Read Wolf Tales 11 Online

Authors: Kate Douglas

Wolf Tales 11 (21 page)

BOOK: Wolf Tales 11
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Her mound was bare, her sex entirely free of any hair at all. He hadn’t expected that, for some reason, but he liked it. A lot. So much the better for a man who loved to use his mouth and lips and tongue, and, on occasion, his teeth.

Before he could complete the thought and share it with Daci, she leaned close and tugged his shirt up over his torso. He’d expected, as the older male and pack alpha, to take the lead, but Daci, Matt, and Deacon appeared to have other ideas.

Now that they’d gotten started, there was no hesitation from any of them, but Daci’s aggressive moves caught him by surprise. Again, unexpected, but he loved it. There was something amazingly sensual about this beautiful young woman stripping his shirt over his head and then tugging
his pants down over his hips while his mate was slowly disrobing atop another man.

He glanced at Millie just in time to see her lift her sweatshirt over her head and bare those amazingly perky breasts of hers. Biting back a laugh, he returned his attention to Daci, and the fact he was totally undressed and hadn’t even realized she’d gotten his pants off him. They were gone.

He glanced over the edge of the bed and would have laughed at the tangled pile of clothing on the floor, except Daci was shocking him once again, sliding that perfect body of hers beneath him, tugging gently to pull him over her so that he covered her from toes to breasts.

Her eyes were already heavy lidded as she arched her back and pressed her breasts against his chest. Parting her legs, she invited him to enter, but it was much too soon. Besides, he’d given up more than enough control, and it was his turn to show Daci how things were done, no matter how aroused she might be from her run. He glanced at the clock on the wall beside the bed. They still had half an hour, and Anton was counting on them.

The impatience of youth.
Leave it to the youngsters to try and rush things. Ric scooted down and knelt between Daci’s legs, slipped his big hands beneath her firm little butt, and lifted her high. Her legs spread wide and she opened to him, her labia shimmering like pink petals covered in dew. He nuzzled her bare mound, nipping at the smooth expanse of skin. Then he touched his tongue to her center and tasted her spicy flavors—so unlike Millie, and yet every bit as seductive.

He noticed her hands clutching the thick comforter and sent the simple thought to her, that he was glad she’d anchored herself so well, since he intended to make her fly.

Shivers ran across her legs and the skin over her abdomen rippled in reaction to his provocative thoughts. He showed her what he was thinking, how he would take her with his mouth and his fingers, his tongue and teeth until
she couldn’t stand it anymore, teasing and tormenting until her arousal was a living, breathing entity, another soul sharing this big bed.

She quivered and her sex seemed to pulse in reaction. He sent a warm puff of air over her buttery folds and smoothly shorn mound. Then he touched his tongue to that tiny bundle of nerves. She jerked in response. He wrapped his thumbs over her hipbones and held her tightly so she couldn’t move. Then he circled her clit with the very tip of his tongue, around and around until she was panting and moaning, struggling against his tight hold.

He used the flat of his tongue to bring her back down from the heights he’d led her to, then he deftly wrapped his lips around the sensitive nub and suckled her softly.

She shuddered in his grasp and he licked her again, delving deeper this time between her folds, spearing her with his tongue, curling the tip against her inner walls until she moaned and twisted her hips. Writhing against his powerful hands, she tried to force him to lick harder, thrust deeper, take her further with his tongue, with his lips.

Laughing, he sat up and grinned at her. “We have almost half an hour, Daciana, m’dear. Be patient. I’ve just begun.”

She opened her eyes and glared at him. “Fuck you,” she said, but the laughter in her voice gave her away.

“I intend to. Eventually.” He grinned at her and dipped his head between her legs once more. This time he suckled her labia, drawing first one full lip and then the other into his mouth. He licked slowly from her perineum to her navel, long, slow sweeps of his tongue that barely touched on all her most sensitive points, yet teased her enough to set her legs to trembling and her heart soaring. He heard it thundering, sensed it with the connection that was steadily
growing between them. Pounding out a cadence of lust and need, of desire and almost unbearable arousal.

