The hard bulge in his pants pressed through the delicate satin fabric of her dress, making her want him all the more. Yet a nagging annoyance in the back of her mind refused to let go. Anxiety began to rise.
Will he be rough? Will it hurt? Will he expect more than I can give?
Her state of arousal came crashing down.

Lorcan eased from the kiss and stared down with heavy eyes. “Did I do something wrong? Have I scared you?”

“No…” She shook her head with teary eyes. “It’s me. I am broken.”

He smiled reassuringly and petted her hair. “No, you’re perfect. Perhaps I misinterpreted what I felt from you.”

“No, I’m definitely attracted to you. Just afraid…”

“Orianna, I have not been with a woman since before the war and that with was my now ex-wife. You are the first woman who has drawn me from my seclusion and created feelings of desire in me.”

“I guess we’re on the same page then.” She let out a nervous laugh.

“I have to admit, I’m really turned on right now, but I have amazing self-control. I will go as slow as you want.”

“This might sound stupid, but I’d feel like I’m cheating even though I hate him. If Zale finds me, he will drag me back. Technically I am still married.”

“Do you want to be married? When I found you, I saw a woman who’d given up on life. How far are you willing to go to regain your freedom?”

She considered his words carefully, especially knowing all he’d sacrificed for the freedom of others. He’d literally given his life for people he didn’t know, people like her—and Zale—people who didn’t deserve this man’s gift.
If I turn back now then I am nothing more than a coward.
Her fingers traced his strong jaw line, then his delicious lips.

“All the way.”

“I want you to see me, all of me.” His voice left no room for argument.

“I already have, haven’t I?”

“You didn’t know it was me. If you can embrace my animal, then you are one step closer to independence.”

“How so? I have no means of supporting myself.”

“I will keep you safe. Never again will people be able to control you. Let me take care of you.”

“Stay here with you? In the woods?” She wondered if she had enough courage to make such a drastic decision.

“Would it be that bad?”

“Are you sure I didn’t die? This is all happening very fast. We barely know each other.”

“You feel very much alive to me,” he said with a sexy wink.

She couldn’t withhold a smile. “You’re right. I haven’t felt this alive in ages.”

“And from what you told me, a divorce will not set you free. Just because I live in seclusion doesn’t mean I’m out of touch. I remember all too well how cruel people can be.”

“How often must you seek refuge as a wolf?”

A peculiar expression crossed his face. “This is the longest I’ve remained in human form since going into seclusion. Something about you, pretty lady, calms my inner turmoil.”

“You’re not feeling the need to shift, even though I backed away during the kiss?”

“I sensed your anxiety. Don’t worry about me. I’m strong. All I want is someone who can embrace my horror with me and not run away.”

Orianna heard the longing in his voice for acceptance, for love, for companionship. From what she knew about wolves, they mated for life.
Perhaps nature did take its course.
She thought back to how she felt after swallowing the pills.
Maybe this is exactly where I am supposed to be now.
An uncanny awareness rose in her spirit.

“I won’t run away from you,” she told him.

“Then let me get rid of the man who did this to you.” He ran one finger along her bruised cheek.

“Okay…” She relented at last. “If eliminating Zale is my only path to freedom, then I will not stand in the way of fate.

“Are you afraid to wait here in my den alone?”

“Not really. It feels safe here…it feels like you.”

A charming smile touched his lips. “I won’t be gone very long.”

“Will you allow me to watch you shift?”

“I have no problem with that, but it’s a rather hard thing to see. During a shift my human form disappears as I am taken into the Shasta Realm for a split second, then returned as the wolf. But I will return to this exact spot instead of outside if you want.”

“I would like that.”

After placing a sweet kiss on her forehead, he stood up. “Be right back.”

Orianna pushed to a sitting position and wrapped the warm blanket around her body. Lorcan vanished right before her eyes. She gasped in surprise, peering anxiously about the cave. Living here would definitely be a culture shock. She’d been raised in a very upscale community before marrying the wealthiest man around. This would be a riches-to-rags story, a crushing blow to her aristocrat family if they ever found out.

Before she had too much time to think, the same magnificent gray wolf that she’d followed into the woods appeared in the cave without making a sound. She stared in half-awe, half-fear as the large animal stalked toward her.

“Lorcan…is that you?” Her voice faltered. She swallowed hard.

The wolf circled her, sniffed her, then rubbed its head against her arm. She breathed a sigh of relief and reached out to stroke the thick fur coat. He rolled onto his back like a big dog seeking a belly rub, making her laugh.

“So this is how you charm the ladies, hm?” she teased while rubbing his furry chest. Then in the next moment he was gone.

Chapter Three



Lorcan ran through the woods, using his heightened speed and senses to arrive at the destination point before the moon had left the sky. Heavy snowfall had tapered to flurries and blustery winds. If anyone arrived on the scene after he left, the only tracks one might find would be those of a wild animal. He stealthily crept up the steps toward the door Orianna had used. This task would require a couple shifts. He said a quick prayer to summon his human form before going inside.

Once completely man, he used skills honed in war to slip inside without a sound. Orianna had not locked the door, so going in was a breeze. His keen eyesight made it easy to move about in the still dark rooms, keeping his back to the walls as he did so. Her scent greeted his senses as he slid along the wall past the bathroom. He pushed the distraction aside. His intense hunger for her would have to wait.