It was good. So good to feel what Daci felt, to absorb her need and make it his own. He wondered about Deacon. Where had he gone and what was he doing? Matt was suckling Millie’s breasts, moving from one to the next as she arched her back and writhed against the thickened shaft still covered in his sweats, but Deacon was …
Deacon was behind him. Ric shivered, wondering what the young man had in mind.

Hoping it was the same thing he was thinking.

He’d heard stories about Deacon. Taller than most at six and a half feet, his large hands and feet merely hinted at the size he’d finally reach when he eventually filled out. They were also supposed to be indicative of some of his other attributes.

At the moment, he was running those big hands over Ric’s shoulders, caressing his back, following the line of his vertebrae and trailing down the crease between his cheeks.

Lost for a moment in Deacon’s gentle exploration of his ass, Ric didn’t realize Daci had turned beneath him so that her head was now between his thighs, her tongue reaching out to lick first the underside of his balls and then his sensitive glans. He rose up on his knees, well aware of what he was offering Deacon, and wondering if what he’d heard was true, that Deacon was hung even bigger than Matt.

He thought of looking and then decided against it. There were some things a man was better off not knowing. Instead, he concentrated on Daci, on the smooth curve of her belly, the even smoother mound between her thighs. Her clit was swollen now, distended from his play, and he focused on that glistening nub. He leaned forward and wrapped his lips around it, suckling as if it were a tiny nipple.

Daci moaned and lifted her hips, pressing herself against his mouth, but he backed away and blew a small puff of air against her heated flesh. She was close. He sensed her frustration and checked the clock.

Ten more minutes. Could he last that long? Build the energy among the three of them until they gave it all to Anton? And what of Millie and Matt? Before he could check on his mate’s progress, Deacon’s fingers caressed his ass and thoughts of Millie fled. How could he think of anything else when Deacon was slowly rubbing something slick and cool along the crease between his cheeks, over that tightly puckered hole back there?

Impossible, especially when Deacon pressed with one thick finger just as Daci sucked Ric’s cock deep into her warm mouth. Deacon’s finger breached the taut muscle and speared him deep just as Daci’s tongue swirled over the underside of his cock.

Dear Goddess! He wasn’t ready. It was too soon and he didn’t want to lose it. Not now.

He opened his mind and caught Deacon’s thoughts, his vivid images as he pictured filling Ric’s ass, of coming at exactly the right moment to give Anton the full thrust of energy he needed, but Deacon knew his limits, knew he wouldn’t be able to last long at all once he got inside Ric.

No, not long at all.
He’d wanted to do this for months now, but he hadn’t had the nerve to approach the pack alpha. Regretted the fact he’d been too cowardly, too afraid of rejection. There was no chance of rejection now, and he planned to make up for any missed opportunities tonight.

Ric let Deacon know he was eavesdropping. Told him he’d been just as curious about Deacon as Deacon had been about him. Once they got that cleared up, Deacon’s moves became more forceful, less tentative. He slipped one long finger deep inside Ric, and then he added other.
Two fingers, slipping in and out, stretching him, sliding over his prostate and sending shivers of arousal racing along his spine.

Millie moaned. Ric’s head snapped up just in time to see her pull away from Matt. She rolled over to her belly and rose up on her hands and knees, facing Ric. Matt knelt between her parted legs and palmed his huge cock, stroking himself slowly from tip to groin. Then he rolled his hips forward and entered Millie from behind, sliding in slow and deep with his big hands planted on her hips.

Sharing her sensations with Ric, Millie licked her lips and sighed as Matt’s groin pressed against her buttocks. She shared the fullness, the way it felt when Matt’s thick cock bumped over her cervix and filled the small space behind, the rasp of his coarse pubic hair grinding against her buttocks when he pressed even deeper, twisting his hips and filling her completely.

Then Millie did something she’d never done before. She dipped her head and put her mouth between Daci’s legs, sharing tastes and visuals, sharing the excitement of doing this to another woman for the very first time.

As Ric watched his beautiful mate sweep her tongue through Daci’s dark pink folds, as he experienced everything exactly as she did, he felt Deacon’s thick cock replace his fingers, felt the pressure and the burn as Deacon buried himself fully inside.

A low groan burst out of him, along with every bit of breath in his lungs. Damn but the kid was huge, but for all his size, he was gentle, entering Ric with such care that the pain was minimal.