He crept up a long flight of stairs to the second floor, where he assumed the bedrooms would be located. After silently checking each room, he found the target sleeping in what looked like the master suite. Walking over to the huge elaborate bed, he kicked the footboard with force. “Rise and shine, cupcake!” Zale shot off the mattress in full panic. He reached for the nightstand drawer but Lorcan kicked his hand away. “Going for the little handgun, huh?” In two steps, he had Zale pinned to the wall by the throat. “I’m going to enjoy this. I love kicking the shit out of motherfuckers like you.”

“Look,” Zale squeaked. “The safe is behind the wall. Take the money and go.”

“How much is she worth?”

A dumbfounded look flitted through terrified eyes. “Huh? Who?”

“Your wife, asshole, how much would you pay to keep her around as your punching bag?”

“I-I don’t know who you are or what you think you heard, but I—”

“Save it!” Lorcan drove a fist into Zale’s jaw, then slammed a knee into his gut. “Stand up like a man, you pussy ass.” Lorcan jabbed him in the eye. “What the fuck is wrong with you? Can you only hit women?”

Zale slid to the floor and groaned. “Who the hell are you?”

Lorcan dropped to one knee, striking repeatedly with both fists. Rage engulfed him. He saw the enemy torturing their own women, using them as human shields—memories he longed to forget, yet the horror was never very far away. Zale cowered beneath his fury, covering his head with both arms. Lorcan never backed off. He pummeled Orianna’s abuser without mercy.

When the man appeared beaten into submission, Lorcan pulled him to his feet by his neck. Their eyes met.

“Please…no more…” Zale gasped for breath.

“Is that what Orianna said when you beat her?” Lorcan seethed.

A shocked look flooded the man’s eyes. “Y-you…know…my wife?”

“She came to me. She belongs to me now. You’ll never touch her again.”

“Keep your hands off my wife. I’ll kill her before I let her fuck another man.”

Lorcan shook his head. “That’s what I thought. Don’t worry. I’ll take good care of your widow.” He smirked.

He watched until the realization flickered in Zale’s eyes, followed by sheer horror.

“Yeah…” Lorcan muttered. “You get the picture now.” In two swift moves, he swung Zale around, then snapped his neck with ease. His body slumped into a lifeless heap on the carpet.

His thoughts came together quickly.

Lorcan called upon the Shasta Realm again for the power to shift. Instantly he was taken into the gap. The transition was quick and painless, yet nonetheless marvelous every time. Watching and feeling his human form shift into the powerful wolf amazed him. Fur sprung from his pores like goose bumps until a thick coat enveloped his body. Hands and feet transformed into large paws before his eyes. The last part to change was his teeth. Canines in his mouth grew into wolf fangs as the other teeth became sharper, too.

He exited the house the same way in which he’d entered, using his bushy tail to sweep his human tracks from the landing outside the door. The moon had dropped far to the west. Dawn would break soon. Lorcan made haste into the woods, anxious to see the beautiful woman waiting in his den.

Not far into the forest, he picked up the scent of another animal approaching. A few minutes later he heard something following him. His senses went on high alert but he did not slow down. Nothing would deter him from a speedy return home. Rapidly moving footsteps closed in from behind until he finally decided to stop and investigate this tagalong. He knew of no natural enemies in this area and the footsteps were not human. They were too light to be from a bear.

Veering off course, he slipped into the thicket and waited for his follower to catch up. She came into view not long after he hid. With her nose to the ground, the beautiful female wolf tracked his scent. He stared at her rich brown fur, caught a glimpse of her dark brown eyes as she sniffed the air.
It can’t be.
He traced his thoughts. There had never been another wolf in these hills, especially a female. A she-wolf’s presence would have surely drawn other males into his territory. This lady was new and her scent swirled around him, stirring his desire to mate.

She startled when he stepped from the thicket into her plain view. Their eyes met. He didn’t know how or when, but he’d know those warm brown eyes anywhere. Somehow, in some way, Orianna had shifted into the most beautiful chocolate brown wolf he’d ever laid eyes on.

Not wanting her to be afraid, he went to her without delay. They sniffed each other over. She clearly recognized him. He wanted her to know that he also recognized her. He nuzzled her neck, then rubbed his head along her body while growling softly. She responded affectionately by arching her neck toward his, curling around him in a sweet manner. Her body language indicated that she wanted to mate. They touched noses. He licked her face.

She stood up on hind legs and playfully pawed at him. They danced around one another in the snow, pouncing and leaping. The deep emotion shimmering in her eyes melted the walls of ice around his heart. He couldn’t believe Orianna had become a wolf, an answer to his prayers. Now there would be no gap between them. Her animal behavior gave every indication that she accepted him as her mate.

They nestled their heads side-by-side and raised their muzzles toward the sky. In synchronization, they released a long howl at the waning moon. Her wolf song echoed throughout the forest, caressing his soul, bathing his troubled spirit in serenity. Nothing or nobody had ever touched him as she did. Sorrow, longing, and the desperate need to be loved resonated in her howl. They bayed at the moon for several minutes, releasing their suppressed desires to one another in that incredibly intimate moment.

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