At least as minimal as it could be, considering what he was shoving inside a part of Ric’s anatomy clearly not designed for anything quite that big. Ric held on, barely. They still had at least five more minutes and he was hanging on by his toenails.

So close, now, he was afraid of coming too soon, of wasting energy Anton was counting on. Deacon drove deep and slowly withdrew. Went deep again, rubbing his thick length along Ric’s prostate in agonizingly slow motion, sending shivers of arousal sparking across his nerve endings, taking him to the edge and hanging him out there without a damned thing to anchor to.

Franticly, barely in control, Ric took a chance. He opened his thoughts wide and found Matt, straining to hold on just a little bit longer, found Daci and discovered exactly how his cock tasted, the way it felt sliding over her tongue, scraping along her teeth, bumping the back of her throat.

She wanted to swallow him, but not now. Not yet. It was too soon and just thinking about what she wanted to do had him harder than he’d been a moment before—if that were even possible. Even harder to deal with was Daci’s sense of Millie’s tongue teasing her folds, the way it felt when Millie nibbled and licked and sucked. Too much. The visuals, the tactile sensations shared from mind to mind were too much, too powerful—too soon.

Quickly, he slipped out of Daci’s mind and found himself caught in Deacon’s. His was a swirling mass of sensations. Ric was tight and hotter than he’d expected. Deacon knew he was hung like a damned bull and it felt way too good, sliding in and out of that tight, tight channel, slipping through wet heat and muscles that rippled and pulsed around him, but he could do it. He could hold on just a little bit longer.

He had to. No way was he going to go first when Matt and Ric were still in control. It was a matter of pride, now, as much as arousal, more than desire, stronger than lust.

Ric knew when Deacon glanced at the clock, knew they had only minutes more to go, but they’d caught their rhythm now, all five of them thrusting and sighing, clenching and slipping, licking, touching, and tasting. Each of
them on the edge, struggling not to slip past a point of no return.

With a huge act of will, Ric captured their thoughts and drew each mind into a single space, connecting all, sharing everything.

Every heartbeat, every breath, every shiver and touch and taste. Sensation grew and spread, exploding from one mind to the next, spiraling upward from one body to the next and on to each of the others. They were drawing close, so damned close, until Ric felt as if he grasped powerful threads of energy tying each of them together, united each of the five until they were one, and that one breathed and pulsed and needed.

And it loved. Loved with a fierce loyalty connecting each heart, each mind—holding each one in stasis as the seconds ticked slowly by, as bodies strained for that ultimate release. Part of the cumulative mind watched the second hand, while the rest hovered, poised for flight, straining against the powerful drive as climax beckoned and the seconds passed like hours.

Lisa’d been lying here on the bed beside her sister, thinking of every scenario possible when it was finally time for Beth, Mik, Logan, and maybe even Igmutaka, to break down the doors and rescue them. Most of the time she saw everything turning out great, but what if …?

And, for some reason, that
what if
kept looming larger. There were currently three men guarding them, but two of the guys were in the main room, and the one who had no compunction whatsoever against killing pregnant ladies was sitting guard in their room—and he was armed.

But, if they could somehow get everyone in here at once, and if their packmates knew all the men were in the same room, it might make things easier—and the outcome not quite so chancy.

They needed a plan. Something that would tip the scales just a bit more in their direction. Something none of these bozos would suspect. Two alpha bitches had to be smarter than three total idiots. A lot smarter.

Lisa squeezed Tala’s fingers. She had an idea …

And maybe—just maybe—it would work.

Chapter 11

Liana broke through the thick brush, caught her front foot on a twisted root, and tumbled ungracefully across the shimmering meadow just ahead of Adam. Plowing to a stop in newly fallen snow, she snorted ice crystals from her nose as he playfully nipped at her heels. Finally getting her feet beneath her, she spun about and jumped him, tumbling the powerful wolf over, rolling with him through the fresh powder until both of them were covered in white and panting from the exertion.

Adam lay on his belly with his chest heaving. They’d run hard as the snow fell, chased after game and drunk from ice-encrusted streams, but the small silver timepiece hanging around Liana’s neck reminded him it was growing late.

BOOK: Wolf Tales 11
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